917 resultados para new food products
La intenció d'aquest article és detallar l'abast del capital social als esdeveniments culturals celebrats a Catalunya i analitzar la influència sobre l'atracció turística dels mateixos. Es pretén determinar també quin és l'impacte que tres elements de capital social que intervenen en l'organització d'esdeveniments (elements de motivació, creació de xarxes internes i lideratge) tenen sobre el sector turístic local. L'estudi parteix d'una mostra de 263 esdeveniments als quals s'ha adreçat una enquesta per determinar la presència i pes dels factors de capital social. Aquesta informació s'ha creuat amb dades sobre impactes i atracció turística obtingudes també a partir de la mateixa enquesta i, a partir de l'aplicació del test del chi quadrat, s'ha contrastat si les diferències existents entre els diferents factors del capital social són estadísticament significatives. Les conclusions principals obtingudes indiquen que els esdeveniments que tenen elements de capital social que els reforça la seva cohesió social entenen i justifiquen la celebració com a fet socialitzador, independentment del seu abast turístic. A més es detecta que la creació de xarxes de relació enforteix la cohesió interna, la representativitat i el sentit d'identitat de la comunitat. Finalment es constata que la presència d'elements de lideratge que donen visibilitat i vinculen l'esdeveniment amb xarxes externes explica la diferència existent en la capacitat d'atracció i impactes turístics dels esdeveniments. La principal aportació del treball és posar de manifest el paper del capital social com a factor que incideix en la repercussió social i turística dels esdeveniments catalans. La diagnosi efectuada permet recomanar la incorporació del capital social com un actiu estratègic per a la gestió i per a la creació de nous productes i polítiques turístiques centrades en els esdeveniments culturals.
This paper presents, from the perspective of technological development and production, the results of an investigation examining 61 clinical studies with vaccines conducted in Brazil between 1938-2013, with the participation of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). These studies have been identified and reviewed according to criteria, such as the kind of vaccine (viral, bacterial, parasitic), their rationale, design and methodological strategies. The results indicate that IOC and Fiocruz have accumulated along this time significant knowledge and experience for the performance of studies in all clinical phases and are prepared for the development of new vaccines products and processes. We recommend national policy strategies to overcome existing regulatory and financing constraints.
Criar mecanismos que produzam e dinamizem o alcance de novos produtos financeiros surge como uma condição necessária para estimular o investimento. Além das condições intrínsecas próprias de uma economia o financiamento é quase que a espinha dorsal para favorecer o desenvolvimento e crescimento económicos. Diversificar as fontes de financiamento para que estas se adaptem à realidade económico-financeira das empresas é essencial, pois não só possibilita o crescimento das empresas nacionais, mas também cria um ambiente de negócios propício ao investimento externo. Convicto da relevância, o presente trabalho tem como escopo uma temática que a nível nacional pouco se tem abordado: trata-se locação financeira que na gíria financeira é entendida por leasing - que de forma sintética se traduz num contrato pelo qual uma das partes concede à outra o gozo temporário de uma coisa contra uma retribuição, e que posteriormente pode ser adquirida, num prazo convencionado, mediante pagamento de um preço determinado ou determinável, nos termos do próprio contrato. O enfoque está em estudar a relevância assumida pelo leasing enquanto fonte de financiamento de médio e longo prazo, no contexto cabo-verdiano, comparativamente à outra fonte – empréstimo bancário de médio e longo prazo. O trabalho reveste-se de uma componente teórica e uma prática. Na componente teórica trata-se do tema no geral, abrangendo uma resenha histórica, o enquadramento legal, das sociedades de locação financeira e dos contratos de locação financeira, tratamento contabilístico, as características específicas que se associam ao tema em apreço e igualmente uma breve análise fiscal. A parte prática desenvolve uma análise comparativa do leasing com o empréstimo bancário de médio e longo prazo onde foram retiradas as conclusões chegadas com o estudo. Resumidamente, pode-se que o leasing é certamente uma das melhores opções de financiamento não só para empresas como igualmente para clientes particulares, sendo, uma opção rápida, simples e vantajosa para o cliente bancário, especialmente se o facto de a propriedade do bem não pertencer ao titular do leasing não causar qualquer incómodo. Create mechanisms that produce and streamline the range of new financial products emerges as a necessary condition to stimulate investment. In addition to its own intrinsic conditions of an economy funding is almost the backbone to promote economic development and growth. Diversify the sources of funding for these adapt to the reality of the economic-financial firms is essential because not only enables the growth of domestic companies, but also creates a business environment conducive to foreign investment. Convinced of the relevance, this work is scoped to a theme that nationally there has been little discussed: it is leasing in slang that is understood by financial leasing - which synthetically translates into a contract whereby one party grants to the another the temporary enjoyment of a thing against retribution, and that can later be acquired within the agreed upon payment of a specified or ascertainable under the contract. The focus is on studying the relevance assumed by leasing as a source of financing medium and long term, the Cape Verdean context, compared to other sources - bank loan of medium and long term. The work has a theoretical and a practical component. In the theoretical part it is the theme in general, covering a historical perspective, the legal framework, the leasing companies and financial leasing contracts, accounting treatment, specific characteristics that are associated to the topic at hand and equally a brief fiscal analysis. The practical part develops a comparative analysis of leasing with bank loan of medium and long term which were withdrawn with the conclusions reached with the study. Briefly, it may be that leasing is certainly one of the best financing options not only by companies as also by private customers, being a fast, simple and profitable for the bank customer, especially if the fact that the ownership of the property does not belong the holder of the lease does not cause any discomfort.
