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Background. Diabetes places a significant burden on the health care system. Reduction in blood glucose levels (HbA1c) reduces the risk of complications; however, little is known about the impact of disease management programs on medical costs for patients with diabetes. In 2001, economic costs associated with diabetes totaled $100 billion, and indirect costs totaled $54 billion. ^ Objective. To compare outcomes of nurse case management by treatment algorithms with conventional primary care for glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients in a low-income Mexican American community-based setting, and to compare the cost effectiveness of the two programs. Patient compliance was also assessed. ^ Research design and methods. An observational group-comparison to evaluate a treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes management was implemented at three out-patient health facilities in San Antonio, Texas. All eligible type 2 diabetic patients attending the clinics during 1994–1996 became part of the study. Data were obtained from the study database, medical records, hospital accounting, and pharmacy cost lists, and entered into a computerized database. Three groups were compared: a Community Clinic Nurse Case Manager (CC-TA) following treatment algorithms, a University Clinic Nurse Case Manager (UC-TA) following treatment algorithms, and Primary Care Physicians (PCP) following conventional care practices at a Family Practice Clinic. The algorithms provided a disease management model specifically for hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and microalbuminuria that progressively moved the patient toward ideal goals through adjustments in medication, self-monitoring of blood glucose, meal planning, and reinforcement of diet and exercise. Cost effectiveness of hemoglobin AI, final endpoints was compared. ^ Results. There were 358 patients analyzed: 106 patients in CC-TA, 170 patients in UC-TA, and 82 patients in PCP groups. Change in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was the primary outcome measured. HbA1c results were presented at baseline, 6 and 12 months for CC-TA (10.4%, 7.1%, 7.3%), UC-TA (10.5%, 7.1%, 7.2%), and PCP (10.0%, 8.5%, 8.7%). Mean patient compliance was 81%. Levels of cost effectiveness were significantly different between clinics. ^ Conclusion. Nurse case management with treatment algorithms significantly improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, and was more cost effective. ^


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The discrete-time Markov chain is commonly used in describing changes of health states for chronic diseases in a longitudinal study. Statistical inferences on comparing treatment effects or on finding determinants of disease progression usually require estimation of transition probabilities. In many situations when the outcome data have some missing observations or the variable of interest (called a latent variable) can not be measured directly, the estimation of transition probabilities becomes more complicated. In the latter case, a surrogate variable that is easier to access and can gauge the characteristics of the latent one is usually used for data analysis. ^ This dissertation research proposes methods to analyze longitudinal data (1) that have categorical outcome with missing observations or (2) that use complete or incomplete surrogate observations to analyze the categorical latent outcome. For (1), different missing mechanisms were considered for empirical studies using methods that include EM algorithm, Monte Carlo EM and a procedure that is not a data augmentation method. For (2), the hidden Markov model with the forward-backward procedure was applied for parameter estimation. This method was also extended to cover the computation of standard errors. The proposed methods were demonstrated by the Schizophrenia example. The relevance of public health, the strength and limitations, and possible future research were also discussed. ^


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Type II diabetes mellitus is a growing problem worldwide and although its association with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is well known, its role in the development of cancer is now being further elucidated. Recently, there has been increasing evidence that not only are diabetics more susceptible towards development of particular types of cancer, but also have worse oncologic outcomes. This retrospective chart review investigates whether diabetics with colon cancer have a poorer prognosis than their nondiabetic counterparts. Patients with high risk Stage II and Stage III colon cancer who were diagnosed and/or treated at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center from 1/1/2000 till 12/1/2004 were included in our study. We carried out a survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier method and multivariable analysis to assess differences in outcomes of the two population groups. We found that the decreased overall survival in diabetics did not reach statistical significance but this could be due to a lower event rate in our study. Larger studies are required to investigate this further. ^


