790 resultados para highways


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Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete due to chloride ingress is one of the main causes of the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures. Structures most affected by such a corrosion are marine zone buildings and structures exposed to de-icing salts like highways and bridges. Such process is accompanied by an increase in volume of the corrosión products on the rebarsconcrete interface. Depending on the level of oxidation, iron can expand as much as six times its original volume. This increase in volume exerts tensile stresses in the surrounding concrete which result in cracking and spalling of the concrete cover if the concrete tensile strength is exceeded. The mechanism by which steel embedded in concrete corrodes in presence of chloride is the local breakdown of the passive layer formed in the highly alkaline condition of the concrete. It is assumed that corrosion initiates when a critical chloride content reaches the rebar surface. The mathematical formulation idealized the corrosion sequence as a two-stage process: an initiation stage, during which chloride ions penetrate to the reinforcing steel surface and depassivate it, and a propagation stage, in which active corrosion takes place until cracking of the concrete cover has occurred. The aim of this research is to develop computer tools to evaluate the duration of the service life of reinforced concrete structures, considering both the initiation and propagation periods. Such tools must offer a friendly interface to facilitate its use by the researchers even though their background is not in numerical simulation. For the evaluation of the initiation period different tools have been developed: Program TavProbabilidade: provides means to carry out a probability analysis of a chloride ingress model. Such a tool is necessary due to the lack of data and general uncertainties associated with the phenomenon of the chloride diffusion. It differs from the deterministic approach because it computes not just a chloride profile at a certain age, but a range of chloride profiles for each probability or occurrence. Program TavProbabilidade_Fiabilidade: carries out reliability analyses of the initiation period. It takes into account the critical value of the chloride concentration on the steel that causes breakdown of the passive layer and the beginning of the propagation stage. It differs from the deterministic analysis in that it does not predict if the corrosion is going to begin or not, but to quantifies the probability of corrosion initiation. Program TavDif_1D: was created to do a one dimension deterministic analysis of the chloride diffusion process by the finite element method (FEM) which numerically solves Fick’second Law. Despite of the different FEM solver already developed in one dimension, the decision to create a new code (TavDif_1D) was taken because of the need to have a solver with friendly interface for pre- and post-process according to the need of IETCC. An innovative tool was also developed with a systematic method devised to compare the ability of the different 1D models to predict the actual evolution of chloride ingress based on experimental measurements, and also to quantify the degree of agreement of the models with each others. For the evaluation of the entire service life of the structure: a computer program has been developed using finite elements method to do the coupling of both service life periods: initiation and propagation. The program for 2D (TavDif_2D) allows the complementary use of two external programs in a unique friendly interface: • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. This program (TavDif_2D) is responsible to decide in each time step when and where to start applying the boundary conditions of fracture mechanics module in function of the amount of chloride concentration and corrosion parameters (Icorr, etc). This program is also responsible to verify the presence and the degree of fracture in each element to send the Information of diffusion coefficient variation with the crack width. • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. The advantages of the FEM with the interface provided by the tool are: • the flexibility to input the data such as material property and boundary conditions as time dependent function. • the flexibility to predict the chloride concentration profile for different geometries. • the possibility to couple chloride diffusion (initiation stage) with chemical and mechanical behavior (propagation stage). The OOFEM code had to be modified to accept temperature, humidity and the time dependent values for the material properties, which is necessary to adequately describe the environmental variations. A 3-D simulation has been performed to simulate the behavior of the beam on both, action of the external load and the internal load caused by the corrosion products, using elements of imbedded fracture in order to plot the curve of the deflection of the central region of the beam versus the external load to compare with the experimental data.


