950 resultados para feeds


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Some aspects of the aquaculture potentials and investment opportunity in shrimps and prawn farming in Nigeria were overviewed. This paper presents the breeding pattern, spawner availability, culture water-type and properties, feeds and feeding regimes and other factors needed in practical shrimps and prawns culture. The culture systems, water management, larval management, stocking density, feeding strategies and diseases were fully discussed. The investment opportunity available as government plans to boost production of these resources from both artisanal and aquaculture sector was documented. Management strategies needed in practical practices of shrimps and prawns culture were enlisted. Effected efforts from the government were listed in this paper


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Clarias (Clarias gariepinus) (Burshell, 1821) fingerlings were fed isonitrogenous diets (38.9% crude protein) with fermented fluted pumpkin leaves (FFPL) replacing different proportion (0,50,75,100%) of extruded soybean meal (ESM) for 8 weeks. Growth responses at the different substitution levels measured. Increasing FFPL intake resulted in better weight gains and higher specific growth rates (SGR) of 0.29, 0.36 and 0.38% per day respectively. The increase in growth from feeding diets containing 75% and 100% of the ESM replaced with FFPL were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of other diets. Further more fish tissue protein deposition consistently increased with increasing level of FFPL concentration in their diets. Fish fed diets where whole ESM was replace 100% FFPL gave the best overall response in terms of their weight gain, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, and specific growth rate. Economic considerations indicate the replacement of ESM with FFPL, which is a cheaper ingredient in feeds for Clarias


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Two Isocaloric Isoproteic 30% crude protein diets were formulated for Clariid catfish and Tilapia with wheat grain starch (WGS) and cassava tuber starch (CTS) incorporated at 10 percent as binding agents. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was included at 2% as floating additive. The water stability, nutrient retention and flotation of pelleted feeds were observed for 60 minutes. There were generally decreasing trends in stability and retention at increasing time of immersion in water. The lipid retention was higher (P>0.05) than proteins in both diets. WGS diet was better (P>0.05) than CTS diet in flotation, which has attributed to the presence of gluten protein in wheat products. It is envisaged that a break through in floating feed development in Nigeria aquaculture would save the Nigeria economy from extruded (floating) feed importation


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Among plant protein ingredients,ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leafmeal (ILLM) is considered the most nutritive plant protein source after soybean meal in aquatic feeds. That was proven in a 21-day experiment conducted to assess the response of juvenile Monosex Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus with four iso-nitrogenous formulated diets: One control diet was formulated based on fishmeal, one on soybean meal and one on rice bran, ipil ipil leafmeal was also included in experimental diets.


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Observations and laboratory experiments are summarised that examine the widely discussed issue of what Gammarus pulex feeds on. On the basis of the observations of the authors and data from the literature it can be noted that G. pulex belongs to the omnivorous organisms, but, depending on the conditions of subsistence, in its rations either plant or animal food can predominate.


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The endangered Florida snail kite (Rostrhamlls sociaiJilis) feeds exclusively on applesnails (Pomacea pailiclosa), yet we lack direct observations that link applesnail behavior to snail kite foraging success. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the temperature-activity profile of applesnails in the context of restricted foraging opportunities for snail kites. Applesnail activity was monitored in water temperatures ranging from 2-24


