961 resultados para hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis


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The adult male golden hamster, when exposed to blinding (BL), short photoperiod (SP), or daily melatonin injections (MEL) demonstrates dramatic reproductive collapse. This collapse can be blocked by removal of the pineal gland prior to treatment. Reproductive collapse is characterized by a dramatic decrease in both testicular weight and serum gonadotropin titers. The present study was designed to examine the interactions of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland during testicular regression, and to specifically compare and contrast changes caused by the three commonly employed methods of inducing testicular regression (BL,SP,MEL). Hypothalamic LHRH content was altered by all three treatments. There was an initial increase in content of LHRH that occurred concomitantly with the decreased serum gonadotropin titers, followed by a precipitous decline in LHRH content which reflected the rapid increases in both serum LH and FSH which occur during spontaneous testicular recrudescence. In vitro pituitary responsiveness was altered by all three treatments: there was a decline in basal and maximally stimulatable release of both LH and FSH which paralleled the fall of serum gonadotropins. During recrudescence both basal and maximal release dramatically increased in a manner comparable to serum hormone levels. While all three treatments were equally effective in their ability to induce changes at all levels of the endocrine system, there were important temporal differences in the effects of the various treatments. Melatonin injections induced the most rapid changes in endocrine parameters, followed by exposure to short photoperiod. Blinding required the most time to induce the same changes. This study has demonstrated that pineal-mediated testicular regression is a process which involves dynamic changes in multiply-dependent endocrine relationships, and proper evaluation of these changes must be performed with specific temporal events in mind. ^


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Hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) is thought to be important in the regulation of feeding and also in the release of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Intracerebroventricular administration of NPY to male rats significantly increased plasma ACTH 10 min after injection and stimulated 2-h food intake. A series of analogues of NPY that have a greatly reduced affinity for the Y1 [human pancreatic polypeptide (human PP), NPY(3–36)], the Y2 ([Pro34]NPY, human PP), the Y3 (peptide YY), and the Y6 (human PP) receptor, all markedly stimulated ACTH release. Rat PP, which binds with high affinity to the Y4 receptor, was unable to stimulate ACTH release. A novel analogue fragment [Pro34]NPY(13–36) was synthesized as a ligand with low Y1 and Y2 receptor affinity. Interestingly, neither [Pro34]NPY(13–36) nor the selective Y5 receptor agonist [d-Trp32]NPY stimulated food intake, whereas both significantly increased plasma ACTH. Thus the hypothalamic NPY receptor mediating increases in plasma ACTH has a fragment activation profile unlike the Y1–Y4 or Y6 receptors and appears distinct from the NPY receptor controlling food intake.


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The classic view for hypothalamic regulation of anterior pituitary (AP) hormone secretion holds that release of each AP hormone is controlled specifically by a corresponding hypothalamic-releasing hormone (HRH). In this scenario, binding of a given HRH (thyrotropin-, growth hormone-, corticotropin-, and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones) to specific receptors in its target cell increases the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), thereby selectively stimulating the release of the appropriate hormone. However, “paradoxical” responses of AP cells to the four well-established HRHs have been observed repeatedly with both in vivo and in vitro systems, raising the possibility of functional overlap between the different AP cell types. To explore this possibility, we evaluated the effects of HRHs on [Ca2+]i in single AP cells identified immunocytochemically by the hormone they stored. We found that each of the five major AP cell types contained discrete subpopulations that were able to respond to several HRHs. The relative abundance of these multi-responsive cells was 59% for lactotropes, 33% for thyrotropes, and in the range of 47–55% for gonadotropes, corticotropes, and somatotropes. Analysis of prolactin release from single living cells revealed that each of the four HRHs tested were able to induce hormone release from a discrete lactotrope subpopulation, the size of which corresponded closely to that in which [Ca2+]i changes were induced by the same secretagogues. When viewed as a whole, our diverse functional measurements of multi-responsiveness suggest that hypothalamic control of pituitary function is more complicated than previously envisioned. Moreover, they provide a cellular basis for the so-called “paradoxical” behavior of pituitary cells to hypothalamic hypophysiotropic agents.


