969 resultados para plant traits evolution
Objectif : D'analyser l'évolution naturelle de la taille de la tumeur et de l'audition chez 151 patients avec schwannome vestibulaire (VS) en suivi et d'évaluer les mêmes paramètres pour une partie du group traité par Radiochirurgie Stéréotaxique Linac (SRS). Méthodes: Etude prospective des patients bilantés par IRM et tests audio-vestibulaires à l'inclusion, pendant la période du suivi et après SRS. L'audition a été gradé selon l'échelle de Gardner-Robertson (GR) et la taille tumorale selon l'échelle de Koos. L'analyse statistique inclut l'analyse de survie de Kaplan-Meier, analyse multivariée avec régression linéaire et logistique. Les patients avec une audition utile ont étés spécifiquement analysés. Résultats: Pendant la période du suivi (moyenne 24 mois, déviation 6-96), le risqué annuel de dégradation de la classe GR était 6% pour les patients GRI et 15% pour les GRII. La perte auditive comme symptôme initial était un facteur signifïcativement prédictif pour une aggravation auditive ultérieure (p=0.003). La croissance tumorale était de 25% à la dernière observation pendant le suivi. Pour les patients traités par Linac, la préservation d'une audition utile était 51% à 1 an et 36% à 3 ans. Le contrôle tumoral était 94 % and 91% respectivement. Conclusion: Chez les patients avec VS, la perte auditive déjà présente au diagnostique est un facteur prédictif négatif pour l'évolution de l'audition. La Radiochirurgie Stéréotaxique Linac est efficace pour le contrôle tumoral. Les patients ayant préservés leur status auditif prétraitement présentent un rythme annuel de perte auditive diminué après SRS compare à celle-ci avant le traitement. Cette constatation suggère un effet protectif potentiel de la SRS, à condition que la fonction cochléaire soit préservée.
A long-standing question in evolutionary biology is what defines a species. The biological species concept considers a species as a population of individuals that interbreeds freely and produces viable offspring. Therefore, reproductive isolation is the essence of species. Hybrid necrosis is one form of post-zygotic reproductive isolation. In this chapter, we summarize what is known to date about this phenomenon and highlight progress made in the understanding of these immune-triggered hybrid incompatibilities through our research in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana.
Mechanisms underlying speciation in plants include detrimental (incompatible) genetic interactions between parental alleles that incur a fitness cost in hybrids. We reported on recessive hybrid incompatibility between an Arabidopsis thaliana strain from Poland, Landsberg erecta (Ler), and many Central Asian A. thaliana strains. The incompatible interaction is determined by a polymorphic cluster of Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat (TNL) RPP1 (Recognition of Peronospora parasitica1)-like genes in Ler and alleles of the receptor-like kinase Strubbelig Receptor Family 3 (SRF3) in Central Asian strains Kas-2 or Kond, causing temperature-dependent autoimmunity and loss of growth and reproductive fitness. Here, we genetically dissected the RPP1-like Ler locus to determine contributions of individual RPP1-like Ler (R1R8) genes to the incompatibility. In a neutral background, expression of most RPP1-like Ler genes, except R3, has no effect on growth or pathogen resistance. Incompatibility involves increased R3 expression and engineered R3 overexpression in a neutral background induces dwarfism and sterility. However, no individual RPP1-like Ler gene is sufficient for incompatibility between Ler and Kas-2 or Kond, suggesting that co-action of at least two RPP1-like members underlies this epistatic interaction. We find that the RPP1-like Ler haplotype is frequent and occurs with other Ler RPP1-like alleles in a local population in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Poland). Only Gorzów individuals carrying the RPP1-like Ler haplotype are incompatible with Kas-2 and Kond, whereas other RPP1-like alleles in the population are compatible. Therefore, the RPP1-like Ler haplotype has been maintained in genetically different individuals at a single site, allowing exploration of forces shaping the evolution of RPP1-like genes at local and regional population scales.
A long-standing question in evolutionary biology is what defines a species. The biological species concept considers a species as a population of individuals that interbreeds freely and produces viable offspring. Therefore, reproductive isolation is the essence of species. Hybrid necrosis is one form of post-zygotic reproductive isolation. In this chapter, we summarize what is known to date about this phenomenon and highlight progress made in the understanding of these immune-triggered hybrid incompatibilities through our research in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana.
