908 resultados para planting times
The rapid growth of the populous Asian economies provokes profound economic changes and a shift in the balance of power. On the economic front, Asian leaders are confronted with the need to preserve the stability that has underpinned their prosperity, maintain an environment conducive to trade and investments and encourage domestic consumption while avoiding ecological disasters. Internationally, business competition will intensify with the strong presence of Asian manufacturers in global supply chains, growing price competition from Asian firms in domestic markets and global competition for energy, food, minerals and other commodities. Geopolitical concerns stem, in part, from Asia’s global quest for critical resources, conflicting territorial and maritime disputes and increasing military expenditures which affect security dynamics. China’s assertiveness over its periphery prompts an arm’s race in the region and concerns about Sino-American relations even though U.S.-Chinese relations may be less risky than China’s relations with its neighbours. The United States remains a key player in the Asia-Pacific region, with the capacity to alter balances and affect outcomes. Globally, the United States capacity to lead is now diminished and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Since no rising power is capable of exercising global leadership, a return to the "old normal" where no one power in geopolitical or economic terms dominates the world is to be expected.
Lorsque la guerre européenne éclate en août 1914, les États-Unis adoptent officiellement une position de stricte neutralité. Le pays n’en est pas moins tiraillé de l’intérieur pour autant. Au cours des quelque deux années et demi de neutralité, plusieurs moments forts et thématiques ont redéfini le rapport des États-Unis à la guerre européenne, jusqu’à justifier l’entrée en guerre en avril 1917, et propulsant par le fait même le pays à l’avant de la scène internationale. Cependant, les analyses relatives à la couverture de la guerre par la presse américaine pendant cette période sont pratiquement inexistantes. En se penchant sur les articles en une et les éditoriaux du quotidien The New York Times, il est possible de suivre l’évolution des thématiques liées au conflit et de comparer certains évènements que l’historiographie a ciblés comme étant à l’origine de l’entrée en guerre. Le but est de voir comment le NYT présente le conflit européen, de quelles façons le journal cherche à influencer son lectorat et, surtout, comment il « voit » peu à peu le conflit s’immiscer dans la vie des Américains. Certains thèmes comme le mouvement du preparedness et le traitement de la communauté germano-américaine nous renseignent sur les changements de perception qui s’opèrent dans la couverture du NYT. L’historiographie classique présente le torpillage du paquebot Lusitania le 7 mai 1915 comme le point à l’origine de la rupture officieuse de la neutralité américaine, au profit d’un sentiment proallié. Notre analyse tend à nuancer fortement cette affirmation. D’autres moments-clés et thématiques présentées dans le NYT ont eu plus d’impact sur la neutralité américaine. Nos résultats de recherche questionnent en fait la nature et la temporalité de la « neutralité » américaine. Est-ce réellement, comme le souhaitait au départ le président américain Wilson une « neutralité bienveillante », ou de la poudre aux yeux?
The question of stability of black hole was first studied by Regge and Wheeler who investigated linear perturbations of the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. Further work on this problem led to the study of quasi-normal modes which is believed as a characteristic sound of black holes. Quasi-normal modes (QNMs) describe the damped oscillations under perturbations in the surrounding geometry of a black hole with frequencies and damping times of oscillations entirely fixed by the black hole parameters.In the present work we study the influence of cosmic string on the QNMs of various black hole background spacetimes which are perturbed by a massless Dirac field.
Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) in power system refers to the problem of determining the on/ off status of generating units that minimize the operating cost during a given time horizon. Since various system and generation constraints are to be satisfied while finding the optimum schedule, UCP turns to be a constrained optimization problem in power system scheduling. Numerical solutions developed are limited for small systems and heuristic methodologies find difficulty in handling stochastic cost functions associated with practical systems. This paper models Unit Commitment as a multi stage decision making task and an efficient Reinforcement Learning solution is formulated considering minimum up time /down time constraints. The correctness and efficiency of the developed solutions are verified for standard test systems
In comparison with mixed forest stands, the cultivation of pure plantations in Vietnam entails serious ecological consequences such as loss of biodiversity and higher rate of soil erosion. The economic evaluation is elaborated between pure plantations and mixed forests where the fast-growing tree species are mixed with slow growing tree species which are planted in stripes separating the segments with fast-growing tree species (Acacia sp.). For the evaluation, the input values were used from local costs of goods, services and labour. The results show that the internal rate of return is the highest in the case of pure plantation in comparison with mixed forests – 86% to 77%(first planting pattern: Acacia sp. + noble hardwood species) and 54% (second planting pattern: Acacia + Dipterocarpus sp. + Sindora sp.). The average profit per hectare and year is almost five times higher in the case of mixed stands. The first planting pattern reaches 2,650 $, the second planting pattern 2,280 $ and the pure acacia plantation only 460 $. From an economic point of view, the cultivation of mixed forests that corresponds to the principles of sustainable forestry generates a good economical profit while maintaining habitat complexity and biodiversity.
