582 resultados para papillomavirus


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SUMMARY The herpes simplex virus type 2 (HVS-2) is the most prevalent infection worldwide. It is a cofactor in the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV). This study evaluated the prevalence of HSV-2, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and associated factors in patients treated at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and Basic Health Units (BHU) in Rio Grande, Brazil. The observed prevalence of HSV-2 was 15.6%. Among the 302 women studied, 158 had received assistance in BHU and 144 were treated at FURG. The prevalence of HSV-2 in these groups was 10.8% and 20.8%, respectively, RR 1.9 and p = 0.012. Knowledge about the Pap smear, and the presence of lesions showed no association with HSV-2 infection. Multivariate analysis showed that the variable that most influenced the risk of HSV-2 infection was the presence of HIV infection, with a relative risk of 1.9 and p = 0.04. Discussion: Genital ulcers are an important entry point for HIV, and condom use is an important strategy to reduce transmission of HIV and HSV-2.


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SUMMARY High-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV) infection is necessary but not sufficient for cervical cancer development. Recently, P16INK4A gene silencing through hypermethylation has been proposed as an important cofactor in cervical carcinogenesis due to its tumor suppressor function. We aimed to investigate P16INK4A methylation status in normal and neoplastic epithelia and evaluate an association with HPV infection and genotype. This cross-sectional study was performed with 141 cervical samples from patients attending Hospital Moncorvo Filho, Rio de Janeiro. HPV detection and genotyping were performed through PCR and P16INK4A methylation by nested-methylation specific PCR (MSP). HPV frequency was 62.4% (88/141). The most common HPV were HPV16 (37%), HPV18 (16.3%) and HPV33/45(15.2%). An upward trend was observed concerning P16INK4A methylation and lesion degree: normal epithelia (10.7%), low grade lesions (22.9%), high grade (57.1%) and carcinoma (93.1%) (p < 0.0001). A multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate an association between methylation, age, tobacco exposure, HPV infection and genotyping. A correlation was found concerning methylation with HPV infection (p < 0.0001), hr-HPV (p = 0.01), HSIL (p < 0.0007) and malignant lesions (p < 0.0001). Since viral infection and epigenetic alterations are related to cervical carcinoma, we suggest that P16INK4A methylation profile maybe thoroughly investigated as a biomarker to identify patients at risk of cancer.


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O tumor de Buschke-Löwenstein (TBL) é uma variante rara de condiloma acuminatum que possui comportamento maligno pelo crescimento local, mas não apresenta potencial metastático. Afeta primariamente a área genital e, menos frequentemente a região perianal. Os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento incluem a terapêutica imunossupressora e a infeção VIH. Possui elevada taxa de recorrência e de transformação maligna, sendo a cirurgia o tratamento inicial recomendado. Apresenta-se um caso de TBL perianal e anal num doente com infeção VIH cuja histologia não revelou transformação maligna e para o qual a terapêutica cirúrgica isolada foi eficaz. Revê-se o conhecimento atual sobre esta entidade tendo em atenção a história natural nos indivíduos infetados pelo VIH.


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RESUMO - A infecção por Vírus do Papiloma Humano (Human Papillomavirus - HPV) é uma das doenças de transmissão sexual mais frequentes em todo o mundo. A descoberta de que esta infecção é responsável pelo carcinoma do colo do útero impulsionou o desenvolvimento de vacinas contra o HPV. Em Portugal, a vacina tetravalente contra o HPV faz parte do Plano Nacional de Vacinação, sendo administrada apenas a raparigas aos 13 anos de idade como medida profiláctica do carcinoma do colo do útero. Nos Estados Unidos da América, em Dezembro de 2010, a Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) aprovou o uso da vacina tetravalente na prevenção de lesões pré-cancerígenas e cancerígenas do ânus, tanto em rapazes como em raparigas, dos 9 aos 26 anos. A 25 de Outubro de 2011, o Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recomendou que todos os rapazes de 11 e 12 anos sejam vacinados contra o HPV com a vacina tetravalente. Partindo desta realidade, o que se pretende com o presente trabalho é compilar evidência científica suficiente que permita ponderar mais aprofundadamente acerca das implicações, a partir de dados epidemiológicos e económicos, de se vacinar ou não os rapazes contra o HPV em Portugal. Em primeiro lugar recolheu-se evidência científica acerca da relação entre a infecção por HPV e o desenvolvimento de carcinomas de diversas regiões anatómicas. Em segundo lugar compilaram-se dados epidemiológicos sobre a incidência e sobrevivência associada aos diferentes tipos de tumores potencialmente associados à infecção por HPV, dando especial ênfase à realidade portuguesa. Em terceiro lugar enquadrou-se sucintamente a história da vacinação contra o HPV em Portugal e as vacinas existentes para prevenir esta infecção. Em quarto lugar foram revistos estudos de avaliação económica da vacinação contra o HPV quer em mulheres quer em homens, após uma introdução ao conceito de avaliação económica do medicamento. Em quinto lugar, foi feita uma estimativa dos custos com a vacinação dos rapazes contra o HPV durante os próximos 20 anos. Por último, procurou-se reflectir acerca das implicações de se alargar ou não a vacinação contra o HPV aos rapazes em Portugal.


