930 resultados para mercury remediation


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The efficiency of sputtered refractory elements by H+ and He++ solar wind ions from Mercury's surface and their contribution to the exosphere are studied for various solar wind conditions. A 3D solar wind-planetary interaction hybrid model is used for the evaluation of precipitation maps of the sputter agents on Mercury's surface. By assuming a global mineralogical surface composition, the related sputter yields are calculated by means of the 2013 SRIM code and are coupled with a 3D exosphere model. Because of Mercury's magnetic field, for quiet and nominal solar wind conditions the plasma can only precipitate around the polar areas, while for extreme solar events (fast solar wind, coronal mass ejections, interplanetary magnetic clouds) the solar wind plasma has access to the entire dayside. In that case the release of particles form the planet's surface can result in an exosphere density increase of more than one order of magnitude. The corresponding escape rates are also about an order of magnitude higher. Moreover, the amount of He++ ions in the precipitating solar plasma flow enhances also the release of sputtered elements from the surface in the exosphere. A comparison of our model results with MESSENGER observations of sputtered Mg and Ca elements in the exosphere shows a reasonable quantitative agreement. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Making seafood choices isn't easy for consumers who want to minimize exposure to mercury but also take advantage of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Rob Mason's research on mercury in various ocean fish and shellfish, and his discussion of what factors are important to consider, helps readers make wise choices.


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Working with CT DEP, the NOAA Office of Damage Assessment, Remediation and Restoration uses funds recovered from polluters to conduct restoration projects. Here in Connecticut, projects include the Jordan Brook Fishway in Waterford, the Remington Gun Club site at Lordship Point in Stratford, and more.


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A systematic review was performed in order to evaluate perchlorate remediation technologies. The two included technologies were ion-exchange concerted with biodegradation and solely biodegradation. A meta-analysis was completed and subsequently, a regression model was formed to conduct a degradation rate analysis and to depict the association between rate and various dependent variables (salinity/sali, nitrate concentration/nitc and carbon source concentration/csou). The outcome of the model analysis suggested that salt concentration did have an effect on the degradation rate in the ion-exchange process and that with a salt concentration greater than or equal to 18.6 g/L, the biodegradation process will produce a greater reduction of perchlorate than ion-exchange concerted with biodegradation. However, when a t-test examined the difference in perchlorate degradation rate between the two cleanup methods, there was no significant difference seen (p=0.7351, α = 0.05).^


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A belt of small but numerous mercury deposits extends for about 500 km in the Kuskokwim River region of southwestern Alaska. The southwestern Alaska mercury belt is part of widespread mercury deposits of the circum Pacific region that are similar to other mercury deposits throughout the world because they are epithermal with formation temperatures of about 200 °C, the ore is dominantly cinnabar with Hg-Sb-As±Au geochemistry, and mineralized forms include vein, vein breccias, stockworks, replacements, and disseminations. The southwestern Alaska mercury belt has produced about 1400 t of mercury, which is small on an international scale. However, additional mercury deposits are likely to be discovered because the terrain is topographically low with significant vegetation cover. Anomalous concentrations of gold in cinnabar ore suggest that gold deposits are possible in higher temperature environments below some of the Alaska mercury deposits. We correlate mineralization of the southwestern Alaska mercury deposits with Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary igneous activity. Our 40Ar/39Ar ages of 70 ±3 Ma from hydrothermal sericites in the mercury deposits indicate a temporal association of igneous activity and mineralization. Furthermore, we suggest that our geological ancl geochemical data from the mercury deposits indicate that ore fluids were generated primarily in surrounding sedimentary wall rocks when they were cut by Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary intrusions. In our ore genesis model, igneous activity provided the heat to initiate dehydration reactions and expel fluids from hydrous minerals and formational waters in the surrounding sedimentary wall rocks, causing thermal convection and hydrothermal fluid flow through permeable rocks and along fractures and faults. Our isotopic data from sulfide and alteration minerals of the mercury deposits indicate that ore fluids were derived from multiple sources, with most ore fluids originating from the sedimentary wall rocks.


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Pingualuk Lake fills a deep crater in the Parc National des Pingualuit on the Ungava Peninsula (Nunavik, Canada) and is isolated from nearby surface waters. The main objectives of this study were to determine and compare the concentrations of two atmospherically derived contaminants, mercury and perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), in the lake water column and fish of Pingualuk Lake and to assess the physical and biological factors influencing contaminant concentrations. Mercury concentrations in arctic char muscle tissue were comparable to those of char in other Arctic lakes, while the total amount of PFCs was below reported levels for remote lakes in the Arctic and elsewhere. Stable isotope and stomach content analyses were made to investigate the feeding ecology of the Pingualuk Lake arctic char population and indicated the possibility of multiple feeding groups. Genetics characteristics (MH and mtDNA) of fish from Pingualuk Lake revealed that this population is likely distinct from that of nearby Laflamme Lake. However, both arctic char populations exhibit differential variation of their allele families. Physical characteristics determined for Lake Pingualuk revealed that the water column was inversely stratified beneath the ice and extremely transparent to visible and ultraviolet radiation. The highest mercury concentrations (3- 6 pg/mL THg) occurred just beneath the ice surface in each lake. Pingualuk Lake, given its near pristine state and exceptional limnological features, may serve as a most valuable reference ecosystem for monitoring environmental stressors, such as contaminants, in the Arctic.


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Feedlots have increased in several regions of Argentina, particularly in the Pampas. The absence of adequate treatments of the effluents produced in these establishments creates serious problems to the society. Phytoremediation can be defined as inexpensive and environmentally sustainable strategy used to remove pollutants by plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remediation potential of two macrophyte species (Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) on a feedlot effluent. This effluent was treated with these species for 31 days. Control and macrophyte treatments decreased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kj N), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved salts (TDS), total phosphorus (TP), Pb, Zn and Cr levels. At macrophyte treatments, relatively constant pH levels were kept and decreased EC and TDS values were obtained compared to control, mitigating the release of contaminants and potential greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Moreover, significant increases in biomass were obtained, being higher in E. crassipes. The results allow concluding that the presence of aquatic plants increases the removal rates of nutrients, organic matter and heavy metals from wastewater in approximately 10-17 days for a feedlot effluent with high organic load.