This review covers two important techniques, high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS), used to characterize food products and detect possible adulteration of wine, fruit juices, and olive oil, all important products of the Mediterranean Basin. Emphasis is placed on the complementary use of SNIF-NMR (site-specific natural isotopic fractionation nuclear magnetic resonance) and IRMS (isotope-ratio mass spectrometry) in association with chemometric methods for detecting the adulteration.
I am pleased to present the performance report for the Iowa Department for the Blind for fiscal year 2005. This report is provided in compliance with sections 8E.210 and 216B.7 of the Code of Iowa. It contains valuable information about the services the Department and its partners provided for Iowans during the past fiscal year in the areas of vocational rehabilitation, library services, and resource management. Major accomplishments of the year included new food service opportunities in the Randolph-Sheppard program, extensive remodeling of the Adult Orientation and Adjustment Center, and continued national prominence in vocational rehabilitation as measured by the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration, which on June 13, 2005 released data on federal standards and indicators for the year ended September 30, 2004. Earnings ratios and the percentage of employment for vocational rehabilitation clients of the Department remain among the best in the nation. This is corroborated by a report released in September, 2005 by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, which tested and summarized datasets compiled by the U.S. Department of Education for the nation’s 80 vocational rehabilitation agencies. Overall, we met or exceeded 26 of 32 results targets included in this report. Key strategic challenges, developments, and trends are also discussed in the "Department Overview" that follows. Sincerely, Allen C. Harris Director, Iowa Department for the Blind
Food products are a specialization, an industry of excellence, and thelargest sector of manufacturing employment in the state of Iowa. All ofthe top five food companies have operations in Iowa. According to Harris Info Source, manufacturing of foods and ingredients in Iowa employs 58,826 people at 775 plants. Processing and value adding enterprises are fed by nation-leading agriculture. Iowa is the top producer of corn, soybeans, hogs and eggs in the United States.
Previous Iowa DOT sponsored research has shown that some Class C fly ashes are ementitious (because calcium is combined as calcium aluminates) while other Class C ashes containing similar amounts of elemental calcium are not (1). Fly ashes from modern power plants in Iowa contain significant amounts of calcium in their glassy phases, regardless of their cementitious properties. The present research was based on these findings and on the hyphothesis that: attack of the amorphous phase of high calcium fly ash could be initiated with trace additives, thus making calcium available for formation of useful calcium-silicate cements. Phase I research was devoted to finding potential additives through a screening process; the likely chemicals were tested with fly ashes representative of the cementitious and non-cementitious ashes available in the state. Ammonium phosphate, a fertilizer, was found to produce 3,600 psi cement with cementitious Neal #4 fly ash; this strength is roughly equivalent to that of portland cement, but at about one-third the cost. Neal #2 fly ash, a slightly cementitious Class C, was found to respond best with ammonium nitrate; through the additive, a near-zero strength material was transformed into a 1,200 psi cement. The second research phase was directed to optimimizing trace additive concentrations, defining the behavior of the resulting cements, evaluating more comprehensively the fly ashes available in Iowa, and explaining the cement formation mechanisms of the most promising trace additives. X-ray diffraction data demonstrate that both amorphous and crystalline hydrates of chemically enhanced fly ash differ from those of unaltered fly ash hydrates. Calciumaluminum- silicate hydrates were formed, rather than the expected (and hypothesized) calcium-silicate hydrates. These new reaction products explain the observed strength enhancement. The final phase concentrated on laboratory application of the chemically-enhanced fly ash cements to road base stabilization. Emphasis was placed on use of marginal aggregates, such as limestone crusher fines and unprocessed blow sand. The nature of the chemically modified fly ash cements led to an evaluation of fine grained soil stabilization where a wide range of materials, defined by plasticity index, could be stabilized. Parameters used for evaluation included strength, compaction requirements, set time, and frost resistance.
