955 resultados para growth form


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The yeast two-hybrid system and far-Western protein blot analysis were used to demonstrate dimerization of human double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase (PKR) in vivo and in vitro. A catalytically inactive mutant of PKR with a single amino acid substitution (K296R) was found to dimerize in vivo, and a mutant with a deletion of the catalytic domain of PKR retained the ability to dimerize. In contrast, deletion of the two dsRNA-binding motifs in the N-terminal regulatory domain of PKR abolished dimerization. In vitro dimerization of the dsRNA-binding domain required the presence of dsRNA. These results suggest that the binding of dsRNA by PKR is necessary for dimerization. The mammalian dsRNA-binding protein TRBP, originally identified on the basis of its ability to bind the transactivation region (TAR) of human immunodeficiency virus RNA, also dimerized with itself and with PKR in the yeast assay. Taken together, these results suggest that complexes consisting of different combinations of dsRNA-binding proteins may exist in vivo. Such complexes could mediate differential effects on gene expression and control of cell growth.


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Total glycans from the cell layer and the culture medium of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that had been cultivated in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) were isolated and purified by gel filtration after Pronase and DNase digestion and alkaliborohydride treatment. Measurements of the content of neutral hexoses and uronic acids revealed that PDGF stimulates total glycan synthesis by proliferating VSMC in a linear fashion from 24 h to 72 h of incubation. In contrast, total glycan synthesis by human fibroblasts, epithelial cells, or endothelial cells was not affected by PDGF, indicating cell-type specificity. Chemical, biochemical, and enzymological characterization of the total glycans synthesized by VSMC showed that PDGF stimulates the secretion of a 340-kDa glycan molecule in a time-dependent manner from 24 h to 72 h. This molecule is highly acidic, shares a common structure with hyaluronic acid, and exhibits a potent antiproliferative activity on VSMC. These results suggest that VSMC in response to PDGF are capable of controlling their own growth and migration by the synthesis of a specific form of hyaluronic acid with antiproliferative potency, which may be involved in the regulation of the local inflammatory responses associated with atherosclerosis.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent and specific endothelial mitogen that is able to induce angiogenesis in vivo [Leung, D. W., Cachianes, G., Kuang, W.-J., Goeddel, D. V. & Ferrara, N. (1989) Science 246 1306-1309]. To determine if VEGF also influences the behavior of primordial endothelial cells, we used an in vivo vascular assay based on the de novo formation of vessels. Japanese quail embryos injected with nanomolar quantities of the 165-residue form of VEGF at the onset of vasculogenesis exhibited profoundly altered vessel development. In fact, the overall patterning of the vascular network was abnormal in all VEGF-injected embryos. The malformations were attributable to two specific endothelial cell activities: (i) inappropriate neovascularization in normally avascular areas and (ii) the unregulated, excessive fusion of vessels. In the first instance, supernumerary vessels directly linked the inflow channel of the heart to the aortic outflow channel. The second aberrant activity led to the formation of vessels with abnormally large lumens. Ultimately, unregulated vessel fusion generated massive vascular sacs that obliterated the identity of individual vessels. These observations show that exogenous VEGF has an impact on the behavior of primordial endothelial cells engaged in vasculogenesis, and they strongly suggest that endogenous VEGF is important in vascular patterning and regulation of vessel size (lumen formation).


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Neovascularization that generates collateral blood flow can limit the extent of tissue damage after acute ischemia caused by occlusion of the primary blood supply. The neovascular response stimulated by the BB homodimeric form of recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) was evaluated for its capacity to protect tissue from necrosis in a rat skin flap model of acutely induced ischemia. Complete survival of the tissue ensued, when the original nutritive blood supply was occluded, as early as 5 days after local PDGF-BB application, and the presence of a patent vasculature was evident compared to control flaps. To further evaluate the vascular regenerative response, PDGF-BB was injected into the muscle/connective tissue bed between the separated ends of a divided femoral artery in rats. A patent new vessel that functionally reconnected the ends of the divided artery within the original 3- to 4-mm gap was regenerated 3 weeks later in all PDGF-BB-treated limbs. In contrast, none of the paired control limbs, which received vehicle with an inactive variant of PDGF-BB, had vessel regrowth (P < 0.001). The absence of a sustained inflammatory response and granulation tissue suggests locally delivered PDGF-BB may directly stimulate the angiogenic phenotype in endothelial cells. These findings indicate that PDGF-BB can generate functional new blood vessels and nonsurgically anastomose severed vessels in vivo. This study supports the possibility of a therapeutic modality for the salvage of ischemic tissue through exogenous cytokine-induced vascular reconnection.


