987 resultados para idrocarburi non convenzionali, shale gas, approvvigionamenti energetici, olio non convenzionale
This study presents design and construction of a tri-generation system (thermal efficiency, 63%), powered by neat nonedible plant oils (jatropha, pongamia and jojoba oil or standard diesel fuel), besides studies on plant performance and economics. Proposed plant consumes fuel (3 l/h) and produce ice (40 kg/h) by means of an adsorption refrigerator powered from the engine waste jacket water heat. Potential savings in green house gas (GHG) emissions of trigeneration system in comparison to cogeneration (or single generation) has also been discussed.
Algae are a new potential biomass for energy production but there is limited information on their pyrolysis and kinetics. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the pyrolytic behaviour and kinetics of Chlorella vulgaris, a green microalga. Under pyrolysis conditions, these microalgae show their comparable capabilities to terrestrial biomass for energy and chemicals production. Also, the evidence from a preliminary pyrolysis by the intermediate pilot-scale reactor supports the applicability of these microalgae in the existing pyrolysis reactor. Thermal decomposition of Chlorella vulgaris occurs in a wide range of temperature (200-550°C) with multi-step reactions. To evaluate the kinetic parameters of their pyrolysis process, two approaches which are isothermal and non-isothermal experiments are applied in this work. New developed Pyrolysis-Mass Spectrometry (Py-MS) technique has the potential for isothermal measurements with a short run time and small sample size requirement. The equipment and procedure are assessed by the kinetic evaluation of thermal decomposition of polyethylene and lignocellulosic derived materials (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin). In the case of non-isothermal experiment, Thermogravimetry- Mass Spectrometry (TG-MS) technique is used in this work. Evolved gas analysis provides the information on the evolution of volatiles and these data lead to a multi-component model. Triplet kinetic values (apparent activation energy, pre-exponential factor, and apparent reaction order) from isothermal experiment are 57 (kJ/mol), 5.32 (logA, min-1), 1.21-1.45; 9 (kJ/mol), 1.75 (logA, min-1), 1.45 and 40 (kJ/mol), 3.88 (logA, min-1), 1.45- 1.15 for low, middle and high temperature region, respectively. The kinetic parameters from non-isothermal experiment are varied depending on the different fractions in algal biomass when the range of apparent activation energies are 73-207 (kJ/mol); pre-exponential factor are 5-16 (logA, min-1); and apparent reaction orders are 1.32–2.00. The kinetic procedures reported in this thesis are able to be applied to other kinds of biomass and algae for future works.
A Eulerian-Eulerian CFD model was used to investigate the fast pyrolysis of biomass in a downer reactor equipped with a novel gas-solid separation mechanism. The highly endothermic pyrolysis reaction was assumed to be entirely driven by an inert solid heat carrier (sand). A one-step global pyrolysis reaction, along with the equations describing the biomass drying and heat transfer, was implemented in the hydrodynamic model presented in part I of this study (Fuel Processing Technology, V126, 366-382). The predictions of the gas-solid separation efficiency, temperature distribution, residence time and the pyrolysis product yield are presented and discussed. For the operating conditions considered, the devolatilisation efficiency was found to be above 60% and the yield composition in mass fraction was 56.85% bio-oil, 37.87% bio-char and 5.28% non-condensable gas (NCG). This has been found to agree reasonably well with recent relevant published experimental data. The novel gas-solid separation mechanism allowed achieving greater than 99.9% separation efficiency and < 2 s pyrolysis gas residence time. The model has been found to be robust and fast in terms of computational time, thus has the great potential to aid in future design and optimisation of the biomass fast pyrolysis process.
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует за разреден газ между два въртящи се цилиндъра. Получени са профилите на налягането, скоростта и температурата по метода на прякото статистическо моделиране (DSMC) и чрез числено решаване на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за свиваем флуид. Резултатите сочат много добро съвпадение за малки числа на Кнудсен Kn = 0.02. Показано е, че при различни кинематични гранични условия, газът изостава или избързва спрямо скоростта на стената, или има поведение на твърдо еластично тяло. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината.
