938 resultados para platelet intracellular calcium response


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Summary The best described physiological function of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is to transport cholesterol to target tissues. LDL deliver their cholesterol cargo to cells following their interaction with the LDL receptor. LDL, when their vascular concentrations increase, have also been implicated in pathologies such as atherosclerosis. Among the cell types that are found in blood vessels, endothelial and smooth muscle cells have dominated cellular research on atherosclerotic mechanisms and LDL activation of signaling pathways, while very little is known about adventitial fibroblast activation caused by elevated lipoprotein levels. Since fibroblasts participate in wound repair and since it has recently been recognized that fibroblasts may play pivotal roles in vascular remodeling and repair of injury, we assessed whether lipoproteins affect fibroblast function. We have found that LDL specifically mediate the activation of a class of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs): the p38 MAPKs. The activation of this pathway in turn modulates cell shape by promoting lamellipodia formation and extensive cell spreading. This is of particular interest because it provides a mechanism by which LDL can promote wound healing or vessel wall remodeling as observed during the development of atherosclerosis. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms by which LDL induce p38 activation we searched for the component in the LDL particle responsible for the induction of this pathway. We found that cholesterol is the major component of lipoprotein particles that mediates their ability to stimulate the p38 MAPK pathway. Furthermore, we investigated the cellular mechanisms underlying the ability of LDL to induce cell shape changes and whether this could participate in wound repair. Our recent data demonstrates that the capacity of LDL to induce fibroblast spreading relies on their ability to stimulate IL-8 secretion, which in turn leads to accelerated wound healing. LDL-induced IL-8 production and subsequent wound closure are impaired upon inhibition of the p38 MAPK pathway indicating that the LDL-induced spreading and accelerated wound sealing rely on the ability of LDL to stimulate IL-8 secretion in a p38 MAPK-dependent manner. Therefore, regulation of fibroblast shape and migration by lipoproteins may be relevant to atherosclerosis that is characterized by increased LDL-cholesterol levels, IL-8 production and extensive remodeling of the vessel wall. Résumé: La fonction physiologique des lipoprotéines à faible densité (LDL) la mieux décrite est celle du transport du cholestérol aux tissus cibles. Les LDL livrent leur cargaison de cholestérol aux cellules après leur interaction avec le récepteur au LDL. Une concentration vasculaire des LDL augmenté est également impliquée dans le développement de l'athérosclérose. Parmi les types de cellule présents dans les vaisseaux sanguins, les cellules endothéliales et les cellules du muscle lisse ont dominé la recherche cellulaire sur les mécanismes athérosclérotiques et sur l'activation par les LDL des voies de signalisation intracellulaire. A l'inverse peu de choses sont connues sur l'activation des fibroblastes de l'adventice par les lipoprotéines. Puisqu'il a été récemment reconnu que les fibroblastes peuvent jouer un rôle central dans la remodélisation vasculaire et la réparation tissulaire, nous avons étudié si les lipoprotéines affectent la fonction des fibroblastes. Nous avons constaté que les LDL activent spécifiquement une classe de protéines kinases: les p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases). L'activation de cette voie module à son tour la forme de la cellule en favorisant la formation de lamellipodes et l'agrandissement des cellules. Cela a un intérêt particulier car il fournit un mécanisme par lequel les LDL peuvent promouvoir la cicatrisation ou la remodélisation des parois vasculaires comme observés lors du développement de l'athérosclérose. Pour comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les LDL provoquent l'activation des p38 MAPK, nous avons cherché à identifier les composants dans la particule de LDL responsables de l'induction de cette voie. Nous avons constaté que le cholestérol est l'élément principal des particules de lipoprotéine qui contrôle leur capacité à stimuler la voie des p38 MAPK. En outre, nous avons examiné les mécanismes cellulaires responsables de la capacité des LDL à induire des changements dans la forme des cellules. Nos données récentes démontrent que la capacité des LDL à induire l'agrandissement des cellules, ainsi que leur aptitude à favoriser la cicatrisation, reposant sur leur capacité à stimuler la sécrétiond'IL-8. La production d'IL-8 induite par les LDL est bloquée par l'inhibition de la voie p38 MAPK, ce qui indique que l'étalement des cellules induit par les LDL ainsi que l'accélération de la cicatrisation sont liés à la capacité des LDL à stimuler la sécrétion d'IL8 via l'activation des p38 MAPK. La régulation de la forme et de la migration des fibroblastes par les lipoprotéines peuvent donc participer au développement de l'athérosclérose qui est caractérisée par l'augmentation des niveaux de production de LDL-cholestérol et d'IL-8 ainsi que par une remodélisation augmentée de la paroi du vaisseau.