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Background. The objective of this retrospective cohort study is to examine the presentation and outcomes for a contemporary series of cancer patients with anorectal infection. In addition, we seek to identify factors which are associated with surgical intervention. ^ Methods. The study cohort was identified from ICD-9 codes for diagnosis of infection of the anal and rectal region and patients who underwent a surgical oncology consultation between 1/2000 and 12/2006. Clinical presentation, treatment rendered, and outcomes were retrospectively recorded. ^ Results. Of the 100 patients evaluated by the surgical oncology service for anorectal infection, 42 were treated non-operatively and 58 underwent surgical intervention. Factors associated with surgical intervention based on logistic multivariable analysis included the diagnosis of an abscess (odds ratio [OR] 10.5; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.9-38.5) and the documentation of erythema on physical examination (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.1-8.4). Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 50,000) was associated with non-operative management (OR 0.3; 95% CI 0.1-0.7). Incision and drainage was the most common surgical procedure (79%) while a wide debridement for a necrotizing soft tissue infection was required in 2 patients. Infection-specific 90-day mortality was only 1% (N=1). However, the median overall survival for the entire cohort was only 14.4 months (95% CI 7.9-19.5). ^ Conclusions. Non-operative management is a reasonable treatment option for anorectal infection in patients with cancer. Identification of an abscess, erythema on physical exam, and thrombocytopenia were associated with management strategy. Although rare, necrotizing soft tissue infections are associated with significant mortality. ^


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Early prenatal care has been found to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes by reducing the risk of low birth weight and preterm births. Statistics point to lower utilization rates of prenatal care in El Paso, Texas and increasing rates of low birth weight. This study was a secondary data analysis, which explored the perceived benefits and barriers known to influence the utilization of prenatal care, and the birth outcomes among participating subjects attending three different prenatal care programs offered at the Centro San Vincent Clinic during the period of December 2006 to February 2008. A survey was used to collect data on demographics and assess perceived benefits and barriers regarding early prenatal care and self-efficacy of the participants. Post-partum birth records were used to gather data about the participant's newborns to include birth weight, gestational age, and the type of delivery (i.e. vaginal versus Cesarean birth). Chi square analysis was conducted to test for significant differences and associations. The sample of women in the study had high risk factors for inadequate utilization of prenatal care. In spite of high demographic risk factors, these women had higher perceived benefits, lower perceived barriers and high self-efficacy associated with prenatal care utilization. The perceived benefits and barriers to prenatal care were associated with place of birth and language preferred, with women from Mexico and who preferred Spanish having higher perceived benefits and lower barriers. There was no significant difference in birth outcomes among the women in different prenatal care programs. The findings of this study suggest that of all participants in the study, those born in Mexico demonstrated higher rates of perceived benefits of early prenatal care. The analysis also suggested that healthy birth outcomes were evenly distributed among women participating in one of the three prenatal care programs. ^


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Background. Healthcare providers in pediatrics are faced with parents making medical decisions for their children. Refusal to consent to interventions can have life threatening sequelae, yet healthcare workers are provided little training in handling refusals. The healthcare provider's experience in parental refusal has not been well described, yet is an important first step in addressing this problem. ^ Specific aims. Describe: (1) the decision-making processes made by healthcare providers when parents refuse medical interventions for their children, (2) the source of healthcare workers' skills in handling situations of refusal, and (3) the perspectives of healthcare workers on parental refusals in the inpatient setting. ^ Methods. Nurses, physicians and respiratory therapists (RT) were recruited via e-mail at Texas Children's Hospital (TCH). Interview questions were developed using Social Cognitive Theory constructs and validated. One-on-one in-depth, one hour semi-structured interviews were held at TCH, audio recorded and transcribed. Coding and analysis were done using ATLAS ti. The constant comparative method was applied to describe emergent themes that were reviewed by an independent expert. ^ Results. Interviews have been conducted with nurses (n=6), physicians and practitioners (n=6), social workers (n=3) and RT (n=3) comprising 13 females and 5 males with 3–25 years of experience. Decision-making processes relate to the experience of the caregiver, familiarity with the family, and the acuity of the patient. Healthcare workers' skills were obtained through orientation processes or by trial-and-error. Themes emerged that related to the importance of: (1) Communication, where the initial discussion about a medical procedure should be done with clarity and an understanding of the parents' views; (2) Perceived loss of control by parents, a key factor in their refusal of interventions; and (3) Training, the need for skill development to handle refusals. ^ Conclusions. Effective training involving clarity in communication and a preservation of perceived control by parents is needed to avoid the current trial-and-error experience of healthcare workers in negotiating refusal situations. Such training could lessen the more serious outcomes of parental refusal. ^


