979 resultados para pH. surface conditioning


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The purpose of this study was to compare the removal of root surface smear layer following active application of EDTA gel and EDTA-T (texapon) gel in different concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 24%), using scanning electron microscopy. A total of 220 dentin blocks obtained from the root surfaces of extracted teeth were divided into 3 groups: Group I - (control) application of saline solution (n = 20); Group II - EDTA gel (pH 7.0) was applied in the following concentrations: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 24% (n = 100); Group III - EDTA-T gel (pH 7.0) applied in the same concentrations described above (n = 100). The photomicrographs were evaluated by one calibrated examiner using a smear layer removal index and following statistical analysis (Kruskal-Wallis test). The results demonstrated that the specimens treated with EDTA and EDTA-T gel presented a better smear layer removal than the control group (p < 0.01); no statistically significant differences were observed between the EDTA and EDTA-T groups and between the concentrations tested (Mann-Whitney, p > 0.05). Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that all treatment modalities effectively removed the smear layer from the root surface. The addition of texapon into the EDTA gel formulation did not increase its effectiveness.


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Objective: In the present investigation, the anticariogenic effect of fluoride released by two products commonly applied in infants was evaluated. Methods: Bovine sound enamel blocks were randomly allocated to each one of the treatment groups: control (C), varnish (V) and diamine silver fluoride solution (D). The blocks were submitted to pH cycles in an oven at 37°C. Next, surface and cross-sectional microhardness were assessed to calculate the percentage loss of surface microhardness (%SML) and the mineral loss (ΔZ). The fluoride present in enamel was also determined. Results: F/Px10 -3 (ANOVA, p<0.05) in the 1 st layer of enamel before pH-cycling were (C, V and D): 1.61 a; 21.59 b and 3.98 c. The %SMH (Kruskal-Wallis, p<0.05) were: -64.0 a, -45.2 b and -53.1 c. %ΔZ values (ANOVA, p<0.05) were: -18.7 a, -7.7 b and -17.3 a. Conclusion: The data suggested that the fluoride released by varnish showed greater interaction with sound enamel and provided less mineral loss when compared with silver diamine solution.


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In cases of delayed tooth replantation, non-vital periodontal ligament remnants have been removed with sodium hypochlorite in an attempt to control root resorption. Nevertheless, reports of its irritating potential in contact with the alveolar connective tissue have been described. Therefore, this study evaluated the healing process on delayed replantation of rat teeth, after periodontal ligament removal by different treatment modalities. Twenty-four rats, assigned to 3 groups (n=8), had their upper right incisor extracted and left on the workbench for desiccation during 60 min. Afterwards, the teeth in group I were immersed in saline for 2 min. In group II, root surfaces were scrubbed with gauze soaked in saline for 2 min; and in group III, scrubbing was done with gauze soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Thereafter, root surfaces were etched with 37% phosphoric acid and immersed in 2% acidulate-phosphate sodium fluoride solution, at pH 5.5. Root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based paste and the teeth were replanted. The animals were sacrificed 60 days postoperatively and the pieces containing the replanted teeth were processed and paraffin- embedded. Semi-serial transversally sections were obtained from the middle third of the root and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histomorphometric analysis. Data were analyzed statistically using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests. The results showed that root structure and cementum extension were more affected by resorption in group III (p<0.05). All groups were affected by root resorption but the treatment performed in group III was the least effective for its control. The treatment accomplished in groups I and II yielded similar results to each other.


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The present study sought biotensoactive production from soybean oil fry waste using Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from the soil of a petroleum station having undergone gasoline and diesel oil spills. The results of the experiments were analyzed using a complete factorial experimental design, investigating the concentration of soybean oil waste, ammonia sulfate and residual brewery yeast. Assays were performed in 250-mL Erlenmeyer beakers containing 50 mL of production medium, maintained on a rotary shaker at 200 rpm and a temperature of 30±1 °C for a 48-hour fermentation period. Biosurfactant production was monitored through the determination of rhamnose, surface tension and emulsification activity. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 strain and isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa were able to reduce the surface tension of the initial mexlium from 61 mN/m to 32.5 mN/m and 30.0 mN/m as well as produce rhamnose at concentrations of 1.96 and 2.89 g/L with emulsification indices of 96% and 100%, respectively.


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, using a biomechanical test, the force needed to remove implants with surface modification by laser (Nd:YAG) in comparison with implants with machined surfaces. Twenty-four rabbits received one implant with each surface treatment in the tibia, machined surface (MS) and laser-modified surface (LMS). After 4, 8 and 12 weeks of healing, the removal torque was measured by a torque gauge. The surfaces studied were analyzed according to their topography, chemical composition and roughness. The average removal torque in each period was 23.28, 24.0 and 33.85 Ncm for MS, and 33.0, 39.87 and 54.57 Ncm for LMS, respectively. The difference between the surfaces in all periods of evaluation was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Surface characterization showed that a deep and regular topography was provided by the laser conditioning, with a great quantity of oxygen ions when compared to the MS. The surface micro-topography analysis showed a statistical difference (p < 0.01) between the roughness of the LMS (R a = 1.38 ± 0.23 μm) when compared to that of the MS (R a = 0.33 ± 0.06 μm). Based on these results, it was possible to conclude that the LMS implants' physical-chemical properties increased bone-implant interaction when compared to the MS implants. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.


