998 resultados para microbial conversion


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Tm3+-doped oxide-chloride germanate and tellurite glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting method. Intense up-conversion luminescence emissions were simultaneously observed at room temperature in these glasses. The possible up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. However, in these Tm3+-doped glasses, tellurite glass showed weaker up-conversion emissions than germanate glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between tellurite and germanate glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Our results confirm that, besides the maximum phonon energy, the phonon density of host glasses is also an important factor in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ytterbium-sensitized erbium-doped oxide-halide tellurite and germanate-niobic-lead glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting method. Intense green and red emissions centered at 525, 546 and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were simultaneously observed at room temperature in these glasses. The quadratic dependence of the 525, 546 and 657 nm emissions on excitation power indicates that a two-photon absorption process occurs. Tellurite glass showed a weaker up-conversion emission than germanate-niobic-lead glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between tellurite and germanate-mobic-lead glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Compared with phonon side-band spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy extracts more information including both phonon energy and phonon density. Our results reveal that the phonon density and the maximum phonon energy of host glasses are both important factors in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One of the key systems of a Wave Energy Converter for extraction of wave energy is the Power Take-Off (PTO) device. This device transforms the mechanical energy of a moving body into electrical energy. This paper describes the model of an innovative PTO based on independently activated double-acting hydraulic cylinders array. The model has been developed using a simulation tool, based on a port-based approach to model hydraulics systems. The components and subsystems used in the model have been parameterized as real components and their values experimentally obtained from an existing prototype. In fact, the model takes into account most of the hydraulic losses of each component. The simulations show the flexibility to apply different restraining torques to the input movement depending on the geometrical configuration and the hydraulic cylinders on duty, easily modified by a control law. The combination of these two actions allows suitable flexibility to adapt the device to different sea states whilst optimizing the energy extraction. The model has been validated using a real test bench showing good correlations between simulation and experimental tests.


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The up-conversion luminescence of Yb3+-doped yttriurn lanthanum oxide transparent ceramic was investigated. It was ascribed to cooperative luminescence originated from the coupled states of the Yb3+ ion pairs. The proper doping of La2O3 can remove the cooperative luminescence of Yb3+ ion. But excessive La2O3 (at least 10 at.%) the cooperative up-conversion of Yb3+:Y2O3 is obtained again, and the intensity of up-conversion luminescence strengthens with the increase of La2O3 content. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) are valued by many stakeholders, including the commercial fishing industry, biomedical companies, and environmental interest groups. We designed a study to test the accuracy of the conversion factors that were used by NOAA Fisheries and state agencies to estimate horseshoe crab landings before mandatory reporting that began in 1998. Our results indicate that the NOAA Fisheries conversion factor consistently overestimates the weight of male horseshoe crabs, particularly those from New England populations. Because of the inaccuracy of this and other conversion factors, states are now mandated to report the number (not biomass) and sex of landed horseshoe crabs. However, accurate estimates of biomass are still necessary for use in prediction models that are being developed to better manage the horseshoe crab fishery. We recommend that managers use the conversion factors presented in this study to convert current landing data from numbers to biomass of harvested horseshoe crabs for future assessments.


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Soil microbial community changes associated to conventional and organic farming of two relevant crops (Beta vulgaris and Solanum lycopersicum) were analysed through 16s rRNA amplicon sequencing. This study revealed microbial communities in the agricultural soils studied to be similar to other reported nutrient-rich microbiomes, and some significant differences between the microbial communities associated to the two farming practices were found. Some phyla (Chloroflexi and Thermi) were found to be present in different abundances according to soil treatment. As chloroplast interference can be a stumbling block in plant-associated 16s rRNA amplicon metagenomics analysis of aerial plant tissues, two protocols for bacterial cell detachment (orbital shaking and ultrasound treatment) and two protocols for microbial biomass recovery (centrifugation and filtration) were tested regarding their efficiency at excluding plant-DNA. An alternative method to the one proposed by Rastogi et al (2010) for evaluating the chloroplast-amplicon content in post-PCR samples was tested, and the method revealed that filtration was the most efficient protocol in minimising chloroplast interference.


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Os métodos tradicionais de estimular a produção de petróleo, envolvendo a injeção de água, vapor, gás ou outros produtos, estabeleceram a base conceitual para novos métodos de extração de óleo, utilizando micro-organismos e processos biológicos. As tecnologias que empregam os processos de bioestimulação e bioaumentação já são amplamente utilizadas em inúmeras aplicações industriais, farmacêuticas e agroindustriais, e mais recentemente, na indústria do petróleo. Dada a enorme dimensão econômica da indústria do petróleo, qualquer tecnologia que possa aumentar a produção ou o fator de recuperação de um campo petrolífero gera a expectativa de grandes benefícios técnicos, econômicos e estratégicos. Buscando avaliar o possível impacto de MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) no fator de recuperação das reservas de óleo e gás no Brasil, e quais técnicas poderiam ser mais indicadas, foi feito um amplo estudo dessas técnicas e de diversos aspectos da geologia no Brasil. Também foram realizados estudos preliminares de uma técnica de MEOR (bioacidificação) com possível aplicabilidade em reservatórios brasileiros. Os resultados demonstram que as técnicas de MEOR podem ser eficazes na produção, solubilização, emulsificação ou transformação de diversos compostos, e que podem promover outros efeitos físicos no óleo ou na matriz da rocha reservatório. Também foram identificadas bacias petrolíferas brasileiras e recursos não convencionais com maior potencial para utilização de determinadas técnicas de MEOR. Finalmente, foram identificadas algumas técnicas de MEOR que merecem maiores estudos, entre as técnicas mais consolidadas (como a produção de biossurfatantes e biopolímeros, e o controle da biocorrosão), e as que ainda não foram completamente viabilizadas (como a gaseificação de carvão, óleo e matéria orgânica; a dissociação microbiana de hidratos de gás; a bioconversão de CO2 em metano; e a bioacidificação). Apesar de seu potencial ainda não ser amplamente reconhecido, as técnicas de MEOR representam o limiar de uma nova era na estimulação da produção de recursos petrolíferos existentes, e até mesmo para os planos de desenvolvimento de novas áreas petrolíferas e recursos energéticos. Este trabalho fornece o embasamento técnico para sugerir novas iniciativas, reconhecer o potencial estratégico de MEOR, e para ajudar a realizar seu pleno potencial e seus benefícios.


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Microbial biofilms have been found to increase fish production in ponds by increasing heterotrophic production through periphyton proliferation on available substrates. In this paper, the role of substrate based microbial biofilm in the production of Cyprinus carpio and Labeo rohita grown in ponds is investigated, using an easily available and biodegradable agricultural waste product (sugarcane bagasse) as substrate.