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Numerous investigations have demonstrated large increases in y-amino butyrate (GABA) levels in response to a variety of stresses such as touch or cold shock (Wallace et ale 1984) Circumstantial evidence indicating a role of Ca2 + in these increases includes elevated Ca2+ levels in response to touch and cold shock (Knight et ale 1991), and the demonstration of a calmodulin binding domain on glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the enzyme responsible for GABA synthesis (Baum et al 1993) In the present study the possible role of Ca2+ and calmodulin in stimulation of GAD and subsequent GABA accumulation was examined using asparagus mesophyll cells. Images of cells loaded with the Ca2+ indicator Fluo-3 revealed a rapid and transient increase in cytosolic Ca2+ in response to cold shock. GABA levels increased by 106% within 15 min. of cold shock. This increase was inhibited 70% by the calmodulin antagonist W7, and 42% by the Ca2+ channel blocker La3+.. Artificial elevation of intracellular Ca2+ by the Ca2+ionophore A23187 resulted in an 61% increase in GABA levels. Stimulation of GABA synthesis by ABA resulted in an 83% increase in GABA levels which was inhibited 55% by W7. These results support the hypothesis that cold shock stimulates Ca2+ entry into the cytosol of the cells which results in Ca2+/calmodulin mediated activation of GAD and consequent GABA synthesis.


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GABA (4-aminobutyrate) is synthesized through the decarboxylation of LGlu- (L-Glu-+ H+ ---> GABA + C02), and compared to many free amino acids is present in high concentrations in plant cells. GABA levels rise rapidly and dramatically in response to varied stress conditions including anaerobiosis. Recent papers suggest that GABA production and associated H+ consumption are parts of a metabolic pH-stat mechanism which ameliorates the intracellular pH decline associated with anaerobiosis or other treatments. To test this hypothesis GABA production and efflux have been measured in isolated Asparagus sprengeri cells in response to three treatments which potentially cause intracellular acidification. Acid loads were imposed using 60 min of (i) anaerobiosis, (ii) H+/LGlu- cotransport, and (iii) treatment with permeant weak acids (butyric, acetic and propionic). Both intra- and extracellular GABA concentrations increased more than 100% after anaerobiosis, almost 1000% after H+/L-Glu- cotransport (light or dark) and almost 5000/0 after addition of 5 mM butyric acid at pH 5.0. HPLC analysis of amino acids indicates that as GABA concentrations increased in response to butyric acid addition, glutamate concentrations decreased. Time-course studies demonstrated that added butyric acid stimulates GABA production by 2800/0 within 15 seconds. A fluorescent determination of cytosolic pH indicates that addition of butyric or other weak acids resulted in a rapid reduction in cytosolic pH of 0.6 pH units. The half time for the response to butyric acid addition is 2.1 seconds, indicating that the decline in cytosolic pH is rapid enough to account for the rapid stimulation of GABA production. The acid load in response to butyric acid addition was assayed by measurements of 14C-butyric acid uptake. Calculations indicate that GABA production accounted for 45% of the imposed acid load. The biological significance of GABA efflux is not yet understood. The results support the original hypothesis suggesting a role for GABA production in cellular pH regulation.