Case Report: A 19 year old female, originally from Cameroon, residentin Switzerland for 10 years, consults for chronic fatigue, constipationand menorrhagia. Clinical examination reveals pain in the iliac fossa,laboratory tests show an iron deficiency anaemia with a hemoglobinof 74 g/l (N: 117-157) and a ferritin less than 3 μg/l (N: 30-300).Gynecological aetiology is strongly suspected.Findings: The dietary history reveals a high intake of African chalkcalled "Mabel" in Lingala, for which she has a craving with criteria forsubstance dependence according to the Diagnostic and StatisticalManual IV. Eating non-food products is called "PICA" and the eatingof earth "geophagia". It is often assumed by the patient that geophagiaoffers nutritional virtues of the earth, and that the land would act asantitoxic, anti-emetic, immune-stimulant, strengthen the intestinalbarrier and be rich in calcium, iron and many nutrients. But insteadgeophagia causes anemia, iron chelation, heavy metal poisoningand significant constipation or obstruction.Management: The patient, following our advice, stopped ingestingchalk. Parenteral iron substitution of ferric carboxymaltose 1000 mgstopped the craving, and resolved her subjective state of fatigue andher haemoglobin normalized to 140 g/l. The menorrhagia resolved withhormone replacement and the constipation subsequently disappeared.Discussion: Our patient was suffering from iron deficiency resulting ina craving for non-food products in this case the earth. We advisepractitioners to systematically ask the question in patients of Africanand South American origin by using synonyms for the word "Mabel"(African chalk, kaolin, Kalaba, calabash chalk, calabash Stone, Kaolin,hurdle, or clay Nzu). A simple question can sometimes avoid costlyinvestigations. The ferrous replacement intravenously can probably stopthe practice of geophagy faster. Finally, we must remember that thispractice is underestimated and rarely expressed by patients as it isoften felt to be a shameful practice.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined pressure/temperature treatments (200, 400 and 600 MPa, at 20 and 40 °C) on key physical and chemical characteristics of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata alba). Thermal treatment (blanching) was also investigated and compared with high-pressure processing (HPP). HPP at 400 MPa and 20–40 °C caused significantly larger colour changes compared to any other pressure or thermal treatment. All pressure treatments induced a softening effect, whereas blanching did not significantly alter texture. Both blanching and pressure treatments resulted in a reduction in the levels of ascorbic acid, effect that was less pronounced for blanching and HPP at 600 MPa and 20–40 °C. HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher total phenol content, total antioxidant capacity and total isothiocyanate content compared to blanching. In summary, the colour and texture of white cabbage were better preserved by blanching. However, HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher levels of phytochemical compounds. The results of this study suggest that HPP may represent an attractive technology to process vegetable-based food products that better maintains important aspects related to the content of health-promoting compounds. This may be of particular relevance to the food industry sector involved in the development of convenient novel food products with excellent functional properties
The first section of this paper summarises the most relevant charateristics of the contemporary tourist model, also called postfordist or postmodernist. In the second part the traditional tourist model developed in the Costa Brava in the past decades, is reviewed. Emphasising the saturation of tourist facilities on the coast line, expansive urban growth, thanks to a tolerant administration, poor complementary supply and concentrated demand in few markets and the proximity of Barcelona conurbation, stressed by second homes. In the third section, some strategies developed in recent years to readapt the Costa Brava to the new tendencies in tourism, are presented. Incorporation of the inland to the tourist product, new planning policics, lessening urban densities and height, and a change in mind in favour of protected natural areas, diversification of demand with new markets, specially form Eastern Europe (although this might be considered as a continuation ofthe traditional tourist model) and the emergence of local strategies oriented towards the creation of new tourist products based upon natural and cultural resources
