951 resultados para noise exposure level


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work deals with noise removal by the use of an edge preserving method whose parameters are automatically estimated, for any application, by simply providing information about the standard deviation noise level we wish to eliminate. The desired noiseless image u(x), in a Partial Differential Equation based model, can be viewed as the solution of an evolutionary differential equation u t(x) = F(u xx, u x, u, x, t) which means that the true solution will be reached when t ® ¥. In practical applications we should stop the time ''t'' at some moment during this evolutionary process. This work presents a sufficient condition, related to time t and to the standard deviation s of the noise we desire to remove, which gives a constant T such that u(x, T) is a good approximation of u(x). The approach here focused on edge preservation during the noise elimination process as its main characteristic. The balance between edge points and interior points is carried out by a function g which depends on the initial noisy image u(x, t0), the standard deviation of the noise we want to eliminate and a constant k. The k parameter estimation is also presented in this work therefore making, the proposed model automatic. The model's feasibility and the choice of the optimal time scale is evident through out the various experimental results.


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Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of dental enamel, caused by successive exposures to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development, leading to enamel with lower mineral content and increased porosity. The severity of dental fluorosis depends on when and for how long the overexposure to fluoride occurs, the individual response, weight, degree of physical activity, nutritional factors and bone growth. The risk period for esthetic changes in permanent teeth is between 20 and 30 months of age. The recommended level for daily fluoride intake is 0.05 - 0.07 mg F/Kg/day, which is considered of great help in preventing dental caries, acting in remineralization. A daily intake above this safe level leads to an increased risk of dental fluorosis. Currently recommended procedures for diagnosis of fluorosis should discriminate between symmetrical and asymmetrical and/or discrete patterns of opaque defects. Fluorosis can be prevented by having an adequate knowledge of the fluoride sources, knowing how to manage this issue and therefore, avoid overexposure.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Lead (Pb)-induced hypertension is characterized by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a decrease in nitric oxide (NO). In the present study we evaluated the effect of L-arginine (NO precursor), dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA, a chelating agent and ROS scavenger), and the association of L-arginine/DMSA on tissue Pb mobilization and blood pressure levels in plumbism. Tissue Pb levels and blood pressure evolution were evaluated in rats exposed to: 1) Pb (750 ppm, in drinking water, for 70 days), 2) Pb plus water for 30 more days, 3) Pb plus DMSA (50 mg kg-1 day-1, po), L-arginine (0.6%, in drinking water), and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA for 30 more days, and 4) their respective matching controls. Pb exposure increased Pb levels in the blood, liver, femur, kidney and aorta. Pb levels in tissues decreased after cessation of Pb administration, except in the aorta. These levels did not reach those observed in nonintoxicated rats. All treatments mobilized Pb from the kidney, femur and liver. Pb mobilization from the aorta was only effective with the L-arginine/DMSA treatment. Blood Pb concentrations in Pb-treated groups were not different from those of the Pb/water group. Pb increased blood pressure starting from the 5th week. L-arginine and DMSA treatments (4th week) and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA (3rd and 4th weeks) decreased blood pressure levels of intoxicated rats. These levels did not reach those of nonintoxicated rats. Treatment with L-arginine/DMSA was more effective than the isolated treatments in mobilizing Pb from tissues and in reducing the blood pressure of intoxicated rats.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar se a exposição ocupacional ao ruído é fator de risco relevante para acidentes do trabalho. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso-controle de base populacional. Os dados foram coletados entre 16/5/2002 e 15/10/2002, na cidade de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Os casos foram definidos como trabalhadores que sofreram acidentes ocupacionais típicos nos últimos 90 dias, identificados por intermédio de amostragem aleatória sistemática de domicílios residenciais. Os controles foram trabalhadores não acidentados, aleatoriamente alocados a partir da mesma população que originou os casos, emparelhados na razão 3:1 segundo sexo, faixa etária e setor censitário de moradia. Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável independente a exposição ocupacional ao ruído, controlada por covariáveis de interesse. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 94 casos e 282 controles. Ajustando-se um modelo de regressão logística condicional múltipla observou-se que trabalhar sempre e às vezes exposto a ruído intenso associou-se a um risco relativo de acidentar-se de 5,0 (IC 95%: 2,8-8,7; p<0,001) e 3,7 (IC 95%: 1,8-7,4; p=0,0003), respectivamente, tendo como referência trabalhar não exposto a ruído, controlado para diversas covariáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Com base nos resultados encontrados, justifica-se o investimento em programas de conservação auditiva particularmente voltados para o controle da emissão de ruídos na fonte. Essas medidas objetivam não apenas a manutenção da saúde auditiva, mas também a diminuição da acidentabilidade dos trabalhadores.