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This study proposes a pH-cycling model for verifying the dose-response relationship in fluoride-releasing materials on remineralization in vitro. Sixty bovine enamel blocks were selected for the surface microhardness test (SMH 1). Artificial caries lesions were induced and surface microhardness test (SMH 2) was performed. Forty-eight specimens were prepared with Z 100, Fluroshield, Vitremer and Vitremer 1/4 diluted - powder/liquid, and subjected to a pH-cycling model to promote remineralization. After pH-cycling, final surface microhardness (SMH 3) was assessed to calculate percent recovery of surface microhardness (%SMH R). Fluoride present in enamel (μg F/mm 3) and in the pH-cycling solutions (μg F) was measured. Cross-sectional microhardness was used to calculate mineral content (ΔZ). There was no significant difference between Z 100 and control groups on analysis performed on - %SMH R, ΔZ, μ F and μ F/mm 3 (p>0.05). Results showed a positive correlation between %SMH R and μg F/mm 3 (r=0.9770; p=0.004), %SMH R and μg F (r=0.9939; p=0.0000001), DZ and μg F/mm 3 (r=0.9853; p=0.0002), ΔZ and μg F (r=0.9975; p=0.0000001) and between μg F/mm 3 and μg F (r=0.9819; p=0.001). The pH-cycling model proposed was able to verify in vitro dose-response relationship of fluoride-releasing materials on remineralization.


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Aim: Root conditioning is aimed at smear layer removal and at dental matrix collagen exposure, which may promote periodontal regeneration. This in vitro study assessed smear layer removal, collagen fiber exposure and the influence of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) application on adhesion of blood cells to the root surface using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Materials and methods: Scaled root samples (n = 160) were set in five groups and conditioned with: group I - control group (saline solution); group II (EDTA 24%); group III (citric acid 25%); group IV (tetracycline hydrochloride 50 mg/ml); group V (sodium citrate 30%). Eighty samples were assessed using the root surface modification index (RSMI). The other eighty samples were set in two groups. The first group (n = 40) received PRP gel application with a soft brush and the second group (n = 40) received PRP application and then a blood drop. The fibrin clot formation was assessed in the first group and the blood cells adhesion was assessed in the second group using the BEAI (blood elements adhesion index). A previously trained, calibrated, and blind examiner evaluated photomicrographs. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis's and Dunn's tests. Results: Group III attained the best results for RSMI and BEAI. Moreover, it was the only group showing fibrin clot formation. Conclusion: Citric acid was the most efficient conditioner for smear layer removal, collagen fiber exposure and blood cell adhesion. Moreover, it was the only group showing fibrin clot formation after PRP application. Clinical significance: This study demonstrated that root conditioning followed by PRP application may favor blood cell adhesion on root surface which may optimize periodontal healing.