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Spain has a long tradition of encouraging toll highways by granting concessions to private companies. Concessions in Spain have been characterized by a willingness to transfer considerable risk to the private sector. Traffic demand, acquisition of the right-of-way, and financial risk have often been allocated to the private sector. From 1996 to 2011, 16 toll highway concessions, covering a total distance of 835 km, were awarded by the central government of Spain with this approach. Some of those highways started their operations just before the economic recession began. The recession had negative consequences for Spain's economy. The gross domestic product per capita plummeted, and the unemployment rate increased from 9% to 20% of the working population in just 2 years. The recession also had severe consequences for the economic performance of toll highway concessions. Traffic levels declined at a much greater rate than did the gross domestic product. In addition, the conditions imposed by the financial markets on borrowers became much stricter because of the liquidity crisis. This study analyzes the impact that the economic recession ultimately had on the performance of toll highway concessions in Spain and the actions that the government adopted to avoid the bankruptcy of the concessionaires. It was found that the economic recession helped identify some deficiencies in how risk had been allocated in Spain. The measures that both Spain and the European Union are adopting so as to improve risk allocation are discussed.


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Particulate matter emissions from paved roads are currently one of the main challenges for a sustainable transport in Europe. Emissions are scarcely estimated due to the lack of knowledge about the resuspension process severely hampering a reliable simulation of PM and heavy metals concentrations in large cities and evaluation of population exposure. In this study the Emission Factors from road dust resuspension on a Mediterranean freeway were estimated per single vehicle category and PM component (OC, EC, mineral dust and metals) by means of the deployment of vertical profiles of passive samplers and terminal concentration estimate. The estimated PM10 emission factors varied from 12 to 47 mg VKT?1 (VKT: Vehicle Kilometer Traveled) with an average value of 22.7 ? 14.2 mg VKT?1. Emission Factors for heavy and light duty vehicles, passenger cars and motorbikes were estimated, based on average fleet composition and EPA ratios, in 187e733 mg VKT?1, 33e131 VKT?1, 9.4e36.9 VKT?1 and 0.8e3.3 VKT?1, respectively. These range of values are lower than previous estimates in Mediterranean urban roads, probably due to the lower dust reservoir on freeways. PM emitted material was dominated by mineral dust (9e10 mg VKT?1), but also OC and EC were found to be major components and approximately 14 e25% and 2e9% of average PM exhaust emissions from diesel passenger cars on highways respectively.


