336 resultados para mango


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El presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene por objeto el diseño del nuevo Centro Logístico Intermodal de Aranjuez, planteando y estudiando tres posibles alternativas de disposición de elementos. Las instalaciones originales en los terrenos del Centro Logístico de Aranjuez responden a un antiguo depósito de locomotoras, cuya fecha de construcción data del año 1923. Desde esta fecha, se han llevado a cabo diferentes actuaciones en la instalación hasta su actual configuración. El Centro Logístico se encuentra en un estado de semiabandono, habiéndose sustraído muchos de los elementos que se dispusieron durante las obras mencionadas. El Centro Logístico de Aranjuez se encuentra en paralelo a la doble vía que discurre desde Madrid a Alcázar de San Juan, a continuación de la estación de Cercanías de Aranjuez. La nueva Plataforma Logística de Aranjuez, contará con acceso ferroviario en ancho ibérico al este y al oeste del mismo, a través de conexiones con la línea ferroviaria Madrid – Alcázar de San Juan y con la Estación de Aranjuez. Al este de la estructura de la autovía A-4 sobre la línea ferroviaria Madrid-Alcázar de San Juan, se ha previsto un escape y un desvío sobre dicha línea que permite conectar con el existente en la vía de acceso. La configuración prevista para el Centro Logístico, que es similar a la existente, hace que el propio acceso hasta la instalación sea empleado como mango de maniobras. El presente proyecto comprende una obra completa y en él se describen todos los elementos necesarios, a nivel de Proyecto de Construcción, para la completa definición de las obras de Construcción de la Plataforma Logística de Aranjuez.


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A constante preocupação com o aumento do uso de agrotóxicos nas lavouras e os riscos gerados pelos resíduos destes compostos fazem com que os órgãos responsáveis pela fiscalização de alimentos no Brasil controlem a presença dessas substâncias nos produtos que chegam à mesa do consumidor. Atualmente, um dos grandes problemas na produção de alimentos é a utilização de substâncias proibidas em lavouras, muitas das quais não possuem estudos nem limites máximos de resíduos (LMR) estabelecidos, assim como a utilização de substâncias já registradas, mas em quantidades ou métodos de manejo incorretos. Ambos os casos podem resultar em sérios problemas à saúde humana. O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação da determinação de morfolina em amostras de manga utilizando técnicas como a Extração em Fase Sólida e a Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas (SPE-GC-MS), assim como a Microextração em Sorvente Empacotado e Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas (MEPS-GC-MS). Um segundo objetivo deste estudo consistiu em desenvolver, validar e avaliar uma metodologia analítica capaz de identificar quantitativamente a morfolina em amostras de manga por Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas em tandem (UHPLC-MS/MS). Para análise por GC-MS fez-se necessária a etapa de derivatização do analito, de forma que o mesmo aumentasse sua volatilidade e diminuísse a polaridade. A comparação entre as técnicas SPE e MEPS não foi possível devido ao efeito de matriz causado pela contaminação do liner e da coluna cromatográfica. Já a metodologia validada por UHPLC-MS/MS seguiu os critérios exigidos pelo Manual de Garantia da Qualidade Analítica, do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). O método foi aplicado em mangas de diferentes variedades obtidas no comércio local. Não foram encontrados resíduos de morfolina em nenhuma das amostras investigadas, de acordo com a metodologia proposta. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho estabelecem metodologias eficientes, rápidas e de baixo custo na determinação de morfolina em amostras de manga.


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Four farmer groups for mango production and marketing were formed in 2002 in southern Vietnam in response to government support for the creation of market oriented farmer cooperatives. The role and structure of these groups is considered in terms of the degree to which they conform to internationally recognised principles for cooperative formation. Each of the farmer groups studied has evolved in different ways and their degree of compliance with the principles of cooperation varies widely. It is evident that state intervention and market forces may give rise to cooperative structures that differ from that intended under the principles surrounding cooperative law.


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Increasingly erratic flow in the upper reaches of the Mara River, has directed attention to land use change as the major cause of this problem. The semi-distributed hydrological model SWAT and Landsat imagery were utilized in order to 1) map existing land use practices, 2) determine the impacts of land use change on water flux; and 3) determine the impacts of climate change scenarios on the water flux of the upper Mara River. This study found that land use change scenarios resulted in more erratic discharge while climate change scenarios had a more predictable impact on the discharge and water balance components. The model results showed the flow was more sensitive to the rainfall changes than land use changes but land use changes reduce dry season flows which is a major problem in the basin. Deforestation increased the peak flows which translated to increased sediment loading in the Mara River.


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Mara is a transboundary river located in Kenya and Tanzania and considered to be an important life line to the inhabitants of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem. It is also a source of water for domestic water supply, irrigation, livestock and wildlife. The alarming increase of water demand as well as the decline in the river flow in recent years has been a major challenge for water resource managers and stakeholders. This has necessitated the knowledge of the available water resources in the basin at different times of the year. Historical rainfall, minimum and maximum stream flows were analyzed. Inter and intra-annual variability of trends in streamflow are discussed. Landsat imagery was utilized in order to analyze the land use land cover in the upper Mara River basin. The semi-distributed hydrological model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used to model the basin water balance and understand the hydrologic effect of the recent land use changes from forest-to-agriculture. The results of this study provided the potential hydrological impacts of three land use change scenarios in the upper Mara River basin. It also adds to the existing literature and knowledge base with a view of promoting better land use management practices in the basin.


