906 resultados para local development


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Se trata de dar un panorama general de las zonas rurales del periurbano con centro en el Municipio de La Plata, caracterizadas como un campo social rural periurbano, contextualizado en el "Gran Buenos Aires". Se hace una historia y caracterización territorial local atendiendo a los diversos procesos sociales involucrados y a los distintos actores sociales en juego. Se analizan particularmente las políticas regionales, el asociativismo y los cambios en las relaciones sociales interculturales y en las organizaciones locales que confluyen en la situación actual, que condicionan las circunstancias de un desarrollo local.


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El Desarrollo Local Territorial es un proceso endógeno de construcción social que apunta a la generación de capacidades locales aprovechando los recursos territoriales para fortalecer el entramado socio-institucional y el sistema económico-productivo y movilizarlos para mejorar la calidad de vida de una comunidad. Un aspecto relevante, de cara al Desarrollo Local, es conocer la estructura y evolución de la población, el perfil del mercado de trabajo, así como los principales problemas de empleo en la zona en consideración. La Región de Cuyo, integrada históricamente por las provincias de Mendoza, San Juan y San Luis, presenta singularidades tanto en sus perfiles productivos como en su desarrollo económico. En particular, la Provincia de San Luis se caracteriza fuertemente por la aplicación de una sostenida política pública de reducción de los efectos de desempleo e inequidad que se manifestaron profundamente desde la devaluación de la moneda. En ese sentido, este trabajo -que continúa y actualiza la línea de un estudio previo relacionado con la Región Centro Ampliada, elaborado con datos provisorios del Censo 2010- pretende aportar al estudio del mercado laboral de la Región Cuyo y su relación con el desarrollo territorial, elaborando un diagnóstico de las provincias involucradas. Como fuente principal de información, se utiliza la Base de Microdatos de la eph, que releva y publica el indec, para el período comprendido entre 2003 y 2011 y datos definitivos del Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas 2010


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Esta investigación nace de la necesidad de aunar el máximo conocimiento sobre el sector Desarrollo Rural, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición en la Cooperación Española, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico, que facilite, por un lado, precisar los límites que abarca el sector, conceptuales y de aplicación, mejorando la eficiencia y eficacia de las intervenciones en él, y por otro, conformar una prospectiva del mismo. La tesis propone una metodología de investigación-acción, puesto que por la propia posición de trabajo de la investigadora en la AECID y en el sector, esta es, a la vez, objeto y actora de la realidad vivida y del cambio a futuro. Para el trabajo de campo se ha contado con un importante grupo de expertos en la materia, que han participado en talleres de reflexión y en la encuesta Delphi, así como con una serie de entrevistas en profundidad. El requisito de contar con un marco teórico en el que se sustente el sector es esencial y el capítulo IV contempla este, partiendo de los antecedentes y marco normativo de la política de cooperación española, substancialmente la Ley de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, pasando por los principales instrumentos de planificación de esta política: Planes Directores, Estrategias sectoriales y Plan de Actuación Sectorial de Desarrollo Rural y Lucha contra el Hambre. Se puntualiza la cooperación reembolsable en el sector, y se repasan las principales actuaciones que han tenido lugar en el contexto internacional con especial hincapié en la crisis provocada por la subida del precio de los alimentos y las medidas más significativas que se tomaron para combatirla, pasando a continuación al proceso post-2015, los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la posición española en él. En el marco conceptual se revisan términos tales como Derecho Humano a la Alimentación, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición, Seguridad alimentaria, Seguridad alimentaria nutricional, Soberanía alimentaria, Seguridad alimentaria como Bien Público Mundial, Desarrollo Rural, Desarrollo Rural Territorial, Enfoque Territorial y Resiliencia, concluyendo este apartado con la búsqueda de las interrelaciones entre Seguridad alimentaria, Derecho Humano a la Alimentación y Desarrollo Rural Territorial. El capítulo termina con un breve repaso de lo que hacen en esta materia las principales agencias de Cooperación Internacional de los donantes más importantes del CAD. En el Marco de Aplicación se acomete una comparación de la evolución de la AOD en el marco temporal de la investigación, del 2000 al 2013, concedida al sector por la Cooperación Española en función de los distintos subsectores y también una comparativa de la ayuda otorgada por los principales donantes del CAD para este mismo periodo. Posteriormente se examinan las intervenciones centrales de la Cooperación Española en Derecho Humano a la Alimentación con la sociedad civil, con la FAO y con el relator especial de NNUU para el Derecho a la Alimentación, Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional, destacando el Fondo España-ODM y el Programa Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA)y Desarrollo Rural Territorial , sobre el proyecto EXPIDER I y II (Experiencias de desarrollo local rural en América Latina) , y el proyecto PIDERAL ( Proyecto de políticas innovadoras de desarrollo de los territorios rurales en América Latina ) y tres intervenciones con enfoque