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Growth factors have been defined by their ability to promote the proliferative expansion of receptor-bearing cells. For example, antigen-activated T cells expressing the alpha beta gamma form of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor will proliferate in response to IL-2. In contrast, resting T cells, which express the IL-2 receptor beta and gamma chains, do not proliferate in response to IL-2. We demonstrate that the survival of resting T cells following gamma irradiation is greatly enhanced by pretreatment with IL-2. The radioprotective effect of IL-2 is dose dependent, does not result from the induction of cell proliferation, and does not require expression of the IL-2 receptor alpha chain. Thus, the beta gamma IL-2 receptor expressed on resting T cells can transduce signals that promote cell survival without committing the T cell to undergo cell division. IL-4 and IL-7, but not IL-1, IL-3, or IL-6, were also found to enhance the survival of quiescent T cells following gamma irradiation. Thus, certain growth factor-receptor interactions can serve to maintain cell viability in a manner that is independent of their ability to initiate or maintain cell proliferation. These data may have important implications for the use of growth factors in patients being treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy.


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Sézary syndrome (SzS), the leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, is characterized by clonal proliferation of CD4+ T cells and immune dysfunctions, raising the possibility of cytokine-related abnormalities. We previously described a decreased response to the growth-inhibitory effects of transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) in SzS T cells accompanied by apparent loss of surface type II TGF-beta receptor (TGF beta RII). To specifically determine if defects exist in TGF beta RII protein expression and/or transport in SzS patients, we developed a sensitive flow cytometric method to detect TGF beta RII on the surface and intracellularly in the CD4+ T cells. Our results indicate that unlike normal CD4+ T cells, CD4+ T cells from 9 of 12 SzS patients expressed little, if any, surface TGF beta RII in response to mitogen stimulation. At the intracellular level, however, pools of TGF beta RII were comparable to those in normal CD4+ T cells. This indicates that defective trafficking of this inhibitory cytokine receptor may contribute significantly to the development of this disease.


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At least two kidney epithelial cell lines, the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) and the murine inner medullary collecting duct line mIMCD-3, can be induced to form branching tubular structures when cultured with hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plus serum in collagen I gels. In our studies, whereas MDCK cells remained unable to form tubules in the presence of serum alone, mIMCD-3 cells formed impressive branching tubular structures with apparent lumens, suggesting the existence of specific factors in serum that are tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells but not for MDCK cells. Since normal serum does not contain enough HGF to induce tubulogenesis, these factors appeared to be substances other than HGF. This was also suggested by another observation: when MDCK cells or mIMCD-3 cells were cocultured under serum-free conditions with the embryonic kidney, both cell types formed branching tubular structures similar to those induced by HGF; however, only in the case of MDCK cells could this be inhibited by neutralizing antibodies against HGF. Thus, the embryonic kidney produces growth factors other than HGF capable of inducing tubule formation in the mIMCD-3 cells. Of a number of growth factors examined, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were found to be tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells. Whereas only HGF was a potent tubulogenic factor for MDCK cells, HGF, TGF-alpha, and EGF were potent tubulogenic factors for mIMCD-3 cells. Nevertheless, there were marked differences in the capacity of these tubulogenic factors to induce tubulation as well as branching events in those tubules that did form (HGF >> TGF-alpha > EGF). Thus, at least three different growth factors can induce tubulogenesis and branching in a specific epithelial cell in vitro (though to different degrees), and different epithelial cells that are capable of forming branching tubular structures demonstrate vastly different responses to tubulogenic growth factors. The results are discussed in the context of branching morphogenesis during epithelial tissue development.