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Ghrelin, a gut hormone originating from the post-translational cleavage of preproghrelin, is the endogenous ligand of growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a (GHS-R1a). Within the growth hormone (GH) axis, the biological activity of ghrelin requires octanoylation by ghrelin-O-acyltransferase (GOAT), conferring selective binding to the GHS-R1a receptor via acylated ghrelin. Complete loss of preproghrelin-derived signalling (through deletion of the Ghrl gene) contributes to a decline in peak GH release; however, the selective contribution of endogenous acyl-ghrelin to pulsatile GH release remains to be established. We assessed the pulsatile release of GH in ad lib. fed male germline goat−/− mice, extending measures to include mRNA for key hypothalamic regulators of GH release, and peripheral factors that are modulated relative to GH release. The amount of GH released was reduced in young goat−/− mice compared to age-matched wild-type mice, whereas pulse frequency and irregularity increased. Altered GH release did not coincide with alterations in hypothalamic Ghrh, Srif, Npy or Ghsr mRNA expression, or pituitary GH content, suggesting that loss of Goat does not compromise canonical mechanisms that contribute to pituitary GH production and release. Although loss of Goat resulted in an irregular pattern of GH release (characterised by an increase in the number of GH pulses observed during extended secretory events), this did not contribute to a change in the expression of sexually dimorphic GH-dependent liver genes. Of interest, circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 were elevated in goat−/− mice. This rise in circulating levels of IGF-1 was correlated with an increase in GH pulse frequency, suggesting that sustained or increased IGF-1 release in goat−/− mice may occur in response to altered GH release patterning. Our observations demonstrate that germline loss of Goat alters GH release and patterning. Although the biological relevance of altered GH secretory patterning remains unclear, we propose that this may contribute to sustained IGF-1 release and growth in goat−/− mice.


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The orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, is an important marine aquaculture fish, but its large-scale aquaculture has been hindered by the rarity of natural males because it is a protogynous hermaphroditic fish. Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad is an important endocrine axis in regulating reproduction and sex differentiation. To reveal the molecular mechanism of hypothalamic physiological functions, we performed he studies on identification of genes expressed in the hypothalamus of male orange-spotted grouper using EST and RT-PCR strategy. A total of 1006 ESTs were sequenced, and 402 (39.96%) clones were identified as known genes and 604 (60.04%) as unknown genes. The 402 clones of known gene products represent transcripts of 18 1 genes. Moreover, the expression patterns of 26 unknown genes were analyzed in various tissues, such as liver, kidney, spleen, fat, heart, muscle, pituitary, hypothalamus, telencephalon, cerebellum, midbrain, medulla oblongata, ovary and testes. Five different categories of expression patterns were observed from them. Several unknown ESTs, such as DN551996, DN551998, DN552082, and DN552070, were detected to be hypothalamus-specific, brains-specific, or hypothalamus and gonad-specific genes. Interestingly, DN551996, not only exhibiting expression differences between ovary and testis, but also showing sex-dependent differences in hypothalamus of grouper, might play significant role in grouper reproduction or sex inversion. Further functional studies on these genes will provide more information on molecule regulation mechanism of sex inversion in groupers. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All fights reserved.


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Pubertal development is impaired in mice lacking the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Nhlh2. The mechanisms underlying changes in reproduction in Nhlh2-deficient mice (Nhlh2-/-) are unclear. Here we show that hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone-1 (GnRH-1) content is reduced in adult Nhlh2-/- mice as is the number of GnRH-1 neurons localized to mid- and caudal hypothalamic regions. This reduction was detected postnatally after normal migration of GnRH-1 neurons within nasal regions had occurred. Phenotype rescue experiments showed that female Nhlh2-/- mice were responsive to estrogen treatment. In contrast, puberty could not be primed in female Nhlh2-/- mice with a GnRH-1 regimen. The adenohypophysis of Nhlh2-/- mice was hypoplastic although it contained a full complement of the five anterior pituitary cell types. GnRH-1 receptors (GnRHRs) were reduced in Nhlh2-/- pituitary gonadotropes as compared to wild type. In vitro assays indicated that Nhlh2 expression is regulated in parallel with GnRHR expression. However, direct transcriptional activity of Nhlh2 on the GnRHR promoter was not found. These results indicate that Nhlh2 plays a role in the development and functional maintenance of the hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axis at least at two levels: 1) in the hypothalamus by regulating the number and distribution of GnRH-1 neurons and, 2) in the developing and mature adenohypophysis.