Background and aims Rhizodeposition plays an important role in mediating soil nutrient availability in ecosystems. However, owing to methodological difficulties (i.e., narrow zone of soil around roots, rapid assimilation by soil microbes) fertility-induced changes in rhizodeposition remain mostly unknown. Methods We developed a novel long-term continuous 13C labelling method to address the effects of two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization on rhizodeposited carbon (C) by species with different nutrient acquisition strategies. Results Fertility-induced changes in rhizodeposition were modulated by root responses to N availability rather than by changes in soil microbial biomass. Differences among species were mostly related to plant biomass: species with higher total leaf and root biomass also had higher total rhizodeposited C, whereas species with lower root biomass had higher specific rhizodeposited C (per gram root mass). Experimental controls demonstrated that most of the biases commonly associated with this type of experiment (i.e., long-term steady-state labelling) were avoided using our methodological approach. Conclusions These results suggest that the amount of rhizodeposited C from plants grown under different levels of N were driven mainly by plant biomass and root morphology rather than microbial biomass. They also underline the importance of plant characteristics (i.e., biomass allocation) as opposed to traits associated with plant resource acquisition strategies in predicting total C rhizodeposition.
A landscape mosaic is a landscape that consist of various patches, inhabited by different habitat communities over time. Agricultural mosaics area result of the long history between societies and the environment. The understanding of the driving forces for change in this landscapes, and their effect on biodiversity, allow the development of useful tools to assess and manage natural heritage. Plant diversity, endangered plant species and interesting habitats receive the center of attention, because of their capability to integrate and reflect the main changes of this landscapes after medium and long-term.
Successful plant invaders may have specific morphological and physiological traits that promote invasion in a new habitat. The Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA) hypothesis predicts that plants released from natural enemies in the introduced habitats are more competitive and perform better than plants from the native populations. An increased phenotypic plasticity may also favour invasion because it allows plants to function under a wider range of environments. In this study we used Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae) to test whether introduced plant populations are 1)more competitive and 2) more plastic compared with the native populations. We conducted a common garden experiment using plants from the native range (South Africa, Eastern Cape), an expanded range (South Africa, Western Cape) and two introduced ranges (Australia and Europe) under different conditions of water availability. Contrary to the EICA and the increased plasticity hypotheses, plants from the invasive and expanded populations grew less and responded less to watering than those from their native range. These results may be caused by a depleted competition as well as the presence of genetic bottlenecks in the newly invaded areas.
The continuous use of ALS-inhibiting herbicides has led to the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds worldwide. Greater beggarticks is one of the most troublesome weeds found in the soybean production system in Brazil. Recently, a greater beggarticks biotype that is resistant (R) to ALS inhibitors due to Trp574Leu mutation in the ALS gene was identified. Also, the adaptive traits between susceptible (S) and R to ALS inhibitors biotypes of greater beggarticks were compared. Specifically, we aimed to: (1) evaluate and compare the relative growth rates (RGR) between the biotypes; (2) analyze the seed germination characteristics of R and S biotypes under different temperature conditions; and (3) evaluate their competitive ability in a replacement series study. The experiments were conducted at the University of Arkansas, USA, in 2007 and at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), Brazil, in 2008. Plant proportions for replacement series studies were respectively 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100, with a total population of 150 plants m-2. There was no difference in RGR between R and S biotypes. The R-biotype germination rate was lower than that of the S biotype. However, at low temperature conditions (15 ºC), the reverse was observed. In general, there is no difference in the competitive ability between R and S greater beggarticks biotypes.
Growing concerns about toxicity and development of resistance against synthetic herbicides have demanded looking for alternative weed management approaches. Allelopathy has gained sufficient support and potential for sustainable weed management. Aqueous extracts of six plant species (sunflower, rice, mulberry, maize, brassica and sorghum) in different combinations alone or in mixture with 75% reduced dose of herbicides were evaluated for two consecutive years under field conditions. A weedy check and S-metolachlor with atrazine (pre emergence) and atrazine alone (post emergence) at recommended rates was included for comparison. Weed dynamics, maize growth indices and yield estimation were done by following standard procedures. All aqueous plant extract combinations suppressed weed growth and biomass. Moreover, the suppressive effect was more pronounced when aqueous plant extracts were supplemented with reduced doses of herbicides. Brassica-sunflower-sorghum combination suppressed weeds by 74-80, 78-70, 65-68% during both years of study that was similar with S-metolachlor along half dose of atrazine and full dose of atrazine alone. Crop growth rate and dry matter accumulation attained peak values of 32.68 and 1,502 g m-2 d-1 for brassica-sunflower-sorghum combination at 60 and 75 days after sowing. Curve fitting regression for growth and yield traits predicted strong positive correlation to grain yield and negative correlation to weed dry biomass under allelopathic weed management in maize crop.
