963 resultados para mild anodisation
Objective: There is evidence that children after mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) suffer ongoing post-concussive symptoms (PCS). However, results concerning neuropsychological outcome after mTBI are controversial. Thus, our aim was to examine group differences regarding neuropsychological outcome and PCS. Additionally, we explored the influence of current and pre-injury everyday attention problems on neuropsychological outcome in children after mTBI. Method: In a prospective short-term longitudinal study, 40 children (aged 6-16 years) after mTBI and 38 children after orthopedic injury (OI) underwent neuropsychological, socio-behavioral and PCS assessments in the acute stage and at 1 week, at 4 weeks, and 4 months after the injury. Results: Parents of children after mTBI observed significantly more PCS compared to parents of children after OI, especially in the acute stage. Our results revealed no neuropsychological or socio-behavioral differences over time between both groups. However, in children after mTBI, we found negative correlations between elevated levels of everyday attention problems and reduced neuropsychological performance. Furthermore, there was a negative influence of pre-injury everyday attention problems on neuropsychological performance in children after mTBI. Conclusion: In accordance with earlier studies, parents of children after mTBI initially observed significantly more PCS compared to parents of children after OI. There were no neuropsychological or socio-behavioral group differences between children after mTBI and OI in the post-acute period. However, our exploratory findings concerning the influence of everyday attention problems on neuropsychological outcome indicate that current and pre-injury everyday attention problems were negatively associated with neuropsychological performance in children after mTBI.
BACKGROUND/AIMS Clinical differentiation between organic hypersomnia and non-organic hypersomnia (NOH) is challenging. We aimed to determine the diagnostic value of sleepiness and performance tests in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) of organic and non-organic origin. METHODS We conducted a retrospective comparison of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), pupillography, and the Steer Clear performance test in three patient groups complaining of EDS: 19 patients with NOH, 23 patients with narcolepsy (NAR), and 46 patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). RESULTS As required by the inclusion criteria, all patients had Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) scores >10. The mean sleep latency in the MSLT indicated mild objective sleepiness in NOH (8.1 ± 4.0 min) and OSAS (7.2 ± 4.1 min), but more severe sleepiness in NAR (2.5 ± 2.0 min). The difference between NAR and the other two groups was significant; the difference between NOH and OSAS was not. In the Steer Clear performance test, NOH patients performed worst (error rate = 10.4%) followed by NAR (8.0%) and OSAS patients (5.9%; p = 0.008). The difference between OSAS and the other two groups was significant, but not between NOH and NAR. The pupillary unrest index was found to be highest in NAR (11.5) followed by NOH (9.2) and OSAS (7.4; n.s.). CONCLUSION A high error rate in the Steer Clear performance test along with mild sleepiness in an objective sleepiness test (MSLT) in a patient with subjective sleepiness (ESS) is suggestive of NOH. This disproportionately high error rate in NOH may be caused by factors unrelated to sleep pressure, such as anergia, reduced attention and motivation affecting performance, but not conventional sleepiness measurements.
The S0 ↔ S1 spectra of the mild charge-transfer (CT) complexes perylene·tetrachloroethene (P·4ClE) and perylene·(tetrachloroethene)2 (P·(4ClE)2) are investigated by two-color resonant two-photon ionization (2C-R2PI) and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy in supersonic jets. The S0 → S1 vibrationless transitions of P·4ClE and P·(4ClE)2 are shifted by δν = −451 and −858 cm–1 relative to perylene, translating to excited-state dissociation energy increases of 5.4 and 10.3 kJ/mol, respectively. The red shift is ∼30% larger than that of perylene·trans-1,2-dichloroethene; therefore, the increase in chlorination increases the excited-state stabilization and CT character of the interaction, but the electronic excitation remains largely confined to the perylene moiety. The 2C-R2PI and fluorescence spectra of P·4ClE exhibit strong progressions in the perylene intramolecular twist (1au) vibration (42 cm–1 in S0 and 55 cm–1 in S1), signaling that perylene deforms along its twist coordinate upon electronic excitation. The intermolecular stretching (Tz) and internal rotation (Rc) vibrations are weak; therefore, the P·4ClE intermolecular potential energy surface (IPES) changes little during the S0 ↔ S1 transition. The minimum-energy structures and inter- and intramolecular vibrational frequencies of P·4ClE and P·(4ClE)2 are calculated with the dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) methods B97-D3, ωB97X-D, M06, and M06-2X and the spin-consistent-scaled (SCS) variant of the approximate second-order coupled-cluster method, SCS-CC2. All methods predict the global minima to be π-stacked centered coplanar structures with the long axis of tetrachloroethene rotated by τ ≈ 60° relative to the perylene long axis. The calculated binding energies are in the range of −D0 = 28–35 kJ/mol. A second minimum is predicted with τ ≈ 25°, with ∼1 kJ/mol smaller binding energy. Although both monomers are achiral, both the P·4ClE and P·(4ClE)2 complexes are chiral. The best agreement for adiabatic excitation energies and vibrational frequencies is observed for the ωB97X-D and M06-2X DFT methods.
