1000 resultados para mancha-marrom de Alternária
A citricultura apresenta vários problemas fitossanitários, dentre os quais a mancha-preta dos citros (Guignardia citricarpa). O controle desta doença baseia-se no emprego de práticas culturais e no uso de fungicidas. Avaliou-se o efeito do manejo do mato em conjunto com o químico no controle da doença. Os experimentos foram instalados em pomares de laranjeiras-doces, nos municípios de Matão, Rio Claro e Mogi Guaçu, no Estado de São Paulo. No manejo do mato, comparou-se o uso isolado de roçadeira ecológica com o conjugado rastelo mecânico e trincha, aos 35 dias, após 2/3 de pétalas caídas. No controle químico, foram realizadas duas pulverizações com fungicida protetor e de 2 a 5 pulverizações da mistura de produto sistêmico com protetor, aos 45 dias, após 2/3 de pétalas caídas, em intervalos de aplicação de 35 dias. em todas as aplicações, foi adicionado óleo mineral emulsionável (0,25%). Avaliou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência e severidade da doença, com os dados de cinco avaliações realizadas quinzenalmente, a partir da maturidade fisiológica dos frutos. em todas as áreas, o uso do controle químico, associado com o manejo do mato, reduziu a intensidade da doença.
Os níveis de incidência e severidade de sintomas das doenças resultam da interação hospedeiro-patógeno-ambiente. Nesse contexto, a favorabilidade do ambiente, em particular, depende do nível de umidade, intensidade de radiação solar, luminosidade e molhamento foliar, dentre outros fatores. Por outro lado, a magnitude de expressão desses fatores é dependente do ciclo e porte das plantas, e possivelmente, também, do alinhamento de plantio. No presente estudo, foi avaliada a influência dos alinhamentos de plantio N-S, L-O, NE-SO E NO-SE no desempenho agronômico de plantas de laranjas 'Natal'e 'Valência', assim como na severidade de sintomas da mancha-preta-dos-citros (MPC), causada por Guignardia citricarpa. Para tal, foram selecionadas cinco propriedades distribuídas ao longo do cinturão citrícola paulista, de talhões semelhantes, a partir das quais foram coletadas amostras de 50 frutos, em dez plantas de mesma linha, da região central dos mesmos. Tais frutos foram levados para laboratórios e analisados quanto aos níveis de severidade de sintomas da MPC, produção e qualidade do suco. Constatouse que os frutos oriundos de pomares implantados no alinhamento N-S apresentavam menores níveis de severidade da doença, enquanto no alinhamento NE-SO, os mais elevados. Propriedades localizadas mais ao sul do Estado de São Paulo apresentaram menores níveis de doença, provavelmente em consequência da ocorrência recente da doença em tais áreas. em relação à produção, os alinhamentos de plantio N-S e L-O proporcionaram maior número de frutos por planta, assim como quanto ao número de caixas por planta. Por outro lado, a menor produção foi verificada nos alinhamentos NO-SE. em relação à qualidade do suco, não foi possível estabelecer um padrão definido em termos de ratio e ºBrix e os respectivos alinhamentos de plantio. Foi verificado que os valores de ratio foram menores nos frutos de pomares localizados mais ao sul do Estado, de maiores latitudes.
