366 resultados para lignocellulosic hydrolysates
High-resolution seismic profiles and sediment cores from Lake Ledro combined with soil and riverbed samples from the lake's catchment area are used to assess the recurrence of natural hazards (earthquakes and flood events) in the southern Italian Alps during the Holocene. Two well-developed deltas and a flat central basin are identified on seismic profiles in Lake Ledro. Lake sediments have been finely laminated in the basin since 9000 cal. yr BP and frequently interrupted by two types of sedimentary events (SEs): light-coloured massive layers and dark-coloured graded beds. Optical analysis (quantitative organic petrography) of the organic matter present in soil, riverbed and lacustrine samples together with lake sediment bulk density and grain-size analysis illustrate that light-coloured layers consist of a mixture of lacustrine sediments and mainly contain algal particles similar to the ones observed in background sediments. Light-coloured layers thicker than 1.5 cm in the main basin of Lake Ledro are synchronous to numerous coeval mass-wasting deposits remoulding the slopes of the basin. They are interpreted as subaquatic mass-movements triggered by historical and pre-historical regional earthquakes dated to AD2005, AD1891, AD1045 and 1260, 2545, 2595, 3350, 3815, 4740, 7190, 9185 and 11 495 cal. yr BP. Darkcoloured SEs develop high-amplitude reflections in front of the deltas and in the deep central basin. These beds are mainly made of terrestrial organic matter (soils and lignocellulosic debris) and are interpreted as resulting from intense hyperpycnal flood event. Mapping and quantifying the amount of soil material accumulated in the Holocene hyperpycnal flood deposits of the sequence allow estimating that the equivalent soil thickness eroded over the catchment area reached up to 5mm during the largest Holocene flood events. Such significant soil erosion is interpreted as resulting from the combination of heavy rainfall and snowmelt. The recurrence of flash flood events during the Holocene was, however, not high enough to affect pedogenesis processes and highlight several wet regional periods during the Holocene. The Holocene period is divided into four phases of environmental evolution. Over the first half of the Holocene, a progressive stabilization of the soils present through the catchment of Lake Ledro was associated with a progressive reforestation of the area and only interrupted during the wet 8.2 event when the soil destabilization was particularly important. Lower soil erosion was recorded during the mid-Holocene climatic optimum (8000-4200 cal. yr BP) and associated with higher algal production. Between 4200 and 3100 cal. yr BP, both wetter climate and human activities within the drainage basin drastically increased soil erosion rates. Finally, from 3100 cal. yr BP to the present-day, data suggest increasing and changing human land use.
Maximal amounts of prodigiosin were synthesized in either minimal or complete medium after incubation of cultures at 27 C for 7 days. Biosynthesis of prodigiosin began earlier and the range of temperature for formation was greater in complete medium. No prodigiosin was formed in either medium when cultures were incubated at 38 C; however, after a shift to 27 C, pigmentation ensued, provided the period of incubation at 38 C was not longer than 36 hr for minimal medium or 48 hr for complete medium. Washed, nonpigmented cells grown in either medium at 38 C for 72 hr could synthesize prodigiosin when suspended in saline at 27 C when casein hydrolysate was added. These suspensions produced less prodigiosin at a slower rate than did cultures growing in casein hydrolysate at 27 C without prior incubation at 38 C. Optimal concentration of casein hydrolysate for pigment formation by suspensions was 0.4%; optimal temperature was 27 C. Anaerobic incubation, shift back to 38 C, killing cells by heating, or chloramphenicol (25 mug/ml) inhibited pigmentation. Suspensions of washed cells forming pigment reached pH 8.0 to 8.3 rapidly and maintained this pH throughout incubation for 7 days. Measurements of viable count and of protein, plus other data, indicated that cellular multiplication did not occur in suspensions of washed cells during pigment formation. By this procedure utilizing a shift down in temperature, biosynthesis of prodigiosin by washed cells could be separated from multiplication of bacteria.