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Research examining programs designed to retain patients in health care focus on repeated interactions between outreach workers and patients (Bradford et al. 2007; Cheever 2007). The purpose of this study was to determine if patients who are peer-mentored at their intake exam remain in care longer and attend more physicians' visits than those who were not mentored. Using patients' medical records and a previously created mentor database, the study determined how many patients attended their intake visit but subsequently failed to establish regular care. The cohort study examined risk factors for establishing care, determined if patients lacking a peer mentor failed to establish care more than peer mentor assisted patients, and subsequently if peer mentored patients had better health outcomes. The sample consists of 1639 patients who were entered into the Thomas Street Patient Mentor Database between May 2005 and June 2007. The assignment to the mentored group was haphazardly conducted based on mentor availability. The data from the Mentor Database was then analyzed using descriptive statistical software (SPSS version 15; SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results indicated that patients who had a mentor at intake were more likely to return for primary care HIV visits at 90 and 180 days. Mentored patients also were more likely to be prescribed ART within 180 days from intake. Other risk factors that impacted remaining in care included gender, previous care status, time from diagnosis to intake visit, and intravenous drug use. Clinical health outcomes did not differ significantly between groups. This supports that mentoring did improve outcomes. Continuing to use peer-mentoring programs for HIV care may help in increasing retention of patients in care and improving patients' health in a cost effective manner. Future research on the effects of peer mentoring on mentors, and effects of concordance of mentor and patient demographics may help to further improve peer-mentoring programs. ^


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Background. The population-based Houston Tuberculosis Initiative (HTI) study has enrolled and gathered demographic, social, behavioral, and disease related data on more than 80% of all reported Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) cases and 90% of all culture positive patients in Houston/Harris County over a 9 year period (from October 1995-September 2004). During this time period 33% (n=1210) of HTI MTB cases have reported a history of drug use. Of those MTB cases reporting a history of drug use, a majority of them (73.6%), are non-injection drug users (NIDUs). ^ Other than HIV, drug use is the single most important risk factor for progression from latent to infectious tuberculosis (TB). In addition, drug use is associated with increased transmission of active TB, as seen by the increased number of clonally related strains or clusters (see definition on page 30) found in this population. The deregulatory effects of drug use on immune function are well documented. Associations between drug use and increased morbidity have been reported since the late 1970's. However, limited research focused on the immunological consequence of non-injection drug use and its relation to tuberculosis infection among TB patients is available. ^ Methods. TB transmission patterns, symptoms, and prevalence of co-morbidities were a focus of this project. Smoking is known to suppress Nitric Oxide (NO) production and interfere with immune function. In order to limit any possible confounding due to smoking two separate analyses were done. Non-injection drug user smokers (NIDU-S) were compared to non-drug user smokers (NDU-S) and non-injection drug user non-smokers (NIDU-NS) were compared to non-drug user non-smokers (NDU-NS) individually. Specifically proportions, chi-square p-values, and (where appropriate) odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated to assess characteristics and potential associations of co-morbidities and symptoms of TB among NIDUs HTI TB cases. ^ Results. Significant differences in demographic characteristics and risk factors were found. In addition drug users were found to have a decreased risk for cancer, diabetes mellitus, and chronic pulmonary disease. They were at increased risk of having HIV/AIDS diagnosis, liver disease, and trauma related morbidities. Drug users were more likely to have pulmonary TB disease, and a significantly increased amount of clonally related strains of TB or "clusters" were seen in both smokers and non-smoker drug users when compared to their non-drug user counterparts. Drug users are more likely to belong to print groups (clonally related TB strains with matching spoligotypes) including print one and print three and the Beijing family group, s1. Drug users were found to be no more likely to experience drug resistance to TB therapy and were likely to be cured of disease upon completion of therapy. ^ Conclusion. Drug users demographic and behavioral risk factors put them at an increased risk contracting and spreading TB disease throughout the community. Their increased levels of clustering are evidence of recent transmission and the significance of certain print groups among this population indicate the transmission is from within the social family. For these reasons a focus on this "at risk population" is critical to the success of future public health interventions. Successful completion of directly observed therapy (DOT), the tracking of TB outbreaks and incidence through molecular characterization, and increased diagnostic strategies have led to the stabilization of TB incidence in Houston, Harris County over the past 9 years and proven that the Houston Tuberculosis Initiative has played a critical role in the control and prevention of TB transmission. ^