regional como son :La Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre (IALCSH), la Estrategia Centroamericana de Desarrollo Rural Territorial (ECADERT) y la intervención de la Cooperación Española apoyando la Política Agraria de la CEDEAO. La investigación empírica esencialmente con un enfoque cualitativo, se examina y detalla en el capítulo VI, reflejándose las principales conclusiones de la misma en el capítulo del mismo nombre, tras haber contrastado las hipótesis formuladas y posteriormente cotejar las aplicaciones prácticas de la tesis y proponer posibles nuevas líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT This research stems from the need to combine the best knowledge about the Rural Development, Food Security and Nutrition sectors in Spanish Cooperation, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, that enables, on the one hand, to specify the limits that the sector covers, both conceptual and of implementation, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in it, and on the other, shape the future thereof. The thesis proposes a methodology of research-action, which is the AECID researcher´s own position in the sector, being at the same time, both researcher and participant of the reality experienced and future change. The field work benefitted from the support of a major group of experts in the field, who participated in reflection workshops, the Delphi survey and a series of in-depth interviews. The requirement for a theoretical framework that sustains the sector is essential and Chapter IV provides for this, starting with the background and legal framework of the policy of Spanish cooperation, essentially the International Development Cooperation Law, through the main instruments of policy planning: Master Plans; sectorial strategies; the Sectorial Action Plan for Rural Development; Fight against hunger. Refundable cooperation in the sector is specified, and the key actions that have taken place in the international context with special emphasis on the crisis caused by rising food prices and the most significant measures taken to combat it are reviewed. Then continuing with the post-2015 process, the Sustainable Development Objectives and the Spanish position in them. Conceptional framework terms such as Human Right to Food, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Security, Nutritional Food Security, Food Sovereignty, Food Security as a global public good, Rural Development, Rural Regional Development, Regional Approach and Resilience are reviewed, ending this section with the search for the interrelationship between Food Security, Human Right to Food and Rural Regional Development. The chapter ends with a brief overview of what the main agencies for International Cooperation of the major DAC donors do in this area. In the implementation framework, a comparison is provided of the evolution of the ODA within the time frame of the investigation, from 2000 to 2013, granted to the sector by the Spanish Cooperation in terms of the various subsectors and also a comparison is made of the support provided by the DAC's major donors for the same period. Subsequently the core interventions of Spanish Cooperation in the Human Right to Food with civil society, with FAO and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Food Security Nutrition are examined, highlighting the Spain MDG Fund and the Special Programme for Food Security (PESA) and Regional Rural Development on the EXPIDER I and II project (Rural local development experiences in Latin America), and the PIDERAL project (Innovative policy development project of rural areas in Latin America) and three regionally focused interventions such as: the Latin America and Caribbean without Hunger (HFLACI) Initiative, the Central American Strategy for Rural Development (ECADERT) and the intervention of the Spanish Cooperation to support the ECOWAS Agricultural Policy. Empirical research, essentially with a qualitative approach, is examined and detailed in Chapter VI, reflecting the main conclusions of the investigation in the chapter of the same name, after having contrasted the ideas put forward, and then later compares the practical applications of the thesis and proposes possible new lines of research.


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La propuesta del análisis de la figura de Parque Agrario en el ámbito español surge ante la constatación de que un nuevo paradigma está aconteciendo a escala estatal. Diversos focos se encuentran trabajando en paralelo, y de forma participada, en pos de la reformulación de las políticas públicas relacionadas con la agricultura periurbana. Estos focos ven en la figura de Parque Agrario un instrumento territorial que permite mejorar la sostenibilidad y cohesión territorial a través de la defensa de la gobernanza alimentaria local, sin olvidar la necesidad de conservación de los recursos naturales y el patrimonio paisajístico, junto a la prestación de múltiples servicios de los ecosistemas de estos ámbitos a la ciudadanía. Complementariamente, se empieza a vislumbrar el papel que esta figura puede desempeñar como herramienta de desarrollo territorial de los sistemas agrarios periurbanos, clave ante los efectos de carácter local que la globalización ejerce en estos territorios. La figura de Parque Agrario es una estructura que actúa bloqueando la base territorial, favoreciendo el desarrollo de la actividad agraria. Su mayor potencial es el de convertir el factor “proximidad urbana” de una amenaza a una oportunidad de desarrollo local endógeno que permita la continuidad de la agricultura, de los agricultores y del espacio agrario. La peculiaridad del Parque Agrario es que no es una figura al uso, estructurada y reglada por una legislación, sino que se trata de una iniciativa ad hoc, específica para cada caso, orientada