Andrographis paniculata, commonly known as Kalmegh, is used both in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicines because of its immunological, antibacterial and hepatoprotective properties. This study was carried out to investigate the influence of four harvesting times (120,135,150 days after planting and at seed maturity) and four planting distances (30×15, 30×10, 20×15 and 20×10 cm) on growth, dry herbage biomass, seed yield and quality traits of Andrographis paniculata at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India in the two years 2005 and 2006. The treatments were laid out in a split plot design with three replications. The maximum values for dry herbage biomass yield (5.14 t ha^(-1)), net returns (760.00 EUR ha^(-1)), B:C ratio (2.59), andrographolide content (2.63%) and total yield (135.00 kg ha^(-1)) were detected 135 days after planting with an optimum planting distance of 30×15 cm. However, the maximum iron content was estimated 120 days after planting. The highest dry herbage (4.58 t ha^(-1)) and maximum seed yield (19.7 kg ha^(-1)) were registered at plants that were lined out with a distance of 20×10 cm.
The impact of two crop planting methods and of the application of cyanobacterial inoculants on plant growth, yield, water productivity and economics of rice cultivation was evaluated with the help of a split plot designed experiment during the rainy season of 2011 in New Delhi, India. Conventional transplanting and system of rice intensification (SRI) were tested as two different planting methods and seven treatments that considered cyanobacterial inoculants and compost were applied with three repetitions each. Results revealed no significant differences in plant performance and crop yield between both planting methods. However, the application of biofilm based BGA bio-fertiliser + 2/3 N had an overall positive impact on both, plant performance (plant height, number of tillers) and crop yield (number and weight of panicles) as well as on grain and straw yield. Higher net return and a higher benefit-cost ratio were observed in rice fields under SRI planting method, whereas the application of BGA + PGPR + 2/3 N resulted in highest values. Total water productivity and irrigation water productivity was significantly higher under SRI practices (5.95 and 3.67 kg ha^(-1) mm^(-1)) compared to practices of conventional transplanting (3.36 and 2.44), meaning that using SRI method, water saving of about 34 % could be achieved and significantly less water was required to produce one kg of rice. This study could show that a combination of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in conjunction with BGA and 2/3 dose of mineral N fertiliser can support crop growth performance, crop yields and reduces overall production cost, wherefore this practices should be used in the integrated nutrient management of rice fields in India.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Presentation by Carl May - Research in Health Care
This document is intended to be read by the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection (former MoH) and includes some recommendations that could be implemented on the aim to increase allocative efficiency, thus improving macroeconomic performance of the Colombian Health System (CHS). It will be conducted as follows: first it will briefly review the background and actual context of the CHS, after this, will mention some related issues that justify a policy intervention on strategic purchasing to promote long run sustainability and hopefully the future attainment of major goals such as universal coverage and quality improvement. After prioritizing the main financial threats to the system, based on findings from literature review from countries that have successfully implemented similar policies, this paper will make some policy recommendations on regards especially to inpatient health care services in Colombia.
Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times: The Citizenry and the Breakdown of Democracy by Nancy Bermeo
El objetivo principal de esta monografía es identificar cuáles son las razones que justifican las contradicciones entre el discurso y el comportamiento de Estados Unidos en el marco de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, particularmente con relación a prácticas anticompetitivas derivadas del programa de protección a la agricultura del país. Para ello se analizan el interés nacional y los elementos de la seguridad nacional a partir de los cuales éste se ha construido. También se evalúan los procesos de formulación de política comercial y las interacciones entre los representantes políticos, las asociaciones de productores y el sector privado para mostrar como este comportamiento contradictorio corresponde a la legitimización de un interés particular.
Esta es la historia de una granja y de su emplazamiento desde la Alta Edad Media hasta la actualidad. Vemos la evolución de la explotación agrícola y ganadera, de sus dependencias y viviendas; se muestra el impacto causado en el paisaje que la rodea. Y aunque, hay actividades que continúan inalterables a lo largo de los siglos, el progreso científico ha introducido la maquinaría en ellas y esto motiva la desaparición de formas de vida, oficios y costumbres tradicionales.
Es una serie que presenta la historia de una manera que compromete y motiva, al tiempo que hace el aprendizaje activo y divertido. Añade reto y emoción a cada lección; apoya a los alumnos de todos los niveles; mejora el rendimiento del alumno utilizando la evaluación del aprendizaje; desarrolla en el alumno habilidades de pensamiento. El alumno sabrá sobre la crisis que afectó a Inglaterra hace casi veinte siglos, desarrollará sus propias ideas sobre la medicina, la salud y la higiene y cómo era la vida en la Edad Media. Cada uno de los seis capítulos de que consta la obra tiene un cronograma.
Es una serie que presenta la historia de una manera que compromete y motiva, al tiempo que hace el aprendizaje activo y divertido. Añade reto y emoción a cada lección. Le proporciona al profesor: los planes, los recursos y la inspiración que necesita para incorporar nuevas estrategias en la enseñanza; objetivos claros para preparar Las actividades: guía para hacer cualquier preparación: ideas alternativas para empezar las sesiones y para el seguimiento de la tarea.