970 resultados para nursery rhyme
Este trabalho apresenta um método para reconhecimento do padrão na biodisponibilidade do ferro, através da interação com substâncias que auxiliam a absorção como vitamina C e vitamina A e nutrientes inibidores como cálcio, fitato, oxalato, tanino e cafeína. Os dados foram obtidos através de inquérito alimentar, almoço e jantar, em crianças de 2 a 5 anos da única Creche Municipal de Paraty-RJ entre 2007 e 2008. A Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) foi aplicada na seleção dos nutrientes e utilizou-se o Algoritmo Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) para criar os agrupamentos classificados de acordo com a biodisponibilidade do ferro. Uma análise de sensibilidade foi desenvolvida na tentativa de buscar quantidades limítrofes de cálcio a serem consumidas nas refeições. A ACP mostrou que no almoço os nutrientes que explicavam melhor a variabilidade do modelo foram ferro, vitamina C, fitato e oxalato, enquanto no jantar o cálcio se mostrou eficaz na determinação da variabilidade do modelo devido ao elevado consumo de leite e derivados. Para o almoço, a aplicação do FCM na interação dos nutrientes, notou-se que a ingestão de vitamina C foi determinante na classificação dos grupos. No jantar, a classificação de grupos foi determinada pela quantidade de ferro heme na interação com o cálcio. Na análise de sensibilidade realizada no almoço e no jantar, duas iterações do algoritmo determinaram a interferência total do cálcio na biodisponibilidade do ferro.
O objetivo desta tese consistiu em saber se os sentidos compartilhados e os significados construídos sobre o choro das crianças nas creches públicas do município de Juiz de Fora, durante as sessões reflexivas com as coordenadoras/diretoras, produzem espaços de reflexão teórica sobre as práticas capazes de criar uma prática de reflexão. Pelo tipo de problema formulado optei por trabalhar a perspectiva metodológica a partir do paradigma crítico de pesquisa, concretizado na modalidade de pesquisa crítica de colaboração, com enfoque sócio-histórico-cultural. Isto se justifica porque busco compreender o lugar do choro das crianças nas práticas das coordenadoras/diretoras, procurando identificar se a consciência das ações institucionalizadas pode produzir mudanças nas práticas no interior das creches. O corpus discurso da tese constitui-se de 10 sessões reflexivas, cujos dados produzidos foram organizados e analisados a partir da perspectiva teórico-metodológica dos Núcleos de Significação de Aguiar e Ozella (2006). O campo teórico está circunscrito no diálogo entre Vigotski, Bakhtin e Wallon. Isso porque estes autores contribuíram, sobremaneira, para a discussão sobre sentido, significado; linguagem e consciência, zona de desenvolvimento proximal, além do estudo da emoção, em especial, sobre a manifestação do choro da criança no contexto da creche. A arquitetura dos Núcleos de Significação revelou a necessidade de aprofundar questões relacionadas aos diversos olhares para o choro da criança; estratégias para lidar com o choro a partir da visão das coordenadoras/diretoras; o controle/descontrole/não controle do choro; a inter-relação do choro, da creche e da família e, finalmente, a reflexão teórico-prática como possibilidade de reverberação no cotidiano da creche. As análises confirmaram três premissas básicas: a) que a emoção constitui-se como o primeiro recurso de interação com o outro, que antecede a própria representação simbólica e por isso é valioso o aprofundamento deste assunto em cursos de formação; b) quando tornamos a cena vivida mais clara, essa clareza pode trazer elementos para outras possíveis intervenções, para outros possíveis diálogos sobre o choro da criança. A perspectiva de transformação pode acontecer exatamente no diálogo entre o cotidiano, a história e espaços de reflexão; c) que o fundamental, nos contextos de formação, é não focalizar apenas o conteúdo a ser transmitido sem possibilidade de reflexão sobre o próprio contexto a que se destina porque é pelo possível distanciamento e necessário estranhamento das práticas rotineiras, esporadicamente ou quase nunca questionadas, que a reflexão e a crítica se estabelecem.
The aim of this study was to assess the status of the juvenile salmonid populations of the River Lune and its tributaries. There was special emphasis on juvenile salmon stocks in view of the implementation of a net limitation order in 1980. The number of licensed instruments were reduced as follows: (1) Drift, hang or whammel nets - from 12 to 10 (2) Draft or seine nets - from 3 to 1 (3) Heave or haaf nets - from 4 6 to 2 6 For the purpose of this report, the River Lune system has been divided into 13 subcatchments and these are examined with a view to detecting any trends in the data such as subcatchment productivity, partitioning between salmon and trout nursery streams, and whether the restrictions on salmon fishing had any discernible effects on juvenile salmon productivity. The effect of flow and instream obstructions on salmonid densities are also investigated as these have been shown to be important factors affecting abundance. Throughout the study period a programme of enhancement stocking took place primarily with salmon ova and fry. The possible impact of this on the results of the surveys has been assessed. The distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon was found to be relatively consistent in each of the 13 subcatchments studied over the 1981-1985 period.
