920 resultados para positive versus negative emotion-based appeals


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Allergic diseases including food allergy and eczema in an infant in combination with the everyday activities of caring for a family will pose challenges to parents. Only fragments of these challenges are revealed to health care professionals. Families have varying mental, social and economic resources to help them care for an allergic infant, and all such resources are important in determining how families succeed in meeting these challenges and the quality of the infant’s care. This study evaluated the whole burden to the family caused by an infant's allergic disease during the first 24 months of life. As the primary caregiver during this period is usually the mother, her perspective was considered important. Ecocultural theory, which considers families as capable of modifying the positive and negative forces facing them, was taken as the frame of reference. Data were collected as part of an ongoing prospective mother-infant study, and the methods included severity scoring of atopic dermatitis, dietary records, health-related quality of life measurements and assessments of the use of health care services and medications for treating the infant’s eczema, food allergy and asthma. Interviews with mothers were analysed by deductive content analysis on the basis of ecocultural theory and the family empowerment model. The theme “Living an ordinary family life” guided the organization of family activities essential for treating the infant's food allergy and eczema. These activities were sources of both strain and support for the mothers, the allergy-related supporting factors being the mother’s own knowledge of the allergy, hopes for an improvement in the infant’s condition, social support and work. An infant’s food allergy at the age of one year caused considerable strain for the mother in cases where the introduction of new foods into the child’s diet was delayed. This delay was still causing the mother additional strain when the child was 24 months of age. The infants waking at night at the ages of 12 and 24 months because of itching related to eczema caused strain for the mothers. The infants’ health-related quality of life was impaired at ages of 6 and 12 months compared with healthy infants. The principal reasons for impairments were itching, scratching and sleep disturbances at 6 and 12 months and treatment difficulties at 6 months. Problems with getting to sleep were reported at all stages irrespective of eczema and were also present in healthy infants. The economic impact of the treatment of allergic diseases on families during the first 24 months was 131 EUR (2006 value) in cases of eczema and 525 EUR in cases of food allergy. From the societal perspective, the costs of food allergy were a median of 3183 EUR (range 628–11 560 EUR) and of eczema a median of 275 EUR (range 94–1306 EUR). These large variations in costs in food allergy and eczema indicate that disease varies greatly . In conclusion, food allergy and eczema cause extra activities and costs to families which arrange these disease-related activities in such a way that they support the leading family theme “Living an ordinary family life”. Health care professionals should consider this thematic character of family life and disease-related activities in order to ensure that new treatments are sustainable, meaningful and tailored to daily activities. In addition, those mothers who are experiencing difficulties with food allergic infants or infants with eczema should be recognized early and provided with individual encouragement and support from health clinics. In the light of the present results, early detection of symptoms and effective parental guidance can contribute to the well-being and health-related quality of life of the child and family.