Diminishing crude oil and natural gas supplies, along with concern about greenhouse gas are major driving forces in the search for efficient renewable energy sources. The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to energy and useful chemicals is a component of the solution. Ethanol is most commonly produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates to simple sugars followed by fermentation using yeast. C6Hl0O5 + H2O −Enxymes→ C6H12O6 −Yeast→ 2CH3CH2OH + 2C02 In the U.S. corn is the primary starting raw material for commercial ethanol production. However, there is insufficient corn available to meet the future demand for ethanol as a gasoline additive. Consequently a variety of processes are being developed for producing ethanol from biomass; among which is the NREL process for the production of ethanol from white hardwood. The objective of the thesis reported here was to perform a technical economic analysis of the hardwood to ethanol process. In this analysis a Greenfield plant was compared to co-locating the ethanol plant adjacent to a Kraft pulp mill. The advantage of the latter case is that facilities can be shared jointly for ethanol production and for the production of pulp. Preliminary process designs were performed for three cases; a base case size of 2205 dry tons/day of hardwood (52 million gallons of ethanol per year) as well as the two cases of half and double this size. The thermal efficiency of the NREL process was estimated to be approximately 36%; that is about 36% of the thermal energy in the wood is retained in the product ethanol and by-product electrical energy. The discounted cash flow rate of return on investment and the net present value methods of evaluating process alternatives were used to evaluate the economic feasibility of the NREL process. The minimum acceptable discounted cash flow rate of return after taxes was assumed to be 10%. In all of the process alternatives investigated, the dominant cost factors are the capital recovery charges and the cost of wood. The Greenfield NREL process is not economically viable with the cost of producing ethanol varying from $2.58 to $2.08/gallon for the half capacity and double capacity cases respectively. The co-location cases appear more promising due to reductions in capital costs. The most profitable co-location case resulted in a discounted cash flow rate of return improving from 8.5% for the half capacity case to 20.3% for the double capacity case. Due to economy of scale, the investments become more and more profitable as the size of the plant increases. This concept is limited by the amount of wood that can be delivered to the plant on a sustainable basis as well as the demand for ethanol within a reasonable distance of the plant.
This the tenth in a series of symposia devoted to talks by students on their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, and ninth were at Kansas State University in Manhattan, the second and fourth were at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, the sixth was in Kansas City in conjunction with the 81st American Institute of Chemical Engineers National Meeting, the seventh was at Iowa State University in Ames, and the eighth was held at the University of Missouri–Columbia. Contents"Combined Autohydrolysis-Organosolv Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials," Robert A. Lewis, Colorado State University "An Investigation of Cellulase Activity Assays," Minhhuong Nguyen, University of Missouri–Columbia "Action Pattern of a Xylobiohydrolase from Aspergillus niger," Mary M. Frederick, Iowa State University "Estimation of Heats of Combustion of Biomass from Elemental Analysis Using Available Electron Concepts," Snehal A. Patel, Kansas State University "Design of a Wheat Straw to Ethanol Conversion Facility," Michael M. Meagher, Colorado State University "Effects of Salt, Heat, and Physical Form on the Fermentation of Bananas," Carl Drewel, University of Missouri–Columbia "Gas Hold-up in the Downflow Section of a Split Cylinder Airlift Column," Vasanti Deshpande, Kansas State University "Measurement of Michaelis Constants for Soluble and Immobilized Glucoamylase," Robert A. Lesch, Iowa State University "Kinetics of Alkaline Oxidation and Degradation of Sugars," Alfred R. Fratzke, Iowa State University "Stability of Cereal Protein During Microbial Growth on Grain Dust," Bamidele O. Solomon, Kansas State University
Experimental data was obtained for profiling changes in concentrations of two inhibiting compounds in batch fermentation of a synthesized liquor resembling hydrolyzed lignocellulose, a furan (furfural) and a phenolic compound (vanillin), along with standard fermentation data, i.e. substrate, biomass and ethanol concentrations. The initial inhibitor concentrations and fermentation temperatures in the 18 experiments were varied according to a two-level complete center composite experimental design. Based upon these observed variations in the fermentative behavior, the fermentation kinetics were modeled, as published in the corresponding article, including microbial conversion rates of the inhibitive compounds into their less toxic derivatives.
Plant resistance to pathogens relies on a complex network of constitutive and inducible defensive barriers. The plant cell wall is one of the barriers that pathogens need to overcome to successfully colonize plant tissues. The traditional view of the plant cell wall as a passive barrier has evolved to a concept that considers the wall as a dynamic structure that regulates both constitutive and inducible defense mechanisms, and as a source of signaling molecules that trigger immune responses. The secondary cell walls of plants also represent a carbon-neutral feedstock (lignocellulosic biomass) for the production of biofuels and biomaterials. Therefore, engineering plants with improved secondary cell wall characteristics is an interesting strategy to ease the processing of lignocellulosic biomass in the biorefinery. However, modification of the integrity of the cell wall by impairment of proteins required for its biosynthesis or remodeling may impact the plants resistance to pathogens. This review summarizes our understanding of the role of the plant cell wall in pathogen resistance with a focus on the contribution of lignin to this biological process.