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Иследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует на разреден газ в случая на въртене на два коаксиални цилиндъра с еднакви по големина скорости, но в различни посоки. Целта на изследването е да се установи влиянието на малки скорости на въртене върху макрохарактеристиките – ρ, V , . Числените резултати са получени чрез използване на DSMC и числено решение на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за относително малки (дозвукови) скорости на въртене. Установено е добро съвпадение на резултатите получени по двата метода за Kn = 0.02. Установено е, че съществува “стационарна” точка за плътността и скоростта. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнини, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината. Ключови думи: Механика на флуидите, Кинетична теория, Разреден газ, DSMC
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Изследвано е стационарно течение на Кует на разреден газ в случая на въртене на вътрешния цилиндър и неподвижен външен цилиндър чрез използване на DSMC метод и числено решение на уравненията на Навие–Стокс за относително малка (дозвукова) скорост на въртене. Изследвани са различни случаи при промяна на температурата на въртящият се цилиндър и числото на Кнудсен. Целта на изследването е да се установи влиянието на малки скорости на въртене върху макрохарактеристиките – плътността, скоростта и температурата на газа. Установено е добро съвпадение на резултатите получени по двата метода за Kn = 0.02. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнинни, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината. Ключови думи: механика на флуидите, кинетична теория, разреден газ, DSMC.
Human scent, or the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by an individual, has been recognized as a biometric measurement because of the distinct variations in both the presence and abundance of these VOCs between individuals. In forensic science, human scent has been used as a form of associative evidence by linking a suspect to a scene/object through the use of human scent discriminating canines. The scent most often collected and used with these specially trained canines is from the hands because a majority of the evidence collected is likely to have been handled by the suspect. However, the scents from other biological specimens, especially those that are likely to be present at scenes of violent crimes, have yet to be explored. Hair, fingernails and saliva are examples of these types of specimens. ^ In this work, a headspace solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) technique was used for the identification of VOCs from hand odor, hair, fingernails and saliva. Sixty individuals were sampled and the profiles of the extracted VOCs were evaluated to assess whether they could be used for distinguishing individuals. Preliminary analysis of the biological specimens collected from an individual (intra-subject) showed that, though these materials have some VOCs in common, their overall chemical profile is different for each specimen type. Pair-wise comparisons, using Spearman Rank correlations, were made between the chemical profiles obtained from each subject, per a specimen type. Greater than 98.8% of the collected samples were distinguished from the subjects for all of the specimen types, demonstrating that these specimens can be used for distinguishing individuals. ^ Additionally, field trials were performed to determine the utility of these specimens as scent sources for human scent discriminating canines. Three trials were conducted to evaluate hair, fingernails and saliva in comparison to hand odor, which was considered the standard source of human odor. It was revealed that canines perform similarly to these alternative human scent sources as they do to hand odor implying that, though there are differences in the chemical profiles released by these specimens, they can still be used for the discrimination of individuals by trained canines.^
The growing need for fast sampling of explosives in high throughput areas has increased the demand for improved technology for the trace detection of illicit compounds. Detection of the volatiles associated with the presence of the illicit compounds offer a different approach for sensitive trace detection of these compounds without increasing the false positive alarm rate. This study evaluated the performance of non-contact sampling and detection systems using statistical analysis through the construction of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves in real-world scenarios for the detection of volatiles in the headspace of smokeless powder, used as the model system for generalizing explosives detection. A novel sorbent coated disk coined planar solid phase microextraction (PSPME) was previously used for rapid, non-contact sampling of the headspace containers. The limits of detection for the PSPME coupled to IMS detection was determined to be 0.5-24 ng for vapor sampling of volatile chemical compounds associated with illicit compounds and demonstrated an extraction efficiency of three times greater than other commercially available substrates, retaining >50% of the analyte after 30 minutes sampling of an analyte spike in comparison to a non-detect for the unmodified filters. Both static and dynamic PSPME sampling was used coupled with two ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) detection systems in which 10-500 mg quantities of smokeless powders were detected within 5-10 minutes of static sampling and 1 minute of dynamic sampling time in 1-45 L closed systems, resulting in faster sampling and analysis times in comparison to conventional solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS) analysis. Similar real-world scenarios were sampled in low and high clutter environments with zero false positive rates. Excellent PSPME-IMS detection of the volatile analytes were visualized from the ROC curves, resulting with areas under the curves (AUC) of 0.85-1.0 and 0.81-1.0 for portable and bench-top IMS systems, respectively. Construction of ROC curves were also developed for SPME-GC-MS resulting with AUC of 0.95-1.0, comparable with PSPME-IMS detection. The PSPME-IMS technique provides less false positive results for non-contact vapor sampling, cutting the cost and providing an effective sampling and detection needed in high-throughput scenarios, resulting in similar performance in comparison to well-established techniques with the added advantage of fast detection in the field.