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One of the more intriguing aspects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) is its ability to function as both a mitogenic factor for certain mesenchymal cells and a potent growth inhibitor of lymphoid, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Data are presented indicating that c-myc may play a pivotal role in both the mitogenic and antiproliferative actions of TGF beta 1. In agreement with previous studies using C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts constitutively expressing an exogenous c-myc cDNA, we show that AKR-2B fibroblasts expressing a chimeric estrogen-inducible form of c-myc (mycER) are able to form colonies in soft agar in the presence of TGF beta 1 only when c-myc is activated by hormone. Whereas these findings support a synergistic role for c-myc in mitogenic responses to TGF beta 1, we also find that c-myc can antagonize the growth-inhibitory response to TGF beta 1. Mouse keratinocytes (BALB/MK), which are normally growth-arrested by TGF beta 1, are rendered insensitive to the growth-inhibitory effects of TGF beta 1 upon mycER activation. This ability of mycER activation to block TGF beta 1-induced growth arrest was found to occur only when the fusion protein was induced with hormone in the early part of G1. Addition of estradiol late in G1 had no suppressive effect on TGF beta 1-induced growth inhibition.


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Azobenzene-containing materials exhibit various photomechanical properties, including the formation of surface relief gratings (SRG) when irradiated with two interfering laser beams. In a recent study, a novel glass-forming derivative of Disperse Red 1 (DR1) with a mexylaminotriazine group was synthesized in high yield with a simple and efficient procedure, and showed the ability to form high-quality amorphous thin films with a high resistance to crystallization. Irradiation of films of this material yielded SRG with growth rates comparable to other reported azo materials. Herein, a series of closely related molecular glasses containing azobenzene chromophores with various absorption maxima ranging from 410 to 570 nm were synthesized, and their physical and photomechanical properties were studied. All materials studied showed the ability to form stable glassy phases, and irradiation with lasers emitting at various wavelengths allowed to perform a comparative study of SRG growth within a series of analogous chromophores.


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Executive Summary. The euro area is still suffering from low growth and high unemployment. For the recovery to become a reality, there needs to be a balance between fiscal discipline, supply side improvements and actions aimed at stimulating demand and growth. Increasing investment, both private and public, are important components in overcoming the recession. This becomes especially clear when comparing investment dynamics during the crisis with pre-crisis levels. Total investment is still much lower than before the crisis and public investment is well below its pre-crisis peak as well. In late November 2014, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker submitted a long-awaited proposal for a European Investment Plan that aims to stimulate private investment. Apart from the creation of the new European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), through which private investors will receive public guarantees, the investment plan also aims to provide project assistance and improve the Single Market by removing sector-specific or other financial barriers to investment. While generally perceived as a first positive step towards increasing private investment, some commentators have expressed reservations about the plan. These include, among others, the lack of fresh money for the initial contributions to EFSI. Since a substantial amount of these contributions is reshuffled from other places in the European budget, the question was raised whether EFSI can fund additional projects or just replicates investment projects that would have happened without the plan. Other criticism relates to the high estimate of the expected leverage ratio of 1:15, and to the risk that the plan will only have a limited impact on stressed economies. The Juncker Plan addresses private investment, but so far there really is no clear strategy to stimulate productive public investment on the European and national level. Countries with fiscal space are reluctant to engage in higher spending, while those willing and in need of it the most are restricted by the rules. Member States and the Commission should therefore discuss options for further improving the euro area's economic governance. In addition to urging countries with fiscal space to increase investing in national public goods, investment could be treated with budget flexibility. One could, for instance, upgrade the importance of public investment in the European Semester. Additional deficit granted for public investment purposes could be attached to certain Country-Specific Recommendations. Another solution would be to allow some form of budget flexibility, such as the formulation of a new Golden Rule for productive public investment becoming part of the Stability and Growth Pact's application. Besides relying on a larger amount of flexibility in the rules, the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) could be another solution to fund investment in European public goods. It will also be necessary to overcome the mistrust among Member States that is preventing further action. The political bargain of stronger conditionality, such as through contractual arrangements, could improve the situation. Increased trust will also be an important condition for tackling long-reaching economic governance reforms such as the creation of a Fiscal Capacity, which could take the form of a macroeconomic shock insurance. Such a Fiscal Capacity could make a real difference in providing the necessary funding to maintain productive public investment, even in times of deep recessions. The proposals presented do not attempt to be conclusive, but shall rather be an input for a wider debate on how to increase growth and employment in Europe. The paper draws heavily on the discussion of a Workshop on Growth and Investment, which the European Policy Centre (EPC) hosted on 10 December 2014 under Chatham-House Rule, with a group of economists and representatives from the European institutions.


