906 resultados para neutral segregation of mtDNA
Die Neurogenese und axonale Wegfindung sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten Thema einer Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in den verschiedensten Organismen gewesen. Die zusammengetragenen Daten in Insekten und Crustaceen geben eine gute Übersicht darüber, wie das Nervensystem in Arthropoden aufgebaut wird. Die entwicklungsbiologischen Prozesse, die daran beteiligt sind, sind in den beiden genannten Gruppen sehr gut verstanden. In den Gruppen der Cheliceraten und Myriapoden jedoch wurden ähnliche Analysen bisher kaum durchgeführt. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit war es daher, Mechanismen in den Spinnen Achaearanea tepidariorum und Cupiennius salei, zwei Vertretern der Cheliceraten, zu untersuchen, die eine Rolle im Leitsystem der ventralen Mittellinie und bei der axonalen Wegfindung spielen. Eine Vorraussetzung hierfür sind Kenntnisse über die Architektur des Zentralnervensystems. In einem ersten Schritt beschrieb ich daher grundlegend die Morphologie des Nervensystems im Verlauf der gesamten Embryoalentwicklung. Ich konnte zeigen, dass in Spinnen ein für Arthropoden typisches Strickleiternervensystem gebildet wird. Dieses wird von segmental angelegten Neuronen geformt, wobei sowohl Gruppen von Zellen als auch einzelne Neurone daran beteiligt sind, die primären axonalen Trakte zu etablieren. Im Besonderen konnte ich eine Zelle identifizieren, die in Position, Projektionsmuster und der Expression des Markergens even-skipped vergleichbar zum PR2 Neuron in Drosophila ist, welches die posteriore Wurzel des Segmentalnervs anlegt.rnrnIn einem zweiten Ansatz untersuchte ich die ventrale Mittellinie in Spinnen im Bezug auf ihre mögliche Funktion in der axonalen Wegfindung. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich beim Epithel der Mittellinie, das die Lücke zwischen beiden Keimstreifhälften während des gesamten Prozesses der Inversion überspannt, um eine transiente Struktur handelt, die keine neuralen Zellen hervorbringt. Es ist daher vergleichbar mit der so genannten Floor plate in Vertebraten, die ebenfalls nur vorübergehend existiert. Die Untersuchung von single minded (sim) zeigte, dass es, anders als in Drosophila, wo sim ein wichtiges regulatorisches Gen für die korrekte Spezifizierung von Mittellinienzellen ist, nicht in den Zellen der Mittellinie, sondern in diesen benachbarten Zellen, exprimiert wird. Das ist vergleichbar mit Vertebraten. Zusätzlich konnte ich Expression von sim an den Basen der Gliedmassen und im Kopf nachweisen. Wie in Vertebraten könnte sim an der Musterbildung dieser Gewebe beteiligt sein. Dennoch spielt die Mittellinie in Spinnen eine wichtige Rolle als Organisator für auswachsende, kommissurale Axone. Diese Funktion teilt sie mit anderen Invertebraten und Vertebraten.rnrnDie Signaltransduktionskaskade, die an der axonalen Wegfindung an der Mittellinie beteiligt ist, ist in den verschiedensten Organismen hoch konserviert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ich sowohl in Achaearanea als auch in Cupiennius ein netrin Homolog identifizieren und eine konservierte Funktion des Wegfindungsmoleküls während der Bildung der Kommissuren aufzeigen. RNAi Experimente belegen, dass, wird die Funktion von netrin herunterreguliert, das Strickleiternervensystem nicht korrekt gebildet wird, ins Besondere die kommissuralen Faszikel. Des Weiteren konnte ich eine neue Funktion von netrin, die bisher in anderen Organsimen noch nicht beschrieben wurde, identifizieren. Neben seiner Rolle in der axonalen Wegfindung, scheint netrin auch an der epithelialen Morphogenese im zentralen Nervensystem beteiligt zu sein. In dieser Funktion scheint netrin in Gliazellen, die die epithelialen Vesikel der Invaginationsgruppen umhüllen, wichtig zu sein, um neurale Vorläuferzellen in einem undifferenzierten Zustand zu halten. Der Abbau von netrin Transkript durch RNA Interferenz führt zu einer verfrühten Segregation neuraler Vorläuferzellen aus dem epithelialen Verband der Invaginationsgruppen und zu einer Zunahme an Zellen, die den frühen Differenzierungsmarker islet exprimieren.
