948 resultados para open space, landscape artictecture, sustainability, landscape design


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The internal partitioning, which is frequently introduced in open-space planning due to its flexibility, was tested to study its effects on the room air quality as well as ventilation performance. For the study, physical tests using a small model room and numerical modeling using CFD computation were utilized to evaluate different test conditions employing mixing ventilation from the ceiling. The partition parameters, such as its location, height, and the gap underneath, as well as contaminant source location were tested under isothermal conditions. This paper summarizes the results from the study.


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Airflow through urban environments is one of the most important factors affecting human health, outdoor and indoor thermal comfort, air quality and the energy performance of buildings. This paper presents a study on the effects of wind induced airflows through urban built form using statistical analysis. The data employed in the analysis are from the year-long simultaneous field measurements conducted at the University of Reading campus in the United Kingdom. In this study, the association between typical architectural forms and the wind environment are investigated; such forms include: a street canyon, a semi-closure, a courtyard form and a relatively open space in a low-rise building complex. Measured data captures wind speed and wind direction at six representative locations and statistical analysis identifies key factors describing the effects of built form on the resulting airflows. Factor analysis of the measured data identified meteorological and architectural layout factors as key factors. The derivation of these factors and their variation with the studied built forms are presented in detail.


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This work presents a model study for the formation of a dimeric dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex [MoO2L]2, generated by simultaneous satisfaction of acceptor and donor character existing in the corresponding monomeric Mo(VI) complex MoO2L. This mononuclear complex is specially designed to contain a coordinatively unsaturated Mo(VI) acceptor centre and a free donor group, (e.g. –NH2 group) strategically placed in the ligand skeleton [H2L = 2-hydroxyacetophenonehydrazone of 2-aminobenzoylhydrazine]. Apart from the dimer [MoO2L]2, complexes of the type MoO2L·B (where B = CH3OH, γ-picoline and imidazole) are also reported. All the complexes are characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopic (UV–Vis, IR, 1H NMR) techniques and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystal X-ray structures of [MoO2L]2 (1), MoO2L·CH3OH (2), and MoO2L.(γ-pic) (3) have been determined and discussed. DFT calculation on these complexes corroborates experimental data and provides clue for the facile formation of this type of dimer not reported previously. The process of dimer formation may also be viewed as an interaction between two molecules of a specially designed complex acting as a monodentate ligand. This work is expected to open up a new field of design and synthesis of dimeric complexes through the process of symbiotic donor–acceptor (acid–base) interaction between two molecules of a specially designed monomer.


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The internal reserve, an historic form of planned open space creating semi-private parks at the rear of residential allotments and without street frontages, can be found in Australian suburban areas of diverse socio-economic status. Internal reserves commonly express the idealism of the early town planning movement, which envisaged the internal reserve as an embedded community-building mechanism with multiple potential uses. En vogue from 1910-1930, the internal reserve concept proved problematical from the outset. Even today, while many residents agree that their reserves are responsible for the special nature of their domestic environment, others are apprehensive about safety, maintenance and custodianship. Two surveys of residents living around internal reserves in four Melbourne suburbs, conducted in 1979 and 2002, reveal a variety of opinions on the potential and importance of these spaces. Local communities were found for the most part to have negative and ambiguous perceptions of these reserves. With one exception, residents did not value the parks highly as community spaces and alternative uses may need to be explored. The results suggest that a more innovative set of tools and incentives may be needed to reinvigorate the internal reserve as a significant recreation resource for local communities.


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Objective: To investigate the contribution of personal, social and environmental factors to mediating socioeconomic (educational) inequalities in women’s leisure-time walking and walking for transport.
Methods: A community sample of 1282 women provided survey data on walking for leisure and transport; educational level; enjoyment of, and self-efficacy for, walking; physical activity barriers and intentions; social support for physical activity; sporting/recreational club membership; dog ownership; and perceived environmental aesthetics and safety. These data were linked with objective environmental data on the density of public open space and walking tracks in the women’s local neighbourhood, coastal proximity and street connectivity.
Results: Multilevel modelling showed that different personal, social and environmental factors were associated with walking for leisure and walking for transport. Variables from all three domains explained (mediated) educational inequalities in leisure-time walking, including neighbourhood walking tracks; coastal proximity; friends’ social support; dog ownership; self-efficacy, enjoyment and intentions. On the other hand, few of the variables examined explained educational variations in walking for transport, exceptions being neighbourhood, coastal proximity, street connectivity and social support from family.
Conclusions: Public health initiatives aimed at promoting, and reducing educational inequalities in, leisure-time walking should incorporate a focus on environmental strategies, such as advocating for neighbourhood walking tracks, as well as personal and social factors. Further investigation is required to better understand the pathways by which education might influence walking for transport.