Ecology and dynamics of juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum were studied from weekly sampling in the Abidjan lagoon system. After a brief description of biogeography and principal features of climate, hydrology of Ebrié lagoon and Adiopodoumé bay were considered. Shrimp distribution were connected with the main environmental factors. Precise work was done in Adiopodoumé bay, especially concerning the succession of age classes, their growth on the nursery grounds, seasonal variation in abundance, size and distribution, in relation to environmental factors. These results, and former knowledges, allowed us to propose a general pattern for pink shrimp life history in Côte d'Ivoire.
The aim of this study was to assess the status of the juvenile salmonid and coarse fish populations of the Wyre catchment. Emphasis was placed on an examination of the distribution of spawning and nursery areas for salmonids within the study area and an assessment of the status of juvenile salmonid stocks. The species distribution and spawning areas for other fish species were also identified where possible and the status of the Wyre coarse fishery, downstream of Churchtown Weir, assessed. This report examines the results of stock assessment surveys carried out in the Wyre catchment between 2/06/92 and 11/08/92. Forty-six sites were surveyed from Tarnbrook Wyre (SD. 598577) and Marshaw Wyre (SD. 614541) downstream to St Michaels (SD. 465411). Flow, habitat and in-river obstructions have been shown to affect juvenile salmonid densities. A habitat description is provided for each site studied during the course of this study.
The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of Foxhouses and Grizedale Becks as nursery habitat for juvenile salmon. A comprehensive fish stock assessment survey of the Wyre catchment was carried out by the NRA in 1992. This survey found that juvenile salmon were absent from two sites studied in Foxhouses Beck. In one site in Grizedale Beck, 0+ salmon were found at very low densities. Juvenile trout were found in all three sites studied in 1992. On the basis of the results of the 1992 survey, these two becks were stocked in 1994 with 0+ salmon reared from Lune broodstock at the NRA's Witcherwell Hatchery. These salmon were stocked at a known density, following a pre-stocking survey. This report examines and compares the results of the pre-stocking survey consisting of fourteen sites in the two becks, carried out between 12/04/94 and 27/04/94 and a post- stocking survey of six sites, carried out between 12/10/94 and 19/10/94. Flow, habitat and in-river obstructions have been shown to affect juvenile salmonid densities. A habitat description is provided for each site surveyed during the course of this study.
Swanside Beck is formed from a number of minor tributaries which rise in the Middop area to the west of Barnoldswick. The Beck is approximately 10 km long from the source of its longest tributary (SD. 850445) to the confluence with the River Ribble (SD. 769455). Swanside Beck has one major tributary, Ings Beck, which rises from a number of sources on Twiston Moor and is approximately 6km in length from the source of its longest tributary (SD. 812418) to the confluence with Swanside Beck (SD. 785453). Both Swanside and Ings Becks are important spawning and nursery areas for salmon and sea trout from the River Ribble. In recent years a perceived decline in the migratory fish population of the becks has been reported. This decline has been reported in terms of both adult returns and juvenile production and has been particularly noted in Swanside Beck. The aim of this survey was to assess the likely benefits to Fisheries and Conservation interests of the adoption of a set aside policy for agricultural land adjacent to Swanside Beck. The survey also formed part of an on-going Fisheries study of factors limiting juvenile migratory salmonid production in Swanside Beck. This section of the report deals with the Fisheries aspects of the survey.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar micropoliticamente a utilização das chamadas tecnologias da informação e comunicação em um Centro de Educação Infantil e Primária (CEIP), estabelecimento da rede pública de ensino da cidade de Barcelona, evidenciando seus desdobramentos no modo de gestão das práticas escolares e seus efeitos no processo de saúde/adoecimentos dos educadores. Para isso será considerado tanto o referencial produzido através do conjunto das análises bibliográficas sobre a temática, como do acompanhamento das atividades realizadas no/pelo grupo de Desenvolvimento Humano, Intervenção Social e Interculturalidade (DEHISI), da Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona, no referido estabelecimento. O trabalho realizado na escola a partir o projeto Shere Rom na Escola visa, para além do fomento à utilização das novas tecnologias como mediadores do processo educacional, abordar questões evidenciadas no cotidiano escolar, como fragmentação, isolamento, dificuldades de trabalhar a diversidade e de produzir uma articulação entre a comunidade escolar: professores, alunos e responsáveis e a comunidade de entorn. Se, por um lado, a introdução de computadores e softwares como dispositivos inovadores da metodologia educativa foi rapidamente assimilada pelos alunos, dificuldades foram encontradas ao considerarmos o corpo docente e de pesquisadores no tocante à utilização dos equipamentos, pela falta de dispositivos que permitam efetivamente a discussão das práticas e questões do cotidiano da escola. Neste sentido, o projeto se constitui como um desafio rumo à coletivização das ações e uma gestão participativa da escola.
