377 resultados para nordiska språk (namnforskning)


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Esta tesina tiene como objetivo considerar la historia de Marcela y Grisstomo desde una perspectiva feminista en la obra de Miguel de Cervantes El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. La investigacin se enfocar en la situacin de Marcela y su voluntad de poder decidir sobre su propia vida y su destino. Como ayuda a nuestra investigacin nos apoyaremos en reconocidos tericos literarios feministas que nos ayudarn a analizar la imagen estereotipada de la mujer, entre ellos Simone de Beauvoir. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido investigar el personaje de Marcela y la visin estereotipada de la mujer en ese momento concreto, y buscar la respuesta al porqu de su manera de actuar. En el trabajo tambin hemos querido investigar si Marcela fue una vctima de la visin patriarcal existente y si se deja regir por las normas y expectativas de la sociedad de su poca. Como resultado de nuestra investigacin podremos afirmar que Marcela s fue una vctima del sistema patriarcal y, pese a no ser un ejemplo representativo de la imagen de la mujer en aquel momento, fue juzgada por los hombres y por la sociedad. Tambin hemos podido demostrar cmo los hombres y la sociedad reaccionaron durante esa poca a la eleccin de Marcela


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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Bildzitates und seiner Form. Ausgangspunkt ist ein Kunstwerk, Paul Klees Revolution der Viadukte, und dessen Versprachlichung, dem sognannten Bildzitat, in drei Texten der deutschen Prosa. Als literaturwissenschaftliche Methode wurde ein intermedialer Ansatz nach Rajewsky, sowie von Berndt, Tonger-Erk gewhlt. Eine Auswahl des Kunstwerkes und der Texte, die das Kunstwerk zitieren, wurde basierend auf dem Material der Datenbank ber literarische Bildzitate in Wien getroffen. Die Analyse der Bildzitate in SAID: Das Rot lchelt, das Blau schweigt. Geschichten ber Bilder, Uwe Timm: Der Freund und der Fremde und Gertrud Leutenegger: Vorabend erfolgt nach folgender Fragestellung: 1. Welches sind die grundlegenden Charakteristika des Bildes, die in den literarischen Bildzitaten hervorgehoben werden? 2. Mit welchen sprachlichen Mitteln wird dies hervorgehoben? 3. Welche Rolle spielt der Titel des Gemldes? Wie der Resultatteil zeigt werden von den Autoren Stilmittel hnlich die des Gemldes (Kontrast, Repetition) verwendet. Der Titel des Gemldes und die Bildzitate werden im Text als verstrkendes Element verwendet. The pictorial quote An analysis of Paul Klees Revolution of the viaduct in three German prose texts. This essay explores the quotation of images in literature. Starting point is Paul Klee's painting The revolution of the viaduct and its verbal expression, which is known as 'image quotation', in three German prose texts. The textual analysis of these works - SAID's Das Rot lchelt,das Blau schweigt. Geschichten ber Bilder, Uwe Timm's Der Freund und der Fremde and Gertrud Leutenegger's Vorabend - is based on theories of intermediality. This essay shows that the authors employ stylistic devices similar to those in the painting, such as contrast and repetition, and use them as intermedial references.


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This study is a corpus-based comparison between student essays written in the subject areas of English linguistics and literature at undergraduate level. They are 200 Bachelor degree theses submitted at a variety of university departments (such as English, Language and Literature, Humanities, Social and Intercultural Studies) in Sweden. The comparison concerns frequencies of core modal verbs and how often they occur together with the I, we and it subject pronouns and in the structures this/the [essay, study, project, thesis] when students attempt to communicate their personal claims. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the essays show few similarities in the ways that core modal verbs appear in both disciplines. The results indicate mainly distinct differences, especially in relation to clusters and variation of performative verbs. Specific patterns in the ways that students use core modal verbs as hedges have also been identified.


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The aim of this essay is to explore in what way Graded Readers are different from authentic texts against the background of English as a Second Language (ESL) and the use of authentic and simplified text in ESL teaching. The material used for this purpose is the authentic text of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bront and two upper-intermediate Graded Readers from two different publishers. The study uses the software readability-score and manual analysis to examine the texts with regards to lexical choice, language structure and story. The study showed that the Graded Readers are simplified in all aspects studied. Moreover, the Graded Readers differ from each other as well, most notably in the style of the text due to sentence structure and story simplification. This could imply that different authors of Graded Readers adopt different styles when simplifying text and that the grading levels are not comparable between different publishers.


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Ce mmoire a pour but de faire une analyse du roman de Choderlos de Laclos Les Liaisons dangereuses et de rpondre quatre questions primordiales, savoir : -Quelle reprsentation de lhomme et de la femme apparat dans le roman de Choderlos de Laclos et quelle est la nature des relations entre les personnages des deux sexes ? - Sagit-il dune condamnation ou dune illustration du libertinage ? -Quels ont t les effets moraux de ce livre sur la socit du XVIIIme sicle ? -Quelle tait lattitude de lauteur par rapport aux femmes ? Afin de rpondre ces quatre questions primordiales, nous avons dcid de faire une analyse du roman, mais aussi de nous intresser la sociologie de la littrature et plus exactement sur lhorizon dattente et la rception de loeuvre. Nous avons aussi utilis la correspondance crite entre Choderlos de Laclos et Mme Riccoboni afin dtablir lattitude de lauteur par rapport aux femmes. Pour conclure, nous dmontrerons que lauteur tait en avance sur son temps et ntait aucunement misogyne et oeuvrait pour lamlioration de ducation des femmes.


