989 resultados para investment choice
The author endeavours to analyse the recent trend in the local production of fish by sector over a period of 5 years, 1980-1985 and the data available to the author on the Nigerian fish imports. The present and future deficit in fish production in Nigeria could only be met from the capture fishery and the fish farm industry but more likely from the latter. The production techniques involved in fish feed industry are illustrated in this paper with standard feed formulations to arrive at a suitable fish diet. Associated problems of fish feed industry and their possible solutions are highlighted. A case study of investment prospects in fish feed industry as well as the production of brine shrimps are suggested as possible areas of investments in the industry. The unit production cost of fish feed is about 700/ton, while in the case of artemia (brine shrimp), the estimated unit cost if about 400/ton
A brief account is given of the demand for ornamental fish, providing also estimates of world trade volume. The major importing countries are the USA, Japan, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands. Present supply patterns are outlined; although Nigeria has vast natural resources of tropical aquatic life and the right climate for breeding, current exports are estimated at only 5% of the total potential. Recommendations for the promotion of exports of tropical aquarium fish in Nigeria are included
The paper examines the feasibility of a small-scale integrated fish and poultry farming project based on an existing experimental model currently in operation at the Kainji Lake Research Institute, New Bussa, Nigeria. Financial analysis reveals a viable investment based on the output from a 2 ha fish pond or reservoir
The investment prospects of fish farming in the Jos-Plateau, Nigeria, strategically located in about the centre of the country are discussed with special reference to its numerous abandoned mine lakes and the tripartite role of government, universities and individuals. In the Jos-Plateau, about 17.0 km super(2) is covered by these disused mine lakes, making up about 20-30% of the area covered. In such enterprise, problems commonly encountered, like population growth and government planning policies, fish demand and supply, manpower, feed and seed availability, preservation, processing and marketing are discussed. Inspite of these, prospects still abound with regards to land-use of these numerous disused mine lakes and feed availability based on the principles of using both industrial and farm by-products for fish culture, processing and marketing. These potentials, if properly harnessed, will help to supplement the protein insufficiency in the diet of the populace. In this regard, proposals on the economics of production and sales, strategies for achieving these development goals, cost-benefit analysis and their implications in further development of fish culture are discussed
The protein shortage in Nigeria is noted and the role of aquaculture (=fish farming) as a complement in increasing the dwindling food supply is registered. In addition, the manpower shortage especially in the technology cadre is noted and attributed to the lack of co-ordination and standard curricula especially in aquaculture. An inventory of tasks performed in the aquaculture industry was taken and these were classified and validated, then their final priority level was used to assess which ones were critical, important or desirable and which ones would result in disaster or not with inadequate mastery. Based on the above, recommendations are made that all critical and important tasks be included in the teaching curriculum for aquaculture in both theory and practicals: while it is advocated that all tasks listed be undertaken in fish farm operations. This will raise the competence of technologists to run the commercial aquaculture projects
Shellfish are a major but cheap protein source for human consumption as well as source of income for coastal towns and villages of the Niger Delta in Rivers State, Cross River, and Lagos States. A research into the nutritive value of some of these marine shellfish viz: bivalves (oyster - Crassostrea gasar and cockle - Anadara senilis); gastropods (periwinkle - Tympanotonus fuscatus, obtuse periwinkle - Semifusus morio and the giant whelk - Thais callifera) and mangrove crabs (green crab - Goniopsis pelli, ghost crab - Cardisoma ormatum, and common blue crab - Callinectes latimanus) was carried out to compare their quality and cost with beef, chicken meat, pork and egg in order to identify those most suitable for commercial culture. Results show that all shellfish had at least 16% crude protein except blue crab (13.38%). All shellfish had higher protein content than egg (13.36%). Cockle with protein content 25.47% compared favourably with beef, (29.60%). Beef, chicken meat and pork cost 11.50, 9.00 and 8.00 per kilo respectively while oyster, periwinkle and the common blue crab cost 3.50, 3.00, and 1.50 per kilo respectively. Oysters and Cockles are recommended for commercial culture based on the findings of this research
Some aspects of the aquaculture potentials and investment opportunity in shrimps and prawn farming in Nigeria were overviewed. This paper presents the breeding pattern, spawner availability, culture water-type and properties, feeds and feeding regimes and other factors needed in practical shrimps and prawns culture. The culture systems, water management, larval management, stocking density, feeding strategies and diseases were fully discussed. The investment opportunity available as government plans to boost production of these resources from both artisanal and aquaculture sector was documented. Management strategies needed in practical practices of shrimps and prawns culture were enlisted. Effected efforts from the government were listed in this paper