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Summary : The hypothalamus represents less than 1 % of the total volume of the brain tissue, yet it plays a crucial role in endocrine regulations. Puberty is defined as a process leading to physical, sexual and psychosocial maturation. The hypothalamus is central to this process, via the activation of GnRH neurons. Pulsatile GnRH secretion, minimal during childhood, increases with the onset of puberty. The primary function of GnRH is to regulate the growth, development and function of testes in boys and ovaries in girls, by stimulating the pituitary gland secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Several factors contribute to the timing of puberty, including sex and ethnicity, genetics, dietary intake and energy expenditure. Kisspeptins constitute a family of small peptides arising from the proteolytic cleavage of metastin, a peptide with 54 amino acids initially purified from human placenta. These kisspeptins were the subject of much attention following their discovery because of their antimetastatic properties, but it was more recently that their determining role in the reproductive function was demonstrated. It was shown that kisspeptins are ligands of a receptor, GPR54, whose natural inactivating mutation in humans, or knockout in the mouse, lead to infertility. GnRH neurons play a pivotal role in the central regulation of fertility. Kisspeptin greatly increases GnRH release and GnRH neuron firing activity, but the neurobiological mechanisms for these actions are unknown. Gprotein-coupled receptor 54, the receptor for kisspeptin, is expressed by GnRH neurons as well as other hypothalamic neurons, suggesting that both direct and indirect effects are possible. In the first part of my thesis, we investigated a possible connection between the acceleration of sexual development induced by leptin and hypothalamic metastin neurons. However, the data generated by our preliminary experiments confirmed that the commercially available antibodies are non-specific. This finding constituted a major drawback for our studies, which relied heavily upon the neuroanatomical study of the hypothalamic metastinergic pathways to elucidate their sensitivity to exogenous leptin. Therefore, we decided to postpone any further in vivo experiment until a better antibody becomes available, and focused on in vitro studies to better understand the mechanisms of action of kisspeptins in the modulation of the activity of GnRH neurons. We used two GnRH-expressing neuronal cell lines to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of metastin in GnRH neurons. We demonstrated that kisspeptin induces an early activation of the MAP kinase intracellular signaling pathway in both cell lines, whereas the SAP/JNK or the Akt pathways were unaffected. Moreover, we found an increase in GnRH mRNA levels after 6h of metastin stimulation. Thus, we can conclude that kisspeptin regulates GnRH neurons both at the secretion and the gene expression levels. The MAPK pathway is the major pathway activated by metastin in GnRH expressing neurons. Taken together, these data provide the first mechanism of action of kisspeptin on GnRH neurons. Résumé : L'hypothalamus est une zone située au centre du cerveau, dont il représente moins de 1 du volume total. La puberté est la période de transition entre l'enfance et l'age adulte, qui s'accompagne de transformations somatiques, psychologiques, métaboliques et hormonales conduisant à la possibilité de procréer. La fonction principale de la GnRH est la régulation de la croissance, du développement et de la fonction des testicules chez les hommes, et des ovaires chez les femmes en stimulant la sécrétion de l'hormone lutéinisante (LH) et de l'hormone folliculostimulante (FSH) par la glande hypophysaire. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent au déclanchement de la puberté, y compris le sexe et l'appartenance ethnique, la génétique, l'apport alimentaire et la dépense énergétique. Les Kisspeptines constituent une famille de peptides résultant de la dissociation proteolytique de la métastine, un peptide de 54 acides aminés initialement purifié à partir de placenta humain. Ces kisspeptines ont fait l'objet de beaucoup d'attention à la suite de leur découverte en raison de leurs propriétés anti-metastatiques, et c'est plus récemment que leur rôle déterminant dans la fonction reproductive a été démontré. Les kisspeptines sont des ligands du récepteur GPR54, dont la mutation inactivatrice chez l'homme, ou le knockout chez la souris, conduisent à l'infertilité par hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope. Les neurones à GnRH jouent un rôle central dans le règlement des fonctions reproductrices et la kisspeptine stimule l'activité des neurones à GnRH et la libération de GnRH par ces neurones. Toutefois, les mécanismes neurobiologiques de ces actions ne sont pas connus. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, nous avons étudié le lien potentiel entre l'accélération du développement sexuel induite par la leptine et les neurones hypothalamiques à metastine. Les données générées dans cette première série d'expériences ont malheureusement confirmé que les anticorps anti-metastine disponibles dans le commerce sont aspécifiques. Ceci a constitué un inconvénient majeur pour nos études, qui devaient fortement s'appuyer sur l' étude neuroanatomique des neurones hypothalamiques à metastine pour évaluer leur sensibilité à la leptine exogène. Nous avons donc décidé de focaliser nos travaux sur une étude in vitro des mécanismes d'action de la kisspeptine pour moduler l'activité des neurones à GnRH. Nous avons utilisé deux lignées de cellules neuronales exprimant la GnRH pour étudier les mécanismes d'action cellulaires et moléculaires de la metastine dans des neurones. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer que la kisspeptine induit une activation précoce de la voie f de signalisation de la MAP kinase dans les deux lignées cellulaires, alors que nous n'avons observé aucune activation de la voie de signalisation de la P13 Kinase et de la SAP/JNK. Nous avons en outre démontré une augmentation de l'expression de la GnRH par la stimulation avec la Kisspeptine. L'ensemble de ces données contribue à élucider le mécanisme d'action avec lequel la kisspeptine agit dans les neurones à GnRH, en démontrant un effet sur l'expression génique de la GnRH. Nous pouvons également conclure que la voie de la MAPK est la voie principale activée par la metastine dans les neurones exprimant la GnRH.