a cumplir determinados objetivos de dinamización agraria, protección urbanística y valorización territorial. A pesar de la existencia de diversas definiciones y aportaciones sobre diferentes aspectos de la figura, no existe un análisis complejo de la misma en todas sus dimensiones, ni una tentativa de descripción de un modelo global y unitario del caso español y de sus potenciales resultados. Tampoco se han analizado en profundidad sus “invariantes” que se muestran como los elementos estructurantes del proyecto, capaces desarrollarse de forma diversa, de alcanzar diferentes niveles de complejidad, y de materializarse en función a las posibilidades que permita el marco normativo y legal. Por tanto, se plantea como objetivo principal de la tesis la definición de un modelo conceptual de Parque Agrario español, capaz de ser articulado e institucionalizado mediante un proceso de gobernanza, y que, como condición sine qua non sea duradero en el tiempo. Para poder llegar a describir un modelo colectivo se realiza, en primer lugar, un análisis genealógico que permita analizar sistemáticamente las propuestas desarrolladas en el ámbito español y los casos para establecer la existencia de una continuidad en la idea de Parque Agrario en las propuestas desarrolladas durante los últimos 25 años—sus invariantes—, y analice todos aquellos elementos que han ido enriqueciendo la figura en cada experiencia —sus variantes. Este análisis, además, ofrece como aportaciones el árbol genealógico y los mapas de dispersión de la figura y el primer catálogo de propuestas de Parque Agrario materializadas en proyecto. El resultado de la inducción de los datos obtenidos en el análisis genealógico es el modelo conceptual de Parque Agrario, que se define como una estructura orgánica de planificación-gestión-gobierno del territorio capaz de adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de todo sistema agrario periurbano que requiera la articulación-institucionalización de esta figura en él. Una vez descrito el modelo, se contrasta su fiabilidad mediante su aplicación como metodología de caracterización y evaluación de dos estudios de casos: uno exitoso, el Parque Agrario del Baix Llobregat, y uno frustrado, la propuesta de Parque Agrario de la Vega de Granada. ------------------------------------------------------ ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------- The proposed analysis of the figure of Agrarian Park in the Spanish sphere arises from the awareness that a new paradigm is happening at the state level. Different focuses are working in parallel, under participated programs, after the reformulation of public policies related to urban agriculture. These areas understand the figure of Agrarian Park as a territorial instrument for improving sustainability and territorial cohesion through the defense of local food governance, considering the need for conservation of natural resources and landscape heritage together with the multiple ecosystem services provided by these areas to the public. Additionally, the role that this figure can play as a tool for territorial development of peri-urban agrarian systems, which are key to the local effects that globalization has on these territories, is staring to be envisioned. The figure of Agrarian Park is a structure that works by blocking the territorial base to encourage the development of agrarian activity. Its greatest potential is to convert the threat of "urban proximity" into an opportunity for an endogenous local development that allows the persistence of agriculture, farmers and the agrarian space. The uniqueness of the Agrarian Park is that it is not a standard figure, structured and regulated by legislation, but rather an ad hoc initiative, specific to each case, designed to meet certain objectives of agrarian revitalization, urban protection and territorial enhance. Despite the existence of several definitions and contributions on different aspects of the figure, there is a lack of a complex analysis of it in all its dimensions, missing any attempt to describe a global and unitary model of the Spanish case and its potential outcomes. Its "invariants” have neither been evaluated in depth, shown as the structural elements of the project able to be developed in different ways, to achieve numerous levels of complexity, and to be materialized according to the possibilities allowed by the regulatory and legal framework. Therefore, the definition of a conceptual model of Spanish Agrarian Park able to be articulated and institutionalized through a process of governance, and durable over time as a sine qua non requisite, it is proposed as the main aim of the thesis. To get to describe a collective model, a genealogical analysis that systematically analyzes the proposals and cases developed in the Spanish field is undertaken to verify the existence of a continuity of the idea of Agrarian Park on the proposals developed during the past 25 years -invariants-, and evaluate all the elements that have enriched this figure in each experience - variants. This analysis also provides as inputs a family tree, maps of dispersion of the figure and the first catalog of Agrarian Park proposals materialized into projects. The result of inducting the data obtained in the genealogical analysis is the Conceptual Model of Agrarian Park, defined as an organic planning-management-government structure of the territory able to adapt to the specific needs of all peri-urban agrarian systems that require the articulation-institutionalization of this figure in it. Having described the model, its reliability is tested by applying it as a methodology for characterization and evaluation of two case studies, one successful, the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park, and one frustrated, the proposed Agrarian Park de la Vega of Granada.