OBJECTIVE This study explored whether acute serum marker S100B is related with post-concussive symptoms (PCS) and neuropsychological performance 4 months after paediatric mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This prospective short-term longitudinal study investigated children (aged 6-16 years) with mTBI (n = 36, 16 males) and children with orthopaedic injuries (OI, n = 27, 18 males) as a control group. S100B in serum was measured during the acute phase and was correlated with parent-rated PCS and neuropsychological performance 4 months after the injury. MAIN OUTCOMES AND RESULTS The results revealed no between-group difference regarding acute S100B serum concentration. In children after mTBI, group-specific significant Spearman correlations were found between S100B and post-acute cognitive PCS (r = 0.54, p = 0.001) as well as S100B and verbal memory performance (r = -0.47, p = 0.006). In children after OI, there were insignificant positive relations between S100B and post-acute somatic PCS. In addition, insignificant positive correlations were found between neuropsychological outcome and S100B in children after OI. CONCLUSIONS S100B was not specific for mild brain injuries and may also be elevated after OI. The group-specific association between S100B and ongoing cognitive PCS in children after mTBI should motivate to examine further the role of S100B as a diagnostic biomarker in paediatric mTBI.
Cognitive processes are influenced by underlying affective states, and tests of cognitive bias have recently been developed to assess the valence of affective states in animals. These tests are based on the fact that individuals in a negative affective state interpret ambiguous stimuli more pessimistically than individuals in a more positive state. Using two strains of mice we explored whether unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) can induce a negative judgement bias and whether variation in the expression of stereotypic behaviour is associated with variation in judgement bias. Sixteen female CD-1 and 16 female C57BL/6 mice were trained on a tactile conditional discrimination test with grade of sandpaper as a cue for differential food rewards. Once they had learned the discrimination, half of the mice were subjected to UCMS for three weeks to induce a negative affective state. Although UCMS induced a reduced preference for the higher value reward in the judgement bias test, it did not affect saccharine preference or hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) activity. However, UCMS affected responses to ambiguous (intermediate) cues in the judgement bias test. While control mice showed a graded response to ambiguous cues, UCMS mice of both strains did not discriminate between ambiguous cues and tended to show shorter latencies to the ambiguous cues and the negative reference cue. UCMS also increased bar-mouthing in CD-1, but not in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, mice with higher levels of stereotypic behaviour made more optimistic choices in the judgement bias test. However, no such relationship was found for stereotypic bar-mouthing, highlighting the importance of investigating different types of stereotypic behaviour separately.
One of the current issues of debate in the study of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is deviations of oscillatory brain responses from normal brain states and its dynamics. This work aims to characterize the differences of power in brain oscillations during the execution of a recognition memory task in MCI subjects in comparison with elderly controls. Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals were recorded during a continuous recognition memory task performance. Oscillatory brain activity during the recognition phase of the task was analyzed by wavelet transform in the source space by means of minimum norm algorithm. Both groups obtained a 77% hit ratio. In comparison with healthy controls, MCI subjects showed increased theta (p < 0.001), lower beta reduction (p < 0.001) and decreased alpha and gamma power (p < 0.002 and p < 0.001 respectively) in frontal, temporal and parietal areas during early and late latencies. Our results point towards a dual pattern of activity (increase and decrease) which is indicative of MCI and specific to certain time windows, frequency bands and brain regions. These results could represent two neurophysiological sides of MCI. Characterizing these opposing processes may contribute to the understanding of the disorder.
The default mode network (DMN) has received growing attention in recent years because it seems to be involved in the neuropathology of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer Disease. It has been defined as a task negative network, beca use the activity of all its brain regions is increased during the resting state and suspended during external or goal directed tasks.
Brain oscillations are closely correlated with human information processing and fundamental aspects of cognition. Previous literature shows that due to the relation between brain oscillations and memory processes, spectral dynamics during such tasks are good candidates to study and characterize memory related pathologies. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), defined as a clinical condition characterized by memory impairment and/ or deterioration of additional cognitive domains, is considered a preliminary stage in the dementia process. In consequence, the study of its brain patterns could help to achieve an early diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease.