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L’inflammation: Une réponse adaptative du système immunitaire face à une insulte est aujourd’hui reconnue comme une composante essentielle à presque toutes les maladies infectieuses ou autres stimuli néfastes, tels les dommages tissulaires incluant l’infarctus du myocarde et l’insuffisance cardiaque. Dans le contexte des maladies cardiovasculaires, l’inflammation se caractérise principalement par une activation à long terme du système immunitaire, menant à une faible, mais chronique sécrétion de peptides modulateurs, appelés cytokines pro-inflammatoires. En effet, la littérature a montré à plusieurs reprises que les patients souffrant d’arythmies et de défaillance cardiaque présentent des taux élevés de cytokines pro-inflammatoires tels le facteur de nécrose tissulaire alpha (TNFα), l’interleukine 1β (IL-1β) et l’interleukine 6. De plus, ces patients souffrent souvent d’une baisse de la capacité contractile du myocarde. Le but de notre étude était donc de déterminer si un lien de cause à effet existe entre ces phénomènes et plus spécifiquement si le TNFα, l’IL-1β et l’IL-6 peuvent affecter les propriétés électriques et contractiles du cœur en modulant le courant Ca2+ de type L (ICaL) un courant ionique qui joue un rôle primordial au niveau de la phase plateau du potentiel d’action ainsi qu’au niveau du couplage excitation-contraction. Les possibles méchansimes par lesquels ces cytokines exercent leurs effets seront aussi explorés. Pour ce faire, des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de souris nouveau-nées ont été mis en culture et traités 24 heures avec des concentrations pathophysiologiques (30 pg/mL) de TNFα, IL-1β ou IL-6. Des enregistrements de ICaL réalisés par la technique du patch-clamp en configuration cellule entière ont été obtenus par la suite et les résultats montrent que le TNFα n’affecte pas ICaL, même à des concentrations plus élevées (1 ng/mL). En revanche, l’IL-1β réduisait de près de 40% la densité d’ICaL. Afin d’examiner si le TNFα et l’IL-1β pouvaient avoir un effet synergique, les cardiomyocytes ont été traité avec un combinaison des deux cytokines. Toutefois aucun effet synergique sur ICaL n’a été constaté. En outre, l’IL-6 réduisait ICaL significativement, cependant la réduction de 20% était moindre que celle induite par IL-1β. Afin d’élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents à la réduction de ICaL après un traitement avec IL-1β, l’expression d’ARNm de CaV1.2, sous-unité α codante pour ICaL, a été mesurée par qPCR et les résultats obtenus montrent aucun changement du niveau d’expression. Plusieurs études ont montré que l’inflammation et le stress oxydatif vont de pair. En effet, l’imagerie confocale nous a permis de constater une augmentation accrue du stress oxydatif induit par IL-1β et malgré un traitement aux antioxydants, la diminution de ICaL n’a pas été prévenue. Cette étude montre qu’IL-1β et IL-6 réduisent ICaL de façon importante et ce indépendamment d’une régulation transcriptionelle ou du stress oxydatif. De nouvelles données préliminaires suggèrent que ICaL serait réduit suite à l’activation des protéines kinase C mais des études additionelles seront nécessaires afin d’étudier cette avenue. Nos résultats pourraient contribuer à expliquer les troubles du rythme et de contractilité observés chez les patients souffrant de défaillance cardiaque.


