964 resultados para experimental work


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A utilização de tecnologias de prototipagem em objetos e estruturas do dia-a-dia é cada vez maior. Porém, os componentes que é possível fabricar estão em geral associados a protótipos demonstrativos não funcionais. Para ultrapassar estas limitações têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos novos materiais, procurando a melhoria das suas características mecânicas. A presente dissertação insere-se no projeto Firend®, que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e outras instituições como o Instituto Superior Técnico e procura avaliar a viabilidade da utilização da técnica de deposição de resina fotopolimerizável por ultra-violeta no fabrico de projéteis para o transporte especial de agentes extintores, procurando caracterizar o desempenho deste material em condições operativas simulativas do disparo real. A pesquisa bibliográfica da presente dissertação baseou-se numa breve introdução aos materiais poliméricos. O trabalho teórico consistiu na modelação numérica através do método dos elementos finitos do ensaio de compressão utilizando o programa Deform® e na respetiva validação do modelo através de comparação dos resultados das simulações com dados experimentais existentes na literatura da especialidade. O trabalho experimental fundamentou-se no fabrico e preparação de provetes através da tecnologia de impressão 3D, na descrição das ferramentas utilizadas e do plano experimental. No final verificou-se a fratura de todos os provetes ensaiados e uma grande dispersão dos resultados, conseguindo-se apenas retirar uma tensão de segurança que não deve ser ultrapassada. De acordo com o estudo realizado o material ensaiado demonstrou-se não ser apropriado para a aplicação pretendida e recomenda-se a avaliação de outros materiais igualmente utilizados pelas técnicas de prototipagem rápida, tais como uma mistura de uma resina polimérica com um outro material com características mecânicas mais adequadas.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The research was aimed at developing a technology to combine the production of useful microfungi with the treatment of wastewater from food processing. A recycle bioreactor equipped with a micro-screen was developed as a wastewater treatment system on a laboratory scale to contain a Rhizopus culture and maintain its dominance under non-aseptic conditions. Competitive growth of bacteria was observed, but this was minimised by manipulation of the solids retention time and the hydraulic retention time. Removal of about 90% of the waste organic material (as BOD) from the wastewater was achieved simultaneously. Since essentially all fungi are retained behind the 100 mum aperture screen, the solids retention time could be controlled by the rate of harvesting. The hydraulic retention time was employed to control the bacterial growth as the bacteria were washed through the screen at a short HRT. A steady state model was developed to determine these two parameters. This model predicts the effluent quality. Experimental work is still needed to determine the growth characteristics of the selected fungal species under optimum conditions (pH and temperature).


