855 resultados para learning management systems
Purpose/objectives: This paper seeks to investigate whether performance management (PM) framework adopted in Portuguese local government (PLG) fit the Otley’s PM framework (1999). In particularly, the research questions are (1) whether PM framework adopted in PLG (SIADAP) fit the Otley´s framework, and (2) how local politicians (aldermen) see the operation of performance management systems (PMS) in PLG (focusing on the goal-setting process and incentive and reward structures). Theoretical positioning/contributions: With this paper we intend to contribute to literature on how the Otley’s PM framework can guide empirical research about the operation of PMS. In particular, the paper contributes to understand the fit between PMS implemented in PLG and the Otley´s PM framework. The analysis of this fit can be a good contribution to understand if PMS are used in PLG as a management tool or as a strategic response to external pressures (based on interviews conducted to aldermen). We believe that the Otley’s PM framework, as well as the extended PM framework presented by Ferreira and Otley (2009), can provide a useful research tool to understand the operation of PMS in PLG. Research method: The first research question is the central issue in this paper and is analyzed based on the main reforms introduced by Portuguese government on PM of public organizations (like municipalities). On the other hand, interviews conducted on three larger Portuguese municipalities (Oporto, Braga, and Matosinhos) show how aldermen see the operation of PMS in PLG, highlighting the goals setting process with targets associated and the existing of incentive and reward structures linked with performance. Findings: Generally we find that formal and regulated PM frameworks in PLG fit the main issues of the Otley’s PM framework. However, regarding the aldermen perceptions about PMS in practice we find a gap between theory and practice, especially regarding difficulties associated with the lack of a culture of goals and targets setting and the lack of incentive and reward structures linked with performance.
It is known the power of ideas is tremendous. But there are employees in many companies who have good ideas but not put them into practice. On the other hand, there are many others who have good ideas and are encouraged to contribute their ideas for innovation in the company. This study attempts to identify factors that contribute to success in managing ideas and consequent business innovation. The method used was the case study applied to two companies. During the investigation, factors considered essential for the success of an idea management program were identified, of which we highlight, among others, evidences the results, involvement of the top management, establishment of goals and objectives; recognition; dissemination of good results. Companies with these implemented systems, capture the best ideas from their collaborators and apply them internally. This study intends to contribute to business innovation in enterprises through creation and idea management, mainly through collecting the best ideas of their own employees. The results of this study can be used to help improving deployed suggestions systems, as well as, all managers who wish to implement suggestions systems/ideas management systems.
There has been a growing interest in research on performance measurement and management practices, which seems to reflect researchers’ response to calls for the need to increase the relevance of management accounting research. However, despite the development of the new public management literature, studies involving public sector organizations are relatively small compared to those involving business organizations and extremely limited when it comes to public primary health care organizations. Yet, the economic significance of public health care organizations in the economy of developed countries and the criticisms these organizations regularly face from the public suggests there is a need for research. This is particularly true in the case of research that may lead to improvement in performance measurement and management practices and ultimately to improvements in the way health care organizations use their limited resources in the provision of services to the communities. This study reports on a field study involving three public primary health care organisations. The evidence obtained from interviews and archival data suggests a performance management practices in these institutions lacked consistency and coherence, potentially leading to decreased performance. Hierarchical controls seemed to be very weak and accountability limited, leading to a lack of direction, low motivation and, in some circumstances to insufficient managerial abilities and skills. Also, the performance management systems revealed a number of weaknesses, which suggests that there are various opportunities for improvement in performance in the studied organisations.
Presently power system operation produces huge volumes of data that is still treated in a very limited way. Knowledge discovery and machine learning can make use of these data resulting in relevant knowledge with very positive impact. In the context of competitive electricity markets these data is of even higher value making clear the trend to make data mining techniques application in power systems more relevant. This paper presents two cases based on real data, showing the importance of the use of data mining for supporting demand response and for supporting player strategic behavior.
This paper is about PCMAT, an adaptive learning platform for Mathematics in Basic Education schools. Based on a constructivist approach, PCMAT aims at verifying how techniques from adaptive hypermedia systems can improve e-learning based systems. To achieve this goal, PCMAT includes a Pedagogical Model that contains a set of adaptation rules that influence the student-platform interaction. PCMAT was subject to a preliminary testing with students aged between 12 and 14 years old on the subject of direct proportionality. The results from this preliminary test are quite promising as they seem to demonstrate the validity of our proposal.