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Le CD40 est un membre de la famille des récepteurs du facteur de nécrose tumorale ("Tumour necrosis factor", TNF), initialement identifié sur des cellules de carcinome de la vessie. L'interaction du CD40 avec son ligand (CD40L) est d'une importance cruciale pour le développement des cellules B et de la commutation d'isotype au cours de la réponse immunitaire acquise. L'expression du complexe CD40/CD40L était initialement cru d'être limiter aux cellules du système immunitaire, mais aujourd'hui il est bien connu que ce complexe est également exprimé sur les cellules du système circulatoire et vasculaire, et est impliqué dans diverses réactions inflammatoires; de sorte que le CD40L est maintenant considéré comme une molécule thrombo-inflammatoire prédictive des événements cardiovasculaires. Les plaquettes expriment constitutivement le CD40, alors que le CD40L n'est exprimé que suite à leur l'activation. Il est ensuite clivé en sa forme soluble (sCD40L) qui représente la majorité du sCD40L en circulation. Il fut démontré que le sCD40L influence l'activation plaquettaire mais son effet exact sur la fonction plaquettaire, ainsi que les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents à son action demeurent inconnus. Ainsi, ce projet a été entrepris dans le but d’adresser les objectifs spécifiques suivants: 1) évaluer les effets in vitro du sCD40L sur l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire; 2) identifier les récepteurs plaquettaires impliqués dans l’action du sCD40L; 3) élucider les voies signalétiques intracellulaires induits par le sCD40L; 4) évaluer les effets du sCD40L sur la formation de thrombus in vivo. Nous avons trouvé que le sCD40L augmente fortement l'activation et l'agrégation des plaquettes en réponse à de faibles concentrations d'agonistes. Les plaquettes humaines traitées avec une forme mutante du sCD40L qui n'interagit pas avec le CD40, et les plaquettes de souris déficientes en CD40 ne furent pas en mesure d'induire de telles réponses, indiquant que le récepteur principal du sCD40L au niveau des plaquettes est le CD40. En plus, nous avons identifié la présence de plusieurs membres de la famille du facteur associé du récepteur du TNF ("TNF receptor-associated factor", TRAF) dans les plaquettes et nous avons montré que seulement le TRAF2 s'associe avec le CD40 suite à la stimulation par le sCD40L. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le sCD40L agisse sur les plaquettes au repos par l'entremise de deux voies signalétiques distinctes. La première voie implique l'activation de la petite GTPase Rac1 et de sa cible en aval, soit la protéine kinase p38 activée par le mitogène ("p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase", p38 MAPK ), menant au changement de forme plaquettaire et à la polymérisation de l'actine; alors que la deuxième voie implique l'activation de la cascade signalétique du NF-kB. Par ailleurs, à la suite d'une lésion artérielle induite par le chlorure de fer, le sCD40L exacerbe la formation de thrombus et l'infiltration leucocytaire au sein du thrombus dans les souris du type sauvage, mais pas chez les souris déficientes en CD40. En conclusion, ce projet a permis d'identifier pour la première fois deux voies signalétiques distinctes en aval du CD40 plaquettaire et a permis d'établir leur implication dans l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire en réponse au sCD40L. De manière plus importante, ce projet nous a permis d'établir un lien direct entre les niveaux élevés du sCD40L circulant et la formation de thrombus in vivo, tout en soulignant l'importance du CD40 dans ce processus. Par conséquent, l'axe CD40/CD40L joue un rôle important dans l'activation des plaquettes, les prédisposant à une thrombose accrue en réponse à une lésion vasculaire. Ces résultats peuvent expliquer en partie la corrélation entre les taux circulants élevés du sCD40L et l'incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires.


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Evidence has been mounting for peripheral functions for tachykinins, a family of neuropeptides including substance P (SP), neurokinin A, and neurokinin B, which are recognized for their roles in the central and peripheral nervous system. The recent discovery of 4 new members of this family, the endokinins (EKA, B, C, and 13), which are distributed peripherally, adds support to the notion that tachykinins have physiologic/endocrine roles in the periphery. In the present study we report a fundamental new function for tachykinins in the regulation of platelet function. We show that SP stimulates platelet aggregation, and underlying this is the intracellular mobilization of calcium and degranulation. We demonstrate the presence of the tachykinin receptors NK1 and NK3 in platelets and present evidence for the involvement of NK1 in SP-mediated platelet aggregation. Platelets were found to contain SP-like immunoreactivity that is secreted upon activation implicating SP-like substances in the autocrine/paracrine regulation of these cells. Indeed, NK1-blocking antibodies inhibited aggregation in response to other agonists. Of particular note is the observation that EKA/B cross-react in the SP immunoassay and are also able to stimulate platelet activation. Together our data implicate tachykinins, specifically SP and EKA/B, in the regulation of platelet function. (C) 2004 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Response surface methodology was used to study the effect of temperature, cutting time, and calcium chloride addition level on curd moisture content, whey fat losses, and curd yield. Coagulation and syneresis were continuously monitored using 2 optical sensors detecting light backscatter. The effect of the factors on the sensors’ response was also examined. Retention of fat during cheese making was found to be a function of cutting time and temperature, whereas curd yield was found to be a function of those 2 factors and the level of calcium chloride addition. The main effect of temperature on curd moisture was to increase the rate at which whey was expelled. Temperature and calcium chloride addition level were also found to affect the light backscatter profile during coagulation whereas the light backscatter profile during syneresis was a function of temperature and cutting time. The results of this study suggest that there is an optimum firmness at which the gel should be cut to achieve maximum retention of fat and an optimum curd moisture content to maximize product yield and quality. It was determined that to maximize curd yield and quality, it is necessary to maximize firmness while avoiding rapid coarsening of the gel network and microsyneresis. These results could contribute to the optimization of the cheese-making process.