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Actualmente se reconoce de forma generalizada que la problemática de los barrios más desfavorecidos presenta un trasfondo estructural de magnitud multidimensional que implica a múltiples actores, que requiere respuestas de carácter multiescalar, multidimensional y multiagente y un alto nivel de cooperación institucional y de coordinación entre la diversidad de actores, que pone en cuestión los modelos de gobernanza y gestión urbana tradicionales. Frente a los retos e implicaciones que plantea la noción de espacio como construcción social y los problemas de coordinación detectados que limitan el alcance de la regeneración urbana integrada, en esta investigación se pregunta por los principales elementos que pueden facilitar la dinamización y coordinación de los procesos y se plantea que es preciso aprovechar el propio proceso participativo para reforzar el papel de estos elementos y generar mejores condiciones para la colaboración en un proceso de aprendizaje práctico de formas de análisis e intervención integrada y gestión relacional, que supere los niveles de información y consulta de la práctica participativa habitual. Se centra por tanto la atención en los factores que facilitan la dinamización y coordinación de los procesos (elementos dinamizadores y articuladores), en el nivel de participación social y cooperación institucional en los distintos momentos de la planificación de la estrategia entendida como un proceso continuo de reflexión-acción-reflexión y en aquellas condiciones del modelo de participación que pueden propiciar relaciones estratégicas y mejorar la capacidad de interacción y acción del sistema de actores y relaciones en el proceso de planificación y gestión, que lleva a cuestionar en qué medida los soportes (foros de participación y nodos y ejes de actividad y relación) y el tipo de técnicas (técnicas de dinamización y técnicas de identificación y activación de oportunidades) de los modelos de participación de experiencias concretas pueden fomentar formas de interacción que mejoren la comunicación y la movilización de recursos. Para analizar esta situación en la práctica, se desarrolla un marco conceptual, metodológico y operativo a partir de la contribución de conceptos, teorías y modelos basados en una visión relacional y multidimensional de las dinámicas de desarrollo local integrado. Esta metodología se valida en cuatro casos de referencia a partir de la información de documentos oficiales y de las visiones de la diversidad de actores implicados recogidas a través de una primera consulta a expertos (13) y entrevistas semiestructuradas a representantes de la diversidad de actores implicados (75), que se ha procesado por medio de tres herramientas conceptuales de análisis complementarias desarrolladas a lo largo de la investigación apoyadas en la perspectiva relacional de la reinterpretación actual del espacio y las escalas: el ‘Sistema de acción local’, el ‘Diagrama de momentos’ del proceso de planificación y gestión, y la ‘Matriz de caracterización’ del modelo de participación. La evaluación y la comparativa de los casos según el método de análisis evidencian la importancia del papel ejercido por los elementos articuladores (actores y organismos de enlace, espacios de encuentro y acción, y los significados y visiones compartidas) y dinamizadores (el capital social y las capacidades institucionales propiciadas en redes de colaboración) a la hora de facilitar la colaboración entre las distintas instituciones responsables, reforzar las relaciones entre actores, grupos y entidades del barrio, y mejorar los problemas de convivencia vecinal, y en definitiva, de mejorar las posibilidades de los diferentes actores urbanos de implicarse de manera activa. Además, las fórmulas alternativas que se han puesto en marcha en los distintos casos frente a las dificultades que presenta la administración a la hora de trabajar por proyectos y el resto de actores de colaborar de forma constructiva, han supuesto un importante proceso de aprendizaje y práctica en formas de participación y colaboración. ABSTRACT It is widely accepted that the current situation of multi-deprived neighborhoods has a structural and a multidimensional basis involving multiple actors that calls for multiscale, multidimensional and multiagent solutions and requires a high level of institutional cooperation and a great deal of coordination between different actors. This calls into question traditional governance and management models. In order to cope with the challenges and implications of the idea of the social construction of space and these coordination requirements that compromise the scope of integrated urban regeneration strategies, this research focuses on the main elements and factors that facilitate the mobilization and coordination of the regeneration processes, and recognizes the importance of participation processes facilitating better social, communication and collaboration skills in a practical learning process of integrated analysis and urban regeneration interventions and relational governance mechanisms going beyond mere information and consultation levels. Thus, the study focuses on the principal factors which facilitate the mobilization and coordination of integrated area regeneration, the level of social participation and institutional cooperation at different planning moments in a continuous process of reflection-action-reflection, and the conditions under which the participation process may promote strategic relationships and improve the performance of the system of actors and relationships in the planning and management process. This questions to what extent the supports (participation arenas and activity nodes and axis) and the type of techniques (participation encouragement and opportunities identification and activation techniques) considered in participation models had led to a level of interaction that has improved communication and resource mobilization capabilities. In order to analyze this situation in practice, a conceptual, methodological and operational framework is developed, which considers the contributions of the review of concepts, theories and models based on a relational and multidimensional view of local development dynamics. This methodology is validated in four representative case studies in view of official documents and the contributions of diverse stakeholders gathered through a first consultation to experts (13) and semi-structured interviews to representatives of the diversity of actors involved (75). This data has been processed by three complementary analytical tools developed during the research, based on the relational perspective of the current reinterpretation of space and scales: the 'Local Action System', the 'Diagram of planning moments', and the 'Characterization matrix of the participation model'. The comparative evaluation of the four case studies carried out using the analytical method developed during the project, shows the importance of the availability and the role of linkage elements (actors and organizations, collective spaces and shared visions) and drivers (social capital and institutional capacities generated through collaborative networks) in facilitating the collaboration among all responsible institutions, in promoting and strengthening relations between actors, groups and neighborhood organizations, and in improving the conviviality and social cohesion conditions, and ultimately in fostering the possibilities of diversity of urban actors to engage and participate actively in the transformation process, increasing accordingly the options for change. In addition, despite all the difficulties, these practices have implemented alternative formulas addressing the limitations of the administration in working by projects and not by competences and of the stakeholders in collaborating in a constructive way. The development and implementation of these participatory formulas has been an important learning process.