Il presente lavoro di tesi nasce dall’esigenza di comprendere e studiare come viene affrontata, e gestita, l’emergenza in mare derivante dallo sversamento accidentale, o volontario, di idrocarburi; il sistema di risposta nazionale a questo genere di emergenze si sviluppa su più livelli e per ogni livello sono individuati gli organi responsabili e i relativi compiti. Le azioni da intraprendere sono specificate negli elaborati di pianificazione redatti dall’Agenzia Nazionale di Protezione Civile, dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio e del Mare, dalle Capitanerie di Porto Locali, dalle Province e dai Comuni; i primi 3 si occupano dell’emergenza in mare, mentre le Province e i Comuni si occupano degli interventi da attuare sulla costa in seguito allo spiaggiamento degli idrocarburi. La regione Emilia-Romagna, in particolare, non possiede elaborati di pianificazione per la gestione del rischio di inquinamento costiero; per questo motivo, sulla base delle indicazioni riportate negli elaborati di pianificazione nazionale e consultando elaborati già esistenti di altre regioni adriatiche, è stata redatta una proposta di linee guida per la redazione di un Piano Comunale d’Emergenza che preveda il rischio di inquinamento costiero. Per poter prevedere quale tecnica di bonifica sarà possibile applicare ad uno sversamento di idrocarburi, esistono software che modellano i processi chimico-fisici che la sostanza subisce con il passare del tempo. Ogni tecnica ha dei limiti sia di efficienza che di applicabilità; essi sono principalmente dovuti alle condizioni meteomarine e ai processi che la sostanza subisce nel tempo una volta sversata; la conoscenza di questi limiti permette di effettuare, nella maggior parte delle situazioni, la scelta della tecnica di intervento più appropriata ed efficiente a seconda della situazione. La tesi è strutturata come segue. Nel Capitolo 1 sono descritte le problematiche e le cause relative agli incidenti in mare che comportano il rilascio di idrocarburi in esso e gli effetti che questi hanno sull’ambiente e i cambiamenti che la sostanza subisce una volta sversata in mare. Nel Capitolo 2 sono descritte le strategie di intervento per il recupero degli idrocarburi sversati in mare e le tecniche di bonifica attuabili sulla costa impattata dallo sversamento. Nel Capitolo 3 è illustrato il sistema di risposta nazionale all’emergenza derivante dallo sversamento in mare di idrocarburi; ad ogni livello è dedicato un paragrafo del Capitolo 3. Inoltre sono presentate delle linee guida per la redazione di un Piano Comunale d’Emergenza che preveda il Rischio di Inquinamento Costiero da idrocarburi e altre sostanza nocive. Nel Capitolo 4 è illustrato il software ADIOS 2 che permette di modellare i processi chimico-fisici che la sostanza subisce quando viene sversata in mare e di simulare l’utilizzo di alcune strategie di intervento. Nel Capitolo 5 sono riportate le considerazioni conclusive e i risultati ottenuti.
L’attività di tesi ha previsto la progettazione e realizzazione di sorgenti di plasma di non equilibrio a pressione atmosferica e l’individuazione delle condizioni operative ottimali per l’idrofobizzazione di materiali tessili. La prima parte delle attività di tesi hanno riguardato lo studio e l’approfondimento della letteratura scientifica al fine di individuare le sorgenti e i processi plasma assistiti per l’idrofobizzazione dei materiali. Relativamente alle sorgenti di plasma di non-equilibrio a pressione atmosferica, studi di letteratura riportano che sorgenti di tipo APPJ (Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet) consentono di effettuare un trattamento localizzato in un punto, mentre sorgenti DBD (Dielectric Barrier Discharge) risultano idonee a trattamenti di materiali large area. Per quanto riguarda i processi plasma assistiti, sulla base di quanto riportato in letteratura il processo di idrofobizzazione può avvenire principalmente mediante polimerizzazione di gas organici contenenti fluoro, introdotti nella regione di plasma, con la conseguente deposizione di coating fluorurati. Le attività sperimentali condotte durante la tesi hanno avuto l’obbiettivo di valutare la possibilità di rendere idrofobico un filato di fibra tessile naturale mediante l’utilizzo di una sorgente plasma jet operante con miscela di argon e gas organoflorurato. Il filato, messo in moto a diverse velocità, è stato fatto transitare attraverso la piuma di plasma. In particolare, si è passati da una velocità di movimentazione di 1 m/min a una di 10 m/min. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che maggiore è la velocità di movimentazione del filato attraverso la piuma di plasma, minore è il grado di idrofibizzazione raggiungibile sul filato stesso, in quanto minore è il tempo di esposizione del materiale al plasma. Infine, nell’ultima parte dell’attività di tesi, è stata progettata una sorgente DBD, che caratterizzata da una maggiore area di generazione del plasma rispetto alla sorgente plasma jet, consente di incrementare il tempo di esposizione del filato al plasma a parità di velocità di movimentazione del filato.