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Platelets play a vital role in maintaining haemostasis. Human platelet activation depends on Ca2+ release, leading to cell activation, granule secretion and aggregation. NAADP (nicotinic acid-adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is a Ca2+-releasing second messenger that acts on acidic Ca2+ stores and is used by a number of mammalian systems. In human platelets, NAADP has been shown to release Ca2+ in permeabilized human platelets and contribute to thrombin-mediated platelet activation. In the present study, we have further characterized NAADP-mediated Ca2+ release in human platelets in response to both thrombin and the GPVI (glycoprotein VI)-specific agonist CRP (collagen-related peptide). Using a radioligand-binding assay, we reveal an NAADP-binding site in human platelets, indicative of a platelet NAADP receptor. We also found that NAADP releases loaded 45Ca2+ from intracellular stores and that total platelet Ca2+ release is inhibited by the proton ionophore nigericin. Ned-19, a novel cell-permeant NAADP receptor antagonist, competes for the NAADP-binding site in platelets and can inhibit both thrombin- and CRP-induced Ca2+ release in human platelets. Ned-19 has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, secretion and spreading. In addition, Ned-19 extends the clotting time in whole-blood samples. We conclude that NAADP plays an important role in human platelet function. Furthermore, the development of Ned-19 as an NAADP receptor antagonist provides a potential avenue for platelet-targeted therapy and the regulation of thrombosis.


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It is well established that the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system is central to the survival of Listeria monocytogenes at low pH, both in acidic foods and within the mammalian stomach. The accepted model proposes that under acidic conditions extracellular glutamate is transported into the cell in exchange for an intracellular gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA(i)). The glutamate is then decarboxylated to GABA(i), a reaction that consumes a proton, thereby helping to prevent acidification of the cytoplasm. In this study, we show that glutamate supplementation had no influence on either growth rate at pH 5.0 or survival at pH 2.5 when L. monocytogenes 10403S was grown in a chemically defined medium (DM). In response to acidification, cells grown in DM failed to efflux GABA, even when glutamate was added to the medium. In contrast, in brain heart infusion (BHI), the same strain produced significant extracellular GABA (GABA(e)) in response to acidification. In addition, high levels of GABA(i) (>80 mM) were found in the cytoplasm in response to low pH in both growth media. Medium-swap and medium-mixing experiments revealed that the GABA efflux apparatus was nonfunctional in DM, even when glutamate was present. It was also found that the GadT2D2 antiporter/decarboxylase system was transcribed poorly in DM-grown cultures while overexpression of gadD1T1 and gadD3 occurred in response to pH 3.5. Interestingly, BHI-grown cells did not respond with upregulation of any of the GAD system genes when challenged at pH 3.5. The accumulation of GABA(i) in cells grown in DM in the absence of extracellular glutamate indicates that intracellular glutamate is the source of the GABA(i). These results demonstrate that GABA production can be uncoupled from GABA efflux, a finding that alters the way we should view the operation of bacterial GAD systems.