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O associativismo empresarial aparece como forma de desenvolvimento regional, seja este econômico, social ou cultural, e é grande aliado para o surgimento e crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas. É um tema já vivenciado e estudado por vários países do mundo, entre eles europeus e especificamente italianos, mas ainda pouco estudado e conhecido no Brasil. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o associativismo empresarial entre micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) na região do Grande ABC (GABC) pelo Projeto Empreender (SEBRAE) relacionando seus dados com os publicados do relatório 2003/5 de autoria do Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas europeias, analisando as formas de associativismo aqui ocorridas, além de identificar o perfil das empresas e empresários envolvidos no projeto. Para tal análise foram coletados dados de um total de 63 empresas do Projeto Empreender, nos núcleos de Santo André, São Caetano do Sul e Ribeirão Pires. Do GABC foram coletados dados utilizando o instrumento desenvolvido pelo Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas. A análise dos dados coletados no GABC em relação aos dados europeus se fez necessária para que pudessem ser encontrados pontos de divergências e convergências em cada uma das experiências, objetivando o aprendizado e evolução do tema. A escolha do GABC foi motivada pelo fato da região passar por mudanças no seu perfil econômico, passando de berço e grande pólo das grandes indústrias para um grande centro de pequenas empresas prestadoras de serviços. Após coleta e análise dos dados, percebeu-se que a experiência do GABC e a ocorrida na Itália se parecem em muitos aspectos, porém tem grandes diferenças estruturais. Enquanto o projeto europeu é de responsabilidade de um órgão da União Europeia, aqui o projeto é de autoria do SEBRAE e sofre grandes conflitos com as Associações Comerciais e Industriais (ACIs) da região quando o tema é custeio das despesas das pessoas e estrutura que envolve a implantação do projeto. Além disso, conclui-se que é necessária uma maior aproximação dos municípios com o projeto, tendo em vista que isto poderia ser fator de incentivo a entrada de novas empresas além de fator de aumento de seriedade do sistema. Mais dois dados merecem destaque. Primeiro o fato do Projeto Empreender ter pouca visibilidade regional, ou seja, ser muito pouco divulgado, e o fato da agência de desenvolvimento do GABC não ter aproximação alguma com o projeto. Por último, surgem dados no decorrer da pesquisa que rompem a barreira das teorias administrativas conhecidas, tais como a amizade como fator de associativismo. Portanto, os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa apontam para a influência no incentivo ao desenvolvimento do processo associativista na região do GABC, além de servir como incentivador para a aproximação de outros atores sociais no processo.(AU)


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O associativismo empresarial aparece como forma de desenvolvimento regional, seja este econômico, social ou cultural, e é grande aliado para o surgimento e crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas. É um tema já vivenciado e estudado por vários países do mundo, entre eles europeus e especificamente italianos, mas ainda pouco estudado e conhecido no Brasil. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o associativismo empresarial entre micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) na região do Grande ABC (GABC) pelo Projeto Empreender (SEBRAE) relacionando seus dados com os publicados do relatório 2003/5 de autoria do Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas europeias, analisando as formas de associativismo aqui ocorridas, além de identificar o perfil das empresas e empresários envolvidos no projeto. Para tal análise foram coletados dados de um total de 63 empresas do Projeto Empreender, nos núcleos de Santo André, São Caetano do Sul e Ribeirão Pires. Do GABC foram coletados dados utilizando o instrumento desenvolvido pelo Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas. A análise dos dados coletados no GABC em relação aos dados europeus se fez necessária para que pudessem ser encontrados pontos de divergências e convergências em cada uma das experiências, objetivando o aprendizado e evolução do tema. A escolha do GABC foi motivada pelo fato da região passar por mudanças no seu perfil econômico, passando de berço e grande pólo das grandes indústrias para um grande centro de pequenas empresas prestadoras de serviços. Após coleta e análise dos dados, percebeu-se que a experiência do GABC e a ocorrida na Itália se parecem em muitos aspectos, porém tem grandes diferenças estruturais. Enquanto o projeto europeu é de responsabilidade de um órgão da União Europeia, aqui o projeto