Growing energy crops on marginal land has been promoted as a way of ensuring that biomass production involves an acceptable and sustainable use of land. Saline and saline-prone agricultural lands represent an opportunity for growing energy crops avoiding the displacement of food production and contributing to restoration of degraded land. Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) is a perennial grass that has been proposed as a promising energy crop for lignocellulosic biomass production while its tolerance to salinity has been proved. In this work, the identification of surplus saline lands that could be irrigated with saline waters for growing tolerant-energy crops (giant reed) in the mainland of Spain and the assessment of the agronomically attainable yield in these limiting growing conditions were undertaken. To this purpose, a GIS analysis was conducted using geodatabases related to saline areas, agro-climatic conditions, irrigation water requirements, agricultural land availability, restrictions regarding the range of electrical conductivity tolerated by the crop, competition with agro-food crops and irrigation water provisions. According to the approach developed, the irrigated and saline agricultural area available and suitable for biomass production from giant reed amounted up to 34 412 ha. The agronomically attainable yield in these limiting conditions was estimated at 12.7 – 22.2 t dm ha−1 yr−1 and the potential production of lignocellulosic biomass, 597 338 t dm yr−1. The methodology followed in this study can be applied to other target regions; it allows the identification of this type of marginal lands, where salinity-tolerant plant species could be grown for bioenergy purposes, avoiding competition with agro-food crops, and where soil restoration measurements should be undertaken.
Hypocotyls from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were gently abraded at their epidermal surface and cut segments were conditioned to develop competence for H2O2 elicitation. Alkaline hydrolysates of cutin from cucumber, tomato, and apple elicited H2O2 in such conditioned segments. The most active constituent of cucumber cutin was identified as dodecan-1-ol, a novel cutin monomer capable of forming hydrophobic terminal chains. Additionally, the cutin hydrolysates enhanced the activity of a fungal H2O2 elicitor, similar to cucumber surface wax, which contained newly identified alkan-1,3-diols. The specificity of elicitor and enhancement activity was further elaborated using some pure model compounds. Certain saturated hydroxy fatty acids were potent H2O2 elicitors as well as enhancers. Some unsaturated epoxy and hydroxy fatty acids were also excellent H2O2 elicitors but inhibited the fungal elicitor activity. Short-chain alkanols exhibited good elicitor and enhancer activity, whereas longer-chain alkan-1-ols were barely active. The enhancement effect was also observed for H2O2 elicitation by ergosterol and chitosan. The physiological significance of these observations might be that once the cuticle is degraded by fungal cutinase, the cutin monomers may act as H2O2 elicitors. Corrosion of cutin may also bring surface wax constituents in contact with protoplasts and enhance elicitation.
O aumento na demanda mundial por energia, a perspectiva de encolhimento dos recursos energéticos e a preocupação global com a questão ambiental, despertaram o interesse por fontes alternativas de energia. A biomassa lignocelulósica é abundante e de baixo custo, com potencial para complementar a produção em larga escala de combustíveis. A degradação das moléculas constituintes da parede celular à açúcares fermentescíveis e então à etanol, ocorre através da hidrólise enzimática da biomassa. Contudo, a utilização de enzimas para esse fim encontra-se em estágio exploratório e representa um gargalo na implementação de tecnologias de etanol 2G em escala industrial, desencadeando a busca de celulases bioquimicamente mais ativas, estáveis e economicamente viáveis. O presente trabalho visou a caracterização da endoglucanase I do fungo Trichoderma harzianum, e para isso foi realizada expressão, ensaios bioquímicos e biofísicos do domínio catalítico (ThCel7B-CCD) e da proteína inteira (ThCel7B-full). A enzima exibiu um perfil acidofílico, com atividade ótima em pH 3,0 a 55°C. A proteína também se mostrou capaz de hidrolisar uma variedade de substratos, sendo a maior atividade hidrolítica em β-glucano (75 U mg-1). Ao analisar a estabilidade térmica medida a 55°C em pH 5, a atividade residual manteve-se intacta por mais de 2 meses. Outra característica relevante foi o elevado grau de sinergismo entre ThCel7B e ThCel7A. Análises de microscopia eletrônica de flocos de aveia submetidas à hidrólise com ThCel7B evidenciaram os efeitos de degradação do substrato em relação às amostras controle. O conjunto desses resultados, além de importante para a compreensão do mecanismo molecular de ThCel7B e de outras endoglucanases da família GH7, também revelou uma enzima de interesse biotecnológicos uma vez que o comportamento ácido e sua estabilidade térmica são características relevantes para aplicações industriais sob condições extremamente ácidas.