Psychotria ipecacuanha is a perennial, medicinal herb that grows in clusters in the understory of humid, shady areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest of southeastern Brazil. The present study characterized the variation in floral traits among 35 clusters from three natural populations of this plant species. Field observations showed that the clusters are isomorphic, that is, a given cluster will either set long-styled or short-styled flowers. Stigmas and anthers are reciprocally placed in each morph, a dimorphism characteristic of distyly. The populations are isoplethic, that is, a given population exhibits an equilibrium 1:1 ratio of floral morphs. Morphometric analyses revealed that anther length, stigma length, corolla diameter, and pollen grain diameter were consistently greater in short-styled flowers, regardless of the population investigated. Significant differences for floral traits in the short-styled morph were found among populations. Floral traits in the long-styled morph also showed some significant differences among populations, but not for stigma height and corolla length. Controlled pollinations carried out in natural populations showed that fruit production was higher after inter-morph pollination. Nevertheless, observations of pollen tube growth in style, and also fruit production after spontaneous self-pollination and intra-morph pollination, indicated partial intramorph compatibility in this plant species.
In some literature variations in photosynthetic rates are considered to be of little relevance for individual fitness. This depends among other things on how one defines fitness, i.e. if one takes strictly Darwinian fitness as seed production or if one needs to evaluate particular traits and consider plant establishment. It also matters if one takes the Darwinian "organism individual" as the central entity in evolution ("individual fitness") or the "species individual" in a modified "Structure of Evolutionary Theory" sensu Stephen Jay Gould. A phenotypically expressed trait like photosynthetic rate, even if intra- and interspecific differences may be small, can matter in habitat performance and niche acquisition. Light dependence curves (LCs) of photosynthetic rates are now readily measured under field conditions using miniaturized equipment of pulse amplitude modulated fluorometers. In contrast to actual momentary measurements of quantum yield of photosynthesis under actually prevailing ambient conditions, LC measurements reflect the expressed intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis. In this review we explore the power of LC measurements yielding cardinal points such as maximum apparent electron transport rate of photosystem II (ETRmax) and saturating photosynthetically active radiation (PARsat) in making intra- and interspecific comparisons of plant performance and synecological fingerprinting in ecophysiological studies across species, sites, habitats and ecosystems.
In marine benthic communities, herbivores consume a considerable proportion of primary producer biomass and, thus, generate selection for the evolution of resistance traits. According to the theory of plant defenses, resistance traits are costly to produce and, consequently, inducible resistance traits are adaptive in conditions of variable herbivory, while in conditions of constant/strong herbivory constitutive resistance traits are selected for. The evolution of resistance plasticity may be constrained by the costs of resistance or lack of genetic variation in resistance. Furthermore, resource allocation to induced resistance may be affected by higher trophic levels preying on herbivores. I studied the resistance to herbivory of a foundation species, the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. By using factorial field experiments, I explored the effects of herbivores and fish predators on growth and resistance of the alga in two seasons. I explored genetic variation in and allocation costs of resistance traits as well as their chemical basis and their effects on herbivore performance. Using a field experiment I tested if induced resistance spreads via water-borne cues from one individual to another in relevant ecological conditions. I found that in the northern Baltic Sea F. vesiculosus communities, strength of three trophic interactions strongly vary among seasons. The highly synchronized summer reproduction of herbivores promoted their escape from the top-down control of fish predators in autumn. This resulted into large grazing losses in algal stands. In spring, herbivore densities were low and regulated by fish, which, thus,enhanced algal growth. The resistance of algae to herbivory increased with an increase in constitutive phlorotannin content. Furthermore, individuals adopted induced resistance when grazed and when exposed to water-borne cues originating from grazing of conspecific algae both in the laboratory and in field conditions. Induced resistance was adopted to a lesser extent in the presence of fish predators. The results in this thesis indicate that inducible resistance in F. vesiculosus is an adaptation to varying herbivory in the northern Baltic Sea. The costs of resistance and strong seasonality of herbivory have likely contributed to the evolution of this defense strategy. My findings also show that fish predators have positive cascading effects on F. vesiculosus which arise via reduced herbivory but possibly also through reduced resource allocation to resistance. I further found evidence that the spread of resistance via water-borne cues also occurs in ecologically realistic conditions in natural marine sublittoral. Thus, water-borne induction may enable macroalgae to cope with the strong grazing pressure characteristic of marine benthic communities. The results presented here show that seasonality can have pronounced effects on the biotic interactions in marine benthic communities and thereafter influence the evolution of resistance traits in primary producers.
