985 resultados para heprean kieli - 1900-1910
Hallazgo de 'Harrisichara lineata' Grambast, en el yacimiento del Parés, (Sant Boi de Lluçanés, Vic)
In recent years historical research seems to be the State Historical Society's main function, although it was formed with the principal functions of collection, preservation and exhibition. Now, instead of simply attempting to make the largest possible collection of historical materials in one place, this society will now endeavor to compile, publish and distribute accurate and scientific historical literature. The book also lists publications, information on the library and on membership.
Kirjoitus perustuu esitelmään, joka pidettiin Kotikielen Seuran, Hugo Bergroth -sällskapetin, Helsingin yliopiston suomen kielen laitoksen ja Nordican järjestämässä symposiumissa Mitä on hyvä kieli? - Om språkvård och språknorm 9.-10.2.1996