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Inhimilliseen turvallisuuteen kriisinhallinnan kautta – oppimisen mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita Kylmän sodan jälkeen aseelliset konfliktit ovat yleensä alkaneet niin sanotuissa hauraissa valtioissa ja köyhissä maissa, ne ovat olleet valtioiden sisäisiä ja niihin on osallistunut ei-valtiollisia aseellisia ryhmittymiä. Usein ne johtavat konfliktikierteeseen, jossa sota ja vakaammat olot vaihtelevat. Koska kuolleisuus konflikteissa voi jäädä alle kansainvälisen määritelmän (1000 kuollutta vuodessa), kutsun tällaisia konflikteja ”uusiksi konflikteiksi”. Kansainvälinen yhteisö on pyrkinyt kehittämään kriisinhallinnan ja rauhanrakentamisen malleja, jotta pysyvä rauhantila saataisiin aikaiseksi. Inhimillinen turvallisuus perustuu näkemykseen, jossa kunnioitetaan jokaisen yksilön ihmisoikeuksia ja jolla on vaikutusta myös kriisinhallinnan ja rauhanrakentamisen toteuttamiseen. Tutkimukseen kuuluu kaksi empiiristä osaa: Delfoi tulevaisuuspaneeliprosessin sekä kriisinhallintahenkilöstön haastattelut. Viisitoista eri alojen kriisinhallinta-asiantuntijaa osallistui paneeliin, joka toteutettiin vuonna 2008. Paneelin tulosten mukaan tulevat konfliktit usein ovat uusien konfliktien kaltaisia. Lisäksi kriisinhallintahenkilöstöltä edellytetään vuorovaikutus- ja kommunikaatiokykyä ja luonnollisesti myös varsinaisia ammatillisia valmiuksia. Tulevaisuuspaneeli korosti vuorovaikutus- ja kommunikaatiotaitoja erityisesti siviilikriisinhallintahenkilöstön kompetensseissa, mutta samat taidot painottuivat sotilaallisen kriisinhallinnan henkilöstön kompetensseissakin. Kriisinhallinnassa tarvitaan myös selvää työnjakoa eri toimijoiden kesken. Kosovossa työskennelleen henkilöstön haastatteluaineisto koostui yhteensä 27 teemahaastattelusta. Haastateltavista 9 oli ammattiupseeria, 10 reservistä rekrytoitua rauhanturvaajaa ja 8 siviilikriisinhallinnassa työskennellyttä henkilöä. Haastattelut toteutettiin helmi- ja kesäkuun välisenä aikana vuonna 2008. Haastattelutuloksissa korostui vuorovaikutus- ja kommunikaatiotaitojen merkitys, sillä monissa käytännön tilanteissa haastateltavat olivat ratkoneet ongelmia yhteistyössä muun kriisinhallintahenkilöstön tai paikallisten asukkaiden kanssa. Kriisinhallinnassa toteutui oppimisprosesseja, jotka usein olivat luonteeltaan myönteisiä ja informaalisia. Tällaisten onnistumisten vaikutus yksilön minäkuvaan oli myönteinen. Tällaisia prosesseja voidaan kuvata ”itseä koskeviksi oivalluksiksi”. Kriisinhallintatehtävissä oppimisella on erityinen merkitys, jos halutaan kehittää toimintoja inhimillisen turvallisuuden edistämiseksi. Siksi on tärkeää, että kriisinhallintakoulutusta ja kriisinhallintatyössä oppimista kehitetään ottamaan huomioon oppimisen eri tasot ja ulottuvuudet sekä niiden merkitys. Informaaliset oppimisen muodot olisi otettava paremmin huomioon kriisinhallintakoulutusta ja kriisinhallintatehtävissä oppimista kehitettäessä. Palautejärjestelmää olisi kehitettävä eri tavoin. Koko kriisinhallintaoperaation on saatava tarvittaessa myös kriittistä palautetta onnistumisista ja epäonnistumisista. Monet kriisinhallinnassa työskennelleet kaipaavat kunnollista palautetta työrupeamastaan. Liian rutiininomaiseksi koettu palaute ei edistä yksilön oppimista. Spontaanisti monet haastatellut pitivät tärkeänä, että kriisinhallinnassa työskennelleillä olisi mahdollisuus debriefing- tyyppiseen kotiinpaluukeskusteluun. Pelkkä tällainen mahdollisuus ilmeisesti voisi olla monelle myönteinen uutinen, vaikka tilaisuutta ei hyödynnettäisikään. Paluu kriisinhallintatehtävistä Suomeen on monelle haasteellisempaa kuin näissä tehtävissä työskentelyn aloittaminen ulkomailla. Tutkimuksen tulokset kannustavat tutkimaan kriisinhallintaa oppimisen näkökulmasta. On myös olennaista, että kriisinhallinnan palautejärjestelmiä kehitetään mahdollisimman hyvin edistämään sekä yksilöllistä että organisatorista oppimista kriisinhallinnassa. Kriisinhallintaoperaatio on oppimisympäristö. Kriisinhallintahenkilöstön kommunikaatio- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittäminen on olennaista tavoiteltaessa kestävää rauhanprosessia, jossa konfliktialueen asukkaatkin ovat mukana.