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With the flow of the Mara River becoming increasingly erratic especially in the upper reaches, attention has been directed to land use change as the major cause of this problem. The semi-distributed hydrological model Soil and Water Assessment Tool 5 (SWAT) and Landsat imagery were utilized in the upper Mara River Basin in order to 1) map existing field scale land use practices in order to determine their impact 2) determine the impacts of land use change on water flux; and 3) determine the impacts of rainfall (0%, ±10% and ±20%) and air temperature variations (0% and +5%) based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projections on the water flux of the 10 upper Mara River. This study found that the different scenarios impacted on the water balance components differently. Land use changes resulted in a slightly more erratic discharge while rainfall and air temperature changes had a more predictable impact on the discharge and water balance components. These findings demonstrate that the model results 15 show the flow was more sensitive to the rainfall changes than land use changes. It was also shown that land use changes can reduce dry season flow which is the most important problem in the basin. The model shows also deforestation in the Mau Forest increased the peak flows which can also lead to high sediment loading in the Mara River. The effect of the land use and climate change scenarios on the sediment and 20 water quality of the river needs a thorough understanding of the sediment transport processes in addition to observed sediment and water quality data for validation of modeling results.


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Some of the most valued natural and cultural landscapes on Earth lie in river basins that are poorly gauged and have incomplete historical climate and runoff records. The Mara River Basin of East Africa is such a basin. It hosts the internationally renowned Mara-Serengeti landscape as well as a rich mixture of indigenous cultures. The Mara River is the sole source of surface water to the landscape during the dry season and periods of drought. During recent years, the flow of the Mara River has become increasingly erratic, especially in the upper reaches, and resource managers are hampered by a lack of understanding of the relative influence of different sources of flow alteration. Uncertainties about the impacts of future climate change compound the challenges. We applied the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to investigate the response of the headwater hydrology of the Mara River to scenarios of continued land use change and projected climate change. Under the data-scarce conditions of the basin, model performance was improved using satellite-based estimated rainfall data, which may also improve the usefulness of runoff models in other parts of East Africa. The results of the analysis indicate that any further conversion of forests to agriculture and grassland in the basin headwaters is likely to reduce dry season flows and increase peak flows, leading to greater water scarcity at critical times of the year and exacerbating erosion on hillslopes. Most climate change projections for the region call for modest and seasonally variable increases in precipitation (5–10 %) accompanied by increases in temperature (2.5–3.5 °C). Simulated runoff responses to climate change scenarios were non-linear and suggest the basin is highly vulnerable under low (−3 %) and high (+25 %) extremes of projected precipitation changes, but under median projections (+7 %) there is little impact on annual water yields or mean discharge. Modest increases in precipitation are partitioned largely to increased evapotranspiration. Overall, model results support the existing efforts of Mara water resource managers to protect headwater forests and indicate that additional emphasis should be placed on improving land management practices that enhance infiltration and aquifer recharge as part of a wider program of climate change adaptation.


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Climate and environmental conditions allowed Brazil to become one of the largest producers of tropical fruits in the world. The São Francisco Valley, over the years, has emerged as the main fruit-producing region of the country, especially mangos and grapes. The mango, which is produced in this region, has reached a good international position, especially in European and American markets. However, the domestic price has absorbed more and more the impact of fluctuations in the international market expectations affecting the production and marketing of producers. The objective of the study is to analyze the transmission ratio of export prices of the mango, with the American market prices and the European Union in the period from 2003 to 2013. It is intended also to analyze the factors affecting the fluctuations of exports Brazilian mango for the main import markets. To achieve the proposed objectives, we used, in the methodology, the autoregressive vector model, in order to find the price transmission mechanism and the mechanisms of impacts through the impulse response function. We also used, the Constant Market Share model, in order to observe the importance of the effects competitiveness, destination, and growth in world trade on the changes of Brazilian mango exports in the period. The data used were obtained from the database of the Ministry of Development and Foreign Trade - MIDIC and FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Among the results, it was found that the Brazilian domestic prices are influenced by the US market price, and that price shocks promoted this market can impact on the growth of the internal prices for several months. It was noted also that the competitiveness effect accounted for the largest portion of the effective growth of Brazilian exports, in other word, the country has improved its competitiveness among the other exporting countries.


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El presente articulo intenta determinar las razones por las que el santuario de Sant Miquel de Llíria, uno de los más importantes de la actual provincia de Valencia, se consagró al arcàngel guerrero. Se estudia para ello la historia de su culto en Occidente, haciendo hincapié en aspectos como su relación con los lugares elevados y la frecuente proximidad de sus santuarios con aquellos dedicados a la Virgen. Atenderemos también a aspectos fundamentales del contexto histórico, como los movimientos de renovación espiritual medievales, la influencia del médico y teólogo Arnau de Vilanova en la Valencia de principios del siglo XIV y las profecías escatológicas vinculadas a la llegada del Anticristo.