976 resultados para passive DMFC
Esta tesis está dedicada al análisis de las guías de onda y el diseño de los componentes pasivos con énfasis en aplicaciones de alta frecuencia. En primer lugar, se lleva a cabo el análisis de las guías de onda con conductores metálicos no ideales, con el objetivo de establecer el límite superior en frecuencia de las aproximaciones habitualmente utilizadas en microondas para el cálculo de las pérdidas óhmicas. Posteriormente, se presenta el diseño de diferentes componentes pasivos de guía de ondas: filtros, transductores de modos ortogonales (OMT), polarizadores, duplexores y alimentadores de antena, funcionando en frecuencias desde 10 a 750 GHz. Para el correcto diseño de componentes a altas frecuencias se requiere, en primer lugar, comprender los nuevos procesos de fabricación y después adecuar los diversos componentes para cumplir especificaciones eléctricas y geométricas simultáneamente. Para esto, se presentan modificaciones y nuevas geometrías de guiado de ondas para diferentes aplicaciones y procesos tecnológicos. Además se discuten sus ventajas sobre las soluciones ya existentes. Además, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis se ocupa del desarrollo completo de dispositivos: diseño, fabricación y caracterización de los componentes ya mencionados. Por último, algunos de los dispositivos desarrollados han sido diseñados para ser integrados en diferentes sistemas. De esta forma, se mejoran las prestaciones y capacidades de dichos sistemas.
A passive neutron area monitor has been designed using Monte Carlo methods; the monitor is a polyethylene cylinder with pairs of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD600 and TLD700) as thermal neutron detector. The monitor was calibrated with a bare and a thermalzed 241AmBe neutron sources and its performance was evaluated measuring the ambient dose equivalent due to photoneutrons produced by a 15 MV linear accelerator for radiotherapy and the neutrons in the output of a TRIGA Mark III radial beam port.
The existing seismic isolation systems are based on well-known and accepted physical principles, but they are still having some functional drawbacks. As an attempt of improvement, the Roll-N-Cage (RNC) isolator has been recently proposed. It is designed to achieve a balance in controlling isolator displacement demands and structural accelerations. It provides in a single unit all the necessary functions of vertical rigid support, horizontal flexibility with enhanced stability, resistance to low service loads and minor vibration, and hysteretic energy dissipation characteristics. It is characterized by two unique features that are a self-braking (buffer) and a self-recentering mechanism. This paper presents an advanced representation of the main and unique features of the RNC isolator using an available finite element code called SAP2000. The validity of the obtained SAP2000 model is then checked using experimental, numerical and analytical results. Then, the paper investigates the merits and demerits of activating the built-in buffer mechanism on both structural pounding mitigation and isolation efficiency. The paper addresses the problem of passive alleviation of possible inner pounding within the RNC isolator, which may arise due to the activation of its self-braking mechanism under sever excitations such as near-fault earthquakes. The results show that the obtained finite element code-based model can closely match and accurately predict the overall behavior of the RNC isolator with effectively small errors. Moreover, the inherent buffer mechanism of the RNC isolator could mitigate or even eliminate direct structure-tostructure pounding under severe excitation considering limited septation gaps between adjacent structures. In addition, the increase of inherent hysteretic damping of the RNC isolator can efficiently limit its peak displacement together with the severity of the possibly developed inner pounding and, therefore, alleviate or even eliminate the possibly arising negative effects of the buffer mechanism on the overall RNC-isolated structural responses.