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To use the vast amount of information efficiently and effectively from Web sites is very important for making informed decisions. There are, however, still many problems that need to be overcome in the information gathering research arena to enable the delivery of relevant information required by users. In this paper, an information gathering system is develop by means of multiple agents to solve those problems. We employed some ideas of Gaia's methodology and an open agent architecture to analyze and design the system. The system consists of a query preprocessing agent, information retrieval agent, information filtering agent, and information management agent. The filtering agent is trained with categorized documents and can provide users with the necessary information. The experimental results show that all agents in the system can work cooperatively to retrieve relevant information from the World Wide Web environment.


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This article describes the findings of a research study that investigated the factors (including access to nature such as parks, gardens and bodies of water) impacting on inner city high-rise residents’ health and wellbeing. The findings revealed that a range of factors impact on residents’ health and wellbeing, either directly or indirectly and suggest implications for health and community service professionals, housing management officials, park and open space managers and urban designers/planners.


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The introduction of a social software blog space called “The Trading Room” in an undergraduate Finance unit for an assessment task generated a great deal of activity to support student learning. A subsequent evaluation of this pilot demonstrated that students perceived high value in the opportunity it provided for them to reaffirm theories, obtain individualized feedback and benchmark their work against others. Whilst assessment is generally seen as both the carrot and the stick of learning, and certification; students in the study reported that they would still participate in reading and posting to the “Trading Room” blog even if there was no assessment requirement! Additionally they did not see any value in the environment as a purely social space, reporting that they saw it primarily as a professional educational community. It would appear that just as there are different communities in the real world social space, there are also different types of communities in the online space. Context, structure and activity design, perhaps are the most important facets of online interaction for learning.


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Background As part of an international, multicentre project, the service and support needs of Australian family carers were investigated.

Method A sample of 1,390, 448 family carers completed a self-report survey, including an adaptation of the Family Needs Survey (FNS) and several open-ended questions. A mixed method design was used, employing quantitative and qualitative analyses.

Results On the FNS the most frequently endorsed items were those relating to the need for information about services and, in particular, future, out-of-home accommodation. Similarly, the need for respite services was endorsed by over 80% of respondents. Comments indicated that access to and the quality of respite, day support, and therapy programs were a priority.

Conclusions Participants expressed the need for greater access to information. Access to appropriate respite options, together with quality day support and therapy services, remain a priority for family carers.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the global text project (GTP) case. The unique developments of the case provide insight of the many challenges and opportunities created within the open source movement.

Design/methodology/approach: A case study was used to illustrate some of the most pertinent and interesting developments in the field of marketing, alluding to the open source environment. A Wikibook was created in collaboration with all the participants of a graduate course and the development of this offering initiated a project called the GTP.

Findings: The open source movement has created new ways of thinking and acting. The contributions, modifications and improvements by all users to the original product provide a platform of continuous improvement and development.

Originality/value: The value of the paper lies in the lessons and challenges learnt from the case especially by those managing the GTP.


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There are many Indigenous villages scattered across Bali Island. Most of these villages are located surrounding a mountain so that an Indigenous village in Bali is called 'Bali Aga' or 'Bali Kuna', which means "Mountain Balinese·. Bali has unique Indigenous villages still possessing traditional village patterns in harmony with their natural environment. Natah and telajakan are an integral part of traditional housing patterns in these villages. Both are often forgotten about in contemporary housing developments in Bali, because most people in the Denpasar want to construct their building with a modern style but these do not have an eco-friendly atmosphere.Natah is the open space in the centre of a compound of Balinese traditional buildings. Natah functions as a place for traditional ceremonies; as a centre of building orientation; and, as well as ecological function. Research into natah has demonstrated that the more extensive the natah and the more luxuriant its plants the greater the reductions of wind speed and humidity modification in traditional housing (Primayatna, 2010). This means that the natah direcUy influences a better quality of living in the traditional housing. Telajakan is an outdoor open space pattern of traditional housing which is located between traditional fencing (penyengker) and drainage lines (jelinjingan), which is planted for spiritual and economic functions. Natah and telajakan are largely integral components of Balinese Indigenous villages. Most well-known Indigenous villages in Bali still retain their natural linear sequences of natah and telajakan such as Penglipuran Village, Tenganan Village, etc.The paper examines the role of natah and telajakan as part of Indigenous Balinese housing traditional patterns which serves not only aesthetic functions, but economic functions, health and ecological aspects, and informs the identity of Indigenous villages in Bali. This paper focuses on how both natah and telajakan values and patterns can be adopted for future lifestyles and development in Bali.