In the drilling processes and especially deep-hole drilling process, the monitoring system and having control on mechanical parameters (e.g. Force, Torque,Vibration and Acoustic emission) are essential. The main focus of this thesis work is to study the characteristics of deep-hole drilling process, and optimize the monitoring system for controlling the process. The vibration is considered as a major defect area of the deep-hole drilling process which often leads to breakage of the drill, therefore by vibration analysis and optimizing the workpiecefixture, this area is studied by finite element method and the suggestions are explained. By study on a present monitoring system, and searching on the new sensor products, the modifications and recommendations are suggested for optimize the present monitoring system for excellent performance in deep-hole drilling process research and measurements.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tapaustutkimuksen avulla analysoida case yrityksen tuotekehitystoiminnan menestyksen kulmakivet ja edellytykset yrityksen arvon lisäämiseksi. Case osa toteutettiin kolmen toisiaan tukevan aineiston avulla. Tiedonkeruumenetelminä olivat haastattelu, kyselytutkimussekä yrityksessä toteutettujen projektien analysointi. Tutkielman teoriaosan ensimmäisessä vaiheessa analysoitiin tuotekehityksen avaintekijöitä. Käsittelyn lähtökohtana toimi kolme tuotekehityksen perustekijää: tuotestrategia, kehitysprosessi ja saatavilla olevat resurssit. Teoriaosuudessa analysoitiin myös tuotekehitystoiminnan menestyksen mittaamista. Kolmas osa kirjallisuusosuudessa on tuotekehitykseen olennaisesti kuuluva riskien tunnistaminen ja hallinta. Tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa nostettiin esiin kohdeyrityksen tuotekehitystoiminnan tärkeimmät tekijät. Tulokseksi saatiin, että asiakasyhteistyö, tuotteen laadun varmistava projektin toteutus sekä resurssien määrä määrittävät pitkälti tuotekehitystoiminnan tason yrityksessä. Näiden tekijöiden onnistuneella yhteensovittamisella yritys pystyy säilyttämään kilpailuasemansa. Pitkän aikavälin arvoa lisäävä tuotekehitystoiminta edellyttää edellä olleiden tekijöiden ohella myös panostusta innovatiivisuuteen, riskinhallintanäkökulman huomioimiseen projektien valinnassa sekä tuotetun arvon mittaamiseen. Kilpailuedun saavuttaminen uusilla innovatiivisilla tuotteilla, joustavuuden lisääminen projekteihin sekä oppiminen toteutetuista hankkeista ovat avaintekijöitä tulevaisuuden menestykselle
Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouveaux composés naturels, les métabolites secondaires de plantes aquatiques indigènes, les potamots Potamogeton pectinatus L., P. lucens L., P. perfoliatus L. et P. crispus L. (Potamogetonaceae), ont été étudiés. Par leur position écologique et évolutive particulière entre environnement terrestre et aquatique, les plantes aquatiques ou macrophytes pourraient en effet avoir sélectionné des composés avec des caractéristiques originales. Les extraits dichlorométhaniques (apolaires) des potamots ont été analysés par HPLCUV, HPLC-MS, HPLC-RMN et GC-MS, et testés contre diverses cibles biologiques. Sur la base de ces résultats, les extraits apolaires de P. pectinatus et P. lucens ont été étudiés de manière plus approfondie. Ils ont été fractionnés sur des colonnes ouvertes et par VLC, LPLC, MPLC, CPC et HPLC semi-préparative. Une partie de leurs constituants ont été isolés et leurs structures déterminées par des méthodes spectroscopiques, en particulier par RMN et par MS. Quinze composés ont été ainsi isolés de P. pectinatus et P. lucens, dont sept sont des nouveaux produits naturels. Parmi ces quinze produits, neuf sont des diterpènes ent-labdanes contenant un noyau furane ou un groupe lactonique, dont six sont décrits ici pour la première fois. Certains de ces diterpènes ont montré une activité algicide, ce qui indique une de leurs fonctions possible dans les potamots, et un de ces labdanes, le méthyl-15,16-époxy-12-oxo-8(17),13(16),14-ent-labatrièn-19-oate, a également des propriétés anti-inflammatoires. Les composés présents dans les extraits méthanoliques (polaires) n?ont pas été isolés, mais quatorze d?entre eux ont pu être identifiés par HPLC-UV, HPLC-MS et HPLCRMN. Une majorité de ces constituants sont des flavonoïdes connus, des dérivés glycosylés de l?apigénine, la lutéoline et le chrysoériol, également présents en tant qu?aglycones. Plusieurs ent-labdanes glycosylés ont pu être également identifiés dans ces extraits, parmi lesquels un nouveau composé dont la structure a pu être partiellement déterminée. En conclusion, ce travail a permis de mieux connaître la phytochimie de plusieurs plantes aquatiques de Suisse, et d?isoler de nouveaux produits naturels avec des propriétés biologiques et pharmacologiques intéressantes.