This paper is part of the results from the project "Implementation Strategies and Development of an Open and Distance Education System for the University of the Azores" funded by the European Social Fund. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/2327
A combinação do avanço tecnológico com o crescimento da aquisição de dispositivos móveis refletiu-‐se na vida diária das pessoas, sendo usado nas atividades de trabalho e lazer. A transposição dessa realidade para a sala de aula, não se fez esperar, inicialmente até de uma forma marginal mas acabando por ser aceite. Confrontada com esta nova realidade as autoridades educativas começaram a apoiar e a incentivar as instituições. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias como b-‐learning, m-‐learning e dos sistemas de aprendizagem (Learning Management System) deram uma grande contribuição para o desenvolvimento das tecnologias móveis no ensino, no entanto ainda hoje os intervenientes da educação, especialmente professores e alunos, sentem diversas necessidades. Neste contexto procedeu-‐se ao desenvolvimento de um recurso educativo para a disciplina de matemática. Este recurso educativo está suportado numa plataforma que permite colocar conteúdos, visualiza-‐los, alterá-‐los e elimina-‐los. Numa vertente mais lúdica, foi desenvolvido um jogo didático para um dispositivo móvel, neste caso o iPhone. Desta forma o aluno aprende sem se aperceber que está a aprender e pode faze-‐lo em qualquer lugar e em qualquer período de tempo. Explorando, assim, a interatividade e a mobilidade.
In the last two decades, there was a proliferation of programming exercise formats that hinders interoperability in automatic assessment. In the lack of a widely accepted standard, a pragmatic solution is to convert content among the existing formats. BabeLO is a programming exercise converter providing services to a network of heterogeneous e-learning systems such as contest management systems, programming exercise authoring tools, evaluation engines and repositories of learning objects. Its main feature is the use of a pivotal format to achieve greater extensibility. This approach simplifies the extension to other formats, just requiring the conversion to and from the pivotal format. This paper starts with an analysis of programming exercise formats representative of the existing diversity. This analysis sets the context for the proposed approach to exercise conversion and to the description of the pivotal data format. The abstract service definition is the basis for the design of BabeLO, its components and web service interface. This paper includes a report on the use of BabeLO in two concrete scenarios: to relocate exercises to a different repository, and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.
A repository of learning objects is a system that stores electronic resources in a technology-mediated learning process. The need for this kind of repository is growing as more educators become eager to use digital educa- tional contents and more of it becomes available. The sharing and use of these resources relies on the use of content and communication standards as a means to describe and exchange educational resources, commonly known as learning objects. This paper presents the design and implementation of a service-oriented reposi- tory of learning objects called crimsonHex. This repository supports new definitions of learning objects for specialized domains and we illustrate this feature with the definition of programming exercises as learning objects and its validation by the repository. The repository is also fully compliant with existing commu- nication standards and we propose extensions by adding new functions, formalizing message interchange and providing a REST interface. To validate the interoperability features of the repository, we developed a repository plug-in for Moodle that is expected to be included in the next release of this popular learning management system.
This work extends a recent comparative study covering four different courses lectured at the Polytechnic of Porto - School of Engineering, in respect to the usage of a particular Learning Management System, i.e. Moodle, and its impact on students' results. A fifth course, which includes a number of resources especially supporting laboratory classes, is now added to the analysis. This particular course includes a number of remote experiments, made available through VISIR (Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality) and directly accessible through links included in the Moodle course page. We have analyzed the students' behavior in following these links and in effectively running experiments in VISIR (and also using other lab related resources, in Moodle). This data have been correlated with students' classifications in the lab component and in the exam, each one weighting 50% of their final marks. We aimed to compare students' performance in a richly Moodle-supported environment (with lab component) and in a poorly Moodle-supported environment (with only theoretical component). This question followed from conclusions drawn in the above referred comparative study, where it was shown that even though a positive correlation factor existed between the number of Moodle accesses and the final exam grade obtained by each student, its explanation behind was not straightforward, as the quality of the resources was preponderant over its quantity.