The integrated Safety Assessment (ISA) methodology, developed by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), has been applied to a thermal-hydraulic analysis of PWR Station Blackout (SBO) sequences in the context of the IDPSA (Integrated Deterministic-Probabilistic Safety Assessment) network objectives. The ISA methodology allows obtaining the damage domain (the region of the uncertain parameters space where the damage limit is exceeded) for each sequence of interest as a function of the operator actuations times. Given a particular safety limit or damage limit, several data of every sequence are necessary in order to obtain the exceedance frequency of that limit. In this application these data are obtained from the results of the simulations performed with MAAP code transients inside each damage domain and the time-density probability distributions of the manual actions. Damage limits that have been taken into account within this analysis are: local cladding damage (PCT>1477 K); local fuel melting (T>2499 K); fuel relocation in lower plenum and vessel failure. Therefore, to every one of these damage variables corresponds a different damage domain. The operation of the new passive thermal shutdown seals developed by several companies since Fukushima accident is considered in the paper. The results show the capability and necessity of the ISA methodology, or similar, in order to obtain accurate results that take into account time uncertainties.
Presentación en poster de impresión 3D de guias de onda.
The proliferation of video games and other applications of computer graphics in everyday life demands a much easier way to create animatable virtual human characters. Traditionally, this has been the job of highly skilled artists and animators that painstakingly model, rig and animate their avatars, and usually have to tune them for each application and transmission/rendering platform. The emergence of virtual/mixed reality environments also calls for practical and costeffective ways to produce custom models of actual people. The purpose of the present dissertation is bringing 3D human scanning closer to the average user. For this, two different techniques are presented, one passive and one active. The first one is a fully automatic system for generating statically multi-textured avatars of real people captured with several standard cameras. Our system uses a state-of-the-art shape from silhouette technique to retrieve the shape of subject. However, to deal with the lack of detail that is common in the facial region for these kind of techniques, which do not handle concavities correctly, our system proposes an approach to improve the quality of this region. This face enhancement technique uses a generic facial model which is transformed according to the specific facial features of the subject. Moreover, this system features a novel technique for generating view-independent texture atlases computed from the original images. This static multi-texturing system yields a seamless texture atlas calculated by combining the color information from several photos. We suppress the color seams due to image misalignments and irregular lighting conditions that multi-texturing approaches typically suffer from, while minimizing the blurring effect introduced by color blending techniques. The second technique features a system to retrieve a fully animatable 3D model of a human using a commercial depth sensor. Differently to other approaches in the current state of the art, our system does not require the user to be completely still through the scanning process, and neither the depth sensor is moved around the subject to cover all its surface. Instead, the depth sensor remains static and the skeleton tracking information is used to compensate the user’s movements during the scanning stage. RESUMEN La popularización de videojuegos y otras aplicaciones de los gráficos por ordenador en el día a día requiere una manera más sencilla de crear modelos virtuales humanos animables. Tradicionalmente, estos modelos han sido creados por artistas profesionales que cuidadosamente los modelan y animan, y que tienen que adaptar específicamente para cada aplicación y plataforma de transmisión o visualización. La aparición de los entornos de realidad virtual/mixta aumenta incluso más la demanda de técnicas prácticas y baratas para producir modelos 3D representando personas reales. El objetivo de esta tesis es acercar el escaneo de humanos en 3D al usuario medio. Para ello, se presentan dos técnicas diferentes, una pasiva y una activa. La primera es un sistema automático para generar avatares multi-texturizados de personas reales mediante una serie de cámaras comunes. Nuestro sistema usa técnicas del estado del arte basadas en shape from silhouette para extraer la forma del sujeto a escanear. Sin embargo, este tipo de técnicas no gestiona las concavidades correctamente, por lo que nuestro sistema propone una manera de incrementar la calidad en una región del modelo que se ve especialmente afectada: la cara. Esta técnica de mejora facial usa un modelo 3D genérico de una cara y lo modifica según los rasgos faciales específicos del sujeto. Además, el sistema incluye una novedosa técnica para generar un atlas de textura a partir de las imágenes capturadas. Este sistema de multi-texturización consigue un atlas de textura sin transiciones abruptas de color gracias a su manera de mezclar la información de color de varias imágenes sobre cada triángulo. Todas las costuras y discontinuidades de color debidas a las condiciones de iluminación irregulares son eliminadas, minimizando el efecto de desenfoque de la interpolación que normalmente introducen este tipo de métodos. La segunda técnica presenta un sistema para conseguir un modelo humano 3D completamente animable utilizando un sensor de profundidad. A diferencia de otros métodos del estado de arte, nuestro sistema no requiere que el usuario esté completamente quieto durante el proceso de escaneado, ni mover el sensor alrededor del sujeto para cubrir toda su superficie. Por el contrario, el sensor se mantiene estático y el esqueleto virtual de la persona, que se va siguiendo durante el proceso, se utiliza para compensar sus movimientos durante el escaneado.