<br/><br/>The secondary metabolites of Swiss freshwater plants, the pondweeds Potamogeton pectinatus L., P. lucens L., P. perfoliatus L. and P. crispus L. (Potamogetonaceae), were investigated. Because of their peculiar habitat, in-between aquatic and terrestrial life, aquatic plants should produce secondary metabolites with original chemical or biological features. Their apolar extracts were analysed by HPLC-UV, HPLC-MS, HPLC-NMR and GCMS, and were tested with different bioassays. Based on these results, the apolar extracts of P. pectinatus and P. lucens were investigated more extensively. They were fractionated on open columns, and by VLC, LPLC, MPLC, CPC and semi-preparative HPLC. Their constituents were isolated and their structures elucidated by spectroscopic methods as MS and NMR. Fifteen compounds could be isolated from P. pectinatus and P. lucens, and seven were new natural products. Nine of them were ent-labdane diterpenes with a furan moiety or a lactone group, and six of these labdanes were reported here for the first time as natural products. Some of these diterpenes showed an algaecide effect. This activity indicated their potential ecological function in pondweeds. One compound, methyl-15,16-epoxy-12-oxo-8(17),13(16),14-ent-labatrien-19-oate, revealed also some anti-inflammatory properties. The constituents of polar extracts were not isolated, but fourteen of them could be identified by HPLC-UV, HPLC-MS and HPLC-NMR. The major part of these compounds was known flavonoids as apigenin, lutolin, chrysoeriol and their glycosylated derivatives. Several glycosylated ent-labdanes were also identified, and the structure of a new labdane dihexoside was partially elucidated. In conclusion this study allowed a better knowledge of the phytochemistry of Swiss aquatic plants, and the isolation of new natural products with interesting biological and pharmacological properties.
This study evaluated the chemical composition of peeled and unpeeled green banana Cavendish (AAA) flour obtained by drying in spouted bed, aiming at adding nutritional value to food products. The bananas were sliced and crushed to obtain a paste and fed to the spouted bed dryer (12 cm height and T = 80 ºC) in order to obtain flour. The flours obtained were subjected to analysis of moisture, protein, ash, carbohydrates, total starch, resistant starch, fiber. The green banana flours, mainly unpeeled, are good sources of fiber and resistant starch with an average of 21.91g/100g and 68.02g/100g respectively. The protein content was found in an average of 4.76g/100g, being classified as a low biological value protein with lysine as the first limiting amino acid. The results showed that unpeeled green banana flour obtained by spouted bed drying can be a valuable tool to add nutritional value to products in order to increase their non-digestible fraction.
Among the various strategies to reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases reduction of sodium intake in the general population has been recognized as one of the most cost-effective means because of its potential impact on the development of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Yet, this strategic health recommendation of the WHO and many other international organizations is far from being universally accepted. Indeed, there are still several unresolved scientific and epidemiological questions that maintain an ongoing debate. Thus what is the adequate low level of sodium intake to recommend to the general population and whether national strategies should be oriented to the overall population or only to higher risk fractions of the population such as salt-sensitive patients are still discussed. In this paper, we shall review the recent results of the literature regarding salt, blood pressure and cardiovascular risk and we present the recommendations recently proposed by a group of experts of Switzerland. The propositions of the participating medical societies are to encourage national health authorities to continue their discussion with the food industry in order to reduce the sodium intake of food products with a target of mean salt intake of 5-6 grams per day in the population. Moreover, all initiatives to increase the information on the effect of salt on health and on the salt content of food are supported.