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RESUMO - O cancro do colo útero representa um importante problema de saúde pública em Portugal: é o terceiro cancro mais frequente nas mulheres entre os 15 e os 44 anos, originando a morte de 346 mulheres anualmente. Contudo, esta patologia é altamente evitável, nomeadamente, através da imunização contra a infeção HPV, que é a causa necessária para o desenvolvimento do cancro. A elevada prevalência da infeção em mulheres mais velhas sugere que a vacinação poderá ser uma estratégia custo-efetiva mesmo numa faixa etária superior. Para que seja racionalmente ponderada a comparticipação da vacina nestas mulheres é necessária a realização de um estudo fármaco-económico que comprove o custo-efetividade desta intervenção, já que o seu financiamento atual prevê apenas as mulheres não abrangidas pelo Programa Nacional de Vacinação, dos 18 aos 25 anos. Os objetivos do trabalho são realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre estudos de avaliação económica relativos à prevenção do CCU e avaliar a relação de custo-efetividade de vacinar mulheres contra o HPV entre os 26 e os 55 anos em comparação com a prática clínica corrente, em Portugal. É utilizado o Modelo Global Cervarix® e realiza-se uma análise de custo-utilidade e de custo-efetividade. Os resultados demonstraram que a vacinação em mulheres dos 26 aos 45 anos poderá ser uma opção custo-efetiva, permitindo um aumento de anos de vida, uma diminuição dos casos e mortes por CCU e um incremento de QALYs. O RCEI variou entre 7.914€/QALY e 29.049€/QALY com a vacinação aos 26 e aos 45 anos, respetivamente, para a alternativa de vacinação mais rastreio versus a situação atual de rastreio organizado e oportunístico, em Portugal.


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RESUMO - A infeção por Vírus do Papiloma Humano (HPV) constitui uma das infeções de transmissão sexual mais comuns em mulheres adolescentes e jovens sexualmente ativas, sendo responsável por 99,7% dos casos de cancro do colo do útero (CCU). O desenvolvimento de duas vacinas de segurança e eficácia comprovadas e a introdução da vacinação contra os HPV 6, 11, 16 e 18 nos programas de imunização de diversos países constituiu um marco muito importante para a investigação no âmbito do conhecimento das populações nesta temática. O presente trabalho de projeto teve como objetivo geral avaliar o conhecimento dos adolescentes/jovens entre os 15 e os 19 anos acerca da infeção genital por HPV. Foi efetuado um estudo piloto cuja amostra foi constituída por 20 jovens, género feminino, que acorreram à Consulta de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia do Adolescente dos Serviços de Assistência Médico-Social do Sindicato dos Bancários do Sul e Ilhas, acompanhadas dos respetivos encarregados de educação. Foi-lhes solicitado o consentimento informado e entregue um questionário de caráter anónimo e confidencial com questões para avaliação do conhecimento geral acerca da infeção por HPV, formas de transmissão, manifestações clínicas, prevenção, relação entre HPV e CCU e necessidades de informação. Este estudo piloto poder-se-á revelar útil na aferição de resultados quando aplicado em larga escala, para posterior avaliação comparativa do conhecimento no âmbito do HPV. Pode igualmente ser útil no desenvolvimento de mensagens apropriadas que acompanham os programas de rastreio nesta coorte, no futuro, com vista ao aumento da literacianos jovens.