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OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to investigate the potential crosstalk between Rap1 and Rac1, 2 small GTPases central to platelet activation, particularly downstream of the collagen receptor GPVI. METHODS AND RESULTS: We compared the activation response of platelets with impaired Rap signaling (double knock-out; deficient in both the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, CalDAG-GEFI, and the Gi-coupled receptor for ADP, P2Y12), to that of wild-type platelets treated with a small-molecule Rac inhibitor, EHT 1864 (wild-type /EHT). We found that Rac1 is sequentially activated downstream of Rap1 on stimulation via GPVI. In return, Rac1 provides important feedback for both CalDAG-GEFI- and P2Y12-dependent activation of Rap1. When analyzing platelet responses controlled by Rac1, we observed (1) impaired lamellipodia formation, clot retraction, and granule release in both double knock-out and EHT 1864-treated wild-type platelets; and (2) reduced calcium store release in EHT 1864-treated wild-type but not double knock-out platelets. Consistent with the latter finding, we identified 2 pools of Rac1, one activated immediately downstream of GPVI and 1 activated downstream of Rap1. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate important crosstalk between Rap1 and Rac1 downstream of GPVI. Whereas Rap1 signaling directly controls sustained Rac1 activation, Rac1 affects CalDAG-GEFI- and P2Y12-dependent Rap1 activation via its role in calcium mobilization and granule/ADP release, respectively.


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The importance of the second messengers calcium (Ca(2+)) and diacylglycerol (DAG) in platelet signal transduction was established more than 30 years ago. Whereas protein kinase C (PKC) family members were discovered as the targets of DAG, little is known about the molecular identity of the main Ca(2+) sensor(s). We here identify Ca(2+) and DAG-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor I (CalDAG-GEFI) as a critical molecule in Ca(2+)-dependent platelet activation. CalDAG-GEFI, through activation of the small GTPase Rap1, directly triggers integrin activation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-dependent thromboxane A(2) (TxA(2)) release. CalDAG-GEFI-dependent TxA(2) generation provides crucial feedback for PKC activation and granule release, particularly at threshold agonist concentrations. PKC/P2Y12 signaling in turn mediates a second wave of Rap1 activation, necessary for sustained platelet activation and thrombus stabilization. Our results lead to a revised model for platelet activation that establishes one molecule, CalDAG-GEFI, at the nexus of Ca(2+)-induced integrin activation, TxA(2) generation, and granule release. The preferential activation of CalDAG-GEFI over PKC downstream of phospholipase C activation, and the different kinetics of CalDAG-GEFI- and PKC/P2Y12-mediated Rap1 activation demonstrate an unexpected complexity to the platelet activation process, and they challenge the current model that DAG/PKC-dependent signaling events are crucial for the initiation of platelet adhesion.


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OBJECTIVE: Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) regulates platelet response to multiple agonists. How this immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif-containing receptor inhibits G protein-coupled receptor-mediated thrombin-induced activation of platelets is unknown. APPROACH AND RESULTS: Here, we show that the activation of PECAM-1 inhibits fibrinogen binding to integrin αIIbβ3 and P-selectin surface expression in response to thrombin (0.1-3 U/mL) but not thrombin receptor-activating peptides SFLLRN (3×10(-7)-1×10(-5) mol/L) and GYPGQV (3×10(-6)-1×10(-4) mol/L). We hypothesized a role for PECAM-1 in reducing the tethering of thrombin to glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) on the platelet surface. We show that PECAM-1 signaling regulates the binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled thrombin to the platelet surface and reduces the levels of cell surface GPIbα by promoting its internalization, while concomitantly reducing the binding of platelets to von Willebrand factor under flow in vitro. PECAM-1-mediated internalization of GPIbα was reduced in the presence of both EGTA and cytochalasin D or latrunculin, but not either individually, and was reduced in mice in which tyrosines 747 and 759 of the cytoplasmic tail of β3 integrin were mutated to phenylalanine. Furthermore, PECAM-1 cross-linking led to a significant reduction in the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3β Ser(9), but interestingly an increase in glycogen synthase kinase-3α pSer(21). PECAM-1-mediated internalization of GPIbα was reduced by inhibitors of dynamin (Dynasore) and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (CHIR99021), an effect that was enhanced in the presence of EGTA. CONCLUSIONS: PECAM-1 mediates internalization of GPIbα in platelets through dual AKT/protein kinase B/glycogen synthase kinase-3/dynamin-dependent and αIIbβ3-dependent mechanisms. These findings expand our understanding of how PECAM-1 regulates nonimmunoreceptor signaling pathways and helps to explains how PECAM-1 regulates thrombosis.