In this work the hydrodechlorination of CF3OCFClCF2Cl to produce unsaturated CF3OCF=CF2 was studied over a series of supported metal catalysts. Currently this molecule is produced from the precursor CF3OCFClCF2Cl by dechlorination with zinc powder. An important cost on the economic and environmental balance is represents by the large amount of ZnCl2 produced and to be disposed of. A new approach, based on gas-phase hydrodechlorination over supported catalysts can lead to a new sustainable process. During the feasibility step of this project, substantially two kind of materials were studied: metals supported over activated carbon and Pd/Cu species supported over MCM-41 mesoporous silica. Observed catalytic performances were strongly dependent on the metal and support used. All carbon-supported Ru, Pd, and bimetallic catalysts are fairly active and yielded the target product CF3OCF=CF2, the higher selectivity being obtained with ruthenium- and palladium-based materials. Nevertheless, Ru-based catalysts showed poor stability and this deactivation may be attributed to the deposition of chlorinated organic species blocking the active sites. On the other hand, palladium-containing catalysts showed high stability. Ru/Pd and Pd/Cu bimetallic catalysts exhibited long-term selectivity and stability, highlighting the possibility for these materials to be employed in the CF3OCF=CF2 production process. During the second part of this thesis, a series of bimetallic meso-structured Pd/Cu MCM-41 catalysts were studies to overcome possible mass transfer limitations. The materials were obtained by different synthesis methods. The incorporation of Pd and Cu during MCM-41 synthesis, did not destroy the typical hexagonal array and ordered pore system of MCM-41. However, the calcination for the removal of the template provoked significant segregation of oxides. The impregnation leads to pore-occlusion and formation of Cu particles and large bimetallic PdCu species. Larger metal particles leads to lower CF3OCFClCF2Cl conversion, while the monometallic particles can decrease the selectivity to CF3OCF=CF2, fostering the dehalogenation to CF3OCH=CF2.
The aims of the dissertation are to find the right description of the structure of perceptual experience and to explore the ways in which the structure of the body might serve to explain it. In the first two parts, I articulate and defend the claim that perceptual experience seems direct and the claim that its objects seem real. I defend these claims as integral parts of a coherent metaphysically neutral conception of perceptual experience. Sense-datum theorists, certain influential perceptual psychologists, and early modern philosophers (most notably Berkeley) all disputed the claim that perceptual experience seems direct. In Part I, I argue that the grounds on which they did so were poor. The aim is then, in Part II, to give a proper appreciation of the distinctive intentionality of perceptual experience whilst remaining metaphysically neutral. I do so by drawing on the early work of Edmund Husserl, providing a characterisation of the perceptual experience of objects as real, qua mind-independent particulars. In Part III, I explore two possible explanations of the structure characterising the intentionality of perceptual experience, both of which accord a distinctive explanatory role to the body. On one account, perceptual experience is structured by an implicit pre-reflective consciousness of oneself as a body engaged in perceptual activity. An alternative account makes no appeal to the metaphysically laden concept of a bodily self. It seeks to explain the structure of perceptual experience by appeal to anticipation of the structural constraints of the body. I develop this alternative by highlighting the conceptual and empirical basis for the idea that a first-order structural affordance relation holds between a bodily agent and certain properties of its body. I then close with a discussion of the shared background assumptions that ought to inform disputes over whether the body itself (in addition to its representation) ought to serve as an explanans in such an account.