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El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar una metodología para estimar los potenciales impactos económicos y de transporte generados por la aplicación de políticas en el sector transporte. Los departamentos de transporte y otras instituciones gubernamentales relacionadas se encuentran interesadas en estos análisis debido a que son presentados comúnmente de forma errónea por la insuficiencia de datos o por la falta de metodologías adecuadas. La presente investigación tiene por objeto llenar este vacío haciendo un análisis exhaustivo de las técnicas disponibles que coincidan con ese propósito. Se ha realizado un análisis que ha identificado las diferencias cuando son aplicados para la valoración de los beneficios para el usuario o para otros efectos como aspectos sociales. Como resultado de ello, esta investigación ofrece un enfoque integrado que incluye un modelo Input-Output de múltiples regiones basado en la utilidad aleatoria (RUBMRIO), y un modelo de red de transporte por carretera. Este modelo permite la reproducción con mayor detalle y realismo del transporte de mercancías que por medio de su estructura sectorial identifica los vínculos de las compras y ventas inter-industriales dentro de un país utilizando los servicios del transporte de mercancías. Por esta razón, el modelo integrado es aplicable a diversas políticas de transporte. En efecto, el enfoque se ha aplicado para estudiar los efectos macroeconómicos regionales de la implementación de dos políticas diferentes en el sistema de transporte de mercancías de España, tales como la tarificación basada en la distancia recorrida por vehículo-kilómetro (€/km) aplicada a los vehículos del transporte de mercancías, y para la introducción de vehículos más largos y pesados de mercancías en la red de carreteras de España. El enfoque metodológico se ha evaluado caso por caso teniendo en cuenta una selección de la red de carreteras que unen las capitales de las regiones españolas. También se ha tenido en cuenta una dimensión económica a través de una tabla Input-Output de múltiples regiones (MRIO) y la base de datos de conteo de tráfico existente para realizar la validación del modelo. El enfoque integrado reproduce las condiciones de comercio observadas entre las regiones usando el sistema de transporte de mercancías por carretera, y que permite por comparación con los escenarios de políticas, determinar las contribuciones a los cambios distributivos y generativos. Así pues, el análisis estima los impactos económicos en cualquier región considerando los cambios en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y el empleo. El enfoque identifica los cambios en el sistema de transporte a través de todos los caminos de la red de transporte a través de las medidas de efectividad (MOEs). Los resultados presentados en esta investigación proporcionan evidencia sustancial de que en la evaluación de las políticas de transporte, es necesario establecer un vínculo entre la estructura económica de las regiones y de los servicios de transporte. Los análisis muestran que para la mayoría de las regiones del país, los cambios son evidentes para el PIB y el empleo, ya que el comercio se fomenta o se inhibe. El enfoque muestra cómo el tráfico se desvía en ambas políticas, y también determina detalles de las emisiones de contaminantes en los dos escenarios. Además, las políticas de fijación de precios o de regulación de los sistemas de transporte de mercancías por carretera dirigidas a los productores y consumidores en las regiones promoverán transformaciones regionales afectando todo el país, y esto conduce a conclusiones diferentes. Así mismo, este enfoque integrado podría ser útil para evaluar otras políticas y otros países en todo el mundo. The purpose of this research is to develop a methodological approach aimed at assessing the potential economic and transportation impacts of transport policies. Transportation departments and other related government parties are interested in such analysis because it is commonly misrepresented for the insufficiency of data and suitable methodologies available. This research is directed at filling this gap by making a comprehensive analysis of the available techniques that match with that purpose. The differences when they are applied for the valuation of user benefits or for other impacts as social matters have been identified. As a result, this research presents an integrated approach which includes both a random utility-based multiregional Input-Output model (RUBMRIO), and a road transport network model. This model accounts for freight transport with more detail and realism because its commodity-based structure traces the linkages of inter-industry purchases and sales that use freight services within a given country. For this reason, the integrated model is applicable to various transport policies. In fact, the approach is applied to study the regional macroeconomic effects of implementing two different policies in the freight transport system of Spain, such as a distance-based charge in vehicle-kilometer (€/km) for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), and the introduction of Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) in the road network of Spain. The methodological approach has been evaluated on a case by case basis considering a selected road network of highways linking the capitals of the Spanish regions. It has also considered an economic dimension through a Multiregional Input Output Table (MRIO) and the existing traffic count database used in the model validation. The integrated approach replicates observed conditions of trade among regions using road freight transport systems that determine contributions to distributional and generative changes by comparison with policy scenarios. Therefore, the model estimates economic impacts in any given area by considering changes in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment (jobs), and in the transportation system across all paths of the transport network considering Measures of effectiveness (MOEs). The results presented in this research provide substantive evidence that in the assessment of transport policies it is necessary to establish a link between the economic structure of regions and the transportation services. The analysis shows that for most regions in the country, GDP and employment changes are noticeable when trade is encouraged or discouraged. This approach shows how traffic is diverted in both policies, and also provides details of the pollutant emissions in both scenarios. Furthermore, policies, such as pricing or regulation of road freight transportation systems, directed to producers and consumers in regions will promote different regional transformations across the country, and this lead to different conclusions. In addition, this integrated approach could be useful to assess other policies and countries worldwide.