In the field, mosquitoes characteristically feed on sugars soon after emergence and intermittently during their adult lives. Sugar meals are commonly derived from plant nectar and homopteran honeydew, and without them, adults can only survive for a few days on larval reserves. In addition to sugar, females of most species rely on blood for the initiation and maintenance of egg development; thus their reproductive success depends to some extent on the availability of blood hosts. Males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on sugars. Consequently, their sexual maturation and reproductive success is largely dependent upon access to sugar sources. Plant nectar and homopteran honeydew are the two main sugar sources utilized by mosquitoes in the wild. Previous laboratory studies had shown that differences between nectar sources can affect the survivorship and biting frequency of disease vectoring mosquitoes. However, little is known on how sugar composition influence the reproductive processes in male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes transfer accessory gland proteins and other hormones to their mates along with sperm during mating. In the female, these seminal fluid constituents exert their influence on reproductive genes that control ovulation and vitellogenesis. The present study tests the hypothesis that the mates of males consuming different sugar meals will exhibit varying levels of induction of vitellogenin (a gene which regulates the expression of egg yolk precursor proteins). Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to investigate how each sugar meal indirectly influences vitellogenin mRNA abundance in female Anopheles stephensi following mating. Results indicate that mates of nectar-fed males exhibit 2-fold greater change in vitellogenin expression than the mates of honeydew-fed males. However, this response did not occur in non-blood fed controls. These findings suggest that the stimulatory effect of mating on vitellogenesis in blood meal-reliant (i.e. anautogenous) mosquitoes may only be synergistic in nature. The present study also sought to compare the potential fitness costs of mating incurred by females that do not necessarily require a blood meal to initiate a reproductive cycle (i.e., exhibit autogeny). Females of the facultatively autogenous mosquito, Culex molestus were allowed to mate with males sustained on either nectar or honedyew. Mean lifetime fecundity and survivorship of females under the two different mating regimes were then recorded. Additionally, one-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to verify the transfer of male accessory gland proteins to the sperm storage organs of females during mating.While there was no significant difference in survival between the test treatments, the mates of nectar-fed males produced 11% more eggs on average than mates of honeydew-fed males. However, additional data are needed to justify the extrapolation of these findings to natural settings. These findings prompt further investigation as the differences caused by diet variation in males may be reflected across other life history traits such as mating frequency and insemination capacity.
Several species of the insect pathogenic fungus Metarhizium are associated with certain plant types and genome analyses suggested a bifunctional lifestyle; as an insect pathogen and as a plant symbiont. Here we wanted to explore whether there was more variation in genes devoted to plant association (Mad2) or to insect association (Mad1) overall in the genus Metarhizium. Greater divergence within the genus Metarhizium in one of these genes may provide evidence for whether host insect or plant is a driving force in adaptation and evolution in the genus Metarhizium. We compared differences in variation in the insect adhesin gene, Mad1, which enables attachment to insect cuticle, and the plant adhesin gene, Mad2, which enables attachment to plants. Overall variation for the Mad1 promoter region (7.1%), Mad1 open reading frame (6.7%), and Mad2 open reading frame (7.4%) were similar, while it was higher in the Mad2 promoter region (9.9%). Analysis of the transcriptional elements within the Mad2 promoter region revealed variable STRE, PDS, degenerative TATA box, and TATA box-like regions, while this level of variation was not found for Mad1. Sequences were also phylogenetically compared to EF-1a, which is used for species identification, in 14 isolates representing 7 different species in the genus Metarhizium. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the Mad2 phylogeny is more congruent with 59 EF-1a than Mad1. This would suggest that Mad2 has diverged among Metarhizium lineages, contributing to clade- and species-specific variation, while it appears that Mad1 has been largely conserved. While other abiotic and biotic factors cannot be excluded in contributing to divergence, these results suggest that plant relationships, rather than insect host, have been a major driving factor in the divergence of the genus Metarhizium.
Several species of the insect pathogenic fungus Metarhizium are associated with certain plant types and genome analyses suggested a bifunctional lifestyle; as an insect pathogen and as a plant symbiont. Here we wanted to explore whether there was more variation in genes devoted to plant association (Mad2) or to insect association (Mad1) overall in the genus Metarhizium. Greater divergence within the genus Metarhizium in one of these genes may provide evidence for whether host insect or plant is a driving force in adaptation and evolution in the genus Metarhizium. We compared differences in variation in the insect adhesin gene, Mad1, which enables attachment to insect cuticle, and the plant adhesin gene, Mad2, which enables attachment to plants. Overall variation for the Mad1 promoter region (7.1%), Mad1 open reading frame (6.7%), and Mad2 open reading frame (7.4%) were similar, while it was higher in the Mad2 promoter region (9.9%). Analysis of the transcriptional elements within the Mad2 promoter region revealed variable STRE, PDS, degenerative TATA box, and TATA box-like regions, while this level of variation was not found for Mad1. Sequences were also phylogenetically compared to EF-1a, which is used for species identification, in 14 isolates representing 7 different species in the genus Metarhizium. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the Mad2 phylogeny is more congruent with 59 EF-1a than Mad1. This would suggest that Mad2 has diverged among Metarhizium lineages, contributing to clade- and species-specific variation, while it appears that Mad1 has been largely conserved. While other abiotic and biotic factors cannot be excluded in contributing to divergence, these results suggest that plant relationships, rather than insect host, have been a major driving factor in the divergence of the genus Metarhizium.