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INTRODUCTION: Some human papillomavirus (HPV) types are involved in malignant processes in the cervical epithelium, with 99% of cases attributed to oncogenic HPV infection. This study aimed to detect S100, CD68, and major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules in cervical uterine epithelial samples in patients with high- and low-grade lesions induced by HPV. METHODS: Fifty-eight samples from patients who were confirmed positive or negative for high-risk oncogenic HPV DNA, had histopathological diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of grades I, II, or III, or were negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy were subjected to immunohistochemistry reaction to S100 protein, CD68, and MHC-II (HLA-DR alpha chain). RESULTS: The presence of MHC-II predominated in samples exhibiting histopathological alterations (p < 0.05). S100 detection was more numerous in carcinoma samples (CIN III) (75%). Presence of this protein correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with histopathological findings and viral load. CONCLUSIONS: A small expression of CD68 was observed, which may be explained by the observation in our study having been made on random microscopic fields and not on specific areas. The findings, such as the presence of S100 protein and MHC-II expression in samples with histological alterations, could suggest that the immune system fails to control HPV replication at the early stages of infection. Further studies with larger prospective data are necessary to confirm this result.


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Prevention plays a central role in early detection of cervical cancer. Common Sense Model proposes that the nature and organization of illness representations can guide actions related to health and how self-care is exercised. The aim of this study was to describe and compare illness perception, knowledge and self-care in women with and without cancer precursor lesions. Participants were 92 women (aged 18-59) from primary care unity divided into two groups: women with and without premalignant lesion. Measures for illness perception, knowledge and self-care were used. There was no statistically signifi cant difference (t test e chi-square test) between groups in the variables analyzed. Despite the risk for cervical cancer, women with precursor lesions do not adjust their illness perceptions, knowledge and self-care to the situation. These data show the need to warn women against the cervical cancer risks, because their distorted perceptions and lack of knowledge about the disease may hamper the screening and control of cervical cancer.


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BACKGROUND: Knowledge of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) status might influence a cytotechnician's assessment of cellular abnormalities. The authors compared original cytotechnicians' Papanicolaou (Pap) readings for which HPV status was concealed with Pap rereads for which HPV status was revealed separately for 3 screening populations. METHODS: Previously collected cervical Pap smears and clinical data were obtained from the Canadian Cervical Cancer Screening Trial (study A), the Democratic Republic of Congo Community-Based Screening Study (study B), and the Brazilian Investigation into Nutrition and Cervical Cancer Prevention (study C). Smears were reread with knowledge of HPV status for all HPV-positive women as well as a sample of HPV-negative women. Diagnostic performance of Pap cytology was compared between original readings and rereads. RESULTS: A total of 1767 Pap tests were reread. Among 915 rereads for HPV-positive women, the contrast between "revealed" and "concealed" Pap readings demonstrated revisions from negative to positive results for 109 women (cutoff was atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or worse) and 124 women (cutoff was low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions [LSIL] or worse). For a disease threshold of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or worse, specificity significantly declined at the atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance cutoff for studies A (86.6% to 75.3%) and C (42.5% to 15.5%), and at the LSIL cutoff for study C (61.9% to 37.6%). Sensitivity remained nearly unchanged between readings, except in study C, in which reread performance was superior (91.3% vs 71.9% for the LSIL cutoff). CONCLUSIONS: A reduction in the diagnostic accuracy of Pap cytology was observed when revealing patients' cervical HPV status, possibly due to a heightened awareness of potential abnormalities, which led to more false-positive results. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathol) 2015. (c) 2015 American Cancer Society.


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Monitoring of T-cell responses in genital mucosa has remained a major challenge because of the absence of lymphoid aggregates and the low abundance of T cells. Here we have adapted to genital tissue a sensitive real-time reverse transcription-PCR (TaqMan) method to measure induction of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) mRNA transcription after 3 h of antigen-specific activation of CD8 T cells. For this purpose, we vaccinated C57BL/6 mice subcutaneously with human papillomavirus type 16 L1 virus-like particles and monitored the induction of CD8 T cells specific to the L1(165-173) H-2D(b)-restricted epitope. Comparison of the responses induced in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymph nodes (LN) by L1-specific IFN-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot assay and TaqMan determination of the relative increase in L1-specific IFN-gamma mRNA induction normalized to the content of CD8b mRNA showed a significant correlation, despite the difference in the readouts. Most of the cervicovaginal tissues could be analyzed by the TaqMan method if normalization to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA was used and a significant L1-specific IFN-gamma induction was found in one-third of the immunized mice. This local response did not correlate with the immune responses measured in the periphery, with the exception of the sacral LN, an LN draining the genital mucosa, where a significant correlation was found. Our data show that the TaqMan method is sensitive enough to detect antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses in the genital mucosa of individual mice, and this may contribute to elaborate effective vaccines against genital pathogens.


