984 resultados para marcapasso duplo-sítio atrial


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We present a new binuclear complex, Fe2III(BBPMP)(OH)(O2 P(OPh)2) ClO4.CH3OH, 3, where BBPMP is the anion of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzyl)(2-pyridylmethyl) aminomethyl-4-methylphenol, as a suitable model for the chromophoric site of purple acid phosphatases coordinated to phosphate. The complex was obtained by the reaction of complex 2, Fe2III(BBPMP)(O2P(OPh) 2)2 ClO4.H2O, in CH3CN with one equivalent of triethylamine. Based on the chromophoric properties of the model complex, lmax = 560 nm/ e = 4480 M-1 cm-1/Fe2 compared to the enzyme coordinated to phosphate, we can speculate about a possible mechanism of fixing this oxyanion by the oxidized form of the enzymes.


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CONTEXTE: L'ablation percutanée par cathéter de la fibrillation auriculaire (AC-FA) est une option de traitement pour les patients souffrant de fibrillation auriculaire (FA) symptomatique réfractaire au traitement médicamenteux. L'AC-FA comporte un risque de complications thromboemboliques qui a été réduit par l'utilisation de l'héparine non fractionnée (HNF) intraveineuse durant la procédure. L'administration optimale de l'HNF ainsi que sa cinétique ne sont pas bien établies et nécessitent d'être déterminées avec précision. MÉTHODES ET RÉSULTATS: Cette étude a inclus 102 patients consécutifs atteints de FA symptomatique, réfractaire au traitement médicamenteux, référés pour une AC-FA. L'âge moyen était de 61 ± 10 ans. Après une ponction transseptale de la fosse ovale, une injection intraveineuse de HNF ajustée au poids (100 U / kg) a été administré. Une augmentation significative du temps de coagulation activé (ACT) a été observée passant d'une valeur de base moyenne de 100 ± 27 secondes, à 355 ± 94 secondes à 10 minutes (T10) et à 375 ± 90 secondes à 20 minutes (T20). 24 patients n'ont pas atteint la valeur visée d'ACT > 300 secondes à T10 et plus de la moitié de ce collectif est resté avec les valeurs d'ACT infrathérapeutiques à T20. Ce sous-ensemble de patients avait des caractéristiques cliniques similaires et avait reçu des doses similaires d'HNF, mais s'était plus fréquemment fait prescrire de la vitamine Kl pré-procédurale que le reste de la population de l'étude. CONCLUSION: Au cours d'une intervention standard, l'HNF montre, de manière inattendue, une cinétique d'anticoagulation lente dans une proportion significative des procédures et ceci jusqu'à 20 minutes après l'administration. Ces résultats soutiennent l'importance d'une administration d'HNF avant la ponction transseptale ou tout cathétérisme gauche avec des mesures précoces et répétées d'ACT afin d'identifier les patients avec une cinétique retardée. Ils sont en ligne avec les directives récentes proposant d'effectuer l'AC-FA sous anticoagulation thérapeutique.


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The reactions of four new unsymmetrical N,O-donor ligands, {H2BBPETEN= [N-(2-hydroxybenzyl) - N,N' - bis(2 methylpyridyl) -N'-(hydroxyethyl) ethylenodiamine], H3BPETEN=[N,N'- bis(2-hydroxybenzyl) -N- (2-methylpyridyl) -N'- (hydroxyethyl) ethylenodiamine], HTPETEN=[N,N,N'- tris(2-methylpyridyl) -N'- (hydroxyethyl) ethylenodiamine] and H3BIMETEN=[N,N'-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-N-(1-methylimidazol-2-il-methyl)-N'- (hydroxyethyl)ethylenodiamine]}, with Cu(II) salts afforded the following mononuclear compounds: [CuII(HBBPETEN)]ClO4, [CuII(H2BPETEN)]ClO4 , [CuII(HTPETEN)](PF6)2 and [CuII(H2BIMETEN)]ClO4 . All were characterized by EPR, electronic spectroscopy and electrochemistry. The four copper (II) compounds showed interesting electrochemistry properties. All presented an anodic wave that can be attributed to the Cu (I) oxide formation at the electrode surface, or to a Cu0 sediment at the same surface or yet, to Cu(I) -> Cu(II) oxidation process with coupled chemistry reaction, due to their irreversibility. Two of the complexes are described as interesting synthetic models for the active site of the metalloenzyme galactose oxidase.