O presente estudo aborda historicamente a formação elementar, profissional e militar dos aprendizes-marinheiros e aprendizes-artífices entre 1870 e 1910 na Marinha Militar do Brasil. Para compreender as experiências compartilhadas que os meninos e os jovens desenvolveram com os marinheiros nacionais e estrangeiros, com o oficialato e com os trabalhadores da cidade utilizamos o referencial teórico do historiador E.P. Thompson. A pesquisa sobre as Escolas de Aprendizes-Marinheiros e sua caracterização como uma instituição total e a análise de seus dispositivos disciplinares foi realizada com o aparato conceitual de Michel Foucault. As fontes históricas analisadas foram os Relatórios Ministeriais do Ministério da Marinha do período, os livros de ofícios do Arsenal de Marinha da Corte, o acervo da Revista Marítima Brasileira e documentos do Fundo/Coleção denominado Grupo de Identificação de Fundos Internos GIFI sob a guarda do Arquivo Nacional. Um dos objetivos foi compreender os fenômenos que envolveram essa instituição militar dentro das políticas de Estado no período localizado entre o fim da Guerra do Paraguai e a Revolta dos Marinheiros de 1910, e quais as mudanças qualitativas, contradições e conflitos na organização interna do trabalho concorreram para a produção de um modelo formativo dos futuros homens do mar. Buscamos compreender os mecanismos internos de recrutamento e controle dos sujeitos sociais dessa instituição permanente do Estado. A abordagem sobre o que seriam as experiências formativas dos aprendizes partiu da ideia de que a educação dos indivíduos acontecia em múltiplas dimensões da vida e não somente através de aulas ou programas de estudos oficiais, de compêndios ou de regras disciplinares repercutidas reiteradas vezes. Questões como o uso do tempo, o campo dos direitos como arena de conflitos, o dualismo no sistema educativo, a alimentação, o descanso, o alcoolismo, as deserções, as acomodações e as revoltas, compuseram a análise da formação dos meninos e jovens da Marinha. Verificamos como os embates em torno da temática da profissionalização e carreira, que passavam pelas discussões que envolviam aspectos como o mérito pessoal, a antiguidade e o bom comportamento interferiram na produção de uma consciência de direitos. Tudo isso fez parte das experiências formativas de meninos e rapazes daquela instituição chamada pelos oficiais de principal viveiro de homens do mar. Por fim, para entendermos aqueles chamados pelo referencial thompsoniano como os de baixo percorremos a dureza da hierarquia e disciplina militares e as concepções de mundo desenvolvidas a partir das classificações e apartações dos indivíduos pela raça, pela origem social, pela constituição física e pelo analfabetismo.
As part of an overall desire to maintain and improve the migratory salmonid population in the River Wyre, a project was commissioned to investigate remedial action which may improve and enhance spawning success and lead to an eventual improvement in the status of adult stocks. The report, titled "River Wyre Salmon and Sea Trout Spawning Habitat Restoration/Creation Project", concluded that usable spawning gravels appeared to be in short supply in the River Wyre catchment and may be the limiting factor influencing the returning adult stock, as juvenile nursery habitat was not found to be limiting. This report looks at gravel enhancement schemes to improve River Wyre salmon and sea trout spawning habitat restoration. It examines methods for gravel enhancement schemes: mechanical cleaning and construction of gravel addition structures. Includes sites figures of sites identified for enhancement.
As a follow up survey, the report assesses Skirden and Swanside Beck (North West England) in order to determine: 1. The status of these systems as salmonid nursery streams. 2. The success of planting with salmon fry and parr, carried our earlier in the year. The report gives methods, results, a summary and the author's recommendations.