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Abstract PURPOSE: To compare differences in the occurrence and changed domains of sexual dysfunction in obese and non-obese Brazilian women. METHODS: Female Sexual Function Index, based on six domains, to investigate 31 sexual dysfunction incidence for obese compared to 32 non-obese women, was used. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and MANOVA were performed to compare total scores of Female Sexual Function Index among groups and to identify the differences among domains, Student t -test was used. Statistical significant level was established for all tests for p<0.05. RESULTS: No difference in female sexual dysfunction frequency between obese (25.8%) and non-obese women (22.5%) was found. However, an important distinction in which aspects of sexual life were affected was found. While the obese group was impaired in three domains of sexual life (desire, orgasm, and arousal), in the control group five aspects were dysfunctional (desire, orgasm, arousal, pain and lubrication). Future research exploring psychological outcomes in obese females, such as body image and measures of positive and negative effect, might better characterize the female sexual dysfunction in this group. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity does not appear to be an independent factor for allow quality of female sexual life. However, disturbance associated to obesity indicates a low frequency of disorder in physical domains, suggesting that psychological factors seem to be mainly involved in the sexual dysfunction in obese women.


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Visceral leishmaniasis is an emergent zoonosis with an increasing number of new cases in Brazil where the domestic dog is an important parasite reservoir in the infectious cycle of Leishmania chagasi. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), based upon the use of a total soluble antigenic preparation of L. chagasi, was adapted for the detection of IgM antibodies in the serum of infected dogs. Optimal dilutions of the antigen, using positive and negative reference sera, were determined by checkboard titrations. The specificity and sensitivity of the ELISA were 100 %. A total of 110 serum samples were taken from dogs in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and examined for anti-L. chagasi IgM antibody by ELISA and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). About 25% (n=27) of all the dogs tested were found serologically positive for L. chagasi by IFAT, while 89.09% (n=98) were seropositive by ELISA. The results obtained by ELISA and IFAT were significantly different (P<0.01). The combined use of ELISA and IFAT is recommended in order to enable veterinary services to more efficiently detect canine visceral leishmaniasis.


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Due to technical restrictions of the database system the title of the thesis does not show corretly on this page. Numbers in the title are in superscript. Please see the PDF-file for correct title. ---- Osteomyelitis is a progressive inflammatory disease of bone and bone marrow that results in bone destruction due to an infective microorganism, most frequently Staphylococcus aureus. Orthopaedic concern relates to the need for reconstructive and trauma-related surgical procedures in the fast grow¬ing population of fragile, aged patients, who have an increased susceptibility to surgical site infections. Depending on the type of osteomyelitis, infection may be acute or a slowly progressing, low-grade infection. Peri-implant infections lead to implant loosening. The emerging antibiotic resistance of com¬mon pathogens further complicates the situation. With current imaging methods, significant limitations exist in the diagnosing of osteomyelitis and implant-related infections. Positron emission tomography (PET) with a glucose analogue, 18F-fluoro¬deoxyglucose (18F-FDG), seems to facilitate a more accurate diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. The method is based on the increased glucose consumption of activated inflammatory cells. Unfortunately, 18F-FDG accumulates also in sterile inflammation regions and causes false-positive findings, for exam¬ple, due to post-operative healing processes. Therefore, there is a clinical need for new, more infection-specific tracers. In addition, it is still unknown why 18F-FDG PET imaging is less accurate in the detec¬tion of periprosthetic joint infections, most frequently due to Staphylococcus epidermidis. This doctoral thesis focused on testing novel PET tracers (68Ga-chloride and 68Ga-DOTAVAP-P1) for early detections of bone infections and evaluated the role of pathogen-related factors in the appli¬cations of 18F-FDG PET in the diagnostics of bone infections. For preclinical models of S. epidermidis and S. aureus bone/implant infections, the significance of the causative pathogen was studied with respect to 18F-FDG uptake. In a retrospective analysis of patients with confirmed bone infections, the significance of the presence or absence of positive bacterial cultures on 18F-FDG uptake was evalu¬ated. 18F-FDG and 68Ga-chloride resulted in a similar uptake in S. aureus osteomyelitic bones. However, 68Ga-chloride did not show uptake in healing bones, and therefore it may be a more-specific tracer in the early post-operative or post-traumatic phase. 68Ga-DOTAVAP-P1, a novel synthetic peptide bind¬ing to vascular adhesion protein 1 (VAP-1), was able to detect the phase of inflammation in healing bones, but the uptake of the tracer was elevated also in osteomyelitis. Low-grade peri-implant infec¬tions due to S. epidermidis were characterized by a low uptake of 18F-FDG, which reflects the virulence of the causative pathogen and the degree of leukocyte infiltration. In the clinical study, no relationship was found between the level of 18F-FDG uptake and the presence of positive or negative bacterial cul¬tures. Thus 18F-FDG PET may help to confirm metabolically active infection process in patients with culture-negative, histologically confirmed, low-grade osteomyelitis.