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La inclusión de las variables ambientales en el proceso de toma de decisiones relacionado con las grandes infraestructuras de transporte debe estar basada en los resultados obtenidos después de evaluarlas científicamente. El paisaje visual, entendido como el resultado de la interacción entre el observador y su entorno, toma cada vez más importancia como aspecto ambiental a tener en cuenta, tanto para las autoridades como para la sociedad. La evaluación del paisaje permite integrar las variables territoriales y su relación con el observador. Es necesario profundizar en el conocimiento de la relación del paisaje con las infraestructuras de transporte, en concreto con las autopistas, para desarrollar metodologías y herramientas científicas necesarias para su correcta evaluación. El objetivo de esta tesis es aportar una metodología que permita que el paisaje se integre como elemento estructural y funcional en el diseño de las autopistas. La investigación realizada ha permitido analizar en profundidad las variables que influyen en la percepción del paisaje propio de las autopistas, cuantificar en qué grado las intervenciones de integración paisajística mejoran dicha percepción y aportar una metodología que permite evaluar el carácter y la calidad visual del paisaje empleando fotografías e indicadores que se calculan con la ayuda de un sistema de información geográfica.ABSTRACT The inclusion of environmental variables in the decision making process related to major transport infrastructures should be based on the results obtained after scientific evaluation. The visual landscape, understood as the result of the interaction between the observer and the environment, is becoming more important as an environmental aspect to consider, both for the authorities and society. Landscape evaluation integrates territorial variables and their relationship to the viewer. This thesis deepens the knowledge of the relationship between landscape and transport infrastructures, in particular the highways. The objective of this thesis is to provide a methodology that allows the landscape to be integrated as a structural and functional element in the design of highways. This research has allowed to analyze in depth the variables that influence the perception of the highways’ landscape, to quantify the extent to which integration measures improve landscape perception and to provide a methodology to assess the character and visual quality of the landscape using photographs and indicators calculated by geographic information systems.


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The complexity of climate change and its evolution during the last few years has a positive impact on new developments and approaches to reduce the emissions of CO2. Looking for a methodology to evaluate the sustainability of a roadway, a tool has been developed. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is being accepted by the road industry to measure and evaluate the environmental impacts of an infrastructure, as the energy consumption and carbon footprint. This paper describes the methodology to calculate the CO2 emissions associated with the energy embodied on a roadway along its life cycle, including construction, operations and demolition. It will assist to find solutions to improve the energy footprint and reduce the amount of CO2 emissions. Details are provided of both, the methodology and the data acquisition. This paper is an application of the methodology to the Spanish highways, using a local database. Two case studies and a practical example are studied to show the model as a decision support for sustainable construction in the road industry.


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• The viability of the present system of road funding has in recent years been widely questioned, for it has proved insufficient to support spending programs at their current levels. • Some transfers from the general fund have been needed since 2008 to keep the HTF solvent. • Fuel taxes, the primary source for funding roads in the US, have not kept pace with inflation for years. • A wide variety of measures to increase revenue has been presented: raising fuel taxes, extending toll highways, implementing a VMT fee, etc.


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*************************************************************************************** EL WCTR es un Congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte que hasta el 2010 publicaba sus libros de abstracts con ISBN. Por ello consideramos que debería seguir teníendose en cuenta para los indicadores de calidad ******************************************************************************************* Investment projects in the field of transportation infrastructures have a high degree of uncertainty and require an important amount of resources. In highway concessions in particular, the calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project by means of the discount of cash flows, may lead to erroneous results when the project incorporates certain flexibility. In these cases, the theory of real options is an alternative tool for the valuation of concessions. When the variable that generates uncertainty (in our case, the traffic) follows a random walk (or Geometric Brownian Motion), we can calculate the value of the options embedded in the contract starting directly from the process followed by that variable. This procedure notably simplifies the calculation method. In order to test the hypothesis of the evolution of traffic as a Geometric Brownian Motion, we have used the available series of traffic in Spanish highways, and we have applied the Augmented Dickey-Fuller approach, which is the most widely used test for this kind of study. The main result of the analysis is that we cannot reject the hypothesis that traffic follows a Geometric Brownian Motion in the majority of both toll highways and free highways in Spain.