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Effective strategies for patient follow-up compliance in family practice are essential for the prevention and early detection of disease with the consequences of decreasing morbidity and mortality. With effective appointment reminder systems in place, physicians can better manage the overall health of their patients by providing preventive care as well. This literature review examines intervention strategies used by the authors, the compliance rate of appointment adherence using these techniques, as well as theories relating to study outcomes. The findings of this study may be used as an educational tool by practices to suggest which intervention strategies might be the most effective for their clinic.^


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Liver transplantation is a widely accepted treatment for end stage liver disease. Research has shown that people with end-stage liver disease experience improved survival and health-related quality of life after transplantation. However, the unemployment rate among liver transplant recipients remains high. The reasons for this were the subject of a study that was used as the primary dataset for this policy analysis. According to the primary data and background supporting data, many transplant recipients remain unemployed for fear of losing needed healthcare and disability benefits. When employment is considered as a health outcome, it is important in an era of evidence based medicine to ensure that healthcare interventions such as liver transplantation produce improved health outcomes. Therefore, the high unemployment rate among liver transplant recipients is a poor health outcome that should be addressed. In this policy analysis, it is proposed that policy might affect this outcome. The problem of unemployment after liver transplantation is structured and policies affecting the problem are evaluated according to the validated criteria - Effectiveness, Equity, Efficiency, and Feasibility. A policy solution is proposed, evaluated, and ultimately recommended to effectively address the problem, to make healthcare coverage more equitable for liver transplant recipients, and to provide a more cost-effective healthcare coverage model during this time of healthcare crisis.^


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The relative merits of PBSCT versus BMT for children with standard and high risk hematologic malignancies remain unclear. In a retrospective single center study, we compared allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) (n=30) with bone marrow transplantation (BMT) (n=110) in children with acute leukemia. We studied recipients of HLA matched sibling stem cells, and of stem cells from alternative donors (HLA mismatched and/or unrelated) and determined whether sourcing the stem cells from PB or marrow affected engraftment, incidence of acute and chronic GvHD, and disease-free survival at 1 year. Our results show a modest reduction in time to engraftment from PB stem cells and no greater risk of GvHD, but illustrate that the severity of the underlying disease is by far the greatest determinant of 1 year survival. Patients in the BMT group had a higher treatment success rate and lower costs than the recipients of the PBSCT within the standard but not the high risk disease group, where the treatment success rate and the cumulative costs were lower in the PBSCT group compared to the BMT group. Our current incremental cost-effectiveness ratio and analysis of uncertainty suggest that allogeneic transplantation of bone marrow grafts was a more cost-effective treatment option compared to peripheral blood stem cells in patients with standard risk childhood acute leukemia disease. For high risk disease our data are less prescriptive, since the differences were more limited and the range of costs much larger. Neither option demonstrated a clear advantage from a cost-effectiveness standpoint.^


