958 resultados para polybutadiene rubber


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Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) latex, the source of natural rubber, is synthesised in the cytoplasm of laticifers. Efficient water inflow into laticifers is crucial for latex flow and production since it is the determinant of the total solid content of latex and its fluidity after tapping. As the mature laticifer vessel rings are devoid of plasmodesmata, water exchange between laticifers and surrounding cells is believed to be governed by plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs). To identify the most important PIP aquaporin in the water balance of laticifers, the transcriptional profiles of ten-latex-expressed PIPs were analysed. One of the most abundant transcripts, designated HbPIP2;3, was characterised in this study. When tested in Xenopus laevis oocytes HbPIP2;3 showed a high efficiency in increasing plasmalemma water conductance. Expression analysis indicated that the HbPIP2;3 gene was preferentially expressed in latex, and the transcripts were up-regulated by both wounding and exogenously applied Ethrel (a commonly-used ethylene releaser). Although regular tapping up-regulated the expression of HbPIP2;3 during the first few tappings of the virginal rubber trees, the transcriptional kinetics of HbPIP2;3 to Ethrel stimulation in the regularly tapped tree exhibited a similar pattern to that of the previously reported HbPIP2;1 in the virginal rubber trees. Furthermore, the mRNA level of HbPIP2;3 was associated with clonal yield potential and the Ethrel stimulation response. Together, these results have revealed the central regulatory role of HbPIP2;3 in laticifer water balance and ethylene stimulation of latex production in Hevea.


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Epoxidized natural rubber-graphene (ENR-GE) composites with segregated GE networks were successfully fabricated using the latex mixing combined in situ reduced technology. The rheological behavior and electrical conductivity of ENR-GE composites were investigated. At low frequencies, the storage modulus (G′) became frequency-independent suggesting a solid-like rheological behavior and the formation of GE networks. According to the percolation theory, the rheological threshold of ENR-GE composites was calculated to be 0.17 vol%, which was lower than the electrical threshold of 0.23 vol%. Both percolation thresholds depended on the evolution of the GE networks in the composites. At low GE concentrations (<0.17 vol%), GE existed as individual units, while a "polymer-bridged GE network" was constructed in the composites when GE concentrations exceeded 0.17 vol%. Finally, a "three-dimensional GE network" with percolation conductive paths was formed with a GE concentration of 0.23 vol%, where a remarkable increase in the conductivity of ENR-GE composites was observed. The effect of GE on the atom scale free-volume properties of composites was further studied by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and positron age momentum correlation measurements. The motion of ENR chains was retarded by the geometric confinement of "GE networks", producing a high-density interfacial region in the vicinity of GE nanoplatelets, which led to a lower ortho-positronium lifetime intensity and smaller free-volume hole size.


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Natural rubber latex (NRL) from Hevea brasiliensis was used as a matrix to synthesize gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), leading to an organic-inorganic hybrid latex of NRL-supported AuNPs (AuNPs@NRL). The in situ and environmentally friendly preparation of AuNPs in an NRL matrix was developed by thermal treatment without using any other reducing agents or stabilizers because natural rubber particles and non-rubber components present in serum can serve as supporters for the synthesized AuNPs. As a result, the nanosized and well-dispersed AuNPs not only are decorated on the surface of natural rubber particles, but also can be found in the serum of NRL. The size of the AuNPs presented in NRL matrix can be controlled by adjusting the concentration of NRL. Furthermore, the flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates made from the AuNPs@NRL through vacuum filtration presented good enhancement of the Raman probe molecule of 4-mercaptopyridine and outstanding SERS reproducibility. The capability of synthesizing the bio-supported nanohybrid latex provides a novel green and simple approach for the fabrication of flexible and effective SERS substrates.