Transportprozesse von anisotropen metallischen Nanopartikeln wie zum Beispiel Gold-Nanostäbchen in komplexen Flüssigkeiten und/oder begrenzten Geometrien spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in einer Vielzahl von biomedizinischen und industriellen Anwendungen. Ein Weg zu einem tiefen, grundlegenden Verständnis von Transportmechanismen ist die Verwendung zweier leistungsstarker Methoden - dynamischer Lichtstreuung (DLS) und resonanzverstärkter Lichtstreuung (REDLS) in der Nähe einer Grenzfläche. In dieser Arbeit wurden nanomolare Suspensionen von Gold-Nanostäbchen, stabilisiert mit Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromid (CTAB), mit DLS sowie in der Nähe einer Grenzfläche mit REDLS untersucht. Mit DLS wurde eine wellenlängenabhängige Verstärkung der anisotropen Streuung beobachtet, welche sich durch die Anregung von longitudinaler Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz ergibt. Die hohe Streuintensität nahe der longitudinalen Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzfrequenz für Stäbchen, welche parallel zum anregenden optischen Feld liegen, erlaubte die Auflösung der translationalen Anisotropie in einem isotropen Medium. Diese wellenlängenabhängige anisotrope Lichtstreuung ermöglicht neue Anwendungen wie etwa die Untersuchung der Dynamik einzelner Partikel in komplexen Umgebungen mittels depolarisierter dynamischer Lichtstreuung. In der Nähe einer Grenzfläche wurde eine starke Verlangsamung der translationalen Diffusion beobachtet. Hingegen zeigte sich für die Rotation zwar eine ausgeprägte aber weniger starke Verlangsamung. Um den möglichen Einfluss von Ladung auf der festen Grenzfläche zu untersuchen, wurde das Metall mit elektrisch neutralem Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA) beschichtet. In einem weiteren Ansatz wurde das CTAB in der Gold-Nanostäbchen Lösung durch das kovalent gebundene 16-Mercaptohexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromid (MTAB) ersetzt. Daraus ergab sich eine deutlich geringere Verlangsamung.
P>Outcrossing Arabidopsis species that diverged from their inbreeding relative Arabidopsis thaliana 5 million yr ago and display a biogeographical pattern of interspecific sympatry vs intraspecific allopatry provides an ideal model for studying impacts of gene introgression and polyploidization on species diversification. Flow cytometry analyses detected ploidy polymorphisms of 2x and 4x in Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. kamchatica of Taiwan. Genomic divergence between species/subspecies was estimated based on 98 randomly chosen nuclear genes. Multilocus analyses revealed a mosaic genome in diploid A. l. kamchatica composed of Arabidopsis halleri-like and A. lyrata-like alleles. Coalescent analyses suggest that the segregation of ancestral polymorphisms alone cannot explain the high inconsistency between gene trees across loci, and that gene introgression via diploid A. l. kamchatica likely distorts the molecular phylogenies of Arabidopsis species. However, not all genes migrated across species freely. Gene ontology analyses suggested that some nonmigrating genes were constrained by natural selection. High levels of estimated ancestral polymorphisms between A. halleri and A. lyrata suggest that gene flow between these species has not completely ceased since their initial isolation. Polymorphism data of extant populations also imply recent gene flow between the species. Our study reveals that interspecific gene flow affects the genome evolution in Arabidopsis.
The Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, complete basis set- (CBS-) QB3, and CBS-APNO methods have been used to calculate ΔH° and ΔG° values for neutral clusters of water, (H2O)n, where n = 2−6. The structures are similar to those determined from experiment and from previous high-level calculations. The thermodynamic calculations by the G2, G3, and CBS-APNO methods compare well against the estimated MP2(CBS) limit. The cyclic pentamer and hexamer structures release the most heat per hydrogen bond formed of any of the clusters. While the cage and prism forms of the hexamer are the lowest energy structures at very low temperatures, as temperature is increased the cyclic structure is favored. The free energies of cluster formation at different temperatures reveal interesting insights, the most striking being that the cyclic trimer, cyclic tetramer, and cyclic pentamer, like the dimer, should be detectable in the lower troposphere. We predict water dimer concentrations of 9 × 1014 molecules/cm3, water trimer concentrations of 2.6 × 1012 molecules/cm3, tetramer concentrations of approximately 5.8 × 1011 molecules/cm3, and pentamer concentrations of approximately 3.5 × 1010 molecules/cm3 in saturated air at 298 K. These results have important implications for understanding the gas-phase chemistry of the lower troposphere.
The Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, Complete Basis Set-QB3, and Complete Basis Set-APNO methods have been used to calculate geometries of neutral clusters of water, (H2O)n, where n = 2–6. The structures are in excellent agreement with those determined from experiment and those predicted from previous high-level calculations. These methods also provide excellent thermochemical predictions for water clusters, and thus can be used with confidence in evaluating the structures and thermochemistry of water clusters.
Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations have been performed for the first step in the alkaline hydrolysis of the neutral benzoylester of cocaine. Successes, failures, and limitations of these calculations are reviewed. A PM3 calculated transition state structure is compared with the PM3 calculated structure for the hapten used to induce catalytic antibodies for the hydrolysis of cocaine. Implications of these calculations for the computer–aided design of transition state analogs for the induction of catalytic antibodies are discussed.
Real-time PCR (qPCR) is the method of choice for quantification of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by relative comparison of a nuclear to a mitochondrial locus. Quantitative abnormal mtDNA content is indicative of mitochondrial disorders and mostly confines in a tissue-specific manner. Thus handling of degradation-prone bioptic material is inevitable. We established a serial qPCR assay based on increasing amplicon size to measure degradation status of any DNA sample. Using this approach we can exclude erroneous mtDNA quantification due to degraded samples (e.g. long post-exicision time, autolytic processus, freeze-thaw cycles) and ensure abnormal DNA content measurements (e.g. depletion) in non-degraded patient material. By preparation of degraded DNA under controlled conditions using sonification and DNaseI digestion we show that erroneous quantification is due to the different preservation qualities of the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome. This disparate degradation of the two genomes results in over- or underestimation of mtDNA copy number in degraded samples. Moreover, as analysis of defined archival tissue would allow to precise the molecular pathomechanism of mitochondrial disorders presenting with abnormal mtDNA content, we compared fresh frozen (FF) with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) skeletal muscle tissue of the same sample. By extrapolation of measured decay constants for nuclear DNA (λnDNA) and mtDNA (λmtDNA) we present an approach to possibly correct measurements in degraded samples in the future. To our knowledge this is the first time different degradation impact of the two genomes is demonstrated and which evaluates systematically the impact of DNA degradation on quantification of mtDNA copy number.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease often alleviates the motor symptoms, but causes cognitive and emotional side effects in a substantial number of cases. Identification of the motor part of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as part of the presurgical workup could minimize these adverse effects. In this study, we assessed the STN's connectivity to motor, associative, and limbic brain areas, based on structural and functional connectivity analysis of volunteer data. For the structural connectivity, we used streamline counts derived from HARDI fiber tracking. The resulting tracks supported the existence of the so-called "hyperdirect" pathway in humans. Furthermore, we determined the connectivity of each STN voxel with the motor cortical areas. Functional connectivity was calculated based on functional MRI, as the correlation of the signal within a given brain voxel with the signal in the STN. Also, the signal per STN voxel was explained in terms of the correlation with motor or limbic brain seed ROI areas. Both right and left STN ROIs appeared to be structurally and functionally connected to brain areas that are part of the motor, associative, and limbic circuit. Furthermore, this study enabled us to assess the level of segregation of the STN motor part, which is relevant for the planning of STN DBS procedures.
The project studied the perception of parenting styles and their relation to self-development, cognitive styles, and individualisation in adolescence. Typical parenting styles of mothers and fathers were studied in five different maternal and paternal parenting backgrounds: warm authoritarian, warm democratic, cold neglectful, cold authoritarian, and neutral. Perception of different styles of parenting (for fathers: authority, 'maintaining distance' behaviour, reciprocity, enhancing self-reliance; for mothers: authority, unpredictable behaviour, mutual trust, achievement orientation, and enhancing self-reliance) were analysed in each group using the newly developed Hungarian Parenting Questionnaire (Sallay & Munnich, 1999). This questionnaire has a theoretical basis in the ideas of Harvey (1966, 1967), where the socialisation process is combined with self-development. This categorisation of paternal and maternal parenting backgrounds enabled Sallay to explore and describe in detail how diverse parenting styles contribute to self-development, the development of cognitive complexity, and individualisation. The results show that diverse parenting by mothers and fathers produces differing impacts in nuclear and divorced families and for males and females, taking into consideration such self-components as physical, active, psychological (capabilities, personality, emotions, roles, preferences), social and reflective selves. Cognitive self-complexity varied according to parenting styles and genders: maternal and paternal parenting proved to have the most significant impact on self-complexity in a warm, democratic family. With respect to individualistic tendencies, adolescent boys were most individualistic in a cold, neglectful paternal background in nuclear families as compared to other paternal and maternal family backgrounds and to females.