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The hemochromatosis gene, HFE, is located on chromosome 6 in close proximity to the HLA-A locus. Most Caucasian patients with hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) are homozygous for HLA-A3 and for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene, while a minority are compound heterozygotes for C282Y and H63D. The prevalence of these mutations in non-Caucasian patients with HH is lower than expected. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the frequencies of HLA-A antigens and the C282Y and H63D mutations of the HFE gene in Brazilian patients with HH and to compare clinical and laboratory profiles of C282Y-positive and -negative patients with HH. The frequencies of HLA-A and C282Y and H63D mutations were determined by PCR-based methods in 15 male patients (median age 44 (20-72) years) with HH. Eight patients (53%) were homozygous and one (7%) was heterozygous for the C282Y mutation. None had compound heterozygosity for C282Y and H63D mutations. All but three C282Y homozygotes were positive for HLA-A3 and three other patients without C282Y were shown to be either heterozygous (N = 2) or homozygous (N = 1) for HLA-A3. Patients homozygous for the C282Y mutation had higher ferritin levels and lower age at onset, but the difference was not significant. The presence of C282Y homozygosity in roughly half of the Brazilian patients with HH, together with the findings of HLA-A homozygosity in C282Y-negative subjects, suggest that other mutations in the HFE gene or in other genes involved in iron homeostasis might also be linked to HH in Brazil.


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Prenatal immune challenge (PIC) in pregnant rodents produces offspring with abnormalities in behavior, histology, and gene expression that are reminiscent of schizophrenia and autism. Based on this, the goal of this article was to review the main contributions of PIC models, especially the one using the viral-mimetic particle polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (poly-I:C), to the understanding of the etiology, biological basis and treatment of schizophrenia. This systematic review consisted of a search of available web databases (PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, PsycINFO, and ISI Web of Knowledge) for original studies published in the last 10 years (May 2001 to October 2011) concerning animal models of PIC, focusing on those using poly-I:C. The results showed that the PIC model with poly-I:C is able to mimic the prodrome and both the positive and negative/cognitive dimensions of schizophrenia, depending on the specific gestation time window of the immune challenge. The model resembles the neurobiology and etiology of schizophrenia and has good predictive value. In conclusion, this model is a robust tool for the identification of novel molecular targets during prenatal life, adolescence and adulthood that might contribute to the development of preventive and/or treatment strategies (targeting specific symptoms, i.e., positive or negative/cognitive) for this devastating mental disorder, also presenting biosafety as compared to viral infection models. One limitation of this model is the incapacity to model the full spectrum of immune responses normally induced by viral exposure.


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This study aimed to determine whether psychological factors affect health-related quality of life (HRQL) and recovery of knee function in total knee replacement (TKR) patients. A total of 119 TKR patients (male: 38; female: 81) completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-revised (EPQR-S), Knee Society Score (KSS), and HRQL (SF-36). At 1 and 6 months after surgery, anxiety, depression, and KSS scores in TKR patients were significantly better compared with those preoperatively (P<0.05). SF-36 scores at the sixth month after surgery were significantly improved compared with preoperative scores (P<0.001). Preoperative Physical Component Summary Scale (PCS) and Mental Component Summary Scale (MCS) scores were negatively associated with extraversion (E score) (B=-0.986 and -0.967, respectively, both P<0.05). Postoperative PCS and State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) scores were negatively associated with neuroticism (N score; B=-0.137 and -0.991, respectively, both P<0.05). Postoperative MCS, SAI, Trait Anxiety Inventory (TAI), and BAI scores were also negatively associated with the N score (B=-0.367, -0.107, -0.281, and -0.851, respectively, all P<0.05). The KSS function score at the sixth month after surgery was negatively associated with TAI and N scores (B=-0.315 and -0.532, respectively, both P<0.05), but positively associated with the E score (B=0.215, P<0.05). The postoperative KSS joint score was positively associated with postoperative PCS (B=0.356, P<0.05). In conclusion, for TKR patients, the scores used for evaluating recovery of knee function and HRQL after 6 months are inversely associated with the presence of negative emotions.