Alteration of brain communication due to abnormal patterns of synchronization is nowadays one of the most suitable mechanisms for having a better understanding of brain pathologies. Very recently, it has been proved that abnormal changes in both local and long range functional interactions underlie the cognitive deficits associated with different brain disorders. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a state characterized for cognitive dysfunction, such as the memory. The study of the spatial and dynamic alterations in MCI subjects' functional networks could provide important evidences of the brain mechanisms responsible for such impairment.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Over the last few years, a considerable effort has been devoted to exploring new biomarkers. Nevertheless, a better understanding of brain dynamics is still required to optimize therapeutic strategies. In this regard, the characterization of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is crucial, due to the high conversion rate from MCI to AD. However, only a few studies have focused on the analysis of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) rhythms to characterize AD and MCI. In this study, we assess the ability of several parameters derived from information theory to describe spontaneous MEG activity from 36 AD patients, 18 MCI subjects and 26 controls. Three entropies (Shannon, Tsallis and Rényi entropies), one disequilibrium measure (based on Euclidean distance ED) and three statistical complexities (based on Lopez Ruiz–Mancini–Calbet complexity LMC) were used to estimate the irregularity and statistical complexity of MEG activity. Statistically significant differences between AD patients and controls were obtained with all parameters (p < 0.01). In addition, statistically significant differences between MCI subjects and controls were achieved by ED and LMC (p < 0.05). In order to assess the diagnostic ability of the parameters, a linear discriminant analysis with a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was applied. The accuracies reached 83.9% and 65.9% to discriminate AD and MCI subjects from controls, respectively. Our findings suggest that MCI subjects exhibit an intermediate pattern of abnormalities between normal aging and AD. Furthermore, the proposed parameters provide a new description of brain dynamics in AD and MCI.
Previous studies of the dementia continuum have characterized the early disruption of the brain oscillatory activity at the stage of Mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Reduction in power in posterior regions in the alpha band has been one of the landmarks of the Alzheimer Disease accompanied by the anteriorization of the theta band power. However, little is known about the neurophysiological differences between single and multidomain MCI patients.Our goal is to study the differences in oscillatory magnetic activity between amnestic single and multidomain MCI. This will allow us to test whether the effect of the impairment in a single cognitive domain or in a more widespread functional impairment can be reflected in specific neurophysiological profiles.
We investigate how hubs of functional brain networks are modified as a result of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition causing a slight but noticeable decline in cognitive abilities, which sometimes precedes the onset of Alzheimer's disease. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate the functional brain networks of a group of patients suffering from MCI and a control group of healthy subjects, during the execution of a short-term memory task. Couplings between brain sites were evaluated using synchronization likelihood, from which a network of functional interdependencies was constructed and the centrality, i.e. importance, of their nodes was quantified. The results showed that, with respect to healthy controls, MCI patients were associated with decreases and increases in hub centrality respectively in occipital and central scalp regions, supporting the hypothesis that MCI modifies functional brain network topology, leading to more random structures.
The neurophysiological changes associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) include an increase in low frequency activity, as measured with electroencephalography or magnetoencephalography (MEG). A relevant property of spectral measures is the alpha peak, which corresponds to the dominant alpha rhythm. Here we studied the spatial distribution of MEG resting state alpha peak frequency and amplitude values in a sample of 27 MCI patients and 24 age-matched healthy controls. Power spectra were reconstructed in source space with linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer. Then, 88 Regions of Interest (ROIs) were defined and an alpha peak per ROI and subject was identified. Statistical analyses were performed at every ROI, accounting for age, sex and educational level. Peak frequency was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in MCIs in many posterior ROIs. The average peak frequency over all ROIs was 9.68 ± 0.71 Hz for controls and 9.05 ± 0.90 Hz for MCIs and the average normalized amplitude was (2.57 ± 0.59)·10−2 for controls and (2.70 ± 0.49)·10−2 for MCIs. Age and gender were also found to play a role in the alpha peak, since its frequency was higher in females than in males in posterior ROIs and correlated negatively with age in frontal ROIs. Furthermore, we examined the dependence of peak parameters with hippocampal volume, which is a commonly used marker of early structural AD-related damage. Peak frequency was positively correlated with hippocampal volume in many posterior ROIs. Overall, these findings indicate a pathological alpha slowing in MCI.
Although progressive functional brain network disruption has been one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer?s Dis- ease, little is known about the origin of this functional impairment that underlies cognitive symptoms. We in- vestigated how the loss of white matter (WM) integrity disrupts the organization of the functional networks at different frequency bands. The analyses were performed in a sample of healthy elders and mild cognitive im- pairment (MCI) subjects. Spontaneous brain magnetic activity (measured with magnetoencephalography) was characterized with phase synchronization analysis, and graph theory was applied to the functional networks. We identified WM areas (using diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging) that showed a statistical de- pendence between the fractional anisotropy and the graph metrics. These regions are part of an episodic mem- ory network and were also related to cognitive functions. Our data support the hypothesis that disruption of the anatomical networks influences the organization at the functional level resulting in the prodromal dementia syndrome of MCI.