In questo lavoro di tesi verrà affrontato uno studio sugli ammassi di galassie che costituiscono le strutture virializzate più grandi dell’Universo. L’analisi delle emissioni provenienti dall’ICM (Intracluster Medium) consente di ottenere informazioni su alcuni dei processi che caratterizzano la dinamica degli ammassi di galassie, come merger e cooling flow, e in particolare di testare le attuali ipotesi sulla formazione ed evoluzione degli ammassi. Le radiazioni provenienti dal gas extragalattico possono essere sia di tipo termico che non termico: le prime causate dal meccanismo di Bremsstrahlung termica e appartenenti alla banda X, le seconde invece dovute prevalentemente dall’emissione di Sincrotrone in banda Radio. Durante lo studio degli ammassi di galassie verranno approfondite le principali radiosorgenti diffuse: Aloni, mini-Aloni e Relitti, focalizzando lo studio su questi ultimi e analizzando un campione di dati ad essi relativi, con lo scopo di trovare un’eventuale correlazione tra alcune delle loro proprietà. La ricerca sugli ammassi di galassie risulta importante in quanto, trattandosi delle più grandi strutture dell’Universo che abbiano raggiunto l’equilibrio viriale, il loro studio risulta un valido strumento per la verifica dell’attuale Modello Cosmologico.
Studio della crescita della scarica elettrica nei gas a bassa pressione con trattazioni teoriche, risultati sperimentali e rimandi ai principali studi sull'argomento. Indice: 1 Introduzione 2 Breakdown nei Gas a Bassa Pressione 2.1 Criterio di Townsend e Legge di Paschen 2.2 Tensione di Breakdown in Campi Uniformi 2.3 Scostamenti dalla Legge di Paschen 2.4 Breakdown in Campi Non Uniformi 2.5 Time Lags per il Breakdown 2.6 Breakdown nel Vuoto 2.7 Scariche Intermittenti post-Breakdown 3 Breakdown nei Contatori Geiger 3.1 Contatori Geiger 3.2 Conteggio Proporzionale 3.3 Conteggio Non-Proporzionale 3.4 Propagazione della Scarica A Sviluppi Successivi
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements We thank Tamara Ben-Ari and Jean-Francois Soussana, from INRA in France, for their valuable contributions to the early development stage of this project. We also owe great acknowledge to Prof. Ib Skovgaard, University of Copenhagen, for giving essential assistance in developing the methods for decomposing emission changes. We also thank the Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System (CRES, www.cres-centre.dk) and the Department of Plant- and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, for funding the work.
We would like to thank EPSRC for a Doctoral Training Grant (G.A.M) and the Erasmus programme for supporting the study visit to Turin (R.W). We would also like to thank Dr. Federico Cesano for SEM/EDX measurements and for fruitful discussion. Dr. Jo Duncan is thanked for his tremendous insight during XRD interpretation.
Electron beam-induced deposition (EBID) is a direct write process where an electron beam locally decomposes a precursor gas leaving behind non-volatile deposits. It is a fast and relatively in-expensive method designed to develop conductive (metal) or isolating (oxide) nanostructures. Unfortunately the EBID process results in deposition of metal nanostructures with relatively high resistivity because the gas precursors employed are hydrocarbon based. We have developed deposition protocols using novel gas-injector system (GIS) with a carbon free Pt precursor. Interconnect type structures were deposited on preformed metal architectures. The obtained structures were analysed by cross-sectional TEM and their electrical properties were analysed ex-situ using four point probe electrical tests. The results suggest that both the structural and electrical characteristics differ significantly from those of Pt interconnects deposited by conventional hydrocarbon based precursors, and show great promise for the development of low resistivity electrical contacts.