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In this paper we propose an innovative approach to tackle the problem of traffic sign detection using a computer vision algorithm and taking into account real-time operation constraints, trying to establish intelligent strategies to simplify as much as possible the algorithm complexity and to speed up the process. Firstly, a set of candidates is generated according to a color segmentation stage, followed by a region analysis strategy, where spatial characteristic of previously detected objects are taken into account. Finally, temporal coherence is introduced by means of a tracking scheme, performed using a Kalman filter for each potential candidate. Taking into consideration time constraints, efficiency is achieved two-fold: on the one side, a multi-resolution strategy is adopted for segmentation, where global operation will be applied only to low-resolution images, increasing the resolution to the maximum only when a potential road sign is being tracked. On the other side, we take advantage of the expected spacing between traffic signs. Namely, the tracking of objects of interest allows to generate inhibition areas, which are those ones where no new traffic signs are expected to appear due to the existence of a TS in the neighborhood. The proposed solution has been tested with real sequences in both urban areas and highways, and proved to achieve higher computational efficiency, especially as a result of the multi-resolution approach.


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In this paper we propose an innovative method for the automatic detection and tracking of road traffic signs using an onboard stereo camera. It involves a combination of monocular and stereo analysis strategies to increase the reliability of the detections such that it can boost the performance of any traffic sign recognition scheme. Firstly, an adaptive color and appearance based detection is applied at single camera level to generate a set of traffic sign hypotheses. In turn, stereo information allows for sparse 3D reconstruction of potential traffic signs through a SURF-based matching strategy. Namely, the plane that best fits the cloud of 3D points traced back from feature matches is estimated using a RANSAC based approach to improve robustness to outliers. Temporal consistency of the 3D information is ensured through a Kalman-based tracking stage. This also allows for the generation of a predicted 3D traffic sign model, which is in turn used to enhance the previously mentioned color-based detector through a feedback loop, thus improving detection accuracy. The proposed solution has been tested with real sequences under several illumination conditions and in both urban areas and highways, achieving very high detection rates in challenging environments, including rapid motion and significant perspective distortion


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We present a theoretical framework and a case study for reusing the same conceptual and computational methodology for both temporal abstraction and linear (unidimensional) space abstraction, in a domain (evaluation of traffic-control actions) significantly different from the one (clinical medicine) in which the method was originally used. The method, known as knowledge-based temporal abstraction, abstracts high-level concepts and patterns from time-stamped raw data using a formal theory of domain-specific temporal-abstraction knowledge. We applied this method, originally used to interpret time-oriented clinical data, to the domain of traffic control, in which the monitoring task requires linear pattern matching along both space and time. First, we reused the method for creation of unidimensional spatial abstractions over highways, given sensor measurements along each highway measured at the same time point. Second, we reused the method to create temporal abstractions of the traffic behavior, for the same space segments, but during consecutive time points. We defined the corresponding temporal-abstraction and spatial-abstraction domain-specific knowledge. Our results suggest that (1) the knowledge-based temporal-abstraction method is reusable over time and unidimensional space as well as over significantly different domains; (2) the method can be generalized into a knowledge-based linear-abstraction method, which solves tasks requiring abstraction of data along any linear distance measure; and (3) a spatiotemporal-abstraction method can be assembled from two copies of the generalized method and a spatial-decomposition mechanism, and is applicable to tasks requiring abstraction of time-oriented data into meaningful spatiotemporal patterns over a linear, decomposable space, such as traffic over a set of highways.


