946 resultados para glycerin complexation and charcoal adsorption
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O trabalho foi realizado no Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Agroindustrial, da UFPel/Pelotas, com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização de embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e do adsorvedor de etileno em caquis cv. Fuyu. Na safra de 2000-2001, os frutos foram armazenados a granel, em embalagens de PEBD de 0,022 mm contendo doze e 40 frutos e em embalagens de PEBD de 0,033 mm contendo doze frutos, sendo que apenas metade das embalagens possuía o sachê adsorvedor de etileno. de acordo com as variáveis analisadas (distúrbios fisiológicos, concentração/produção de CO2 e etileno), os frutos acondicionados nas embalagens de 0,022 mm contendo doze frutos, com e sem o adsorvedor, apresentavam-se em estádio menos avançado de amadurecimento e com qualidade superior aos demais tratamentos. Já na safra de 2001 - 2002, sob os mesmos parâmetros avaliados no ano anterior, foram testados o armazenamento a granel e o armazenamento em embalagens de PEBD de 0,022 mm, contendo doze, dezoito e 24 frutos, também com e sem a utilização de sachê adsorvedor de etileno. Após 90 dias de armazenamento refrigerado (AR), mais os cinco dias de simulação de comercialização, os frutos acondicionados nas embalagens de 0,022 mm, contendo doze e dezoito frutos, independentemente do sistema de adsorção de etileno, apresentaram os melhores resultados em todas as variáveis testadas.
Dezoito coelhos, Norfolk, fêmeas, com 45 dias de idade foram divididos em três grupos de seis animais e submetidos a enucleação transpalpebral. Os animais do grupo I receberam na cavidade orbitaria acrílico auto-polimerizável, os do grupo II pericárdio eqüino conservado em glicerina e os do grupo III foram mantidos como controle. Para avaliação macroscópica e histopatológica das cavidades orbitarias, três animais de cada grupo foram sacrificados com 30 e 60 dias após a implantação. Apesar da resina ter sido aplicada na fase pastosa, na qual a alta temperatura que ocorre durante a polimerizaçâo pode ser lesiva aos tecidos, foi o produto que apresentou os melhores resultados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Kinetic studies of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the surface of Pt in alkaline conditions, reported in this paper, show that electrocatalytic activity is enhanced after adsorption of S-2 ions. EIS and steady-state polarization curve data pointed to an undoubted improvement in performance with the Pt-S cathode that was attributed to higher adsorbed hydrogen coverage. Experimental findings suggested an increase in the electronic density of the modified surface sites that may strengthen the interaction between H2O and the adsorption site and, consequently, accelerates the Volmer step. (c) 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Isoniazid was encapsulated into microspheres of alginate-chitosan by means of a complex coacervation method in an emulsion system. Since the encapsulation of isoniazid tends to be limited by its hydrophilic characteristics, this study proposes its microencapsulation by adsorption. The particles were prepared in three steps: (1) preparation of a W/O emulsion; (2) phase separation; and (3) adsorption of the drug. The isolated particles were placed in a solution of the drug under stirring to allow adsorption. The morphology and particle size were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The isoniazid content was determined by extraction in 1 m phosphate buffer pH 7.5 under stirring for 4 h. Finally, the samples were filtered and analysed in an UV/VIS spectrophotometer at 260 nm. In vitro release tests were carried out in 0.05 m phosphate buffer pH 7.5. The results showed that microspheres of alginate-chitosan obtained were of spherical shape. The emulsion used for microparticle formation allows the preparation of particles with a narrow size distribution. The adsorption observed is probably of chemical nature, i.e. there is an ionic interaction between the drug and the surface of the particles.