Buildings Indoor Air Quality requires a control in the Relative Humidity parameter. In passive architecture in humid climates relative humidity is even more important for human comfort and difficult to control. Therefore, nowadays, there is a research on dehumidifying systems. The present article shows an innovative dehumidifying panel composed of a plaster and Calcium Chloride salt. Laboratory tests are carried out to establish its viability as an indoor air moister regulator integrated in common plaster building interior coatings. There are two types of tests that have been carried out in two consecutive empirical phases: in the first phase, the tests of characterization of the Calcium Chloride as a desiccant are carried out; in a second phase, the dehumidifying panel as a whole is tested. Finally, both types of empirical tests show the efficiency and viability as an air moisture passive control system.
(SPA) El polipirrol es uno de los polímeros conductores más utilizados en la preparación de electrodos debido a su alta actividad catalítica para la oxidación y reducción del metanol. En este trabajo se ha depositado electroquímicamente polipirrol a diferentes potenciales de depósito, Ed, sobre tela de carbón no tejida Freudenberg en medio ácido. Se ha analizado la morfología y la respuesta electroquímica en medio HClO4 y en presencia de HClO4+MeOH antes y después de la síntesis del polipirrol sobre ella. Lastructura de las películas obtenidas se ha estudiado por espectroscopia infrarroja de transformada de Fourier, FTIR. Se observa que el polipirrol mejora las propiedades electroquímicas de la tela de carbón, obteniéndose el mejor resultado para su aplicación como soporte del catalizador en pilas de combustible con la película sintetizada a 1,0V. (ENG) Polypyrrole is one of the most used conducting polymers in electrode building due to its high catalytic activity to the methanol oxidation and reduction. By this motive, polypyrrole has been electrochemically synthesized at constant potential, Ed, on Freudenberg carbon cloth in acid medium. Carbon cloth morphology and electrochemical behaviour in HClO4 and in HClO4+MeOH before and after the polypyrrole eposition have been analysed. The structure of the films was studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR. The polypyrrole improves the electrochemical properties of the studied carbon cloth. The biggest charge of the electroactive area is the one synthesized at 1.0V, being the best for its application as catalyst support in fuel cells.
Passive and active immunization against outer surface protein A (OspA) has been successful in protecting laboratory animals against subsequent infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. Antibodies (Abs) to OspA convey full protection, but only when they are present at the time of infection. Abs inactivate spirochetes within the tick and block their transmission to mammals, but do not affect established infection because of the loss of OspA in the vertebrate host. Our initial finding that the presence of high serum titers of anti-OspC Abs (5 to 10 μg/ml) correlates with spontaneous resolution of disease and infection in experimentally challenged immunocompetent mice suggested that therapeutic vaccination with OspC may be feasible. We now show that polyclonal and monospecific mouse immune sera to recombinant OspC, but not to OspA, of B. burgdorferi resolve chronic arthritis and carditis and clear disseminated spirochetes in experimentally infected C.B.-17 severe combined immunodeficient mice in a dose-dependent manner. This was verified by macroscopical and microscopical examination of affected tissues and recultivation of spirochetes from ear biopsies. Complete resolution of disease and infection was achieved, independent of whether OspC-specific immune sera (10 μg OspC-specific Abs) were repeatedly given (4× in 3- to 4-day intervals) before the onset (day 10 postinfection) or at the time of fully established arthritis and carditis (days 19 or 60 postinfection). The results indicate that in mice spirochetes constitutively express OspC and are readily susceptible to protective OspC-specific Abs throughout the infection. Thus, an OspC-based vaccine appears to be a candidate for therapy of Lyme disease.