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La presente tesis se enmarca dentro de los trabajos realizados en el Proyecto CENIT OASIS (Operación de Autopistas Seguras Inteligentes y Sostenibles) sobre el impacto y la integración paisajística de las autopistas, y en los trabajos realizados por el grupo de trabajo GT 13 (paisaje) dentro del comité técnico nacional CTN 157 (proyectos) para normalización del Paisaje en España, del que la doctoranda es secretaria técnica. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar una Metodología que permita la normalización del paisaje en España. Por ello, establece las bases para el desarrollo científico y profesional en el ámbito del paisaje, a través de la caracterización de la actividad científica y de la actividad normalizadora internacional. Para después elaborar una propuesta de documentos normativos para su regulación en España. Por último, se pone en práctica la única de las normas aplicables a un caso real, concretamente en la AP-7 a su paso por la provincia de Gerona. La caracterización de la actividad científica en el ámbito del paisaje proporciona una visión global que sirve de referencia a las futuras investigaciones en la materia, no existente hasta la fecha. Entre los múltiples resultados, se identifican las áreas de conocimiento y disciplinas afines desde las que se aborda el paisaje, se analiza la evolución de las temáticas y líneas de investigación en el campo, se determina la distribución e impacto de la producción científica, destacando los países y centros de investigación punteros y sus colaboraciones, y se determinan las publicaciones más destacadas en la materia. La caracterización de la actividad normativa internacional hasta la fecha supone un referente en este campo, habiendo traducido, analizado y clasificado decenas de documentos sobre temas como la terminología, la profesión de paisajista, las reglas generales para las intervenciones en el paisaje, las normas para la protección del paisaje y normas para la evaluación del impacto paisajístico. La tesis desarrolla tres documentos normativos, que se espera sean el germen de los futuros documentos legales para normalización del Paisaje en España. El principal objetivo de la normalización es dotar a los profesionales de las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar sus intervenciones en el paisaje. Para ello, se ha elaborado un documento normativo sobre terminología del concepto clave y los términos asociados en castellano, que sirva de referencia para un futuro documento normativo; un documento normativo que regule los estudios de integración e impacto paisajístico en España, definiendo una serie de pautas que ayuden a los profesionales a desarrollar los proyectos de intervención en el paisaje; un documento que regule y defina la profesión de arquitecto paisajista, identificando sus capacidades, formaciones y competencias. Por último, el documento de impacto e integración paisajística se aplica a un caso concreto de infraestructuras del transporte, dentro del proyecto OASIS, sirviendo como ejemplo a los profesionales de la materia para desarrollar futuras intervenciones. El enfoque de este documento coincide con el de paisaje ecológico, el análisis del paisaje se aborda desde lo visible (fenosistema) y desde los procesos que lo conforman (criptosistema). Y las medidas de integración pretenden conseguir que la infraestructura forme parte del paisaje y de los procesos que ocurren en él, lo que en la tesis se define como Infraestructuras Verdes. ABSTRACT The thesis is within the framework of the CENIT OASIS Project (Operation of Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Highways) about the landscape impact and integration of highways, and the work done by the working group GT 13 (landscape) in the national technical committee CTN 157 (projects) for landscape standardization in Spain, of which the PhD is technical secretary. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a Methodology that allows the landscape standardization in Spain. Therefore, it establishes the basis for the scientific and professional development in the landscape field, through the characterization of scientific and international normalizing activity. It concludes with the proposal of regulatory documents for its use in Spain. Finally, it implements the only of the rules applicable to a real case, specifically in the AP- 7 passing through the Gerona province. The characterization of scientific activity in the landscape field provides an overview that is a reference in the researches in this field, non-existent to date. Among the many results, the areas of knowledge and related disciplines, from which the landscape is addressed, are identified; the evolution of topics and lines of research in the field are analyzed; the distribution and impact of scientific production is determined, highlighting the countries and leading research centers and collaborations; and the leading publications in the field are determined. The characterization of the international regulatory activity to date is a model in this field, having translated, analyzed and classified dozens of papers about terminology, the landscapist profession, general rules for intervention in the landscape, standards for the landscape protection and rules for the assessment of landscape impact. The thesis develops three normative documents, which are expected to be the germ of future legal documents for standardization landscape in Spain. The main objective of standardization is to provide the necessary tools for professionals who work developing interventions in the landscape. To do this, it has been developed a normative document about terminology on the key concept and the associated terms in Castilian, as a reference for a future normative document; a normative document that regulates studies of landscape integration and impact in Spain, defining a set of guidelines to help professionals to develop intervention projects in the landscape; a document to regulate and define the activities developed by the professionals, defining the profession of landscape architect, their capabilities and competencies. Finally, the document of landscape impact and integration is applied to a particular case of transport infrastructures within the OASIS project, serving as an example to professionals in the field to develop future interventions. The focus of this document coincides with the ecological landscape; the landscape analysis is approached from the visible (fenosystem) and from the processes that shape it (cryptosystem); and integration measures aim to achieve that the infrastructure take part of the landscape and its existing processes, which in this thesis is defined as Green Infrastructures.