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O boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis Van Benédén, 1864) é um pequeno cetáceo da família Delphinidae. Ocorre em águas costeiras da América do Sul e Central, associado à ambientes estuarinos, às baías e áreas protegidas. Estudos sobre hábitos alimentares são importantes para avaliar os padrões de relação entre presa e predador. Desta forma, o conhecimento da composição da dieta do predador pode fornecer informações a respeito de sua distribuição, padrões de migração e de seu comportamento, além de contribuir com informações sobre a biologia e comportamento de suas presas. Neste trabalho, são abordados aspectos da ecologia alimentar do boto-cinza da Baía de Sepetiba, com o objetivo de caracterizar a dieta e compará-la em relação ao sexo, classe etária e estações do ano, a partir da análise do conteúdo estomacal de 76 botos-cinza encalhados entre 2005 e 2011. Os itens alimentares recuperados dos estômagos como otólitos e ossos de peixes, bicos de cefalópodes, carapaças de crustáceos, foram identificados baseando-se em trabalhos de identificação e em uma coleção de referência. O comprimento e biomassa das presas foram estimados com o uso de equações de regressão encontradas na literatura para estas espécies. As amostras foram separadas em machos adultos, fêmeas adultas e juvenis, e em estações quente/chuvosa (out-abr) e fria/seca (mai-set), em que os estômagos foram recuperados. Um total de 1800 presas foi identificado, relativo a 23 espécies de teleósteo, quatro espécies de cefalópode e três de crustáceo. O boto-cinza da Baía de Sepetiba apresentou uma dieta tipicamente piscívora, com um hábito alimentar no qual, poucas espécies foram consumidas em alta frequencia. Todas as presas identificadas têm distribuição costeira sendo a maioria estuarina de pequeno porte ou juvenil. As presas mais importantes na dieta do boto-cinza, segundo o índice de importância relativa (IIR), foram Cetengraulis edentulus; Micropogonias furnieri; Mugil spp.; Chloroscombrus chrysurus; Cynoscion jamaicensis; Stellifer sp.; e Sciadeichthys luniscutis. Dentre os cefalópodes, a lula Doryteuthis plei foi à presa mais importante. Este estudo indica que o boto-cinza apresenta variações intra-específicas no seu hábito alimentar entre fêmeas adultas, machos adultos e juvenis, além de variações sazonais na composição de sua dieta. A partir do conhecimento do comportamento e hábito de suas presas, pode-se concluir que, Sotalia guianensis da Baía de Sepetiba se alimenta ao longo de toda a Baía, além de utilizar áreas costeiras próximas para atividades de alimentação e forrageio.


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The individuals studied came from commercial catches on the coastal area off Mar del Plata. The monthly distribution of sizes shows that the juvenile stay in coastal waters, while the adult individuals leave those waters during winter season to return there in the spring during the season of sexual maturation and spawning, when the water reaches temperature of 10-11°C. The jack mackerel is a relatively small fish, compared with other species of its genus, and has a total length of scarcely 25 cm. The comparison of indexes and mesurements does not reveal any marked difference between sexes, except for the total length, which is greater in the females. Sexually nature individuals at a lenth of 13 cm have been found. Spawning takes place in coastal waters. A great part of the population spawns from December to January. There are oscillations ranging from November to March. On this latter month mature individuals of smaller size have veen found. The jack mackerel feeds usually on copepods and other planktonic organims, but it can feed also on juveniles of other fishes. This fish is caught throghout the whole year. The catches show their greater peak during winter; one other non-constant peak occurs during the spring (October-November) and declines shoraply during the summer months. It follows from this that the time of greates catch does not coincide with spawning season, or with the appearence of the greatest mean sizes. This happens because the interests of the fishermen are attracted during those months by others species of greater commercial value.


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The notion of information processing has dominated the study of the mind for over six decades. However, before the advent of cognitivism, one of the most prominent theoretical ideas was that of Habit. This is a concept with a rich and complex history, which is again starting to awaken interest, following recent embodied, enactive critiques of computationalist frameworks. We offer here a very brief history of the concept of habit in the form of a genealogical network-map. This serves to provide an overview of the richness of this notion and as a guide for further re-appraisal. We identify 77 thinkers and their influences, and group them into seven schools of thought. Two major trends can be distinguished. One is the associationist trend, starting with the work of Locke and Hume, developed by Hartley, Bain, and Mill to be later absorbed into behaviorism through pioneering animal psychologists (Morgan and Thorndike). This tradition conceived of habits atomistically and as automatisms (a conception later debunked by cognitivism). Another historical trend we have called organicism inherits the legacy of Aristotle and develops along German idealism, French spiritualism, pragmatism, and phenomenology. It feeds into the work of continental psychologists in the early 20th century, influencing important figures such as Merleau-Ponty, Piaget, and Gibson. But it has not yet been taken up by mainstream cognitive neuroscience and psychology. Habits, in this tradition, are seen as ecological, self-organizing structures that relate to a web of predispositions and plastic dependencies both in the agent and in the environment. In addition, they are not conceptualized in opposition to rational, volitional processes, but as transversing a continuum from reflective to embodied intentionality. These are properties that make habit a particularly attractive idea for embodied, enactive perspectives, which can now re-evaluate it in light of dynamical systems theory and complexity research.