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HDPE and PVC geomembranes are sensitive to changes in their properties when in contact with high temperatures. The effects of hot temperature on polymeric geomembranes are assessed by the ASTM D794 and ASTM D5721.This paper brings an analysis of degradation of the Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) geomembranes when exposed to conventional and air oven after specific periods.. Mechanical and physical properties were evaluated. OIT tests were also performanced to evaluate the level of oxidation degradation occurred on the HDPE geomembranes. Geomembranes of two thicknesses were tested: 1.0, 2.0 nun (PVC) and 0.8, 2.5 mm, (HDPE). The results obtained show, for example, that after the last period of exposure, the PVC geomembranes (1.0, 2.0 mm) were more rigid and stiffer than fresh samples. The HDPE geomembranes, on the other hand, when exposed to heat presented increases in deformation. OIT tests showed efficient to detect some level of degradation on the HDPE geomembranes.


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Three nickel compounds were tested for pancreatic, hepatic and osteogenic damage in rats by a single i.m. injection Ni++ (7 mg kg(-1)). The nickel induced biochemical alterations included significantly increased levels of serum alkaline phosphatase in rats with NiS (75%) and NiO (50%). Amylase and aspartate transaminase were also increased, and lipoperoxide was increased in rats with NiO (5.6-fold) and NiS (3.4-fold). No serum changes were observed with NiCl2. Daily injection of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) conjugated with polyethylene glycol prevented the serum level changes, indicating that superoxide radical is an important intermediate in toxicity of nickel insoluble compounds.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) 688 nm and 785 nm accelerate dentin barrier formation and repair process after traumatic pulp exposure. The sample consisted of 45 premolars of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) with pulp exposure Class V cavities. All premolars were treated with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)), divided in groups of 15 teeth each, and analyzed on 7(th), 25(th), and 60(th) day. Group GI - only Ca(OH)(2), GIF- laser 688 nm, and GIII - laser 785 nm. Laser beam was used in single and punctual dose with the parameters: continuous, 688 nm and 785 nm wavelength, tip's area of 0.00785 cm(2), power 50 mW, application time 20 s, dose 255 J/cm(2), energy 2 J. Teeth were capped with Ca(OH)(2), Ca(OH)(2) cement and restored with amalgam. All groups presented pulp repair. on 25(th) day the thickness of the formed dentin barrier was different between the groups GI and GII (p < 0.05) and between groups GI and GIII (p < 0.01). on 60(th) day there was difference between GI and GIII (p < 0.01). It may be concluded that, LLLT 688 nm and 785 nm accelerated dentin barrier formation and consequently pulp repair process, with best results using infrared laser 785 nm. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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Two foraminiferal associations comprising only arenaceous species define two distinct environments in a 340 m-long mangrove transect at Cardoso Island, Trapande Bay (Cananeia-Iguape estuarine system, SP, Brazil). The "lower muddy flat" (LMF), from the outer mangrove fringe inwards towards land (100 m), is positioned in the lower plain between 0.04 and 0.23 m above the mean sea level (msl), and remains subaerially exposed between 48.5 and 65.6% of the time. This environment is characterized by higher foraminiferal diversity and evenness (McIntosh's D = 0.54 [plus or minus] 0.21 and Pielou's E = 0.68 [plus or minus] 0.25, respectively) and is dominated by Arenoparrella mexicana and Trochammina inflata, and to a lesser extent by Ammotium directum and Textularia earlandi. The mangrove plant of this segment is a Rhizophoretum with average height of 8.4 [plus or minus] 1.2 m. The sediment is characterized by higher concentration of organic matter (93.5 [plus or minus] 32.3 g dm-3) and metals (e.g. V = 53.4 [plus or minus] 21.8 ppm and Zn = 46.4 [plus or minus] 21.3 ppm). The "upper sandy flat" (USF), 240 m wide along the transect, is positioned in the upper plain between 0.28 and 0.89 m above the msl, and remains subaerially exposed between 69.7 and 98.5% of the time. This environment is characterized by a lower diversity and evenness (D = 0.33 [plus or minus] 0.17 and E = 0.49 [plus or minus] 0.20, respectively). The association is dominated by species T. inflata and Miliammina fusca. The Rhizophoretum exhibits a lower average height of 3.6 [plus or minus] 0.6 m. The sediment is poorer in organic matter (39.3 [plus or minus] 15.0 g dm-3) and metals (e.g. V = 13.0 [plus or minus] 6.8 ppm and Zn = 6.9 [plus or minus] 3.7 ppm). Whereas "elongate" tests (uniserial, biserial and planospiral followed by a uniserial portion) are restricted to the LMF, "spiraled" species dominate the USF. Subaerial exposure time seems to exert a primary influence on species distribution, in addition to salinity and sediment type. Species may be adapted to different exposure times, a factor dependent on their position on the intertidal zone and the tidal regime, which should be taken into account in relative sea level reconstructions based on intertidal foraminifera. These patterns have important implications for studies investigating the ecology and paleoecology of foraminifera and subtle fluctuations in relative sea level during the Quaternary.