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The load bearing capacity of aging reinforced concrete structures, such as bridges, is increasingly extended with the use of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP). Premature failure, which is attributed to the rigid behaviour of the bonding agent (epoxy resin) and the high stresses at the interface region, can occur because of the debonding of CFRP sheets from host surfaces. To overcome the debonding issue, the epoxy resin is modified by different reactive liquid polymers to improve its toughness, flexibility, adhesion, and impact resistance. This study reports the usage of two reactive liquid polymers, namely, liquid Carboxyl-Terminated Butadiene-Acrylonitrile (CTBN) and liquid Amine-Terminated Butadiene-Acrylonitrile (ATBN), to improve the mechanical properties of the commercially available MBrace saturant resin when added to a ratio of 100:30 by weight. The neat and modified epoxies were analysed using the Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) to determine and compare the storage modulus and glass transition temperatures of these materials. Moreover, the bonding strength of neat and modified epoxies was evaluated through single-lap shear tests on CFRP sheets bonded to concrete prisms. The results indicate that the modified resins exhibited improved ductility and toughness and became reasonably flexible compared with the neat epoxy resin. The improved properties will help delay the premature debonding failure in CFRP retrofitted concrete members.


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Amostras de borracha natural foram reticuladas por meio de radiação gama (doses de 2, 4, 6 e 8 MRad) e intumescidas: a) em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esqualeno; b) em polibutadieno líquido (Mn=1830 g/mol; alto teor 1,4- cis) a 45°C; C) em solução de polibutadieno de baixo peso molecular (M,= 1830 g/mol; alto teor 1,4-cis) em n-octano e ciclo-hexano; d) em solução de polibutadieno de alto peso molecular (Mn= 175.000 g/rnol; alto teor 1,4-cis) emn-octano e ciclo-hexano ; e) em solução de borracha natural (Mn=779.000 g/mol) em ciclo- hexano, a 25°C. Amostras de polibutadieno (alto teor 1,4-cis) foram reticuladas por meio de radiação gama (doses de 1,s; 18 e 25 MRad) e intumescidas: a) em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esquaieno. Salvo quando mencionado em contrário, as amostras de borracha natural e de polibutadieno foram intumescidas nas temperaturas de 25, 35 e 45°C. A partir dos ensaios de intumescirnento acima mencionados, foram determinadas as solubilidades de borracha natural e de polibutadieno em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esqualeno através dos parâmetros de Flory-Huggins, calculados com o emprego da equação de Flory-Rehner. Verificou-se a influência da temperatura e da concentração de polimero no gel sobre o valor do parâmetro de Flory-Huggins. Também através desse parâmetro procurou-se determinar a compatibilidade entre borracha natural e polibutadieno. Foi demonstrado que cadeias lineares de baixo peso molecular de polibutadieno conseguem penetrar em amostras reticuladas de borracha natural, quando o peso molecular das cadeias lineares for bem inferior ao do arco de rede Mc das amostras reticuladas. Cadeias lineares de polibutadieno e de borracha natural com peso molecular superior ao do arco de rede da borracha natural reticulada, entretanto, não conseguem penetrar no retículo. Quranto mais alta a concentração da solução externa em moléculas de alto peso molecular, tanto menor é o grau de intumescimento da amostra reticulada.