Juvenile fish in temperate coastal oceans exhibit an annual cycle of feeding, and within this cycle, poor wintertime feeding can reduce body growth, condition, and perhaps survival, especially in food-poor areas. We examined the stomach contents of juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to explain previously observed seasonal and regional variation in juvenile body condition. Juvenile walleye pollock (1732 fish, 37–250 mm standard length) of the 2000 year class were collected from three regions in the Gulf of Alaska (Kodiak, Semidi, and Shumagin) representing an area of the continental shelf of ca. 100,000 km2 during four seasons (August 2000 to September 2001). Mean stomach content weight (SCW, 0.72% somatic body weight) decreased with fish body length except from winter to summer 2001. Euphausiids composed 61% of SCW and were the main determinant of seasonal change in the diets of fish in the Kodiak and Semidi regions. Before and during winter, SCW and the euphausiid dietary component were highest in the Kodiak region. Bioenergetics modeling indicated a relatively high growth rate for Kodiak juveniles during winter (0.33 mm standard length/d). After winter, Shumagin juveniles had relatively high SCW and, unlike the Kodiak and Semidi juveniles, exhibited no reduction in the euphausiid dietary component. These patterns explain previous seasonal and regional differences in body condition. We hypothesize that high-quality feeding locations (and perhaps nursery areas) shift seasonally in response to the availability of euphausiid
Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are abundant along the Louisiana coast, a coastline that is heavily influenced by one of the world’s largest rivers, the Mississippi River. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur (CNS) isotopes of shrimp and their proventriculus (stomach) contents were assayed to trace riverine support of estuarine-dependent brown shrimp. Extensive inshore and of fshore collections were made in the Louisiana coastal zone during 1999–2006 to document shrimp movement patterns across the bay and shelf region. Results showed an unexpectedly strong role for nursery areas in the river delta in supporting the offshore fishery, with about 46% of immigrants to offshore regions arriving from riverine marshes. Strong river influences also were evident offshore, where cluster analysis of combined CNS isotope data showed three regional station groups related to river inputs. Two nearer-river mid-shelf station groups showed isotope values indicating river fertilization and productivity responses in the benthic shrimp food web, and a deeper offshore station group to the south and west showed much less river inf luence. At several mid-shelf stations where hypoxia is common, shrimp were anomalously 15N depleted versus their diets, and this d15N difference or mismatch may be useful in monitoring shrimp movement responses to hypoxia.
Commercial catches taken in southwestern Australian waters by trawl fisheries targeting prawns and scallops and from gillnet and longline fisheries targeting sharks were sampled at different times of the year between 2002 and 2008. This sampling yielded 33 elasmobranch species representing 17 families. Multivariate statistics elucidated the ways in which the species compositions of elasmobranchs differed among fishing methods and provided benchmark data for detecting changes in the elasmobranch fauna in the future. Virtually all elasmobranchs caught by trawling, which consisted predominantly of rays, were discarded as bycatch, as were approximately a quarter of the elasmobranchs caught by both gillnetting and longlining. The maximum lengths and the lengths at maturity of four abundant bycatch species, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Aptychotrema vincentiana, Squatina australis, and Myliobatis australis, were greater for females than males. The L50 determined for the males of these species at maturity by using full clasper calcification as the criterion of maturity did not differ significantly from the corresponding L50 derived by using gonadal data as the criterion for maturity. The proportions of the individuals of these species with lengths less than those at which 50% reach maturity were far greater in trawl samples than in gillnet and longline samples. This result was due to differences in gear selectivity and to trawling being undertaken in shallow inshore waters that act as nursery areas for these species. Sound quantitative data on the species compositions of elasmobranchs caught by commercial fisheries and the biological characteristics of the main elasmobranch bycatch species are crucial for developing strategies for conserving these important species and thus the marine ecosystems of which they are part.
Settled juvenile blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) were collected from two kelp beds approximately 335 km apart off Mendocino in northern California and Monterey in central California. A total of 112 rockfish were collected from both sites over 5 years (1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, and 2003). Total age, settlement date, age at settlement, and birth date were determined from otolith microstructure. Fish off Mendocino settled mostly in June and fish off Monterey settled mostly in May (average difference in settlement=23 days). Although the difference in the timing of settlement followed this same pattern for both areas over the five years, settlement occurred later in 2002 and 2003 than in the prior years of sampling. The difference in the timing of settlement was due primarily to differences in birth dates for the two areas. The time of settlement was positively related to upwelling and negatively related to sea level anomaly for most of the months before settlement. Knowledge of the timing of settlement has implications for design and placement of marine protected areas because protection of nursery grounds is frequently a major objective of these protected areas. The timing of settlement is also an important consideration in the planning of surveys of early recruits because mistimed surveys (caused by latitudinal differences in the timing of settlement) could produce biased estimates.