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Secretion of LH and FSH from the anterior pituitary is regulated primarily by hypothalamic GnRH and ovarian steroid hormones. More recent evidence indicates regulatory roles for certain members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) superfamily including inhibin and activin. The aim of this study was to identify expression of mRNAs encoding key receptors and ligands of the inhibin/activin system in the hen pituitary gland and to monitor their expression throughout the 24-25-h ovulatory cycle. Hens maintained on long days (16 h light/8 h dark) were killed 20, 12, 6 and 2 h before predicted ovulation of a midsequence egg (n = 8 per group). Anterior pituitary glands were removed, RNA extracted and cDNA synthesized. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, progesterone and inhibin A were measured. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to quantify pituitary expression of mRNAs encoding betaglycan, activin receptor (ActR) subtypes (type I, IIA), GnRH receptor (GnP,H-R), LH beta subunit, FSH beta subunit and GAPDH. Levels of mRNA for inhibin/activin beta A and beta B subunits, inhibin alpha subunit, follistatin and ActRIIB mRNA in pituitary were undetectable by quantitative PCR (< 2 amol/reaction). Significant changes in expression (P < 0.05) of ActRIIA and betaglycan mRNA were found, both peaking 6 h before ovulation just prior to the preovulatory LH surge and reaching a nadir 2 h before ovulation, just after the LH surge. There were no significant changes in expression of ActRI mRNA throughout the cycle although values were correlated with mRNA levels for both ActRIIA (r=0.77; P < 0.001) and betaglycan (r=0.45; P < 0.01). Expression of GnRH-R mRNA was lowest 20 h before ovulation and highest (P < 0.05) 6 h before ovulation; values were weakly correlated with betaglycan (r=0.33; P=0.06) and ActRIIA (r=0.34; P=0.06) mRNA levels. Expression of mRNAs encoding LH beta and FSH beta subunit were both lowest (P < 0.05) after the LH surge, 2 h before ovulation. These results are consistent with an endocrine, but not a local intrapituitary, role of inhibin-related proteins in modulating gonadotroph function during the ovulatory cycle of the hen, potentially through interaction with betaglycan and ActRIIA. In contrast to mammals, intrapituitary expression of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin appears to be extremely low or absent in the domestic fowl.


