999 resultados para general paediatrics
El projecte realitza una visió general de les xarxes socials que existeixen actualment a Internet i analitza detalladament les característiques de set xarxes molt importants (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, V Kontakte, MySpace, Tuenti, Flickr) amb l'únic objectiu de facilitar a l'usuari habitual la millor selecció pels seus interessos.
Equality Impact Assessments
Equality Impact Assessments
In 1998, a new law came into force in Northern Ireland – the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Section 75 of the Act places a legal obligation on each public authority to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity: • between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; • between men and women generally; • between persons with a disability and persons without; and • between persons with dependants and persons without. åÊ
This revised report on immunisation guidelines for Ireland has been prepared with the assistance of an active committee from associated disciplines in Paediatrics, Infectious Diseases, General Practice and Public Health. The report itself is designed to be simple and concise and of course does not claim to contain all information on any pharmacological material. It does, however, give the current information and guidelines concerning immunisation. Vaccines are continually evolving and guidelines will obviously change given the nature of these developments. This is a tribute to the pharmaceutical industry who invest so much money in research and development in this particular field. Download document here
Monaghan General Hospital – Proposals for further and future development The Independent Review Panel recommended a review of the existing protocol for emergency obstetric cases presenting at Hospitals such as Monaghan which have no on-site obstetric expertise, and the implementation of a revised protocol. They also recommended that each maternity incident should be reviewed by a multidisciplinary team from the Cavan Monaghan Group. Click here to download PDF 49kb Appendix PDF 2.5mb
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Aquest estudi es va dissenyar amb l’objectiu de comparar les característiques dels malalts amb càncer respecte als malalts sense càncer, amb listeriosis invasiva. No es van detectar diferencies en les característiques basals dels malalts. La forma de presentació més freqüent en els malalts oncològics va ser la bacterièmia, i en els malalts no oncològics, la infecció del sistema nerviós central. El grup de malalts amb càncer va tenir un mortalitat superior. Cap de les diferencies va ser estadísticament significativa, probablement pel baix nombre de malalts, però les dades coincideixen amb la literatura.
To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the management, administrative and support structures for the General Practitioner out-of-hours pilot projects in the North Eastern and South Eastern Health Boards having regard to value for money and service enhancement considerations Download the Report here
We studied profile of patients (n=1782) treated in specialized centers and general practice (GP) enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programs during 2001 in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. We found that GPs treated the majority of patients (76%). Specialized centers treated a higher proportion of patients with uncontrolled intravenous use of cocaine and heroin, and prescribed neuroleptics as concomitant medication three times more frequently than GPs. Patients treated in specialized centers were more likely to undergo screening for HIV, HBV, HCV, and receive complete HBV immunization. In conclusion, specialized centers are more likely to treat severely addicted patients and patients with a poor global assessment (physical, psychiatric, and social).
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This study compares the clientele of a Swiss anonymous test centre with the general population tested. Information was obtained through similar questionnaires submitted to two samples of HIV-tested people aged from 17 to 45 years: the first administered in the context of a general population telephone survey (n = 245) and the second completed during face-to-face interviews of the clientele of an anonymous test centre (n = 250). The test centre sample has higher proportions of younger and single people. Attenders for anonymous testing were more likely to have acquired a new regular partner during the year preceding the interview (48.0% versus 14.4%). These differences remain when controlling for age and gender. Decision to test comes mostly from the respondent's own initiative, but suggestion from a doctor is more frequent in the general population (23.8% versus 0.8%), whereas suggestion from partner or friends is more frequent in the anonymous centre (44.4% versus 3.0%). The anonymous test centre clientele is not different from the general population tested except for the relational situation and origin of decision for testing. The test centre has become a place where the general population finds a response to a situation-specific need for HIV testing.
Estudi d’una cohort de persones majors de 64 anys ateses en 5 Àrees Bàsiques de Salut del Vallès Occidental, a les que es van determinar els nivells de vitamina D desprès de l’estiu, per analitzar la possible existència d’una variació estacional en el seu estat vitamínic, i els factors associats. Es van comparar els resultats amb les dades obtingudes en un estudi previ realitzat desprès de l’hivern. Es manté una elevada prevalença d’hipovitaminosi D en aquesta població desprès de l’estiu. Els factors associats amb la deficiència vitamínica van ser els nivells basals previs de 25(OH)D3 i la menor exposició solar.