Esta disertación aborda la lectura e interpretación de las obras Grande Sertão: Veredas, de João Guimarães Rosa y Del Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes Y Saavedra, enfocando aspectos relacionados a las acciones de los caballeros andantes Riobaldo, el jagunço de Rosa y don Quijote, el Caballero de Cervantes, las cuales tuvieron decisiva influencia en su estado de espíritu melancólico. En la base teórica de este trabajo, investigamos la noción de melancolía, sistematizada por Kristeva y Freud, así como los estudios de la melancolía y de la alegoría a la luz del pensamiento de Walter Benjamin. Este estudio se concentra, sobre todo, en el aspecto que denominamos de alegoría de la circularidad, que permea las dos novelas, mientras expresión de cosas inacabadas que sugiere la idea de movimientos de espiralamento. Se percibió que lo retorno es consagrado en ambas las obras, es decir diferente el igual, dicho que consagra la diferencia y cierra las puertas para la repetición literal de sentido. En tal comprensión, ese movimiento no puede ser concebido como metáfora del mismo, pues sugiere la travesía que permanece inacabada y tortuosa, su estatuto de repetición no se honda en el encuentro de las dos puntas del ovillo, porque gira en el interior de aquello que repite como diferencia y liberación
Elaboração e validação de escala diagramática para quantificação da mancha alvo em folhas de acerola
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fucans, sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown algae and some echinoderms, have been extensively studied for its diverse biological activities and because of its interference with molecular mechanisms of cell to cell recognition, including leukocyte trafficking from blood vessels into sites of inflammation mediated by selectin, a family of adhesion molecules. In the present study, we examined structural features of a heterofucan extracted from brown algae Padina gymnospora and its effect on the leukocyte migration to the peritoneum. The sulfated polysaccharides were extracted from the brown seaweed by proteolysis with the proteolytic enzyme maxatase. The presence of protein and uronic acid contamination was detected in the crude polysaccharide extract. Fractionation of the crude extract with growing concentrations of acetone produced five fractions with different concentrations of fucose, xylose, uronic acid, galactose, glucose and sulfate. The fraction precipitated with 1.5 volumes of acetone was characterized by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance, through which can be observed the presence of sulfate groups in the C4 of -L-fucose. The anti-inflammatory action of this composite was assessed by a sodium thioglycollate-induced peritonitis assay and through nitric oxide production by the peritoneal macrophages using Griess reagent. Fraction F1.5 was efficient in reducing leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity when 10 mg/kg and 25mg/kg were used, resulting in a decrease of 56 and 39%, respectively. A decrease of nitric oxide production occurred when high concentrations of fucana were used. The cytotoxicity of the composite was also assessed using the reduction of 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT). Fraction F1.5 had no cytotoxicity when 500 μg/mL of the fraction was used. This study suggests the use of fraction F1.5 (heterofucan) as an anti-inflammatory
A mancha de mirotécio causada por Myrothecium roridum Tode ex Fr. foi observada em lavouras de algodão no sul do Maranhão, causando reduções de produtividade de até 60%. Os sintomas da doença são lesões necróticas, circulares, com estruturas salientes, os esporodóquios, de distribuição irregular. Foram observadas lesões nos pecíolos, brácteas, folhas e maçãs de algodoeiro cv. Deltapine Acala 90, Fibermax 966 e Sure Grow 821. O isolamento do fungo foi realizado em meio de cultura batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA). O teste de patogenicidade foi realizado em maçãs sadias, destacadas de algodoeiro cv. Fibermax 966, no estádio vegetativo R6, previamente desinfestadas. Foram testados 13 isolados de M. roridum, oito provenientes de algodão e cinco de soja. Avaliações das estruturas fúngicas foram realizadas com auxílio de microscópio óptico equipado com um micrômetro ocular. Os isolados causaram infecções em maçãs de algodão e destacou-se como mais agressivo o MA-75, proveniente de algodão, apresentando diâmetro médio de lesão de 1,3cm, aos sete DAI e 2,7cm aos 14 DAI. Todos os isolados formaram esporodóquios dispostos concenticamente em meio BDA. Os conídios são unicelulares, hialinos a oliváceos, abundantemente produzidos em massa verde-oliva a preta. Os conídios de isolados provenientes de algodão mediram, em média, 5,1µm x 1,5µm, e os obtidos de soja, 5,8µm x 1,5µm. Estes resultados relatam a ocorrência da mancha de mirotécio, causada por M. roridum, em lavouras comerciais de algodão no Brasil.
The objectives of this work were to determine the micelial growth curve of the pathogen and the sensitivity to some fungicides potencially efficient to disease control. The optimum temperature range for micelial growth of Phyllosticta sp, was between 25 and 27.5 degrees C. The maximum and minimum temperatures for micelial growth were 32.5 degrees C and 10 degrees C. Temperatures of 5 and 35 degrees C completely inhibited the growth of the isolates. Total inhibition of the micelial growth was observed with captan and mancozeb (1000 mg a.i./ml) and triadimenol (100 mg a.i./ml). Partial reduction of the micelial growth was observed with iprodione, methyl tiofanate and chlorothalonil until 1.000 mg/ml. The chemical control of PLS was studied in a commercial area of ginger ''Gigante'', in Morretes, PR, where 18 sprays were carried out, with a break of 7 to 10 days, from December to April. The highest reduction of the area under the disease progress curve standardized (AUDPCs) was observed with the spray of chlorothalonil. With the application of dithianon, cupper oxychloride, folpet, mancozeb and captan it was observed AUDPCs between 15.05 and 18.61 lesions/leaf. Iprodione, benomyl, triadimenol and methyl tiofanate did not control the disease (AUDPCs between 20.03 and 25.04 lesions/leaf). The AUDPCs in the check plot was 35.88 lesions/leaf. There was no significant difference of vigor and of ginger yield between fungicide treatments. The cupper oxichloride was phytotoxic to ginger.