We recorded miniature endplate currents (mEPCs) using simultaneous voltage clamp and extracellular methods, allowing correction for time course measurement errors. We obtained a 20-80% rise time (tr) of approximately 80 micros at 22 degrees C, shorter than any previously reported values, and tr variability (SD) with an upper limit of 25-30 micros. Extracellular electrode pressure can increase tr and its variability by 2- to 3-fold. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we modeled passive acetylcholine diffusion through a vesicle fusion pore expanding radially at 25 nm x ms(-1) (rapid, from endplate omega figure appearance) or 0.275 nm x ms(-1) (slow, from mast cell exocytosis). Simulated mEPCs obtained with rapid expansion reproduced tr and the overall shape of our experimental mEPCs, and were similar to simulated mEPCs obtained with instant acetylcholine release. We conclude that passive transmitter diffusion, coupled with rapid expansion of the fusion pore, is sufficient to explain the time course of experimentally measured synaptic currents with trs of less than 100 micros.
Administration of virus-specific antibodies is known to be an effective early treatment for some viral infections. Such immunotherapy probably acts by antibody-mediated neutralization of viral infectivity and is often thought to function independently of T-cell-mediated immune responses. In the present experiments, we studied passive antibody therapy using Friend murine leukemia virus complex as a model for an immunosuppressive retroviral disease in adult mice. The results showed that antibody therapy could induce recovery from a well-established retroviral infection. However, the success of therapy was dependent on the presence of both CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. Thus, cell-mediated responses were required for recovery from infection even in the presence of therapeutic levels of antibody. The major histocompatibility type of the mice was also an important factor determining the relative success of antibody therapy in this system, but it was less critical for low-dose than for high-dose infections. Our results imply that limited T-cell responsiveness as dictated by major histocompatibility genes and/or stage of disease may have contributed to previous immunotherapy failures in AIDS patients. Possible strategies to improve the efficacy of future therapies are discussed.
We combine multi-wavelength data in the AEGIS-XD and C-COSMOS surveys to measure the typical dark matter halo mass of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) [L_X(2–10 keV) > 10^42 erg s^− 1] in comparison with far-infrared selected star-forming galaxies detected in the Herschel/PEP survey (PACS Evolutionary Probe; L_IR > 10^11 L_⊙) and quiescent systems at z ≈ 1. We develop a novel method to measure the clustering of extragalactic populations that uses photometric redshift probability distribution functions in addition to any spectroscopy. This is advantageous in that all sources in the sample are used in the clustering analysis, not just the subset with secure spectroscopy. The method works best for large samples. The loss of accuracy because of the lack of spectroscopy is balanced by increasing the number of sources used to measure the clustering. We find that X-ray AGN, far-infrared selected star-forming galaxies and passive systems in the redshift interval 0.6 < z < 1.4 are found in haloes of similar mass, log M_DMH/(M_⊙ h^−1) ≈ 13.0. We argue that this is because the galaxies in all three samples (AGN, star-forming, passive) have similar stellar mass distributions, approximated by the J-band luminosity. Therefore, all galaxies that can potentially host X-ray AGN, because they have stellar masses in the appropriate range, live in dark matter haloes of log M_DMH/(M_⊙ h^−1) ≈ 13.0 independent of their star formation rates. This suggests that the stellar mass of X-ray AGN hosts is driving the observed clustering properties of this population. We also speculate that trends between AGN properties (e.g. luminosity, level of obscuration) and large-scale environment may be related to differences in the stellar mass of the host galaxies.