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El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado es el diseño de megafonía y PAGA (Public Address /General Alarm) de la estación de tren Waipahu Transit Center en la ciudad de Honolulú, Hawái. Esta estación forma parte de una nueva línea de tren que está en proceso de construcción actualmente llamada Honolulu Rail Transit. Inicialmente la línea de tren constará de 21 estaciones, en las que prácticamente todas están diseñadas como pasos elevados usando como referencia las autopistas que cruzan la isla. Se tiene prevista su fecha de finalización en el año 2019, aunque las primeras estaciones se inaugurarán en 2017. Se trata en primer lugar un estudio acústico del recinto a sonorizar, eligiendo los equipos necesarios: conmutadores, altavoces, amplificadores, procesador, equipo de control y micrófonos. Este primer estudio sirve para obtener una aproximación de equipos necesarios, así como la posible situación de estos dentro de la estación. Tras esto, se procede a la simulación de la estación mediante el programa de simulación acústica y electroacústica EASE 4.4. Para ello, se diseña la estación en un modelo 3D, en el que cada superficie se asocia a su material correspondiente. Para facilitar el diseño y el cómputo de las simulaciones se divide la estación en 3 partes por separado. Cada una corresponde a un nivel de la estación: Ground level, el nivel inferior que contiene la entrada; Concourse Level, pasillo que comunica los dos andenes; y Platform Level, en el que realizarán las paradas los trenes. Una vez realizado el diseño se procede al posicionamiento de altavoces en los diferentes niveles de la estación. Debido al clima existente en la isla, el cual ronda los 20°C a lo largo de todo el año, no es necesaria la instalación de sistemas de aire acondicionado o calefacción, por lo que la estación no está totalmente cerrada. Esto supone un problema al realizar las simulaciones en EASE, ya que al tratarse de un recinto abierto se deberán hallar parámetros como el tiempo de reverberación o el volumen equivalente por otros medios. Para ello, se utilizará el método Ray Tracing, mediante el cual se halla el tiempo de reverberación por la respuesta al impulso de la sala; y a continuación se calcula un volumen equivalente del recinto mediante la fórmula de Eyring. Con estos datos, se puede proceder a calcular los parámetros necesarios: nivel de presión sonora directo, nivel de presión sonora total y STI (Speech Transmission Index). Para obtener este último será necesario ecualizar antes en cada uno de los niveles de la estación. Una vez hechas las simulaciones, se comprueba que el nivel de presión sonora y los valores de inteligibilidad son acordes con los requisitos dados por el cliente. Tras esto, se procede a realizar los bucles de altavoces y el cálculo de amplificadores necesarios. Se estudia la situación de los micrófonos, que servirán para poder variar la potencia emitida por los altavoces dependiendo del nivel de ruido en la estación. Una vez obtenidos todos los equipos necesarios en la estación, se hace el conexionado entre éstos, tanto de una forma simplificada en la que se pueden ver los bucles de altavoces en cada nivel de la estación, como de una forma más detallada en la que se muestran las conexiones entre cada equipo del rack. Finalmente, se realiza el etiquetado de los equipos y un presupuesto estimado con los costes del diseño del sistema PAGA. ABSTRACT. The aim of this Final Degree Project is the design of the PAGA (Public Address / General Alarm) system in the train station Waipahu Transit Center in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. This station is part of a new rail line that is currently under construction, called Honolulu Rail Transit. Initially, the rail line will have 21 stations, in which almost all are designed elevated using the highways that cross the island as reference. At first, it is treated an acoustic study in the areas to cover, choosing the equipment needed: switches, loudspeakers, amplifiers, DPS, control station and microphones. This first study helps to obtain an approximation of the equipments needed, as well as their placement inside the station. Thereafter, it is proceeded to do the simulation of the station through the acoustics and electroacoustics simulation software EASE 4.4. In order to do that, it is made the 3D design of the station, in which each surface is associated with its material. In order to ease the design and calculation of the simulations, the station has been divided in 3 zones. Each one corresponds with one level of the station: Ground Level, the lower level that has the entrance; Concourse Level, a corridor that links the two platforms; and Platform Level, where the trains will stop. Once the design is made, it is proceeded to place the speakers in the different levels of the station. Due to the weather in the island, which is about 20°C throughout the year, it is not necessary the installation of air conditioning or heating systems, so the station is not totally closed. This cause a problem when making the simulations in EASE, as the project is open, and it will be necessary to calculate parameters like the reverberation time or the equivalent volume by other methods. In order to do that, it will be used the Ray Tracing method, by which the reverberation time is calculated by the impulse response; and then it is calculated the equivalent volume of the area with the Eyring equation. With this information, it can be proceeded to calculate the parameters needed: direct sound pressure level, total sound pressure level and STI (Speech Transmission Index). In order to obtain the STI, it will be needed to equalize before in each of the station’s levels. Once the simulations are done, it is checked that the sound pressure level and the intelligibility values agree with the requirements given by the client. After that, it is proceeded to perform the speaker’s loops and the calculation of the amplifiers needed. It is studied the placement of the microphones, which will help to vary the power emitted by the speakers depending on the background noise level in the station. Once obtained all the necessary equipment in the station, it is done the connection diagram, both a simplified diagram in which there can be seen the speaker’s loops in each level of the station, or a more detailed diagram in which it is shown the wiring between each equipment of the rack. At last, it is done the labeling of the equipments and an estimated budget with the expenses for the PAGA design.