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The planctomycetes are a phylum of bacteria that have a unique cell compartmentalisation and yeast-like budding cell division and peptidoglycan-less proteinaceous cell walls. We wished to further our understanding of these unique organisms at the molecular level by searching for conserved amino acid sequence motifs and domains in the proteins encoded by Rhodopirellula baltica. Using BLAST and single-linkage clustering, we have discovered several new protein domains and sequence motifs in this planctomycete. R. baltica has multiple members of the newly discovered GEFGR protein family and the ASPIC C-terminal domain family, whilst most other organisms for which whole genome sequence is available have no more than one. Many of the domains and motifs appear to be restricted to the planctomycetes. It is possible that these protein domains and motifs may have been lost or replaced in other phyla, or they may have undergone multiple duplication events in the planctomycete lineage. One of the novel motifs probably represents a novel N-terminal export signal peptide. With their unique cell biology, it may be that the planctomycete cell compartmentalisation plan in particular needs special membrane transport mechanisms. The discovery of these new domains and motifs, many of which are associated with secretion and cell-surface functions, will help to stimulate experimental work and thus enhance further understanding of this fascinating group of organisms. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To ensure signalling fidelity, kinases must act only on a defined subset of cellular targets. Appreciating the basis for this substrate specificity is essential for understanding the role of an individual protein kinase in a particular cellular process. The specificity in the cell is determined by a combination of peptide specificity of the kinase (the molecular recognition of the sequence surrounding the phosphorylation site), substrate recruitment and phosphatase activity. Peptide specificity plays a crucial role and depends on the complementarity between the kinase and the substrate and therefore on their three-dimensional structures. Methods for experimental identification of kinase substrates and characterization of specificity are expensive and laborious, therefore, computational approaches are being developed to reduce the amount of experimental work required in substrate identification. We discuss the structural basis of substrate specificity of protein kinases and review the experimental and computational methods used to obtain specificity information. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental program has been undertaken to explore the effect of iron concentration on porosity levels in Al-Si alloy sand castings. The effect of iron concentrations above, below and equal to the critical iron content for alloys with either 5 or 9% Si and either 0, 1 or 3% Cu has been determined. Increasing iron concentrations were found to increase porosity in all alloys except the copper-containing Al-5% Si alloys which displayed a porosity minimum at the critical iron content. Porosity was observed to be higher in the Al-9% Si castings than the Al-5% Si castings. Differences in the primary phase volume fraction and morphology may explain this observation. The results of this experimental work do not support the existing published theories that have been proposed to explain the effect the iron on porosity. An alternative theory is therefore developed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Water recovery is one of the key parameters in flotation modelling for the purposes of plant design and process control, as it determines the circulating flow and residence time in the individual process units in the plant and has a significant effect on entrainment and froth recovery. This paper reviews some of the water recovery models available in the literature, including both empirical and fundamental models. The selected models are tested using the data obtained from the experimental work conducted in an Outokumpu 3 m(3) tank cell at the Xstrata Mt Isa copper concentrator. It is found that all the models fit the experimental data reasonably well for a given flotation system. However, the empirical models are either unable to distinguish the effect of different cell operating conditions or required to determine the empirical model parameters to be derived in an existing flotation system. The model developed by [Neethling, SJ., Lee, H.T., Cilliers, J.J., 2003, Simple relationships for predicting the recovery of liquid from flowing foams and froths. Minerals Engineering 16, 1123-1130] is based on fundamental understanding of the froth structure and transfer of the water in the froth. It describes the water recovery as a function of the cell operating conditions and the froth properties which can all be determined on-line. Hence, the fundamental model can be used for process control purposes in practice. By incorporating additional models to relate the air recovery and surface bubble size directly to the cell operating conditions, the fundamental model can also be used for prediction purposes. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Simplicity in design and minimal floor space requirements render the hydrocyclone the preferred classifier in mineral processing plants. Empirical models have been developed for design and process optimisation but due to the complexity of the flow behaviour in the hydrocyclone these do not provide information on the internal separation mechanisms. To study the interaction of design variables, the flow behaviour needs to be considered, especially when modelling the new three-product cyclone. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to model the three-product cyclone, in particular the influence of the dual vortex finder arrangement on flow behaviour. From experimental work performed on the UG2 platinum ore, significant differences in the classification performance of the three-product cyclone were noticed with variations in the inner vortex finder length. Because of this simulations were performed for a range of inner vortex finder lengths. Simulations were also conducted on a conventional hydrocyclone of the same size to enable a direct comparison of the flow behaviour between the two cyclone designs. Significantly, high velocities were observed for the three-product cyclone with an inner vortex finder extended deep into the conical section of the cyclone. CFD studies revealed that in the three-product cyclone, a cylindrical shaped air-core is observed similar to conventional hydrocyclones. A constant diameter air-core was observed throughout the inner vortex finder length, while no air-core was present in the annulus. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This thesis presents results of transmission experiments using optical solitons in a dispersion managed optical fibre recirculating loop. The basic concepts of pulse propagation in optical fibre are introduced before optical solitons and their use in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The role of dispersion management in such systems is then considered. The design, operation and limitations of the recirculating loop and soliton sources which were used and the experimental techniques are described before the experimental work is presented. The experimental work covers a number of areas all of which used dispersion management of the transmission line. A novel ultra-long distance propagation scheme which achieved low timing jitter by suppression of the amplifier noise and by working close to the zero dispersion wavelength has been discovered. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as wavelength filters to suppress noise and reduce timing jitter has been investigated. The performance of the fibre grating cornpared favourably with that of a bulk device and was in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The upgrade of existing standard fibre systems to higher bit rates is currently an important issue. The possibility of using solitons with dispersion compensation to allow an increase in data rate of existing standard fibre systems to 10Gbit/s over 5000km has been demonstrated. The applicability of this technique to longer distances, higher bit rates or longer amplifier spans is also investigated by optimisation of the dispersion management scheme. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as the dispersion compensating elements in such standard fibre transmission experiments has been examined and the main problem that these devices currently have, high polarisation mode dispersion, is discussed. The likely future direction of optical communications and what part solitons and dispersion management will play in this development is discussed in the thesis conclusions