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Els carcinomes de cèl•lules escamoses de cap i coll (CCECC) estan relacionats en un 80% dels casos amb el tabac i/o l’alcohol. Per altra banda, la infecció per virus papil•loma humà (VPH), la malaltia de transmissió sexual més freqüent als Estats Units actualment, ha resultat ser oncogènica no només a nivell genital sinó també a nivell del tracte aero-digestiu superior, sobretot a oro-faringe. Els estudis realitzats a posteriori han demostrat que els pacients amb CCECC VPH+ no fumadors ni bebedors, solen ser més joves, presentar diferents marcadors tumorals, respondre més al tractament i tenir millor pronòstic.


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Head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) is the sixth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. These tumors are commonly diagnosed at advanced stages and mortality rates remain high. Even cured patients suffer the consequences of aggressive treatment that includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. In the past, in clinical trials, HNSCC was considered as a single disease entity. Advances in molecular biology with the development of genomic and proteomic approaches have demonstrated distinct prognostic HNSCC patient subsets beyond those defined by traditional clinical-pathological factors such as tumor subsite and stage [Cho W (ed). An Omics Perspective on Cancer Research. New York/Berlin: Springer 2010]. Validation of these biomarkers in large prospective clinical trials is required before their clinical implementation. To promote this research, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Head and Neck Cancer Program will develop the following strategies-(i) biobanking: prospective tissue collection from uniformly treated patients in the setting of clinical trials; (ii) a group of physicians, physician-scientists, and EORTC Headquarters staff devoted to patient-oriented head and neck cancer research; (iii) a collaboration between the basic scientists of the Translational Research Division interested in head and neck cancer research and the physicians of the Head and Neck Cancer Group; and (iv) funding through the EORTC Grant Program and the Network Core Institutions Consortium. In the present report, we summarize our strategic plans to promote head and neck cancer research within the EORTC framework.


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Introducción: Colombia cuenta con poca información sobre el comportamiento del cáncer, no obstante, el carcinoma de cuello uterino representa la segunda causa de muerte por la enfermedad entre las mujeres de nuestro entorno. El patrón epidemiológico de la enfermedad es preocupante porque los estados localmente avanzados constituyen el estado más frecuente al momento del diagnóstico y la mortalidad siendo bastante alta a pesar de la presencia de un programa de cribado organizado. Objetivo: Describir el valor pronóstico de la densidad microvascular (DMV) y de la expresión proteica de varios genes relacionados con la supervivencia y proliferación del cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado en un grupo de mujeres tratadas con quimioradiación y braquiterapia intracavitaria. Se estimaron la tasa de respuesta global (TRG), la supervivencia libre de progresión (SLP) y la supervivencia global (SG). Resultados: Se incluyeron 61 mujeres con una edad media de 52 ± 10 años; todas tenían diagnóstico de cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado (IIA 2.3%/IIB 47.5%/IIIA 4.9%/IIIB 37.7%/IVA 3.3%/no definido 3.3%), con un volumen tumoral promedio de 6.4cm (DE ± 1.8cm) e infección por VPH en 46% de los casos; 58 sujetos (95%) tenían un patrón escamoso, dos fueron adenocarcinomas y &50% presentaba neoplasias moderada o pobremente diferenciadas. Todas fueron tratadas con quimioradiación (interrupción transitoria en teleterapia por toxicidad y otras causas en 19% y 21.4%, respectivamente/media de ciclos de platino concomitante 4.8 series ± 1.0) y braquiterapia (77% completaron el tratamiento intracavitario). La mediana para la SLP y global fue de 6.6 meses (r, 4.0-9.1) y 30 meses (r, 11-48), respectivamente. Ninguna de las variables tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la SLP, mientras el análisis multivariado demostró que los niveles de expresión del VEGF (P=0.026), EGFR (P=0.030), y el volumen tumoral menor de 6 cm (P=0.02) influyeron positivamente sobre éste desenlace. Conclusión: Existe una influencia positiva sobre el pronóstico, de la tipificación en el cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado tratado con quimioradiación basada en platino.