The present study aims to evaluate the effect of fungicides and antibiotics to control bacterial spot (Xanthomonas perforans) in tomato, and the activation of pathogenesis-related proteins. Hybrid tomato AP 529 was used to assess the severity of disease. The treatments consisted of spraying with acibenzolar-S-methyl, fluazinam, pyraclostrobin, pyraclostrobin + methiran, copper oxychloride, copper oxychloride and mancozeb + oxytetracycline, and inoculated and non-inoculated controls. After three days of treatment, all plants were inoculated with X. perforans (10 6 CFU / mL). Leaf discs were collected for assessment of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, β-1,3 glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and protease. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated with the data of severity. All treatments had reduced AUDPC compared to the inoculated control. Fungicides acibenzolar-S-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and pyraclostrobin + methiran had more satisfactory results in reducing the severity of bacterial spot on tomato. The products based on pyraclostrobin together with acibenzolar-S-methyl induced enzymatic activities of peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and β-1,3 glucanase, indicating that these products may be related to the induction of resistance to bacterial spot on tomato plants.
The angular leaf spot of dry bean caused by the fungus Phaeoisairopsis griseola is a very important disease on dry bean crops in Brazil. In propitious weather conditions, susceptible cultivars have significant losses due to this disease. In these conditions, fungicide usage is an important step for angular leaf spot management. Since the effects of this method of control on plant physiology are not known, this study had the following objectives: a) Verify the action of fungicide in physiological changes in dry beans (photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductivity); b) evaluate the efficacy of some fungicides for the control of angular leaf spot; and c) examine the effects of these fungicides on other agronomic parameters; weight of 100 grains, number of grains per pod and number of pods per plant. The dry bean cultivar used in this study was Perola. Four trials were conducted, two in a net greenhouse and two trials under field conditions. A spray of piraclostrobin, tebuconazol and tebuconazol+ trifloxistrobin increased photosynthesis rates, although stomatal conductivity was not changed. In addition, sprays of tebuconazol, piraclostrobin, metiram+piraclostrobin and azoxistrobin provided better levels of disease control and also higher weight of 100 grains, with the exception of azoxystrobin for this parameter.
Fungicide application is one of the control strategies of fungal diseases in corn leaves. In Brazil, there are no fungicides recorded for the control of corn macrospora leaf spot (MLS). The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of 16 fungicides on MLS control in a protective, curative and eradicant form. Fungicides of the chemical groups of benzimidazoles, strobilurins and triazoles were used alone or in mixture, in completely randomized block design, with six replicates of five plants, totaling 30 plants per treatment. The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse with the single-cross hybrid AS 1565 in phenological stage of two to six expanded leaves, using an isolate of S. macrospsora from the same hybrid. The inoculum was deposited into the cartridge of plants at 48 hours after, 48 hours before and 10 days before fungicide applications for preventive, curative and eradicant action, respectively. The experiment was repeated twice. The data underwent analysis of variance (p<0.05), and the means of treatments were compared by using the Scott-Knott test (p<0.05). Severity was estimated at 21 days after inoculations. All fungicides significantly differed from the control treatment in the preventive, curative and eradicant action. For the preventive action, mean disease control was 85%. The mixture of triazoles plus strobilurins controlled, on average, 75% of the disease severity, while the isolated products such as strobilurins reduced it by 62%, benzimidazoles by 55% and triazoles by 38% for the curative action. The lowest control was obtained for the eradicant action, with mean reduction of 40.1% in the disease severity and no significant difference among fungicides.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)