é de autoria do SEBRAE e sofre grandes conflitos com as Associações Comerciais e Industriais (ACIs) da região quando o tema é custeio das despesas das pessoas e estrutura que envolve a implantação do projeto. Além disso, conclui-se que é necessária uma maior aproximação dos municípios com o projeto, tendo em vista que isto poderia ser fator de incentivo a entrada de novas empresas além de fator de aumento de seriedade do sistema. Mais dois dados merecem destaque. Primeiro o fato do Projeto Empreender ter pouca visibilidade regional, ou seja, ser muito pouco divulgado, e o fato da agência de desenvolvimento do GABC não ter aproximação alguma com o projeto. Por último, surgem dados no decorrer da pesquisa que rompem a barreira das teorias administrativas conhecidas, tais como a amizade como fator de associativismo. Portanto, os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa apontam para a influência no incentivo ao desenvolvimento do processo associativista na região do GABC, além de servir como incentivador para a aproximação de outros atores sociais no processo.(AU)


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Leg 90 recovered approximately 3705 m of core at eight sites lying at middle bathyal depths (1000-2200 m) (Sites 587 to 594) in a traverse from subtropical to subantarctic latitudes in the southwest Pacific region, chiefly on Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea. This chapter summarizes some preliminary lithostratigraphic results of the leg and includes data from Site 586, drilled during DSDP Leg 89 on the Ontong-Java Plateau that forms the northern equatorial point of the latitudinal traverse. The lithofacies consist almost exclusively of continuous sections of very pure (>95% CaCO3) pelagic calcareous sediment, typically foraminifer-bearing nannofossil ooze (or chalk) and nannofossil ooze (or chalk), which is mainly of Neogene age but extends back into the Eocene at Sites 588, 592, and 593. Only at Site 594 off southeastern New Zealand is there local development of hemipelagic sediments and several late Neogene unconformities. Increased contents of foraminifers in Leg 90 sediments, notably in the Quaternary interval, correspond to periods of enhanced winnowing by bottom currents. Significant changes in the rates of sediment accumulation and in the character and intensity of sediment bioturbation within and between sites probably reflect changes in calcareous biogenic productivity as a result of fundamental paleoceanographic events in the region during the Neogene. Burial lithification is expressed by a decrease in sediment porosity from about 70 to 45% with depth. Concomitantly, microfossil preservation slowly deteriorates as a result of selective dissolution or recrystallization of some skeletons and the progressive appearance of secondary calcite overgrowths, first about discoasters and sphenoliths, and ultimately on portions of coccoliths. The ooze/chalk transition occurs at about 270 m sub-bottom depth at each of the northern sites (Sites 586 to 592) but is delayed until about twice this depth at the two southern sites (Sites 593 and 594). A possible explanation for this difference between geographic areas is the paucity of discoasters and sphenoliths at the southern sites; these nannofossil elements provide ideal nucleation sites for calcite overgrowths. Toward the bottom of some holes, dissolution seams and flasers appear in recrystallized chalks. The very minor terrigenous fraction of the sediment consists of silt- through clay-sized quartz, feldspar, mica, and clay minerals (smectite, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite), supplied as eolian dust from the Australian continent and by wind and ocean currents from erosion on South Island, New Zealand. Changes in the mass accumulation rates of terrigenous sediment and in clay mineral assemblages through time are related to various external controls, such as the continued northward drift of the Indo-Australian Plate, the development of Antarctic ice sheets, the increased desertification of the Australian continent after 14 m.y. ago, and the progressive increase in tectonic relief of New Zealand through the late Cenozoic. Disseminated glass shards and (altered) tephra layers occur in Leg 90 cores. They were derived from major silicic eruptions in North Island, New Zealand, and from basic to intermediate explosive volcanism along the Melanesian island chains. The tephrostratigraphic record suggests episodes of increased volcanicity in the southwest Pacific centered near 17, 13, 10, 5 and 1 m.y. ago, especially in the middle and early late Miocene. In addition, submarine basaltic volcanism was widespread in the southeast Tasman Sea around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, possibly related to the propagation of the Southeast Indian Ridge through western New Zealand as a continental rift system.