Keratins 8 and 18 (K8/K18) protect the liver from various forms of injury. Studies of liver explants from a large cohort of U.S. patients showed that K8/K18 mutations confer a risk to developing end-stage liver diseases, though which diseases are preferentially involved is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that K8/K18 variants are associated with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and that their presence correlates with progression of fibrosis. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood of a well-characterized German cohort of 329 patients with CHC infection. Exonic regions were PCR-amplified and analyzed using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and DNA sequencing. Our findings showed: (1) amino acid altering keratin heterozygous variants in 24 of 329 CHC patients (7.3%) and non-coding heterozygous variants in 26 patients (7.8%), and (2) 3 new exonic K8 variants (T26R/G55A/A359T); 6 novel non-coding variants and one K18 coding variant (K18 S230T; 2 patients). The most common variants were K8 R341H (10 patients), K8 G62C (6 patients) and K8 I63V (4 patients). A novel and exclusive association of an intronic KRT8 IVS7+10delC deletion in all 10 patients with K8 R341H was observed. Notably, there was a significant association of exonic, but not of intronic K8 variants with increased fibrosis. In conclusion, previously described and novel K8 variants are present in a German population and collectively associate with progression of fibrosis in CHC infection. The unique 100% segregation of the most common K8 variant, R341H, with an intronic deletion suggests that one of these two genetic changes might lead to the other.
The spatial segregation of the plasma membrane plays a prominent role in distinguishing and sorting a large number of signals a cell receives simultaneously. The plasma membrane comprises regions known as lipid rafts, which serve as signal-transduction hubs and platforms for sorting membrane-associated proteins. Ca(2+)-binding proteins of the annexin family have been ascribed a role in the regulation of raft dynamics. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored 5'-nucleotidase is an extracellular, raft-associated enzyme responsible for conversion of extracellular ATP into adenosine. Our results point to a regulation of ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity by Ca(2+)-dependent, annexin-mediated stabilization of membrane rafts.
Lateral segregation of cholesterol- and sphingomyelin-rich rafts and glycerophospholipid-containing non-raft microdomains has been proposed to play a role in a variety of biological processes. The most compelling evidence for membrane segregation is based on the observation that extraction with non-ionic detergents leads to solubilization of a subset of membrane components only. However, one decade later, a large body of inconsistent detergent-extraction data is threatening the very concept of membrane segregation. We have assessed the validity of the existing paradigms and we show the following. (i) The localization of a membrane component within a particular fraction of a sucrose gradient cannot be taken as a yardstick for its solubility: a variable localization of the DRMs (detergent-resistant membranes) in sucrose gradients is the result of complex associations between the membrane skeleton and the lipid bilayer. (ii) DRMs of variable composition can be generated by using a single detergent, the increasing concentration of which gradually extracts one protein/lipid after another. Therefore any extraction pattern obtained by a single concentration experiment is bound to be 'investigator-specific'. It follows that comparison of DRMs obtained by different detergents in a single concentration experiment is prone to misinterpretations. (iii) Depletion of cholesterol has a graded effect on membrane solubility. (iv) Differences in detergent solubility of the members of the annexin protein family arise from their association with chemically different membrane compartments; however, these cannot be attributed to the 'brick-like' raft-building blocks of fixed size and chemical composition. Our findings demonstrate a need for critical re-evaluation of the accumulated detergent-extraction data.
(-)-Menthol, a monoterpene from Mentha species (Lamiaceae), has been shown to inhibit bone resorption in vivo by an unknown mechanism. In the present study, plasma and urine profiling in rats determined by GC/MS demonstrate that (-)-menthol is extensively metabolized, mainly by hydroxylation and carboxylation, and excreted in the urine, in part as glucuronides. In plasma, very low concentrations of (-)-menthol metabolites were detected after a single dose of (-)-menthol, whereas after repeated treatment, several times higher concentrations and long residence times were measured. In contrast, the elimination of unchanged (-)-menthol was increased by repeated treatment. (-)-Menthol, at concentrations found in plasma, did not inhibit bone resorption in cultured mouse calvaria (skull). However, the neutral metabolites of (-)-menthol, extracted from urine of rats fed with (-)-menthol, inhibited bone resorption in vitro, the concentrations being at plasma level or higher. These results suggest that not (-)-menthol itself, but one or several of its neutral metabolites inhibit the bone resorbing cells in vivo.