The Improved Fish Smoker (IFS) was designed and constructed by NIFFR in collaboration with GTZ in 1997. After the on-station trials, five fishing villages with pronounced fishing activities were selected for the demonstration. The IFS and the traditional Smoking Kiln were compared in one of the fishing villages using Gross Margin analysis (GM) and productivity index to determine the profitability and productivity of the two kilns. It was found that the average income of IFS users at fully capacity was N5, 555.50 per day in a year N1.3 million would be realized. Conversely, the average income of the users of Traditional Smoking Kiln (TSK) was N649.00 per day and about N152, 150.50 would be realized in a year. From this estimate, it is evident that the IFS are more profitable than the TSK. Productivity index of the two kilns also revealed that the productivity of IFS is higher than the TSK. Thus, using the IFS would enhance the income of artisanal women Fish Processors (AWOFPS) and ensure food security for the household
Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la internacionalización. Curso 2013/2014
Roughly one half of World's languages are in danger of extinction. The endangered languages, spoken by minorities, typically compete with powerful languages such as En- glish or Spanish. Consequently, the speakers of minority languages have to consider that not everybody can speak their language, converting the language choice into strategic,coordination-like situation. We show experimentally that the displacement of minority languages may be partially explained by the imperfect information about the linguistic type of the partner, leading to frequent failure to coordinate on the minority language even between two speakers who can and prefer to use it. The extent of miscoordination correlates with how minoritarian a language is and with the real-life linguistic condition of subjects: the more endangered a language the harder it is to coordinate on its use, and people on whom the language survival relies the most acquire behavioral strategies that lower its use. Our game-theoretical treatment of the issue provides a new perspective for linguistic policies.
41 p.
25 p.
The following work explores the processes individuals utilize when making multi-attribute choices. With the exception of extremely simple or familiar choices, most decisions we face can be classified as multi-attribute choices. In order to evaluate and make choices in such an environment, we must be able to estimate and weight the particular attributes of an option. Hence, better understanding the mechanisms involved in this process is an important step for economists and psychologists. For example, when choosing between two meals that differ in taste and nutrition, what are the mechanisms that allow us to estimate and then weight attributes when constructing value? Furthermore, how can these mechanisms be influenced by variables such as attention or common physiological states, like hunger?
In order to investigate these and similar questions, we use a combination of choice and attentional data, where the attentional data was collected by recording eye movements as individuals made decisions. Chapter 1 designs and tests a neuroeconomic model of multi-attribute choice that makes predictions about choices, response time, and how these variables are correlated with attention. Chapter 2 applies the ideas in this model to intertemporal decision-making, and finds that attention causally affects discount rates. Chapter 3 explores how hunger, a common physiological state, alters the mechanisms we utilize as we make simple decisions about foods.
Estudo de natureza qualitativa que teve como objetivo analisar as práticas de Educação em Saúde desenvolvidas com gestantes atendidas pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família no município de Quissamã no Rio de Janeiro. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a técnica do grupo focal, sendo realizados três grupos em unidades com elevadas taxas de cesárea, a fim de refletir sobre a relação entre a participação nas atividades e a escolha pelo tipo de parto. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 18 mulheres que tiveram seus filhos no ano de 2008 e que participaram de qualquer atividade educativa desenvolvida pelas unidades. A análise de dados foi orientada pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin e das falas das mulheres emergiram 03 categorias e uma subcategoria. A investigação apontou que a participação nas práticas educativas ajuda nas escolhas durante a gestação, pois as mulheres sentem-se mais seguras e preparadas para o parto e o pós-parto. Contudo, a escolha pelo tipo de parto ainda é determinada pelos profissionais. O estudo indica que há uma disputa entre o projeto de assistência obstétrica delineado pela mulher e o projeto do profissional, de modo que a indicação médica continua a prevalecer. Apesar dos esforços dos profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família do município investigado, as práticas educativas realizadas com as gestantes, ainda precisam ser desenvolvidas a fim de possuir um cunho emancipatório, na superação de uma prática transmissora de modo a empoderar a mulher para a sustentação de suas decisões. Observa-se que as atividades são orientadas por um planejamento, entretanto, a avaliação das ações não acontecem, de modo que se faz necessária a reflexão dos profissionais acerca das formas de avaliação das práticas desenvolvidas. A pesquisa recomenda a criação de comitês de avaliação das indicações de cesárea; o investimento na formação permanente dos profissionais, sobretudo em Educação e Saúde; e a reavaliação da metodologia de desenvolvimento dessas atividades com o intuito de se pensar em estratégias que possam envolver as mulheres na construção das práticas educativas, no sentido de empoderá-las para a tomada de decisão e para a defesa de seu projeto de parto.