A Learning Management System (LMS) plays an important role in any eLearning environment. Still, the LMS cannot afford to be isolated from other systems in an educational institution. Thus, the potential for interoperability is an important, although frequently overlooked, aspect of an LMS system. In this chapter we make a comparative study of the interoperability features of the most relevant LMS in use nowadays. We start by defining a comparison framework, with systems that are representative of the LMS universe, and interoperability facets that are representative of the type integration with other broad classes of eLearning systems. For each interoperability facet we categorize and identify the most representative remote systems, we present a comprehensive survey of existing standards and we illustrate with concrete integration scenarios. Finally, we draw some conclusions on the status of interoperability in LMS based on our study.
Assessment plays a vital role in learning. This is certainly the case with assessment of computer programs, both in curricular and competitive learning. The lack of a standard – or at least a widely used format – creates a modern Ba- bel tower made of Learning Objects, of assessment items that cannot be shared among automatic assessment systems. These systems whose interoperability is hindered by the lack of a common format include contest management systems, evaluation engines, repositories of learning objects and authoring tools. A prag- matical approach to remedy this problem is to create a service to convert among existing formats. A kind of translation service specialized in programming prob- lems formats. To convert programming exercises on-the-fly among the most used formats is the purpose of the BabeLO – a service to cope with the existing Babel of Learning Object formats for programming exercises. BabeLO was designed as a service to act as a middleware in a network of systems typically used in auto- matic assessment of programs. It provides support for multiple exercise formats and can be used by: evaluation engines to assess exercises regardless of its format; repositories to import exercises from various sources; authoring systems to create exercises in multiple formats or based on exercises from other sources. This paper analyses several of existing formats to highlight both their differ- ences and their similar features. Based on this analysis it presents an approach to extensible format conversion. It presents also the features of PExIL, the pivotal format in which the conversion is based; and the function definitions of the proposed service – BabeLO. Details on the design and implementation of BabeLO, including the service API and the interfaces required to extend the conversion to a new format, are also provided. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach this paper reports on two actual uses of BabeLO: to relocate exercises to a different repository; and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.
This paper proposes an implementation, based on a multi-agent system, of a management system for automated negotiation of electricity allocation for charging electric vehicles (EVs) and simulates its performance. The widespread existence of charging infrastructures capable of autonomous operation is recognised as a major driver towards the mass adoption of EVs by mobility consumers. Eventually, conflicting requirements from both power grid and EV owners require automated middleman aggregator agents to intermediate all operations, for example, bidding and negotiation, between these parts. Multi-agent systems are designed to provide distributed, modular, coordinated and collaborative management systems; therefore, they seem suitable to address the management of such complex charging infrastructures. Our solution consists in the implementation of virtual agents to be integrated into the management software of a charging infrastructure. We start by modelling the multi-agent architecture using a federated, hierarchical layers setup and as well as the agents' behaviours and interactions. Each of these layers comprises several components, for example, data bases, decision-making and auction mechanisms. The implementation of multi-agent platform and auctions rules, and of models for battery dynamics, is also addressed. Four scenarios were predefined to assess the management system performance under real usage conditions, considering different types of profiles for EVs owners', different infrastructure configurations and usage and different loads on the utility grid (where real data from the concession holder of the Portuguese electricity transmission grid is used). Simulations carried with the four scenarios validate the performance of the modelled system while complying with all the requirements. Although all of these have been performed for one charging station alone, a multi-agent design may in the future be used for the higher level problem of distributing energy among charging stations. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Tirando partido da crescente popularidade das aplicações Web 2.0, o presente trabalho pretende avaliar o impacto da utilização conjunta destas aplicações com plataformas de conteúdos no processo de ensino/aprendizagem em instituições de ensino superior.
Los profesores de la licenciatura en Ciencias e Tecnologías da Documentaçáo e Informaçáo (CTDI) se preparan para sacar partido de las herramientas Web 2.0 como un complemento de su actividad lectiva. En este contexto, se presenta el Grupo de Investigación PlGeCo que pretende, por un lado, implementar la utilización de herramientas Web 2.0 de tal forma que se pueda conseguir ciertas premisas que actualmente orientan la nueva generación web (colaboración, contribución, comunidad), aplicando-las á la actividad lectiva e, por otro lado, el estímulo de la producción científica de los profesores y académica de los alumnos, así como su posterior análisis. Se ha hecho una valoración de los proyectos en curso y se discuten las expectativas esperadas presentado un análisis de las perspectivas y ambiciones futuras del grupo