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The context of this study is corporate e-learning, with an explicit focus on how digital learning design can facilitate self-regulated learning (SRL). The field of e-learning is growing rapidly. An increasing number of corporations use digital technology and elearning for training their work force and customers. E-learning may offer economic benefits, as well as opportunities for interaction and communication that traditional teaching cannot provide. However, the evolving variety of digital learning contexts makes new demands on learners, requiring them to develop strategies to adapt and cope with novel learning tools. This study derives from the need to learn more about learning experiences in digital contexts in order to be able to design these properly for learning. The research question targets how the design of an e-learning course influences participants’ self-regulated learning actions and intentions. SRL involves learners’ ability to exercise agency in their learning. Micro-level SRL processes were targeted by exploring behaviour, cognition, and affect/motivation in relation to the design of the digital context. Two iterations of an e-learning course were tested on two groups of participants (N=17). However, the exploration of SRL extends beyond the educational design research perspective of comparing the effects of the changes to the course designs. The study was conducted in a laboratory with each participant individually. Multiple types of data were collected. However, the results presented in this thesis are based on screen observations (including eye tracking) and video-stimulated recall interviews. These data were integrated in order to achieve a broad perspective on SRL. The most essential change evident in the second course iteration was the addition of feedback during practice and the final test. Without feedback on actions there was an observable difference between those who were instruction-directed and those who were self-directed in manipulating the context and, thus, persisted whenever faced with problems. In the second course iteration, including the feedback, this kind of difference was not found. Feedback provided the tipping point for participants to regulate their learning by identifying their knowledge gaps and to explore the learning context in a targeted manner. Furthermore, the course content was consistently seen from a pragmatic perspective, which influenced the participants’ choice of actions, showing that real life relevance is an important need of corporate learners. This also relates to assessment and the consideration of its purpose in relation to participants’ work situation. The rigidity of the multiple choice questions, focusing on the memorisation of details, influenced the participants to adapt to an approach for surface learning. It also caused frustration in cases where the participants’ epistemic beliefs were incompatible with this kind of assessment style. Triggers of positive and negative emotions could be categorized into four levels: personal factors, instructional design of content, interface design of context, and technical solution. In summary, the key design choices for creating a positive learning experience involve feedback, flexibility, functionality, fun, and freedom. The design of the context impacts regulation of behaviour, cognition, as well as affect and motivation. The learners’ awareness of these areas of regulation in relation to learning in a specific context is their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection. I describe this metareflection as knowing how to manipulate the context behaviourally for maximum learning, being metacognitively aware of one’s learning process, and being aware of how emotions can be regulated to maintain volitional control of the learning situation. Attention needs to be paid to how the design of a digital learning context supports learners’ metareflective development as digital learners. Every digital context has its own affordances and constraints, which influence the possibilities for micro-level SRL processes. Empowering learners in developing their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection is, therefore, essential for building their digital literacy in relation to these affordances and constraints. It was evident that the implementation of e-learning in the workplace is not unproblematic and needs new ways of thinking about learning and how we create learning spaces. Digital contexts bring a new culture of learning that demands attitude change in how we value knowledge, measure it, define who owns it, and who creates it. Based on the results, I argue that digital solutions for corporate learning ought to be built as an integrated system that facilitates socio-cultural connectivism within the corporation. The focus needs to shift from designing static e-learning material to managing networks of social meaning negotiation as part of a holistic corporate learning ecology.


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The importance of the study of acetic bacteria, on species of the Gluconobacter genus is based on its industrial application, as these possess the capacity of bioconversion of sorbitol to sorbose, enabling the process of vitamin C production. The study involved samples collected in industries of soft drinks, flowers, fruits and honey, followed by purification, phenotypic identification, molecular identification with the use of primer defined from Nucleotide Sequence Database consultation. Strains preserved were identified as members of the Acetobacteraceae family, Gluconobacter genus. 110 strains had been isolated of substrate: Pyrostegia venusta (ker-gawler), honey, Vitis vinifera (grape), Pyrus communis (pear), Malus sp. (apple) and in two samples of soft drinks. Of this total 57 strains had been recovered in manitol medium (manitol, yeast extract, peptone), 12 in YMG medium (glucose, manitol, yeast extract, ethanol, acetic acid), 41 in enrichment medium (De Ley and Swings) and later in the GYC medium (glucose, yeast extract and calcium carbonate). 68 strains were identified as Gram negative bacilli rods. Of these, 31 were characterized biochemically as belonging to the Acetobacteriaceae family as they were catalase positive, oxidase negative and producers of acid from glucose. The characterization of these strains was complemented with the biochemistry tests: gelatin liquefaction, nitrate reduction, indole and H2S production, oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid and molecular tests for genus identification. Only eight strains were characterized as pertaining to the Gluconobacter genus. The strains are maintained in collection cultures at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Biology Department at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Assis, stored in malt extract at -196 ºC.