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There is no evidence of urban civilization in Brazilian prehistory; most inhabitants lived in tribal groupings, probably with regional economic integration among several independent tribes. There is little evidence of seasonal migrations between the coast and the inland of southern Brazil. Some specialized horticulturists competed among themselves but other groups lived more isolated and probably peacefully, in the upper interfluvial regions. Chemical analysis of artifacts is a means of documenting traffic in particular materials and intraregional production and distribution, development of craft specialization and typological refinement among other issues. In this study we tested some possibilities in two different cultural contexts using the parametric k0 neutron activation analysis technique, which allowed the determination of elements: Al, As, Au, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, La, Na, Rb, Sc, Ta, Ti, V and Zn.


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A computational quantum chemistry experiment is described on the determination of the most reactive atom in a molecule for a reaction. The reaction studied was the S N2 of 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine and methyl iodide. Several indexes (HOMO coefficent, (c), charges, (q), nucleophilic softness, (s+), and Fukui index, (f+)) were employed to verify which correctly describe what nitrogen will react. The calculations were made by AM1 and HF/STO-3G methods. The correct reactivity order is only reproduced by s+ and f+. The lack of agreement of FMO based indexes was discussed.


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We describe the design and tests of a set-up mounted in a conventional double beam spectrophotometer, which allows the determination of optical density of samples confined in a long liquid core waveguide (LCW) capillary. Very long optical path length can be achieved with capillary cell, allowing measurements of samples with very low optical densities. The device uses a custom optical concentrator optically coupled to LCW (TEFLON® AF). Optical density measurements, carried out using a LCW of ~ 45 cm, were in accordance with the Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, it was possible to analyze quantitatively samples at concentrations 45 fold lower than that regularly used in spectrophotometric measurements.


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Behavior of mercury in soil profiles with archaeological black earth (ABE) and surroundings area (SA) from Sítio Ilha de Terra, Caxiuanã, can provide information on anthropogenic activity of the Amazonian habitat. The samples of ABE and SA soil profiles were submitted to mineralogical chemical (total and sequential) analysis. The data show that the Hg occurs mainly in goethite and kaolinite in the two soil profiles. The highest concentrations of Hg and Fe are observed in the SA profile. These results indicate that the prehistoric human occupation contributed to the decrease of the concentration of Hg in soil ABE from Caxiuanã.


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The Letreiro do Quinto rock shelter is located in the rural area of the city of Pedro II, Piauí, Brazil. The sandstone walls of the shelter are covered with prehistoric rupestrian paintings, painted in patterns of yellow and light and dark red hues. The chemical-mineralogical characterization of the prehistoric pigments was made with energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence and 57Fe transmission Mössbauer spectroscopy at 110 K. Results confirm the occurrence of hematite- and goethite-rich ochres and also that the pigment layers are indeed made of a mixture of clay minerals mixed with iron oxides.


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UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-enolpyruvyl transferase (MurA) catalyzes the reaction between phosphoenol pyruvate and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine. We present a theoretical approach using the semiempirical PM6 method for defining protonation state of three active site residues, K22, H125, and K160. Prior comparison with neutron diffraction data showed that PM6 accurately predicted protonation states of active site residues of b-trypsin and D-xylose isomerase. Using the same methodology with MurA crystallographic data, we conclude that when reaction intermediate is located at the active site, H125 and K22 are in protonated form and K160 in neutral form.