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This thesis presents details on the fabrication of microwave transversal filters using fibre Bragg grating arrays and the building of fibre Bragg grating based magnetic-field sensors. Some theoretical background about fibre Bragg gratings, photosensitivity, fibre Bragg grating sensors and filters are presented. Fibre Bragg grating sensors in other industrial applications are highlighted. Some sensing principles are also introduced. Experimental work is carried out to demonstrate a magnetic-field sensor using an established fibre Bragg grating strain sensor. System performance and trade-off are discussed. The most important part of this thesis is on the fabrication of photonic transversal filter using fibre Bragg grating arrays. In order to improve the filter performance, a novel tap multiplexing structure is presented. Further improving approaches such as apodisation are also investigated. The basis of nonrecirculating filter, some structure and performance are introduced.


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This thesis presents several advanced optical techniques that are crucial for improving high capacity transmission systems. The basic theory of optical fibre communications are introduced before optical solitons and their usage in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The design, operation, limitations and importance of the recirculating loop are illustrated. The crucial role of dispersion management in the transmission systems is then considered. Two of the most popular dispersion compensation methods - dispersion compensating fibres and fibre Bragg gratings - are emphasised. A tunable dispersion compensator is fabricated using the linear chirped fibre Bragg gratings and a bending rig. Results show that it is capable of compensating not only the second order dispersion, but also higher order dispersion. Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) are studied and discussed. Different dispersion maps are performed for all Raman amplified standard fibre link to obtain maximum transmission distances. Raman amplification is used in most of our loop experiments since it improves the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and significantly reduces the nonlinear intrachannel effects of the transmission systems. The main body of the experimental work is concerned with nonlinear optical switching using the nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs). A number of different types of optical loop mirrors are built, tested and implemented in the transmission systems for noise suppression and 2R regeneration. Their results show that for 2R regeneration, NOLM does improve system performance, while NILM degrades system performance due to its sensitivity to the input pulse width, and the NALM built is unstable and therefore affects system performance.


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The development of sensing devices is one of the instrumentation fields that has grown rapidly in the last decade. Corresponding to the swift advance in the development of microelectronic sensors, optical fibre sensors are widely investigated because of their advantageous properties over the electronics sensors such as their wavelength multiplexing capability and high sensitivity to temperature, pressure, strain, vibration and acoustic emission. Moreover, optical fibre sensors are more attractive than the electronics sensors as they can perform distributed sensing, in terms of covering a reasonably large area using a single piece of fibre. Apart from being a responsive element in the sensing field, optical fibre possesses good assets in generating, distributing, processing and transmitting signals in the future broadband information network. These assets include wide bandwidth, high capacity and low loss that grant mobility and flexibility for wireless access systems. Among these core technologies, the fibre optic signal processing and transmission of optical and radio frequency signals have been the subjects of study in this thesis. Based on the intrinsic properties of single-mode optical fibre, this thesis aims to exploit the fibre characteristics such as thermal sensitivity, birefringence, dispersion and nonlinearity, in the applications of temperature sensing and radio-over-fibre systems. By exploiting the fibre thermal sensitivity, a fully distributed temperature sensing system consisting of an apodised chirped fibre Bragg grating has been implemented. The proposed system has proven to be efficient in characterising grating and providing the information of temperature variation, location and width of the heat source applied in the area under test.To exploit the fibre birefringence, a fibre delay line filter using a single high-birefringence optical fibre structure has been presented. The proposed filter can be reconfigured and programmed by adjusting the input azimuth of launched light, as well as the strength and direction of the applied coupling, to meet the requirements of signal processing for different purposes in microwave photonic and optical filtering applications. To exploit the fibre dispersion and nonlinearity, experimental investigations have been carried out to study their joint effect in high power double-sideband and single-sideband modulated links with the presence of fibre loss. The experimental results have been theoretically verified based on the in-house implementation of the split-step Fourier method applied to the generalised nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Further simulation study on the inter-modulation distortion in two-tone signal transmission has also been presented so as to show the effect of nonlinearity of one channel on the other. In addition to the experimental work, numerical simulations have also been carried out in all the proposed systems, to ensure that all the aspects concerned are comprehensively investigated.