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1. 1. Routine oxygen consumption and blood glucose were determined from freshwater fishes, Prochilodus scrofa and Cyprinus carpio, exposed at high temperatures for 1 hr. 2. 2. Prochilodus scrofa had a significantly higher rate of oxygen consumption at 30°C than at 25°C, and carp higher at 25°C than at 30°C. 3. 3. Blood glucose was significantly higher for Cyprinus carpio than for Prochilodus scrofa at 25 and 30°C; however, after exposure to these temperatures for 1 hr blood glucose did not change significantly for both species. 4. 4. The results suggest that these interspecific variations may be linked to the differences between native and foreign fishes and their way of life. © 1985.


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These experiments were carried out to study the effects of acute cold exposure (0-2°C/4 hr) on rectal temperature, blood glucose and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) in alloxan-diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats weighing 170-190 g were used and diabetes was induced by i.v. alloxan injection (40 mg/kg body wt). Cold exposure produced severe hypothermia in diabetic rats. After 4 hr of cold, blood glucose of diabetic rats was reduced from 296±16 to 86t±12 mg/dl (P<0.01), and FFA increased slightly, but was not statistically different (P>0.05) from the initial value. As expected, interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) and retroperitoneal and epididymal white adipose tissues were significantly lower in diabetic than in control rats. Cold exposure reduced total IBAT lipids in control but not in diabetic animals. The results of this experiment suggest that diabetic rats were unable to maintain body temperature in the cold, probably because of a failure to generate an adequate amount of heat by nonshivering thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue.


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This paper describes two simple thermal methods for measuring the energy fluence in J/cm 2 from a diagnostic x-ray exposure. Both detectors absorb essentially 100% of the radiation and give a signal that is directly proportional to the energy fluence of the x-ray beam. One detector measures the thermal effect when a pulse of x rays is totally absorbed in the pyroelectric detector of lead-zirconium-titanate (PZT). The other detector measures the expansion of a gas surrounding a lead disk detector in a photoacoustic chamber. The increased pressure of the gas is transmitted through a 1-mm duct to a sensitive microphone. Both detectors have previously been used to measure the energy fluence rate of continuous x-ray beams in the same energy region using a chopped beam and a lock-in amplifier. Measurement of the energy fluence of a pulse of radiation eliminates the need for the beam chopper and lock-in amplifier and results in a simple, rugged, and inexpensive dosimeter. Either method can be combined with the area of the beam to give an estimate of the imparted energy to the patient from a diagnostic x-ray exposure.


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Pollution and industrial practices result in concentrations of metals and other environmental agents that are related to environmental toxicity. Concentrations of metals are widely related to biochemicals values which are used in disease diagnosis due to environmental toxicity. This work was carried out in order to verify the nephrotoxic effect of cadmium and to clarify the contribution of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in this process. Cadmium chloride was tested for nephrotoxic damage in rats by a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection Cd 2+ (2 mg/kg) and oral intake (Cd2 +-100 mg/l-from CdCl 2). The cadmium-induced biochemical alterations included significant increased levels of serum creatinine concentrations, in rats with i.p. injection. Total urinary protein concentrations were only increased in rats with cadmium intake. Lipoperoxide was also increased after 3 and 7 days of the Cd 2+ treatment. No changes were observed in glutathione peroxidase activities. Cadmium-induced damage might be due to superoxide radicals (O 2 -), since Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase activities were decreased by Cd 2+ treatment. This study allows tentative conclusions to be drawn regarding which reactive oxygen metabolites play a role in cadmium nephrotoxicity. We concluded that the superoxide radical may be produced as a mediator of nephrotoxic action of cadmium.