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Global demand for mobility is increasing and the environmental impact of transport has become an important issue in transportation network planning and decision-making, as well as in the operational management phase. Suitable methods are required to assess emissions and fuel consumption reduction strategies that seek to improve energy efficiency and furthering decarbonization. This study describes the development and application of an improved modeling framework – the HERA (Highway EneRgy Assessment) methodology – that enables to assess the energy and carbon footprint of different highways and traffic flow scenarios and their comparison. HERA incorporates an average speed consumption model adjusted with a correction factor which takes into account the road gradient. It provides a more comprehensive method for estimating the footprint of particular highway segments under specific traffic conditions. It includes the application of the methodology to the Spanish highway network to validate it. Finally, a case study shows the benefits from using this methodology and how to integrate the objective of carbon footprint reductions into highway design, operation and scenario comparison.


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Canberra, the ?Bush Capital? of Australia, was a project torn between ambition and avoidance. For fear of upsetting Sydney or Melbourne, its location avoided larger territorial aspirations but its crystalline winning scheme was bold, and contained the promise of enlightened irradiation. Postwar Canberra, like so many other cities at the time, let its future be designed by Cold-War traffic engineers, who confidently turned dream into sprawl and highways. Although Canberra s mix of ambition and banality, of symbolic desire and structural normalcy, may be precisely what a good city is all about, it probably contains these in defective proportions. What Canberra needs is just a little more of itself, in different amounts, to a higher pressure from the inside. We can easily imagine the multiplying of the original Griffin plan, adding the city onto itself, organizing the recent sprawl with new nodes and public transport with more urban streets between them. With this reclaimed space for higher density, Canberra can then grow from the inside instead of sprawling away, lowering its expenditure on transport and its carbon and sustainability footprint. The new nodes will be denser and allow for variety and change in its programmatic design. Minor but detailed changes in street and public space design will also allow for easier multi-species (people, animals?) access to urban and natural resources. Video brief of the project: http://vimeo.com/45799435