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Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis in the US, affecting approximately 37% of adults. Approximately 300,000 total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures take place in the United States each year. Total knee arthroplasty is an elective procedure available to patients as an irreversible treatment after failure of previous medical treatments. Some patients sacrifice quality of life and endure many years of pain before making the decision to undergo total knee replacement. In making their decision, it is therefore imperative for patients to understand the procedure, risks and surgical outcomes to create realistic expectations and increase outcome satisfaction. ^ From 2004-2007, 236 OA patients who underwent TKA participated in the PEAKS (Patient Expectations About Knee Surgery) study, an observational longitudinal cohort study, completed baseline and 6 month follow-up questionnaires after the surgery. We performed a secondary data analysis of the PEAKS study to: (1) determine the specific presurgical patient characteristics associated with patients’ presurgical expectations of time to functional recovery; and (2) determine the association between presurgical expectations of time to functional recovery and postsurgical patient capabilities (6 months after TKA). We utilized the WOMAC to measure knee pain and function, the SF-36 to measure health-related quality of life, and the DASS and MOS-SSS to measure psychosocial quality of life variables. Expectation and capability measures were generated from panel of experts. A list of 10 activities was used for this analysis to measure functional expectations and postoperative functional capabilities. ^ The final cohort consisted of 236 individuals, was predominately White with 154 women and 82 men. The mean age was 65 years. Patients were optimistic about their time to functional recovery. Expectation time of being able to perform the list activities per patient had a median of less than 3 months. Patients who expected to be able to perform the functional activities by 3 months had better knee function, less pain and better overall health-related quality of life. Despite expectation differences, all patients showed significant improvement 6 months after surgery. Participant expectation of time to functional recovery was not an independent predictor of capability to perform functional activities at 6 months. Better presurgical patient characteristics were, however, associated with a higher likelihood of being able to perform all activities at 6 months. ^ This study gave us initial insight on the relationship between presurgical patient characteristics and their expectations of functional recovery after total knee replacement. Future studies clarifying the relationship between patient presurgical characteristics and postsurgical functional capabilities are needed.^


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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. While Coronary Angiography (CA) is the gold standard test to investigate coronary artery disease, Prospective gated-64 Slice Computed Tomography (Prosp-64CT) is a new non-invasive technology that uses the 64Slice computed tomography (64CT) with electrocardiographic gating to investigate coronary artery disease. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of Body Mass Index (BMI) as a factor affecting occurrence of CA after a Prosp-64CT, as well as the quality of the Prosp-64CT. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population were described. A secondary analysis of data on patients who underwent a Prosp-64CT for evaluation of coronary artery disease was performed. Seventy seven patients who underwent Prosp-64CT for evaluation for coronary artery disease were included. Fifteen patients were excluded because they had missing data regarding BMI, quality of the Prosp-64CT or CA. Thus, a total of 62 patients were included in the final analysis. The mean age was 56.2 years. The mean BMI was 31.3 kg/m 2. Eight (13%) patients underwent a CA within one month of Prosp-64CT. Eight (13%) patients had a poor quality Prosp-64CT. There was significant association of higher BMI as a factor for occurrence of CA post Prosp-64CT (P<0.05). There was a trend, but no statistical significance was observed for the association of being obese and occurrence of CA (P=0.06). BMI, as well as obesity, were not found to be significantly associated with poor quality of Prosp-64CT (P=0.19 and P=0.76, respectively). In conclusion, BMI was significantly associated with occurrence of CA within one month of Prosp-64CT. Thus, in patients with a higher BMI, diagnostic investigation with both tests could be avoided; rather, only a CA could be performed. However, the relationship of BMI to quality of Prosp-64CT needs to be further investigated since the sample size of the current study was small.^