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Urease inhibitor (UI) and nitrification inhibitor (NI) have the potential to improve N-use efficiency of applied urea and minimize N losses via gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH 3) to the atmosphere and nitrate (NO3-) leaching into surface and ground water bodies. There is a growing interest in the formulations of coating chemical fertilizers with both UI and NI. However, limited information is available on the combined use of UI and NI applied with urea fertilizer. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of treating urea with both UI and NI to minimize NH 3 volatilization. Two experiments were set up in volatilization chambers under controlled conditions to examine this process. In the first experiment, UR was treated with the urease inhibitor NBPT [N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric acid triamide] at a rate of 1060 mg kg -1 urea and/or with the nitrification inhibitor DCD (dicyandiamide) at rates equivalent to 5 or 10% of the urea N. A randomized experimental design with five treatments and five replicates was used: 1) UR, 2) UR + NBPT, 3) UR + DCD 10%, 4) UR + NBPT + DCD 5%, and 5) UR + NBPT + DCD 10%. The fertilizer treatments were applied to the surface of an acidic Red Latosol soil moistened to 60% of the maximum water retention and placed inside volatilization chambers. Controls chambers were added to allow for NH 3 volatilized from unfertilized soil or contained in the air that swept over the soil surface. The second experiment had an additional treatment with surface-applied DCD. The chambers were glass vessels (1.5 L) fit with air inlet and outlet tubings to allow air to pass over the soil. Ammonia volatilized was swept and carried to a flask containing a boric acid solution to trap the gas and then measured daily by titration with a standardized H 2SO 4 solution. Continuous measurements were recorded for 19 and 23 days for the first and second experiment, respectively. The soil samples were then analyzed for UR-, NH4+-, and NO3--N. Losses of NH 3 by volatilization with unamended UR ranged from 28 to 37% of the applied N, with peak of losses observed the third day after fertilization. NBPT delayed the peak of NH 3 losses due to urease inhibition and reduced NH 3 volatilization between 54 and 78% when compared with untreated UR. Up to 10 days after the fertilizer application, NH 3 losses had not been affected by DCD in the UR or the UR + NBPT treatments; thereafter, NH 3 volatilization tended to decrease, but not when DCD was present. As a consequence, the addition of DCD caused a 5-16% increase in NH 3 volatilization losses of the fertilizer N applied as UR from both the UR and the UR + NBPT treatments. Because the effectiveness of NBPT to inhibit soil urease activity was strong only in the first week, it could be concluded that DCD did not affect the action of NBPT but rather, enhanced volatilization losses by maintaining higher soil NH4+ concentration and pH for a longer time. Depending on the combination of factors influencing NH 3 volatilization, DCD could even offset the beneficial effect of NBPT in reducing NH 3 volatilization losses. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of some acidic drinks on dentin erosion, using methods of surface profile (SP) analysis and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF). One hundred standardized dentin slabs obtained from bovine incisor roots were used. Dentin slabs measuring 5x5 mm were ground flat, polished and half of each specimen surface was protected with nail polish. For 60 min, the dentin surfaces were immersed in 50 mL of 5 different drinks (Gatorade®, Del Valle Mais orange juice®, Coca-Cola®, Red Bull® and white wine), 20 blocks in each drink. The pH of each beverage was measured. After the erosive challenge, the nail polish was removed and SP was analyzed. The mineral concentration of dentin surfaces was determined by means of EDXRF. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). SP analysis showed that Red-Bull had the highest erosive potential (p<0.05). EDXRF results exhibited a decrease in phosphate in the groups immersed in Red-Bull, orange juice and white wine (p<0.05), and no significant difference in calcium content between the reference surface and eroded surface. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that all studied beverages promoted erosion on root dentin and Red Bull had the highest erosive potential. There was no correlation between pH of beverages and their erosive potential and only the P content changed after erosive challenge.


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The electrochemical behavior of polystyrene modified with gold nanoparticle (Au NPs) was investigated in terms of pH-responsive polymer brush. A pH-responsive of modified polymer brush from tethered polystyrene was prepared and used for selective gating transport of anions andcations across the thin-film. An ITO-coated glass electrode was used as substrate and applied to study the switchable permeability of the polymer brush triggered by changes in pH of the aqueous environment. The pH-sensitive behavior of the polymer brush interface has been demonstrated by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR). CV experiments showed at ph values of 4 and 8 induces swelling and shrinking of the grafted polymer brushes, respectively, and this behavior is fast and reversible. LSPR measurements showed a blue shift of 33 nm in the surface resonance band changes by local pH. The paper brings an easy methodology to fabrication a variety of nanosensors based on the polymer brushes-nanoparticle assemblies. © 2013 by ESG.


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SnO2:2 at. %Er xerogel samples were obtained by sol-gel technique from colloidal suspensions with distinct pHs. The evaluation of critical regions inside the nanocrystallite is fundamental for the interpretation of the influence of pH on the emission data. In this way, the nanocrystal depletion layer thickness was obtained with the help of photoluminescence, Raman, X-ray diffraction, and field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy measurements. It was observed that acid suspensions (pH < 7) lead to high surface disorder in which a larger number of cross-linked bonds Sn-O-Sn among nanoparticles are present. For these samples, the nanoparticle depletion layer is larger as compared to samples obtained from other pH. Photoluminescence measurement in the near infrared region indicates that the emission intensity of the transition 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 is also influenced by the pH of the starting colloidal suspension, generating peaks more or less broadened, depending on location of Er3+ ions in the SnO2 lattice (high or low symmetry sites). © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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An Advanced Oxidation Process (AOPs) was carried out in this study with the use of immobilized ZnO and solar/UV as an energy source to degrade dairy wastewater. The semibatch reactor system consisted of metal plate of 800 × 250 mm and a glass tank. The reaction time was of 3 h for 3 L of dairy wastewater. Experiments were performed based on a surface response methodology in order to optimize the photocatalytic process. Degradation was measured in percentage terms by total organic carbon (TOC). The entry variables were ZnO coating thickness and pH, using three levels of each variable. The optimized results showed a TOC degradation of 31.7%. Optimal parameters were metal-plate coating of 100 m of ZnO and pH of 8.0. Since solar/UV is a constant and free energy source in most tropical countries, this process tends to suggest an interesting contribution in dairy wastewater treatment, especially as a pretreatment and the optimal conditions to guarantee a better efficiency of the process. © 2013 Gisella R. Lamas Samanamud et al.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)