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The aim of this research study has been to design a gain scheduling (GS) digital controller in order to control the voltage of an islanded microgrid in the presence of fast varying loads (FVLs), and to compare it to a robust controller. The inverter which feeds the microgrid is connected to it through an inductance-capacitor-inductance (LCL) filter. The oscillatory and nonlinear behaviour of the plant is analyzed in the whole operating zone. Afterwards, the design of the controllers which contain two loops in cascade are described. The first loop concerns the current control, while the second is linked to the voltage regulation. Two controllers, one defined as Robust and another one as GS controller, are designed for the two loops, emphasizing in their robustness and their ability to damp the oscillatory plant behaviour. To finish, some simulations are carried out to study and compare the two kinds of controllers in different operating points. The results show that both controllers damp the oscillatory behaviour of the plant in closed loop (CL), and that the GS controller ensures a better rejection of current disturbances from FVLs.


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Elops lacerta is a juvenil's predator of all the fish species living in the same biotope. its preys follow three systematic orders: 1 - Fishes: they are the most important in the stomachal contents of Elops lacerta, and are dominated by clupeidae, mainly by Ethmalosa fimbriata; 2 - Shrimps: mainly the Peneidae, are not very important; 3 - Molluscs: they are the less important preys and are represented by only one Pelecypoda family: the Corbulidae. This earlier predator feeds rather at night than during the day. It has neither preferential prey nor apparent seasonal variations in its food habits.


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To find out if pawpaw (Carica papaya) seeds can induce sterility in male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and to determine if sterility so induced is reversible or otherwise, mature male tilapia of mean weight 40 g were treated for 30 days with a low dose (4.9 g/kg/day) and a high dose (9.8 g/kg/day) of ground pawpaw seeds incorporated into their feed. Fish of similar sizes in the control experiment were fed with feed that did not contain pawpaw seed. The pawpaw seeds induced permanent sterility in the fish that received the high dose, while sterility in the low dose treatment was reversible. Fish in the control experiment spawned two weeks into the experiment and again in the fifth week. Fish in the low dose treatment spawned three weeks after the treatment had been discontinued. Histological sections of the testes showed that pawpaw seeds produced swollen nuclei in the low dose treatment and disintegrated cells in the high dose treatment. The study showed that pawpaw seeds, which are easy to obtain, can be incorporated into fish feeds and used by farmers to control prolific breeding of Nile tilapia.


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Women in India are involved in various facets of shrimp (Penaeus monodon; Penaeus indicus) farming, including pond construction, seed collection, collection of feed materials and preparation of feeds, pond maintenance and post-harvest handling. This study indicates that 40% of laborers involved in shrimp farm construction are women. The various roles of women in shrimp farming are also described.


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Zooplankton are an important food source for many species of fish. They can provide an inexpensive alternative to other commercial feeds. Zooplankton have several advantages, among them a faster growth and greater feed efficiency for some species. The flavor and texture of fish are also improved with zooplankton as feed. Further research is needed on the chemical composition of zooplankton, the development of zooplankton-based dry diets and the effects of the replacement of fish meal with zooplankton meal for commercial aquaculture species.