788 resultados para mother and child
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
This research aims to describe the effects of an intervention program focusing on parenting practices of mothers of babies by comparing pre- and post -test (intragroup comparison) performed with groups of adolescent mothers and adult mothers (intergroup comparison). Participants were 40 mothers, 20 adolescents and 20 adults. To collect data we used the Parenting Styles Inventory for Mothers of Babies (IEPMB), applied before and after the intervention, which is characterized for ten weekly meetings on topics related to the cycle of human development and parenting practices. The results showed significantly better educational practices for adolescent mothers compared to adult mothers especially in the first evaluation conducted. The intervention group was effective for most participants, adults and adolescents, who improved their parenting practices or remained appropriate. It discusses the importance of interventional groups to improve parenting practices of mothers of babies.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do uso de serviços odontológicos por pré- escolares e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 1.129 crianças de cinco anos de idade da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas 2004, RS, de setembro de 2009 a janeiro de 2010. Registrou-se o uso de serviço odontológico pelo menos uma vez na vida e o motivo para a primeira consulta odontológica da criança. As categorias do desfecho foram: ter feito a primeira consulta por rotina, para resolver um problema ou nunca ter ido ao dentista. Os exames bucais e as entrevistas foram realizados nos domicílios. Aspectos socioeconômicos e variáveis independentes ligadas à mãe e à criança foram analisados por meio de regressão logística multinomial. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de uso por qualquer motivo foi 37,0%. Os principais preditores para consulta de rotina foram nível econômico mais elevado, mãe com maior escolaridade e ter recebido orientação sobre prevenção. Principais preditores para consulta por problema foram ter sentido dor nos últimos seis meses, mãe com maior escolaridade e ter recebido orientação sobre prevenção. Cerca de 45,0% das mães receberam orientação de como prevenir cárie, principalmente fornecida por dentistas. Filhos de mães com história de maior aderência a programas de saúde tiveram maior probabilidade de ter feito uma consulta odontológica de rotina. CONCLUSÕES: A taxa de utilização dos serviços odontológicos por pré- escolares foi inferior às de consultas médicas (puericultura). Além da renda e da escolaridade, comportamentos maternos têm papel importante no uso por rotina. Relato de dor nos últimos seis meses e número elevado de dentes afetados por cárie, independentemente dos demais fatores, estiveram associados ao uso para resolver problema. É necessária a integração de ações de saúde bucal nos programas materno-infantis.
Vaccination in HIV-infected children is often less effective than in healthy children. The goal of this study was to assess vaccine responses to hepatitis A virus (HAV) in HIV-infected children. Children of the Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study (MoCHiV) were enrolled prospectively. Recommendations for initial, catch-up, and additional HAV immunizations were based upon baseline antibody concentrations and vaccine history. HAV IgG was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a protective cutoff value defined as ≥10 mIU/ml. Eighty-seven patients were included (median age, 11 years; range, 3.4 to 21.2 years). Forty-two patients were seropositive (48.3%) for HAV. Among 45 (51.7%) seronegative patients, 36 had not received any HAV vaccine dose and were considered naïve. Vaccine responses were assessed after the first dose in 29/35 naïve patients and after the second dose in 33/39 children (25 initially naïve patients, 4 seronegative patients, and 4 seropositive patients that had already received 1 dose of vaccine). Seroconversion was 86% after 1 dose and 97% after 2 doses, with a geometric mean concentration of 962 mIU/ml after the second dose. A baseline CD4(+) T cell count below 750 cells/μl significantly reduced the post-2nd-dose response (P = 0.005). Despite a high rate of seroconversion, patients with CD4(+) T cell counts of <750/μl had lower anti-HAV antibody concentrations. This may translate into a shorter protection time. Hence, monitoring humoral immunity may be necessary to provide supplementary doses as needed.
