975 resultados para one-pot 1,2-propandiolo propionaldeide acido propionico VPP HTB
The Copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC), often referred to as "click" reaction, has become a very popular reaction in the last years. It affords exclusively 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles and has been widely used to connect readily accessible building blocks containing various functional groups. The great success of this reaction is based on the fact that it is general, virtually quantitative and very robuste. The scope of this copper-catalyzed synthesis is extraordinary and the reaction has found numerous applications in many research fields, including biological chemistry and materials science. In this review, the main chemical aspects and applications of the "click" reaction in the synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles are presented.
This study aimed to evaluate the environmental conditions for enzyme activity of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (C1,2O) and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C2,3O) produced by Gordonia polyisoprenivorans in cell-free and immobilized extracts. The optimum conditions of pH, temperature, time course and effect of ions for enzyme activity were determined. Peak activity of C1,2O occurred at pH 8.0. The isolate exhibited the highest activity of C2,3O at pH 7.0 and 8.0 for the cell-free extract and immobilized extract, respectively. This isolate exhibited important characteristics such as broad range of pH, temperature and time course for enzyme activity.
MeOH extract from the leaves of Plectranthus barbatus Andrews (Lamiaceae), showed in vitro anti-trypanosomal activity. The bioassay-guided fractionation resulted in the isolation of a gallic acid derivative, identified as 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose (PGG), after thorough NMR and MS spectral analysis. Finally, this compound was tested against trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi and displayed an EC50 value of 67 µM, at least 6.6-fold more effective than the standard drug benznidazole. This is the first occurrence of PGG in the Plectranthus genus and the first anti-parasitic activity described for PGG in the literature.
The B3LYP/6-31G (d) density functional theory (DFT) method was used to study molecular geometry, electronic structure, infrared spectrum (IR) and thermodynamic properties. Heat of formation (HOF) and calculated density were estimated to evaluate detonation properties using Kamlet-Jacobs equations. Thermal stability of 3,6,7,8-tetranitro-3,6,7,8-tetraaza-tricyclo [,4)]octane (TTTO) was investigated by calculating bond dissociation energy (BDE) at the unrestricted B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. Results showed the N-NO2 bond is a trigger bond during the thermolysis initiation process. The crystal structure obtained by molecular mechanics (MM) methods belongs to P2(1)/C space group, with cell parameters a = 8.239 Å, b = 8.079 Å, c = 16.860 Å, Z = 4 and r = 1.922 g cm-3. Both detonation velocity of 9.79 km s-1 and detonation pressure of 44.22 GPa performed similarly to CL-20. According to the quantitative standards of energetics and stability, TTTO essentially satisfies this requirement as a high energy density compound (HEDC).
No presente trabalho, a colonização de raízes de espécies de plantas daninhas por estirpes das biovares 1, 2 e 3 de Ralstonia solanacearum foi avaliada in vitro e em casa de vegetação. Na condição in vitro, sementes foram submetidas à quebra de dormência, desinfestadas e semeadas em meio de cultura Murashige & Skoog (MS) modificado. A bactéria foi inoculada, colocando uma porção da massa no meio MS ao lado das plântulas. A colonização de raízes foi avaliada visualmente de acordo com a concentração de bactérias ao redor e na extensão das raízes e comparada a uma escala diagramática que variou de 1 a 4. Foi analisada a área abaixo da curva de colonização de raízes. Em casa de vegetação, populações de seis variantes das mesmas biovares foram quantificadas a partir de raízes de plantas daninhas. A bactéria foi inoculada nas raízes sem ferimentos, vertendo-se 100 ml da suspensão bacteriana na concentração de aproximadamente 10(8) ufc/ml por vaso. A avaliação foi feita aos 35 dias após a inoculação através do plaqueamento dos extratos diluídos das raízes e contagem posterior das colônias. Foram observados diferentes sintomas e níveis de colonização de raízes pela bactéria nas espécies de plantas estudadas. Os dois métodos permitiram o estudo da colonização de raízes com resultados análogos, sugerindo que ambos permitem obter resultados similares. Entretanto, a técnica in vitro é promissora como método auxiliar para a avaliação da colonização radicular de grande número de espécies botânicas por diferentes isolados de R. solanacearum.