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O associativismo empresarial aparece como forma de desenvolvimento regional, seja este econômico, social ou cultural, e é grande aliado para o surgimento e crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas. É um tema já vivenciado e estudado por vários países do mundo, entre eles europeus e especificamente italianos, mas ainda pouco estudado e conhecido no Brasil. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o associativismo empresarial entre micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) na região do Grande ABC (GABC) pelo Projeto Empreender (SEBRAE) relacionando seus dados com os publicados do relatório 2003/5 de autoria do Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas europeias, analisando as formas de associativismo aqui ocorridas, além de identificar o perfil das empresas e empresários envolvidos no projeto. Para tal análise foram coletados dados de um total de 63 empresas do Projeto Empreender, nos núcleos de Santo André, São Caetano do Sul e Ribeirão Pires. Do GABC foram coletados dados utilizando o instrumento desenvolvido pelo Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas. A análise dos dados coletados no GABC em relação aos dados europeus se fez necessária para que pudessem ser encontrados pontos de divergências e convergências em cada uma das experiências, objetivando o aprendizado e evolução do tema. A escolha do GABC foi motivada pelo fato da região passar por mudanças no seu perfil econômico, passando de berço e grande pólo das grandes indústrias para um grande centro de pequenas empresas prestadoras de serviços. Após coleta e análise dos dados, percebeu-se que a experiência do GABC e a ocorrida na Itália se parecem em muitos aspectos, porém tem grandes diferenças estruturais. Enquanto o projeto europeu é de responsabilidade de um órgão da União Europeia, aqui o projeto é de autoria do SEBRAE e sofre grandes conflitos com as Associações Comerciais e Industriais (ACIs) da região quando o tema é custeio das despesas das pessoas e estrutura que envolve a implantação do projeto. Além disso, conclui-se que é necessária uma maior aproximação dos municípios com o projeto, tendo em vista que isto poderia ser fator de incentivo a entrada de novas empresas além de fator de aumento de seriedade do sistema. Mais dois dados merecem destaque. Primeiro o fato do Projeto Empreender ter pouca visibilidade regional, ou seja, ser muito pouco divulgado, e o fato da agência de desenvolvimento do GABC não ter aproximação alguma com o projeto. Por último, surgem dados no decorrer da pesquisa que rompem a barreira das teorias administrativas conhecidas, tais como a amizade como fator de associativismo. Portanto, os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa apontam para a influência no incentivo ao desenvolvimento do processo associativista na região do GABC, além de servir como incentivador para a aproximação de outros atores sociais no processo.(AU)


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This is a study of third sector organisations and organisational change resulting from European Union funding. While there is a growing body of research which shows how governmental funding can contribute to the organisational challenges that third sector organisations encounter, research on how European Union funding affects third sector organisations is limited. This thesis contributes towards closing this gap in knowledge by identifying a number of organisational changes which can be attributed to the use of European Union funding. A qualitative approach was taken to explore organisational change resulting from the use of URBAN II funding in nine third sector organisations which were studied in the context of the URBAN II programmes of Belfast, Berlin and Bristol. The conceptual framework for this study draws on organisation theory and resource dependence theory, together with concepts of co-production and multi-level governance. URBAN II funding was found to have affected organisational structures, processes, services, goals and participants, as well as the interactions of organisations with their external environment. In contrast to earlier research however, the findings from this study suggest that many of these organisational changes improved the capacity of third sector organisations to carry out their work. The cross-national comparison of the findings further showed that organisational impacts resulting from the use of URBAN II funding can vary significantly between different countries. Programme Managers were found to have played a critically important' role in enabling third sector organisations to obtain benefits from URBAN II funding. Many positive organisational changes arose from a close collaboration between Programme Managers and third sector organisations. Conversely, many negative organisational impacts were found to be due, not to the regulations associated with European funding, but primarily to the approach adopted by the Programme Managers and Local Development Partnerships towards engaging third sector organisations in programme delivery.


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Why has Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yielded such disappointing outcomes in oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa? Over the past decades, a sizable body of literature has emerged which draws attention to the shortcomings of oil-related development and complementary CSR exercises in the region. Most critiques on the topic, however, assess specific interventions and/or policies but fail to evaluate the complex decision-making processes, dictated heavily by setting, which produce such actions altogether. This thesis attributes CSR outcomes in oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa to the unique context in which the decisions underpinning actions take place. In doing so, the analysis borrows ideas from a diverse body of literature spanning the international development, accounting, management and political science disciplines. To explore these ideas further, the thesis focuses on the case of Ghana. The most recent “addition” to sub-Saharan Africa’s oil club, Ghana provides a rare glimpse of how decisions underpinning CSR have been identified, evolved and reshaped from the outset. To provide a comprehensive picture of CSR in the sector and its impacts at the local level, interviews and focus groups were conducted with a range of stakeholder groups. As is the case throughout sub-Saharan Africa, in Ghana, oil production occurs in offshore “enclaves”, which are disconnected geographically from local communities. This thesis argues that these dynamics have important implications for CSR. Findings point to companies also being disconnected ideologically from local development needs, which, in part explains the questionable CSR that has become such a contentious issue in the debate on oil and development in sub-Saharan Africa in recent years. The enclave-type setting in which oil production occurs appears to have stifled creativity and innovation in the area of CSR. This, along with institutional weaknesses, regulatory deficiencies and the Government of Ghana’s failure to adequately respond to local-level concerns, has produced these outcomes.