Circulating aldosterone levels are increased in human pregnancy. Inadequately low aldosterone levels as present in preeclampsia, a life-threatening disease for both mother and child, are discussed to be involved in its pathogenesis or severity. Moreover, inactivating polymorphisms in the aldosterone synthase gene have been detected in preeclamptic women. Here, we used aldosterone synthase-deficient (AS(-/-)) mice to test whether the absence of aldosterone is sufficient to impair pregnancy or even to cause preeclampsia. AS(-/-) and AS(+/+) females were mated with AS(+/+) and AS(-/-) males, respectively, always generating AS(+/-) offspring. With maternal aldosterone deficiency in AS(-/-) mice, systolic blood pressure was low before and further reduced during pregnancy with no increase in proteinuria. Yet, AS(-/-) had smaller litters due to loss of fetuses as indicated by a high number of necrotic placentas with massive lymphocyte infiltrations at gestational day 18. Surviving fetuses and their placentas from AS(-/-) females were smaller. High-salt diet before and during pregnancy increased systolic blood pressure only before pregnancy in both genotypes and abolished the difference in blood pressure during late pregnancy. Litter size from AS(-/-) was slightly improved and the differences in placental and fetal weights between AS(+/+) and AS(-/-) mothers disappeared. Overall, an increased placental efficiency was observed in both groups paralleled by a normalization of elevated HIF1α levels in the AS(-/-) placentas. Our results demonstrate that aldosterone deficiency has profound adverse effects on placental function. High dietary salt intake improved placental function. In this animal model, aldosterone deficiency did not cause preeclampsia.
Caesarean section is one of the most frequently performed operations in human medicine. It has become a routine procedure with a very low morbidity and mortality. Over the centuries, it has emerged an essential achievement in obstetric medicine. In the presence of cephalo-pelvic-disproportion, cervical dystocia, malpresentation, preterm birth, macrosomia, placental insufficiency, placenta praevia or fetal distress it is crucial to improve the perinatal morbiditiy and mortality of mother and child. The procedure has become much more frequent over the past 20 years for multiple reasons. There is variety in incidence between countries but also regional differences. It's occurrence is being influenced by level of education and socio-economic status of the pregnant woman. In the meantime, also the longterm consequences of cesarean section are well known. The potential hazards for future pregnancies and deliveries are well described. Actual controversy addresses cesarean section on demand without any medical indication, which in fact is only seldom performed in Switzerland. The ethical justification of this procedure needs to be discussed in view of the current tendency towards autonomy and self-determination of the pregnant woman.
In Switzerland, decreases in regular hospital treatment after birth are leading increasingly to mother and child being cared for at home by independent midwives. The research herein was carried out in order to understand the needs of mothers in their home once they leave the hospital and what this midwife provided care consists of. In 2008, eight women from central Switzerland were interviewed on two separate occasions after the birth of their child, and the interviews were analysed using content analysing techniques. Mothers explained that they wanted their baby and themselves to be well cared for. They needed rest and support for recuperation and wished to spend quality time with their new family. The midwifes assisted the mothers to fulfil their needs by counselling, by instructing and by giving information, but they rarely encouraged them to be together as a family. The relationship between midwife and mother turned out to be an important support. Mothers were satisfied if mutual trust was built and if the midwife perceived their needs, respected their autonomy and took the time to be with them. Midwives contribute to the basic well-being of families and support women with medical expertise and ongoing care. Furthermore families need support in general household issues so that new mothers can recover sufficiently.
Este artículo presenta un recorrido por los diversos estudios historiográficos de las mujeres y género que han abordado la problemática de la maternidad en Argentina. Al mismo tiempo, analiza las distintas perspectivas desde donde fue abordada, rescatando las tensiones entre los modelos idílicos de madre, que desde el Estado se intentaron instaurar, y las prácticas de las mujeres que fueron más allá de las normas y, a su vez, pusieron en cuestión esos modelos. Por último, se realiza un balance acerca de las problemáticas comunes intentando aportar algunas cuestiones para su abordaje
Este artículo presenta un recorrido por los diversos estudios historiográficos de las mujeres y género que han abordado la problemática de la maternidad en Argentina. Al mismo tiempo, analiza las distintas perspectivas desde donde fue abordada, rescatando las tensiones entre los modelos idílicos de madre, que desde el Estado se intentaron instaurar, y las prácticas de las mujeres que fueron más allá de las normas y, a su vez, pusieron en cuestión esos modelos. Por último, se realiza un balance acerca de las problemáticas comunes intentando aportar algunas cuestiones para su abordaje
Este artículo presenta un recorrido por los diversos estudios historiográficos de las mujeres y género que han abordado la problemática de la maternidad en Argentina. Al mismo tiempo, analiza las distintas perspectivas desde donde fue abordada, rescatando las tensiones entre los modelos idílicos de madre, que desde el Estado se intentaron instaurar, y las prácticas de las mujeres que fueron más allá de las normas y, a su vez, pusieron en cuestión esos modelos. Por último, se realiza un balance acerca de las problemáticas comunes intentando aportar algunas cuestiones para su abordaje