O hidrogênio (H2) tem sido considerado uma fonte de energia limpa bastante promissora, pois sua combustão origina apenas moléculas de água, sendo uma alternativa ao uso de combustíveis fósseis. Entretanto, os métodos atuais de produção de H2 demandam matérias-primas finitas e uma grande quantidade de energia, tornando a sua obtenção não sustentável. Mais recentemente, a via fermentativa tem sido considerada para a produção de H2, utilizando como matérias-primas efluentes industriais, materiais lignocelulósicos e biomassa de algas, denominado de bio-hidrogênio de primeira, segunda e terceira geração, respectivamente. Neste trabalho foi isolada uma bactéria anaeróbia a partir de uma cultura mista (lodo) de um sistema de tratamento de vinhaça, após pré-tratamento do lodo a pH 3 por 12 horas. Este microrganismo foi identificado com 99% de similaridade como Clostridium beijerinckii com base na sequência do gene RNAr 16S denominado de C. beijerinckii Br21. A temperatura e o pH mais adequados para o crescimento e produção de H2 por esta cultura foi 35 °C e pH inicial 7,0. A bactéria possui a capacidade de utilizar ampla variedade de fontes de carbono para a produção de H2 por fermentação, especialmente, monossacarídeos resultantes da hidrólise de biomassa de algas, tais como glicose, galactose e manose. Foram realizados ensaios em batelada para a produção de H2 com a bactéria isolada empregando diferentes concentrações de glicose e galactose, visando a sua futura utilização em hidrolisados de alga. Os parâmetros cinéticos dos ensaios de fermentação estimados pelo modelo de Gompertz modificado, como a velocidade máxima de produção (Rm), a quantidade máxima de hidrogênio produzido (Hmáx) e o tempo necessário para o início da produção de hidrogênio (fase lag) para a glicose (15 g/L) foram de: 58,27 mL de H2/h, 57,68 mmol de H2 e 8,29 h, respectivamente. Para a galactose (15 g/L), a Rm, Hmáx e foram de 67,64 mL de H2/h, 47,61 mmol de H2 e 17,22 horas, respectivamente. O principal metabólito detectado ao final dos ensaios de fermentação, foi o ácido butírico, seguido pelo ácido acético e o etanol, tanto para os ensaios com glicose, como com galactose. C. beijerinckii é um candidato bastante promissor para a produção de H2 por fermentação a partir de glicose e galactose e, consequentemente, a partir de biomassa de algas como substratos.
O Brasil possui uma posição privilegiada quando se refere à produção de etanol. Por questões históricas e geográficas o país é responsável por mais de 30 % da produção mundial de etanol, com uma produção nacional de mais de 28 bilhões de litros em 2014. Para maximizar o rendimento desse processo, está em desenvolvimento a tecnologia associada ao etanol de segunda geração ou etanol lignocelulósico. Os principais desafios desta tecnologia são: melhorar a eficiência de conversão do substrato em produto e a produção em grande escala utilizando substratos de baixo custo. Com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência do processo de conversão foram estudadas proteínas auxiliares (expansinas) que, em conjunto com celulases, melhoram a despolimerização de biomassa lignocelulósica em açúcares fermentescíveis. Além disso, realizou-se também a caracterização de enzimas ativas de carboidratos (CAZymes) de origem termofílica do organismo Thermogemmatispora sp. T81, devido a capacidade que estas proteínas apresentam de manter a atividade e conformação estrutural em altas temperaturas por um prolongado período de tempo. A partir de análises utilizando bioinformática, os genes que codificam para expansinas de Xanthomonas campestris, Bacillus licheniformis e Trichoderma reesei foram clonados e expressos em E. coli, e seus produtos gênicos (as expansinas) tiveram seus índices de sinergismo (devido atuação conjunta com coquetéis comerciais) e atividade catalítica determinados. Adicionalmente, dispondo de alinhamentos estruturais, foi proposto um mecanismo hidrolítico para elas. Em relação à bactéria Thermogemmatispora sp. T81, foram realizadas análises genômicas e proteômicas, a fim de selecionar enzimas superexpressas em meio celulósico. Seus genes foram clonados heterologamente em E. coli e o produto de expressão caracterizado bioquimicamente (cromatografia, ensaios de atividade e perfil de hidrólise) e estruturalmente (SAXS e dicroísmo circular). Os índices de sinergismo determinados foram de 2,47; 1,96 e 2,44 para as expansinas de Xanthomonas campestris, Bacillus licheniformis e Trichoderma reesei, respectivamente. A partir dos alinhamentos estruturais foi proposto a díade Asp/Glu como sitio catalítico em expansinas. As análises de proteômica possibilitaram