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The adrenal cortex is a dynamic organ in which the cells of the outer cortex continually divide. It is well known that this cellular proliferation is dependent on constant stimulation from peptides derived from the ACTH precursor pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) because disruption of pituitary corticotroph function results in rapid atrophy of the gland. Previous results from our laboratory have suggested that the adrenal mitogen is a fragment derived from the N-terminal of POMC not containing the gamma-MSH sequence. Because such a peptide is not generated during processing of POMC in the pituitary, we proposed that the mitogen is generated from circulating pro-gamma-MSH by an adrenal protease. Using degenerate oligonucleotides, we identified a secreted serine protease expressed by the adrenal gland that we named adrenal secretory protease (ASP). In the adrenal cortex, expression of ASP is limited to the outer zona glomerulosa/fasciculata, the region where cortical cells are believed to be derived, and is significantly up-regulated during compensatory growth. Y1 adrenocortical cells transfected with a vector expressing an antisense RNA (and thus having reduced levels of endogenous ASP) were found to grow slower than sense controls while also losing their ability to utilize exogenous pro-gamma-MSH in the media supporting a role for ASP in adrenal growth. Digestion of an N-POMC peptide substrate encompassing the residues around the dibasic cleavage site at positions 49/50 with affinity-purified ASP showed cleavage not to occur at the dibasic site but two residues downstream leading us to propose the identity of the adrenal mitogen to be N-POMC (1-52).


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Secretion of LH and FSH from the anterior pituitary is regulated primarily by hypothalamic GnRH and ovarian steroid hormones. More recent evidence indicates regulatory roles for certain members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) superfamily including inhibin and activin. The aim of this study was to identify expression of mRNAs encoding key receptors and ligands of the inhibin/activin system in the hen pituitary gland and to monitor their expression throughout the 24-25-h ovulatory cycle. Hens maintained on long days (16 h light/8 h dark) were killed 20, 12, 6 and 2 h before predicted ovulation of a midsequence egg (n = 8 per group). Anterior pituitary glands were removed, RNA extracted and cDNA synthesized. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, progesterone and inhibin A were measured. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to quantify pituitary expression of mRNAs encoding betaglycan, activin receptor (ActR) subtypes (type I, IIA), GnRH receptor (GnP,H-R), LH beta subunit, FSH beta subunit and GAPDH. Levels of mRNA for inhibin/activin beta A and beta B subunits, inhibin alpha subunit, follistatin and ActRIIB mRNA in pituitary were undetectable by quantitative PCR (< 2 amol/reaction). Significant changes in expression (P < 0.05) of ActRIIA and betaglycan mRNA were found, both peaking 6 h before ovulation just prior to the preovulatory LH surge and reaching a nadir 2 h before ovulation, just after the LH surge. There were no significant changes in expression of ActRI mRNA throughout the cycle although values were correlated with mRNA levels for both ActRIIA (r=0.77; P < 0.001) and betaglycan (r=0.45; P < 0.01). Expression of GnRH-R mRNA was lowest 20 h before ovulation and highest (P < 0.05) 6 h before ovulation; values were weakly correlated with betaglycan (r=0.33; P=0.06) and ActRIIA (r=0.34; P=0.06) mRNA levels. Expression of mRNAs encoding LH beta and FSH beta subunit were both lowest (P < 0.05) after the LH surge, 2 h before ovulation. These results are consistent with an endocrine, but not a local intrapituitary, role of inhibin-related proteins in modulating gonadotroph function during the ovulatory cycle of the hen, potentially through interaction with betaglycan and ActRIIA. In contrast to mammals, intrapituitary expression of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin appears to be extremely low or absent in the domestic fowl.