Wet silica gels with similar to 1.4 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 90 vol.% liquid phase were prepared from the sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with different additions of dimethylformamide (DMF). Aerogels were obtained by CO2 supercritical extraction. The samples were studied mainly by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. Wet gels exhibit a mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D increasing from 2.23 to 2.35 and characteristic length xi decreasing from similar to 9.4 nm to similar to 5.1 nm, as the DMF/TEOS molar ratio is increased from 0 to 4. The supercritical process apparently eliminates some porosity, shortening the fractality domain in the mesopore region and developing an apparent surface/mass fractal (with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.6 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3) in the micropore region. The fundamental role of the DMF addition on the structure of the aerogels is to diminish the porosity and the pore mean size, without, however, modify substantially the specific surface area and the average size of the silica particle of the solid network. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The tin dioxide is an n-type semiconductor, which exhibits varistor behavior with high capacity of absorption of energy, whose function is to restrict transitory over-voltages without being destroyed, when it is doped with some oxides. Varistors are used in alternated current fields as well as in continuous current, and it can be applied in great interval of voltages or in great interval of currents. The electric properties of the varistor depend on the defects that happen at the grain boundaries and the adsorption of oxygen. The (98.90-x)%SnO2.0.25%CoO+0.75%MnO2+0.05%Ta2O5+0.05%Tr2O3 systems, in which Tr=La or Nd. Current-voltage measurements were accomplished for determination of the non-linear coefficient were studied. SEM microstructure analysis was made to evaluate the microstructural characteristics of the systems. The results showed that the rare-earth oxides have influenced the electrical behavior presented by the system. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
About similar to 2.1 x 10(-3) Mol SiO2 cm(-3) and similar to 88%-volume liquid-phase silica wet gels were prepared from oxalic-acid-catalyzed tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) sonohydrolysis. Aerogels were obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction. The samples were analyzed by thermogravimetry, small-angle X-ray scattering and nitrogen adsorption. Wet gels can be described as mass fractal structures with fractal dimension D similar to 1.94 and structural characteristic length zeta changing between similar to 3.3 to similar to 3.0 nm in the studied range of the catalyst concentration. A fraction of the porosity is apparently eliminated in the supercritical process. The values of the BET specific surface S-BET, the total pore volume V-p and the mean pore size l(p) of the aerogels were found to change almost randomly around the mean values S-BET = 874 m(2) g(-1), V-p = 0.961 cm(3) g(-1) and l(p) = 4.4 nm with catalyst concentration variation. These values were not substantially different from those from an equivalent HCl-catalyzed aerogel. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Wet silica gels with similar to 1.4 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 92 vol% liquid phase were obtained from sonohydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with different additions of isopropyl alcohol ( IPA). The IPA/TEOS molar ratio R was changed from 0 to 4. Aerogels were obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction. The samples were analyzed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. The wet gels exhibit mass fractal structure with fractal dimension increasing from D similar to 2.10 to D similar to 2.22, characteristic length xi decreasing from similar to 9.5 to similar to 6.9 nm, as R increases from 0 to 4, and an estimated characteristic length for the primary silica particles lower than similar to 0.3 nm. The supercritical process apparently eliminates a fraction of the porosity, increasing the mass fractal dimension and shortening the fractality domain in the mesopore region. The fundamental role of isopropyl alcohol on the structure of the resulting aerogels is to decrease the porosity and the pore mean size as R changes from pure TEOS to R = 4. A secondary structure appearing in the micropore region of the aerogels can be described as a mass/surface fractal structure, with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.7 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3, as inferred from SAXS and nitrogen adsorption data.
The crytallite and pore-size evolution during isothermal sintering (400 ≤ T ≤ 700°C) of SnO2 xerogels was studied by X-ray line broadening and nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms. The experimental results show a strong anisotropy of crystallite growth between [110] and [101] directions. The preferential growth at [101] is followed by an increase in the mean pore size, reduction of the specific surface area and invariance of total pore volume. This behaviour is typical of grain coalescence sintering. The kinetic analysis of experimental results suggests that the crystallite coalescence at [101] is governed by lattice diffusion. The strong anisotropy of the growth causes pore-size distribution broadening, hindering the macroscopic shrinkage of the compact during sintering. © 1996 Chapman & Hall.
Structural changes induced by ultrasound during the aging of the aluminum monohydroxide (boehmite) were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and nitrogen adsorption. The BET surface area and the pore volume of the ultrasound stimulated hydroxide (HU) are about 40% less than those of the non-stimulated one (HS). The mean pore size practically does not change, while the mean crystallite size (L) is about 25% greater in the HU system. The increase of L alone is not enough to account for the surface area diminution, suggesting that the sonication also induces compaction by elimination of some porosity. The sonication of the precursor hydroxide does not seem to play an apparent role in the structural properties of the resulting calcinated γ-alumina. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Covalently attached benzimidazole molecules on silica gel surface, ≡SiL (where L = N-propyl-benzimidazole), adsorbs Co(ClO4)2 from non-aqueous solvent by forming a surface complex according to the reaction: m ≡SiL + Co(ClO4)2 → (≡SiL)mCo(ClO4)2. The equilibrium constant and the adsorption capacity, determined by applying the Langmuir equation were b = 3.0 × 103 L mol-1 and Ns= 0.098 × 10-3 mol g-1, respectively. The metal is bonded through the nitrogen atom and the perchlorate ion is not coordinated. The ESR study indicated that the complex has essentially an octahedral geometry with tetragonal distortion, with the electrons of the four nitrogen atoms interacting with the cobalt central metal ion in the equatorial plane. Only one complex species was detected on the surface.
Dendrobium nobile orchids were grown for three years in different substrates (tree fern fiber, blocks of pressed coconut bark, bark of Eucalyptus grandis, mixtures with coconut bark blocks and eucalyptus bark and mixtures with the latter materials and charcoal. Plant growth increased with higher concentrations of S (up to 1.6 g/kg), Cu (up to 46 mg/kg) and Zn (up to 147 mg/kg), and decreased with higher concentrations of Ca (up to 13.2 g/kg), Mg (up to 6.6 g/kg) and B (up to 19 mg/kg). High Mo (up to 5.3 mg/kg) caused a more intense loss of leaves after planting. Relations between nutrient concentrations also affected plant growth. With exception of eucalyptus bark, all growing media under study were suitable for plant growth.