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Reflecting the natural biology of mass spawning fish aquaculture production of fish larvae is often hampered by high and unpredictable mortality rates. The present study aimed to enhance larval performance and immunity via the oral administration of an immunomodulator, beta-glucan (MacroGard®) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) were incubated with or without yeast beta-1,3/1,6-glucan in form of MacroGard® at a concentration of 0.5 g/L. Rotifers were fed to first feeding turbot larvae once a day. From day 13 dph onwards all tanks were additionally fed untreated Artemia sp. nauplii (1 nauplius ml/L). Daily mortality was monitored and larvae were sampled at 11 and 24 dph for expression of 30 genes, trypsin activity and size measurements. Along with the feeding of beta-glucan daily mortality was significantly reduced by ca. 15% and an alteration of the larval microbiota was observed. At 11 dph gene expression of trypsin and chymotrypsin was elevated in the MacroGard® fed fish, which resulted in heightened tryptic enzyme activity. No effect on genes encoding antioxidative proteins was observed, whilst the immune response was clearly modulated by beta-glucan. At 11 dph complement component c3 was elevated whilst cytokines, antimicrobial peptides, toll like receptor 3 and heat shock protein 70 were not affected. At the later time point (24 dph) an anti-inflammatory effect in form of a down-regulation of hsp 70, tnf-alpha and il-1beta was observed. We conclude that the administration of beta-glucan induced an immunomodulatory response and could be used as an effective measure to increase survival in rearing of turbot.


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The planktonic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the Southern Ocean, where remains of its frustules form the largest deposit of biogenic silica anywhere in the world. We assessed the genetic identity of 26 strains, from cells collected at various sites in the Southern Ocean, using three molecular markers, LSU and ITS rDNA and rbcL. The LSU sequences were identical among the tested strains, ITS sequences were highly similar, and only one base pair difference was detected among the rbcL sequences. These results, together with a large number of successful mating experiments demonstrated that the strains belong to a single biological species. We investigated the mating system and life cycle traits of F. kerguelensis. Cell size diminished gradually in clonal strains. Gamete formation only occurred when strains of opposite mating type - within a cell size range of 7-36 µm - were mixed together. Two binucleate gametes were formed in each gametangium and gamete conjugation produced a zygote that had four nuclei and was surrounded by thin siliceous scales. Two out of the four nuclei subsequently degenerated and the zygote expanded to form an auxospore surrounded by a transverse and a longitudinal perizonium. Staining with the fluorochrome PDMPO provided for the first time a clear demonstration that the longitudinal perizonium is formed after auxospore expansion is complete. Initial cells produced within the mature auxospores were 78-101 µm in length. Various authors have shown that the average valve size of F. kerguelensis varies in sediment samples collected in regions and seasons with different primary production regimes and this parameter has thus been proposed as a biological proxy for palaeo-productivity. A better understanding of the life cycle of F. kerguelensis should help the design of future investigations aimed at testing the link between cell size distribution in the natural environment and the role that environmental factors might have in the regulation of population cell size.


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The development of sand ripples in an oscillatory-flow water tunnel was observed in 104 laboratory experiments approximating conditions at the seabed under steady progressive surface waves. The period, T, and amplitude, a, of the water motion were varied over wide ranges. Three quartz sands were used, with mean grain diameters, D = 0.55, 0.21, and 0.18 millimeter. In 24 experiments, with the bed initially leveled, T was reduced until ripples appeared, and their development to final equilibrium form was observed without further change in T. The remaining 80 experiments investigated the response of previously established bed forms to changes in T or a or both. The ripple length, lambda, and height, eta, were measured from photos, except when bed forms were three dimensional.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The crystal structure of the extracellular domain of growth hormone receptor complexed to its ligand, growth hormone, has been known since 1992. However, no information exists for the unliganded form of the receptor. The human growth hormone receptor's extracellular ligand-binding domain, encompassing amino-acid residues 1 - 238, has been expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by anion ion-exchange chromatography and crystallized in its unliganded state by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method in 100 mM HEPES pH 7.0 containing 27.5%(w/v) PEG 5000 monomethyl ether and 200 mM ammonium sulfate as the co-precipitants. The crystals belong to the othorhombic space group C222(1), have unit-cell parameters a = 99.7, b = 112.2, c = 93.2 Angstrom and diffract to 2.5 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation. The crystal structure will shed light on the nature of any conformation changes that occur upon ligand binding and will provide information to develop potential low-molecular-weight agonists/antagonists to treat clinical diseases in which the growth hormone receptor is implicated.