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The information technology (IT) industry has recently witnessed the proliferation of cloud services, which have allowed IT service providers to deliver on-demand resources to customers over the Internet. This frees both service providers and consumers from traditional IT-related burdens such as capital and operating expenses and allows them to respond rapidly to new opportunities in the market. Due to the popularity and growth of cloud services, numerous researchers have conducted studies on various aspects of cloud services, both positive and negative. However, none of those studies have connected all relevant information to provide a holistic picture of the current state of cloud service research. This study aims to investigate that current situation and propose the most promising future directions. In order to determine achieve these goals, a systematic literature review was conducted on studies with a primary focus on cloud services. Based on carefully crafted inclusion criteria, 52 articles from highly credible online sources were selected for the review. To define the main focus of the review and facilitate the analysis of literature, a conceptual framework with five main factors was proposed. The selected articles were organized under the factors of the proposed framework and then synthesized using a narrative technique. The results of this systematic review indicate that the impacts of cloud services on enterprises were the factor best covered by contemporary research. Researchers were able to present valuable findings about how cloud services impact various aspects of enterprises such as governance, performance, and security. By contrast, the role of service provider sub-contractors in the cloud service market remains largely uninvestigated, as do cloud-based enterprise software and cloud-based office systems for consumers. Moreover, the results also show that researchers should pay more attention to the integration of cloud services into legacy IT systems to facilitate the adoption of cloud services by enterprise users. After the literature synthesis, the present study proposed several promising directions for cloud service research by outlining research questions for the underexplored areas of cloud services, in order to facilitate the development of cloud service markets in the future.


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The objective of the thesis is to examine the market reaction of Finnish large-cap stocks to layoff announcements, using the event study methodology to gain insight in to whether the reaction is positive or negative, and whether it has changed over the years since the last studies were conducted. Another aim is also to examine whether the market reaction has changed during the times of the financial crisis, when the number of layoffs in Finland has been unusually high. The data consists of 128 publicly announced layoff announcements during the eight years from January 2006 to January 2014. The average market reaction to layoff announcements during different time periods within the overall sample was studied based on abnormal returns indicated by the event study methodology. The earlier research suggest that the overall market reaction to layoff announcements is negative. An overwhelming majority of these studies were conducted in the 1990s based on 80’s data. The market reaction found in this study was slightly positive, although the result was not statistically significant. The market reaction has decreased during the years of the financial crisis, but this result too, is not statistically significant.


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A number of metal complexes containing the ligand 5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-l,4,8,11-tetra-azatetradecane were synthesized and analyzed using electron impact (EI) and fast atom bombardment (FAB). The FAB mass spectra were obtained in positive and negative ion mode. FAB in the positive ion mode proved to be the most successful technique for the identification of these compounds. In the majority of cases the spectra obtained using positive ion FAB were structurally informative, although not all showed molecular (M+) or quasimolecular ([M+H]+) ions. The fragmentations observed were characteristic of the ligands, and were interpreted based on the chemistry of these compounds.


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Female enthusiasm towards engaging in physical education (PE) significantly decreases with age as it provides females with positive and negative emotional experiences. This study examined emotions within four grade nine female PE soccer and fitness classes (N = 67). Emotional patterns were studied over time and across two units of instruction and in relation to student grades. A mixed-method approach was utilized assessing the state emotions of shame, enjoyment, anxiety, and social physique anxiety (SPA). Results revealed unsatisfactory internal consistency for shame and thus it was removed. Statistical analysis revealed no significant changes in emotions over time, whereas qualitative analysis found that state emotions were inconsistent. Statistical analysis indicated that students in the fitness classes reported significantly higher levels of anxiety and SPA on the final class (p < .01). Qualitative analysis signaled different origins and themes of students‟ emotions. No predictive relationship between emotion and students‟ grade was found.