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A procedure for separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Zn(II) from aqueous media is proposed. The procedure is based on the adsorption of Zn2+ on octadecyl bonded silica membrane disk modified with N,N'-disalicylidene-1,2-phenylendiamine at pH 7. The retained zinc ions were then stripped from the disk with a minimal amount of 1.5 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid solution as eluent, and determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum capacity of the membrane disk modified with 5 mg of the ligand was found to be 226 µg Zn2+. The relative standard deviation of zinc for ten replicate extraction of 10 µg zinc from 1000 mL samples was 1.2%. The limit of detection of the proposed method was 14 ng of Zn2+ per 1000 mL. The method was successfully applied to the determination of zinc in natural water samples and accuracy was examined by recovery experiments and independent analysis by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS).
The Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) metal ions complexes of Bis(4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl) alkanes (BATs) have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurements infrared, magnetic susceptibility, the electronic spectral data and thermal studies. Based on spectral and magnetic results, the ligands are tetradentate coordinating through the N and S-atoms of BATs; six-coordinated octahedral or distorted octahedral and some times four-coordinated square planar were proposed for these complexes. Activation energies computed for the thermal decomposition steps were compared. The ligands and their metal complexes were tested in vitro for their biological effects. Their activities against two gram-positive, two gram-negative bacteria and two fungal species were found to vary from moderate to very strong.
En del av de intressantaste fenomenen inom dagens materialfysik uppstår ur ett intrikat samspel mellan myriader av elektroner. Högtemperatursupraledare är det mest berömda exemplet. Varken klassiska teorier eller modeller där elektronerna är oberoende av varandra kan förklara de häpnadsväckande effekterna i de starkt korrelerade elektronsystemen. I vissa kopparoxider, till exempel La2CuO4, är det känt att valenselektronerna till följd av en stark ömsesidig växelverkan lokaliseras en och en till kopparatomerna i föreningens CuO2 plan. Laddningarnas inneboende magnetiska moment—spinnet—får då en avgörande roll för materialets elektriska och magnetiska egenskaper, vilka i exemplets fall kan beskrivas med Heisenbergmodellen som är den grundläggande teoretiska modellen för mikroskopisk magnetism. Men exakt varför föreningarna kan bli supraledande då de dopas med överskottsladdningar är än så länge en obesvarad fråga. Min avhandling undersöker orenheters inverkan på Heisenbergmodellens magnetiska egenskaper—ett problem av både experimentell och teoretisk relevans. En etablerad numerisk metod har använts—en kvantmekanisk Monte Carlo teknik—för att utföra omfattande datorsimuleringar av den matematiska modellen på två dedikerade Linux datorkluster. Arbetet hör till området beräkningsfysik. De teoretiska modellerna för starkt korrelerade elektronsystem, däribland Heisenbergmodellen, är ytterst invecklade matematiskt sett och de kan inte lösas exakt. Analytiska utredningar bygger för det mesta på antaganden och förenklingar vars inverkningar på slutresultatet är ofta oklara. I det avseende kan numeriska studier vara exakta, det vill säga de kan behandla modellerna som de är. Oftast behövs bägge tillvägagångssätten. Den röda tråden i arbetet har varit att numeriskt testa vissa högaktuella analytiska förutsägelser rörande effekterna av orenheter i Heisenbergmodellen. En del av dem har vi på basen av mycket noggranna data kunnat bekräfta. Men våra resultat har också påvisat felaktigheter i de analytiska prognoserna som sedermera delvis reviderats. En del av avhandlingens numeriska upptäckter har i sin tur stimulerat till helt nya teoretiska studier.
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