a seleção de quatro alvos de clonagem, por apresentarem alto índice de expressão quando a bactéria foi cultivada em meio celulósico. Estas proteínas foram caracterizadas quanto a atividade e apresentaram um perfil comum: temperatura ótima de ação (de 70 a 75 °C), pH ótimo de 5, e hidrolisam preferencialmente substratos hemicelulósicos (xilano). A porcentagem de estruturais secundárias das proteínas em estudo foram confirmadas com predições teóricas ao se utilizar a técnica de dicroísmo circular. Desta maneira, os objetivos iniciais propostos neste projeto foram concluídos com a determinação do grau de sinergismo das proteínas expansinas em estudo e a proposição de um mecanismo de hidrólise para as mesmas, considerando que tais proteínas por mais de 20 anos tiveram sua atividade definida exclusivamente como acessória. Além disso, este estudo contribui com a identificação e seleção de genes para CAZymes termofilícas com aplicação biotecnológica devido às propriedades termoestáveis apresentadas.
Painéis de partículas homogêneas cimento-bagaço de cana-de-açúcar curados por carbonatação acelerada
O presente estudo teve como objetivo produzir e avaliar o desempenho de painéis de partículas homogêneas de cimento-bagaço de cana-de-açúcar curados por carbonatação acelerada. Para atingir os resultados foram realizados ensaios de caracterizações morfológica e físico-química das partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, bem como ensaio de termometria para identificar a compatibilidade da matéria prima (bagaço) com o cimento. Os painéis de partículas cimento-bagaço produzidos foram submetidos a dois processos de cura distintos: 1- cura por 48 h em câmara climática, seguida por 24 h em ambiente com concentração de 15% ±0.6 de CO2, seguida por 24 dias em ambiente saturado ao ar; 2- cura em câmara climática por 48 h, seguida por 25 dias em ambiente saturado ao ar. Ao final dos 28 dias de cura e após ensaio de envelhecimento acelerado de imersão e secagem foram realizadas as caracterizações físico-mecânicas seguindo as recomendações das normativas DIN: 310; 322 e 323, bem como caracterização microestrutural e de condutividade térmica do painel de partículas cimento-bagaço. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os painéis de partículas cimento-bagaço curados por carbonatação acelerada apresentaram melhor desempenho físico-mecânico quando comparados aos painéis não carbonatados, pois a carbonatação melhorou a interface entre as partículas e a matriz cimentícia, proporcionando maior adesividade entre as fases. E, além disso, reduziu o pH do meio alcalino em que as partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar estão inseridas, minimizando o processo de degradação da lignina, celulose e hemicelulose.
A biomassa lignicelulósica tem sua estrutura composta por celulose, hemicelulose e lignina. Dentre essas, a lignina tem se mostrado interessante por ser uma fonte precursora sustentável de fragmentos aromáticos antes obtidos apenas de combustíveis fósseis. Sua estrutura é composta por resíduos de fenilpropanóides p-hidroxibenzeno (H), guaiacil (G) e siringil (S) unidas por ligações C–C e C–O–C em que a ligação β–O–4 é a predominante (mais de 50%). Devido à sua complexidade estrutural e conformacional, a clivagem de suas ligações é pouco seletiva e a caracterização dos fragmentos resultantes é complexa. Uma estratégia comumente empregada para evitar esses desafios é o uso de modelos mais simples. Entretanto, poucas metodologias são reportadas na literatura para a sua síntese e a maioria delas envolve o emprego de halocetonas. O presente trabalho desenvolveu duas novas metodologias promissoras para síntese desses oligômeros, contendo ligação β–O–4 por meio da química de diazo: (a) reação de inserção O–H entre fenol e α–aril diazocetonas, e (b) compostos α–diazo β-cetoéster. Ademais, a utilização de monômeros contendo a função fenol e diazocetona no mesmo anel permitiria a síntese de cadeias de diversos tamanhos em uma única etapa. Como ponto de partida para o estudo, limitou-se à síntese de dímeros, visando entender a reação de inserção O–H. Os produtos desejados foram obtidos em rendimentos de 27–51% após catálise com Cu(hfac)2. Por fim, os modelos de lignina propriamente ditos foram sintetizados após simples adição aldólica e redução em rendimentos globais de 51–78%. Os estudos envolvendo a inserção de fenol em α–diazo β-cetoéster mostraram resultados promissores, corroborando para uma nova estratégia sintética para a obtenção de modelos de lignina. Novos estudos em nosso laboratório estão sendo desenvolvidos para se obter resultados mais conclusivos.