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Maternal use of SSRIs for depression and anxiety during pregnancy has increased over the last decade. Recent studies have questioned the safety of these antidepressants when used in during pregnancy. The aim of this project is to assess the associations between maternal SSRI use and GH, SGA, and preterm birth using data from a U.S. population-based study with self-reported exposure information. ^ The study population is comprised of mothers of control infants from the NBDPS, an ongoing, multi-state, population-based case-control study. Mothers were asked about any use of medications during pregnancy, including the dates they started and stopped taking each medication. Maternal GH was self-reported, while gestational age and birth weight were calculated from information on birth certificates or medical records. ^ Our study found that women exposed to SSRIs in the first trimester and beyond had a higher odds of GH compared to unexposed women (aOR=1.96, 95% CI=1.02-3.74). Women who used SSRIs only in the first trimester had no increased odds of GH (aOR=0.77, 95% CI=0.24-2.50). Women who used SSRIs throughout their entire pregnancy had a two-fold increase in the odds of delivering an SGA infant compared to unexposed women (aOR=2.16, 95% CI=1.01-4.62), while women who reported SSRI use only in the first trimester had a decreased odds of delivering an SGA infant (aOR=0.56, 95% CI=0.14-2.34). Finally, both women who used SSRIs in the first trimester only (aOR=1.58, 95% CI=0.71-3.51) and women who used SSRIs in the first trimester and beyond (aOR=1.49, 95% CI=0.76-2.90) had an increased odds of delivering preterm compared to unexposed women. ^ Results from our study suggest that women who use SSRIs in the first trimester and beyond have an increased and significant odds of GH and SGA. An increase in the odds of preterm birth was also observed among women exposed in this period and is consistent with the results of previous studies which had much larger sample sizes. Women who use SSRIs only in the first trimester appear to have no increased odds of GH or SGA, but may have an increased odds of preterm birth. These findings are consistent with previous studies and highlight how exposure to SSRIs at different points in gestation may result in different risks for these outcomes. ^


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Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men in the United States. There is compelling evidence supporting that genetic variations contribute to the risk and outcomes of bladder cancer. The PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway is a major cellular pathway involved in proliferation, invasion, inflammation, tumorigenesis, and drug response. Somatic aberrations of PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway are frequent events in several cancers including bladder cancer; however, no studies have investigated the role of germline genetic variations in this pathway in bladder cancer. In this project, we used a large case control study to evaluate the associations of a comprehensive catalogue of SNPs in this pathway with bladder cancer risk and outcomes. Three SNPs in RAPTOR were significantly associated with susceptibility: rs11653499 (OR: 1.79, 95%CI: 1.24–2.60), rs7211818 (OR: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.35–3.36), and rs7212142 (OR: 1.57, 95%CI: 1.19–2.07). Two haplotypes constructed from these 3 SNPs were also associated with bladder cancer risk. In combined analysis, a significant trend was observed for increased risk with an increase in the number of unfavorable genotypes (P for trend<0.001). Classification and regression tree analysis identified potential gene-environment interactions between RPS6KA5 rs11653499 and smoking. In superficial bladder cancer, we found that PTEN rs1234219 and rs11202600, TSC1 rs7040593, RAPTOR rs901065, and PIK3R1 rs251404 were significantly associated with recurrence in patients receiving BCG. In muscle invasive and metastatic bladder cancer, AKT2 rs3730050, PIK3R1 rs10515074, and RAPTOR rs9906827 were associated with survival. Survival tree analysis revealed potential gene-gene interactions: patients carrying the unfavorable genotypes of PTEN rs1234219 and TSC1 rs704059 exhibited a 5.24-fold (95% CI: 2.44–11.24) increased risk of recurrence. In combined analysis, with the increasing number of unfavorable genotypes, there was a significant trend of higher risk of recurrence and death (P for trend<0.001) in Cox proportional hazard regression analysis, and shorter event (recurrence and death) free survival in Kaplan-Meier estimates (P log rank<0.001). This study strongly suggests that genetic variations in PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway play an important role in bladder cancer development. The identified SNPs, if validated in further studies, may become valuable biomarkers in assessing an individual's cancer risk, predicting prognosis and treatment response, and facilitating physicians to make individualized treatment decisions. ^