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Az innovatív vállalati kapcsolatokkal foglalkozó vizsgálatok sokasága az innovációs folyamatok „kettősségéről” ad számot. Egyrészt felértékelődött a térbeli közelség szerepe, emiatt az innovatív vállalkozások, intézmények térben koncentrálódnak, főleg a nagyvárosokban. Másrészt szerteágazó hálózatok jöttek létre a különböző országokban működő innovatív vállalatok, intézetek között, amelyek többsége a nagy távolságok ellenére is sikeres. Mindezen megfigyelések arra utalnak, hogy pontosítani kell a közelség és távolság üzleti szerepéről vallott ismereteket a változó globalizációs feltételekhez igazítva. A szerzők tanulmányukban áttekintik a térbeli közelség szerepének főbb jellemzőit az innovatív tevékenységeken alapuló vállalati együttműködések kialakulásában és fenntartásában. A hagyományos felfogások rövid ismertetése után a „hálózati közelség”, másképpen „kapcsolati közelség” (relational proximity) egyes típusait elemzik. Részletesen kitérnek a regionális klaszterek és a lokális innovatív miliő főbb jellemzőire, amelyek a térbeli és a kapcsolati közelségekből eredő előnyöket egyaránt hasznosítják. Ezek a mérvadó nemzetközi tapasztalatok itthon is alkalmazhatók az egyetemi és vállalati együttműködések, illetve a helyi gazdaságfejlesztési és vállalkozásfejlesztési programok kidolgozásakor. ________ Multiple studies of innovative business relations give an account about „the double character” of innovative processes. On the one hand, the role of proximity has been appreciated, for this reason, the innovative companies, institutes are concentrated in space, especially in big cities. On the other hand extensive networks have been established among innovative companies, institutes operating in the different countries, most of which are successful in spite of the long distance. All these observations suggest there is a need to clarify business skills on the role of proximity and distance, tailored to the changing conditions of globalization. In their study the authors review the role of the main features of spatial proximity in formation and maintenace of corporate cooperation based on innovative activities. After a brief description of traditional concepts certain types of „network proximity” otherwise relational proximity are analyzed. They cover main features of regional clusters and the local innovative environment which utilize advantages coming both from spatial and relational proximities. This leading international experience are applicable at home as well when elaborating academic and corporate cooperation resp. local development programs for the economy and corporations.


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Tourism is configured as an activity that presents constant movement could boost local development in the economic, sociocultural and human in locations with potential for structuring and such. Because it is a dynamic activity, tourism allows changes in its flow, extending the periods of seasonality. To this end, in view of the aforementioned dynamics, it becomes relevant to the presence of tourism planning, initially starting from the government so that it create laws and standards and develop projects for the management of activities in an orderly way, seeking citizen participation, making essential the presence of actors and agents in local tourism, expanding democracy and knowledge of their place of origin. In this scenario, the Ministry of Tourism is emerging with the National Tourism Plan which incorporates among its actions, the Regionalization Program Guide, adopting a model of regional local management, a participatory manner, through the bodies of governance imposed at the poles, and the shares of public policy in their various departments most responsible for promoting tourism in pole Seridó. This scientific work aims to analyze the pole Seridó, under the theory of tourism area life cycle (TALC) proposed by BUTLER (1980), locating actions for tourism and chronology of the locality applied the proposed process activity. For both the methodology is descriptive and exploratory, qualitative approach, historical, descriptive and narrative level, non-probability sampling, using secondary sources, through documents and other records occurred during the planning processes in the region, in order to have access to information related to the planning process of tourism in Seridó, using as a way to research the data collected the technique of content analysis. As a conclusion of this study it is observed that from the survey in relation to the history of tourism in the region, economic activities of livestock, cotton industry, mining and ceramics industry were responsible for the initiation of tourism in the locality through the flow directed to the same, the insertion of the first hotels and performing traditional events, giving rise to the demand for public policies that aided in directing the activity being, therefore, inserted into the engagement phase, the second phase proposed by BUTLER (1980) model, and the study was terminated with suggestions for the continuation of tourism in the region.


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Coastal lagoons are valued and sensitive ecosystems often threatened by human pressure. In our study we focused on the development of local activities in the Óbidos lagoon and we aimed to understand the stakeholders’ view about the best solutions for local development. Stakeholders were divided into residents, tourists, groups of interest and surveys and interviews were applied. The results indicated that although the lagoon is considered a dynamic economical resource for the local economy communities, tourism was identified by all stakeholders as the strategic tool for development in the lagoon. These results suggest the urgency to promote sustainable guidelines for the local tourism development.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en examinar el proceso de centralización sanitaria en la provincia de Tucumán durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, atendiendo a sus particularidades y a sus vinculaciones con la administración sanitaria nacional. Se abordan tópicos que permiten reconstruir, en instancias diferenciadas, los rasgos del desarrollo institucional, las tensiones al interior del sistema y los cambios que pautaron el recorrido hasta la centralización sanitaria lograda durante los gobiernos peronistas.