Alkaline hydroxides, especially sodium and potassium hydroxides, are multi-million-ton per annum commodities and strong chemical bases that have large scale applications. Some of them are related with their consequent ability to degrade most materials, depending on the temperature used. As an example, these chemicals are involved in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, biodiesels, soaps and detergents, acid gases removal (e.g., SO2) and others, as well as in many organic synthesis processes. Sodium and potassium hydroxides are strong and corrosive bases, but they are also very stable chemicals that can melt without decomposition, NaOH at 318ºC, and KOH at 360ºC. Hence, they can react with most materials, even with relatively inert ones such as carbon materials. Thus, at temperatures higher than 360ºC these melted hydroxides easily react with most types of carbon-containing raw materials (coals, lignocellulosic materials, pitches, etc.), as well as with most pure carbon materials (carbon fibers, carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes). This reaction occurs via a solid-liquid redox reaction in which both hydroxides (NaOH or KOH) are converted to the following main products: hydrogen, alkaline metals and alkaline carbonates, as a result of the carbon precursor oxidation. By controlling this reaction, and after a suitable washing process, good quality activated carbons (ACs), a classical type of porous materials, can be prepared. Such carbon activation by hydroxides, known since long time ago, continues to be under research due to the unique properties of the resulting activated carbons. They have promising high porosity developments and interesting pore size distributions. These two properties are important for new applications such as gas storage (e.g., natural gas or hydrogen), capture, storage and transport of carbon dioxide, electricity storage demands (EDLC-supercapacitors-) or pollution control. Because these applications require new and superior quality activated carbons, there is no doubt that among the different existing activating processes, the one based on the chemical reaction between the carbon precursor and the alkaline hydroxide (NaOH or KOH) gives the best activation results. The present article covers different aspects of the activation by hydroxides, including the characteristics of the resulting activated carbons and their performance in some environment-related applications. The following topics are discussed: i) variables of the preparation method, such as the nature of the hydroxide, the type of carbon precursor, the hydroxide/carbon precursor ratio, the mixing procedure of carbon precursor and hydroxide (impregnation of the precursor with a hydroxide solution or mixing both, hydroxide and carbon precursor, as solids), or the temperature and time of the reaction are discussed, analyzing their effect on the resulting porosity; ii) analysis of the main reactions occurring during the activation process, iii) comparative analysis of the porosity development obtained from different activation processes (e.g., CO2, steam, phosphoric acid and hydroxides activation); and iv) performance of the prepared activated carbon materials on a few applications, such as VOC removal, electricity and gas storages.
Advanced porous materials with tailored porosity (extremely high development of microporosity together with a narrow micropore size distribution (MPSD)) are required in energy and environmental related applications. Lignocellulosic biomass derived HTC carbons are good precursors for the synthesis of activated carbons (ACs) via KOH chemical activation. However, more research is needed in order to tailor the microporosity for those specific applications. In the present work, the influence of the precursor and HTC temperature on the porous properties of the resulting ACs is analyzed, remarking that, regardless of the precursor, highly microporous ACs could be generated. The HTC temperature was found to be an extremely influential parameter affecting the porosity development and the MPSD of the ACs. Tuning of the MPSD of the ACs was achieved by modification of the HTC temperature. Promising preliminary results in gas storage (i.e. CO2 capture and high pressure CH4 storage) were obtained with these materials, showing the effectiveness of this synthesis strategy in converting a low value lignocellulosic biomass into a functional carbon material with high performance in gas storage applications.