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A seringueira é uma planta de fácil reconhecimento por ser lenhosa, de porte mediano a grande, que apresenta um padrão característico de desfolha e reenfolhamento e, sobretudo, pela produção de látex. O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar um estudo anatômico e morfológico foliar, comparando os clones RRIM 600 e GT 1 de seringueira &91;Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.- Arg&93;, desenvolvidos sob as mesmas condições edáficas e climáticas, para obtenção de informações que possam fornecer subsídios para correlações com dados fisiológicos e também diferenciar os clones em relação ao conteúdo de fibras, espessamento de tecidos do parênquima paliçádico e do parênquima lacunoso, caracterização anatômica do pecíolo, número e tamanho de estômatos e fornecer dados referentes a morfologia foliolar. Foram realizadas secções transversais na região do mesófilo, nervura central e pecíolo, seguindo-se os métodos usuais de preparação de lâminas permanentes. Foram realizadas análises biométricas de extensões de tecidos dos parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso e contagem do número de células do parênquima lacunoso. Paralelamente foram realizadas análises biométricas para aferições de estômatos. Não houve diferenças para a altura das células epidérmicas, altura e número de camadas do parênquima lacunoso e para o comprimento e para a maior largura do limbo foliolar. Porém houve variação para a espessura das células do parênquima paliçádico, sendo que GT 1 apresentou maior espessura em relação a RRIM 600. GT1 apresentou maior número de estômatos em relação a RRIM 600, porém com menor tamanho. GT1 apresentou maior diâmetro da nervura central da folha e do pecíolo e maior quantidade de fibras de esclerênquima que RRIM 600.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Blend films (free-standing) containing 20% in volume of polyaniline (PANI) in 80% of natural rubber (NR) were fabricated by casting in three different ways: (1) adding PANI-EB (emeraldine base) dissolved in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) to the latex (NRL), (2) adding PANI-EB dissolved in in-cresol to NR dissolved in xylol (NRD), (3) overlaying the surface of a pure NR cast film with a PANI layer grown by in situ polymerization (NRO). All the films were immersed into HCl solution to achieve the primary doping (protonation) of PANI before the characterization. The main goal here was to investigate the elastomeric and electrical conductivity properties for each blend, which may be applied as pressure and deformation sensors in the future. The characterization was carried out by optical microscopy, dc conductivity, vibrational spectroscopy (infrared absorption and Raman scattering), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and tensile stress-strain curves. The results suggest that the NRL blend is the most suitable in terms of mechanical and electrical properties required for applications in pressure and deformation sensors: a gain of conductivity without losing the elastomeric property of the rubber. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Thermal stability, thermal decomposition process, residual mass, temperature of glass transition (T-g) and temperature dependence of storage modulus (E'), were determined for latex membranes prepared from six clones of Hevea brasiliensis: IAC 331, IAC 332, IAC 333 and IAC 334 grown at experimental plantations of Instituto Agronomico de Campinas (IAC) in Votuporanga, São Paulo State, Brazil. Latex membranes from GT1 and RRIM 600 Asian matrix clones were used as references. The thermal behavior of latex membranes from genetically improved rubber trees was characterized using thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The thermal behavior of latex from clones studied in the present work showed similar features of the clones previously reported (IAC 40, IAC 300, IAC 301, IAC 328, IAC 329 and IAC 330), with mass loss in four consecutive steps, except IAC 333, which showed an additional mass loss step. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thermoplastic starch/natural rubber polymer blends were prepared using directly natural latex and cornstarch. The blends were prepared in an intensive batch mixer at 150 degreesC, with natural rubber content varying from 2.5 to 20%. The blends were characterised by mechanical analysis (stress-strain) and by scanning electron microscopy. The results revealed a reduction in the modulus and in tensile strength, becoming the blends less brittle than thermoplastic starch alone. Phase separation was observed in some compositions and was dependent on rubber and on plasticiser content (glycerol). Increasing plasticiser content made possible the addition of higher amounts of rubber. The addition of rubber was, however, limited by phase separation the appearance of which depended on the glycerol content. Scanning electron microscopy showed a good dispersion of the natural rubber in the continuos phase of thermoplastic starch matrix. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The thermal degradation behaviour of rubber from six new Hevea brasiliensis clones (IAC 40, 56, 300, 301, 302 and 303) from São Paulo State, Brazil was studied by thermogravimetry using the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa approach to assess the kinetic parameters ( reaction order, activation energy and pre-exponential factor) of the decomposition process. This study indicated that the thermal behaviour is a complex multiple step process, which depends on the type of rubber Hevea clones studied. The rubber from these clones can be classified, following the order of decreasing thermal stability, as IAC 303 > 302 > 56 > 40 > 300 > 301.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)