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RESUMO Foram utilizadas no trabalho quatro populações sintetizadas pelo cruzamento de duas linhagens homozigotas contrastantes quanto a resistência a F.verticilioides. Para a obtenção das linhagens haploides destas populações as mesmas foram cruzadas com indutor de haploidia, os haploides foram então duplicados e autofecundados, sendo as sementes colhidas fonte de origem das linhagens usadas no trabalho. Aos 70 dias após a semeadura as linhagens foram inoculadas com suspensão de esporos do patógeno F.verticilioides em concentração de 2 106esporos por mL e com 70 dias após a inoculação as espigas foram colhidas e pesadas e os colmos foram coletados, pesados e medidos em comprimento e diâmetro e seccionados longitudinalmente para avaliações dos sintomas, onde também foram medidos os comprimentos das lesões. Foram estimadas às variâncias fenotípica, ambiental, genotípica total e entre e dentro famílias, além da herdabilidade e da variância aditiva e de dominância. A variância devido a efeitos genéticos dominantes foram de maior magnitude, sendo que a herdabilidade no sentido restrito foi de 0,28. A distribuição de frequência observada podem indicar efeitos epistáticos envolvidos no controle genético da resistência a F.verticilioides. Os maiores ganhos esperados com a seleção foram alcançados com o emprego de seleção entre família e seleção massal.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento e a dinâmica da curva hipsométrica em função dos fatores sítio, idade e densidade inicial em povoamentos de bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Benth.), localizados na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, PR. Os dados provieram da medição de diâmetros à altura do peito (DAP) e alturas totais em 20 parcelas permanentes remedidas quatro vezes da idade de 4 a 7,5 anos, em sítios de qualidades I, II e III, com densidades iniciais controladas para 2.000, 4.000 e 8.000 árvores/ha, e as testemunhas, que em média apresentaram 25.000 árvores/ha no momento em que o experimento foi instalado. Inicialmente, um intenso trabalho de modelagem foi realizado (BARTOSZECK, 2000), ocasião em que foi selecionado o modelo de Curtis para se proceder às análises propostas no objetivo. A técnica de análise de co-variância foi, então, utilizada nas análises dos efeitos da idade, do sítio e da densidade sobre a curva de altura-diâmetro. Paralelamente foi feita a análise gráfica de todas as combinações possíveis, isto é, as quatro idades, três sítios e quatro densidades, usando-se o modelo de Curtis em cada combinação de fatores. Como resultados conclusivos obtidos através das análises de co-variância, detectaram-se efeitos estatisticamente significativos tanto da idade quanto do sítio sobre a relação hipsométrica. No entanto, o fator densidade não exerceu influência significativa sobre a mesma relação.


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A atual caracterização de infecção do sítio cirúrgico em incisional superficial, incisional profunda e órgão cavidade, em substituição à tradicional definição de "infecção de ferida operatória", associada a estratificação dos pacientes em grupos de risco de infecção cirúrgica de acordo com a metodologia NNISS (National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System), permitiram a obtenção de taxas de infecção mais fidedignas e estudos comparativos entre instituições diferentes. Baseado nessa metodologia, o presente trabalho analisa prospectivamente 2.149 pacientes operados no Serviço de Cirurgia do Hospital Geral César Cals (HGCC)-CE, estratificados pelo IRIC (Índice de Risco de Infecção Cirúrgica) e comprova diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas taxas de infecção de sítio cirúrgico para os grupos de IRIC 0, 1,2 e 3, respectivamente de 3,2%, 7,4%, 16,6% e 20,9%. As infecções de maior gravidade ocorrem em pacientes com IRIC 3 e a vigilância pós-alta é importante, na medida em que muitas infecções somente serão diagnosticadas após a alta hospitalar.


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The authors present two cases of unsuspected carcinoma of the gallbladder after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in which trocar site metastasis developed during their follow-up. In the first case, a 68 year-old woman with cholecystolithiasis underwent an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Histologic examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading the mucosa and muscular layers of the gallbladder. The patient refused additional treatment. Seven months later, metastasis developed in the umbilical port site, which was excised. In the second case, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed for a symptomatic gallstone in a 78 year-old man. The gallbladder inspection showed thickenning of the infundibulum wall. Histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading serosa. No additional treatment was performed because of the patient's advanced age. A metastasis was identified in the 5 mm port site nine months after the operation. Two hepatic metastasis were also demonstrated by ultrasonography.