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This thesis analyzes the teaching material Caminando 3 from a neurodidactic perspective. The discipline of neurodidactics is young and controversial and the aim of this investigation is to present an understanding of the use of practical applications of neurodidactics in written material of education in Spanish as a second language. The methods applied are a quantitative and objective analysis of measurable aspects in Caminando 3 and a qualitative, subjective analysis which is interpreting fundamental understandings of language learning which Caminando 3 reflects in its structure and content. The results show that there are several aspects in Caminando 3 which are supported by the evidences and advices of the neurodidactic theories and simultaneously there are details in exercises and parts of the layup containing a level of repetition and prediction which are directly harmful to the process of acquisition, according to neurodidactic theories. The conclusion is that a more dynamic teaching book can be produced with guidelines that can be created using these results. Further investigations will have to measure the knowledge and success of the pupils to decide whether neurodidactics is a successful complement to traditional didactics of second language learning.


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En este estudio se analizan las actitudes lingsticas hacia el espaol andino en universitarios con diferentes contextos sociolingsticos y socioeconmicos de tres universidades en La Paz, Bolivia, en relacin con el espaol andino. Se utiliza una encuesta que incluye dos tcnicas: pares falsos donde los informantes opinan sobre cuatro voces, dos del espaol andino y dos del espaol estndar y se mide el ndice de solidaridad y de estatus; y un cuestionario de diferenciacin semntica que mide las actitudes hacia las diferentes clases de transferencia del aymara al espaol andino. El anlisis de los resultados indica que la actitud hacia los hablantes del espaol estndar es ms positiva que la actitud hacia los hablantes del espaol andino, hay ms solidaridad y ms que todo se le asigna ms estatus. Son los mismos hablantes del espaol andino que muestran las actitudes menos positivas.


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El vocabulario es una parte esencial en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Aunque el estudio de vocabulario es un proceso complejo, existen estrategias de aprendizaje que pueden facilitar este proceso. El propsito de este estudio es hacer una revisin literaria de diferentes investigaciones sobre las estrategias de aprendizaje que utilizan los alumnos para aprender palabras en la asignatura de lengua extranjera. Los resultados obtenidos mediante una comparacin de dos estudios empricos, uno realizado en Suecia y otro en Espaa, mostraron que tanto los alumnos suecos como los espaoles solan usar la mayor parte del tiempo estrategias clsicas de aprendizaje que conllevan la repeticin de las palabras, tanto de forma escrita como leda, junto con su traduccin. La conclusin a la que llegan los autores es que los profesores deben promover que los alumnos utilicen estrategias de aprendizaje variadas.


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The Swedish curriculums point out that language is crucial to social interactions, learning and individual development as well as essential to uphold a democratic and multicultural country. However, a recent report from the Swedish National Agency for Education depicts the language introduction programs for immigrant adolescents in Sweden as a school form in great need of development (Skolverket, 2016a). This systematic literature review, which draws on sociocultural theory, contributes to the field of how to teach English to newly arrived adolescents in Sweden. The main findings, gathered from six studies from around the world, suggest several different areas for improvement concerning EFL teaching. A specific pedagogy for EFL learners is suggested as well as targeted professional development for EFL teachers. Additionally, the results point out challenges faced by EFL teachers in multilingual classrooms. Further research could investigate how EFL teachers deal with these challenges. Furthermore, further research could investigate EFL textbooks for multilingual students at upper secondary school in terms of language, culture, identity texts and difficulty level.


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The two major varieties of English are American and British English. In Swedish compulsory school both varieties are taught. This essay examines the preferences and attitudes of pupils in 9th grades towards the two varieties, and if there are any gender differences. Previous research has shown that pupils are becoming more and more positive towards American English than they have been in earlier studies. This essay is based on a quantitative study carried out through questionnaires handed-out to 84 9th graders. The results show that the pupils prefer American English in speaking and for educational purposes. However, British English is viewed as more intelligent, professional, beautiful and correct. These findings mostly correspond to previous research but also show some contrasting features such as pupils wanting to speak British English rather than American English.


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This study aimed to investigate what proportion of two household staples, soap and crispbread products, in two Swedish supermarkets had English product names or descriptions, and attempted a qualitative analysis of the English language used. Out of the Swedish brands, 54-62% of the soap products had names and/or product descriptions containing English, compared to 13-15% of the crispbread; these differences were in line with previous research, suggesting English is used more to market certain product groups than other ones. Earlier studies have also proposed that English could be considered an elite language in Sweden, and it might thus be more commonly found on more exclusive/expensive products, or in the supermarket primarily aiming at higher-income customers. However, the differences between the two supermarkets, and between the more and less expensive products, were not great enough for any firm conclusions. When products had a mixture of languages on the label, English was most often used for product names or part of names, not so often for product descriptions. Further studies with a larger amount of data would be required for more reliable conclusions, especially for the qualitative analyses. It would also be interesting to investigate customers attitudes towards the use of English on product labels.