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Over the past few decades coastal cities around the world have grown at an incredible rate. With this growth have come major challenges relating to land use planning, social relationships, economic development, bio diversity and the ecological footprint. The following paper selects three regional coastal towns (Warrnambool, Portland and Port Fairy) situated in the Australian state of Victoria, and addresses the issues of: increasing population and population density, open space requirements, residential density issues, public transport coverage, employment and employment density, a shifting economic climate, environment and climate change, water quality issues and building energy consumption with subsequent C02 emissions. Through a series of simulations the nine issues for each of the three cities will be examined from 2012 through to 2030. The goal is to highlight the current and simulated future impacts of the selected issues and propose solutions that could mitigate those impacts.


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The presence of domestic dogs Canis familiaris in public open spaces is increasingly controversial. In our review of the literature, we located 133 publications of various types (papers, reports etc.) that examine some aspect of dogs in parks and open spaces (50 % focussed solely on dogs). There has been an exponential growth in the cumulative number of articles (R (2) = 0.96; 82 % published since 1997); almost all pertain to temperate latitudes (97 %) and most to the northern hemisphere (62 %). Most articles focus on impacts on wildlife (51 %), zoonotic diseases (17 %), and people's perceptions regarding dogs (12 %). Articles mostly describe problems associated with dogs, while reports of low compliance with dog regulations are common. We outline six major findings regarding dogs in parks: (1) there is a paucity of information on dogs in parks, particularly in relation to their interactions with wildlife and regarding their management; (2) published studies are mainly restricted to a handful of locations in developed countries; (3) sectors of societies hold different views over the desirability of dogs in parks; (4) the benefits and risks of dogs to humans and park values are poorly documented and known; (5) dogs represent a notable disease risk in some but not all countries; and (6) coastal parks are over-represented in the literature in terms of potential negative impacts. Park managers globally require better information to achieve conservation outcomes from dog management in parks.


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Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to estimate the determinants of the retail space rent in Shanghai.
Design/methodology/approach – Hedonic model and spatial regression models are used in the paper. The problem of spatial autocorrelation is tested by Moran’s I statistics, and the root mean square error (RMSE) test is performed to find out the best model.
Findings – The significant explaining variables are the age, the area of retail space, the distance to the Jing An CBD centre, the type of the retail and the district of the property. A new classification of district in retail research context is suggested in this paper, and it is proved to be better than the districts set up by government to explain the retail rent variation.
Originality/value – This paper presents the first empirical study about the retail rental market in Shanghai. The research helps retail property investors and retail tenants deepen their understanding of the retail market in Shanghai. Spatial econometrics techniques are first introduced into the empirical retail rent research to produce a more precise estimation.


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O tema "controle social" nunca esteve tão em voga quanto atualmente. Trata-se de mais uma inovação produzida pelo estado democrático de direito, e que consiste, entre outros objetivos, na busca da legitimidade e da eficiência dos atos da administração pública, na redução das distâncias entre esta e a sociedade, na vinculação das demandas sociais às políticas públicas, e, é claro, no fortalecimento dos controles e da fiscalização. A premissa básica deste trabalho é a suposição de que há sinergia entre o controle social e o controle externo exercido pelos tribunais de contas, valendo-se para tal afirmação da avaliação das práticas do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Tocantins no estímulo à participação cidadã. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é mostrar como o exercício do controle social, exercido pelo cidadão mediante mecanismos adequados criados pelos tribunais de contas, pode interagir com o controle externo de sua responsabilidade, com ganhos significativos para os controles da administração pública. Entre esses mecanismos, as ouvidorias dessas instituições estão entre as ações mais fortes que promovem o controle social. As ouvidorias nos tribunais de contas representam canais de controle da sociedade sobre a gestão pública, e abrem importante espaço para o debate e o consenso em tomo do objetivo comum dos tribunais e da sociedade: a correta aplicação dos recursos públicos que garanta eficiência, eficácia e efetividade. Para atingir seus objetivos, os tribunais de contas necessitam identificar e coibir as práticas contrárias ao interesse público presentes na formação social brasileira, tais como: a má gestão, a corrupção e a ineficiência. Assim, com vistas a identificá-Ias e coibi-Ias, é fundamental a participação da sociedade, que pode, deve e precisa contribuir neste sentido. Desta forma, apresentamos as práticas dos TCs do Brasil quanto ao tema, e, ainda, em detalhe, a ouvidoria do TCE-TO, e destacamos outras ações de estímulo ao controle social e à participação cidadã executadas por aquela Corte de Contas.