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Objective: Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HM beta) is a metabolite of leucine widely used for improving sports performance. Although limp is recognized to promote anabolic or anti-catabolic effects on protein metabolism, the impact of its long-term use on skeletal muscle and/or genes that control the skeletal protein balance is not fully known. This study aimed to investigate whether chronic HM beta treatment affects the activity of GH/IGF-I axis and skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. Design: Rats were treated with HK beta (320 mg/kg BW) or vehicle, by gavage, for 4 weeks, and killed by decapitation. Blood was collected for evaluation of serum insulin, glucose and IGF-I concentrations. Samples of pituitary, liver, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were collected for total RNA or protein extraction to evaluate the expression of pituitary growth hormone (GH) gene (mRNA and protein), hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA, skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA by Northern blotting/real time-PCR, or Western blotting. Results: Chronic HM beta treatment increased the content of pituitary GH mRNA and GH, hepatic IGF-I mRNA and serum IGF-I concentration. No changes were detected on skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. However, the HIM-treated rats although normoglycemic, exhibited hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: The data presented herein extend the body of evidence on the potential role of HM beta-treatment in stimulating GH/IGF-I axis activity. In spite of this effect, HM beta supplementation also induces an apparent insulin resistance state which might limit the beneficial aspects of the former results, at least in rats under normal nutritional status and health conditions. (C) 2010 Growth Hormone Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study investigated the effects of moderate physical training on some of the parameters in the GH-IGF axis in experimental diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were allocated into the following groups: sedentary control, trained control, sedentary diabetic, trained diabetic. Diabetes was induced by alloxan (32 mg/kg, b.w. iv). The physical training protocol consisted of 1 h swimming session/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks supporting a load corresponding to 90% of maximal lactate steady state. After the experimental period, blood was collected to measure serum glucose, insulin, triglycerides, albumin, insulin-like growth factors-I (IGF-I), and growth hormone (GH). Pituitary gland was removed for GH quantification. Diabetes increased blood glucose and triglycerides and decreased insulin, IGF-I, serum and pituitary GH. Physical training decreased glucose and triglycerides, and also counteracted the reduction of serum IGF-I in diabetic rats. In conclusion, physical training recovered serum IGF-I showing no alteration of serum or pituitary GH levels.


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It is known that exposure to substances in the environment can contribute to various reproductive disorders, especially if such exposure occurs during critical periods of development such as the intra-uterine and postnatal. The female reproductive system may be the target of androgens, both as a result of exposure to environmental chemicals, or by pathological conditions (polycystic ovary syndrome or congenital adrenal hyperplasia).Usually, little attention is given off in relation to the study of androgenic effects in the female reproductive axis. This study aims to evaluate the effects of exposure to androgens on the development, structure and reproductive function in rats whose mothers were exposed to testosterone propionate from gestational day 12 (DG12) after weaning - postnatal day 21 (DPN21) . For this purpose, pregnancy rats were divided into four groups: a control group that received corn oil (vehicle) and three groups receiving testosterone propionate in doses of 0.05 mg / kg / day, 0.1 mg / kg / day and 0.2 mg / kg / day, all under the same experimental conditions. The possible effects of exposure were assessed using reproductive parameters, such as a measure of anogenital distance, count areolas / nipples, age at vaginal opening and first estrus (puberty indicative installation), weight and histological evaluation of the reproductive organs ( uterus and ovaries), weight of the kidneys, liver and pituitary hormone levels, regularity of the estrous cycle, sexual behavior and fertility. Such analysis is important in understanding the effects of androgen exposure on the female genital system, especially on the reproductive potential, and processes that may involve morphofunctional changes. In these experimental conditions, it is concluded that treatment with PT caused reduction in body weight and initial masculinization in females without cubs, however, commit further sexual development