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The wire drive pulse-echo system has been extensively used to excite and measure modes of vibration of thin rectangular plates. The frequency spectra of different modes have been investigated as a function of the material elastic moduli and the plate geometry. Most of the work was carried out on isotropic materials. For square plates a wide selection of materials were used. These were made isotropic in their in-plane dimensions where the displacements are taking place. The range of rnaterials enabled the dependence on Poisson's ratio to be investigated. A method of determining the value of Poisson's ratio resulted from this investigation. Certain modes are controlled principally by the shear modulus. Of these the fundamental has two nodal lines across the plate surface. One of them, which has nodes at the corners, (the Lame mode) is uniquely a pure shear mode where the diagonal is a full wave length. One controlled by the Young's modulus has been found. The precise harmonic relationship of the Lame mode series in square and rectangular plates was established. Use of the Rayleigh-Lamb equation has extended the theoretical support. The low order modes were followed over a wide range of sides ratios. Two fundamental types of modes have been recognised; These are the longitudinal modes where the frequency is controlled by the length of the plate only and the 2~f product has an asymptotic value approaching the rod velocity. The other type is the in-plane flexural modes (in effect a flexurally vibrating bar where the -2/w is the geometrical parameter). Where possible the experimental work was related to theory. Other modes controlled by the width dimension of the plate were followed. Anisotropic materials having rolled sheet elastic symmetry were investigated in terms of the appropriate theory. The work has been extended to examine materials from welds in steel plates.


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The purpose of the work described here has been to seek methods of narrowing the present gap between currently realised heat pump performance and the theoretical limit. The single most important pre-requisite to this objective is the identification and quantitative assessment of the various non-idealities and degradative phenomena responsible for the present shortfall. The use of availability analysis has been introduced as a diagnostic tool, and applied to a few very simple, highly idealised Rankine cycle optimisation problems. From this work, it has been demonstrated that the scope for improvement through optimisation is small in comparison with the extensive potential for improvement by reducing the compressor's losses. A fully instrumented heat pump was assembled and extensively tested. This furnished performance data, and led to an improved understanding of the systems behaviour. From a very simple analysis of the resulting compressor performance data, confirmation of the compressor's low efficiency was obtained. In addition, in order to obtain experimental data concerning specific details of the heat pump's operation, several novel experiments were performed. The experimental work was concluded with a set of tests which attempted to obtain definitive performance data for a small set of discrete operating conditions. These tests included an investigation of the effect of two compressor modifications. The resulting performance data was analysed by a sophisticated calculation which used that measurements to quantify each dagradative phenomenon occurring in that compressor, and so indicate where the greatest potential for improvement lies. Finally, in the light of everything that was learnt, specific technical suggestions have been made, to reduce the losses associated with both the refrigerant circuit and the compressor.


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Experimental investigations and computer modelling studies have been made on the refrigerant-water counterflow condenser section of a small air to water heat pump. The main object of the investigation was a comparative study between the computer modelling predictions and the experimental observations for a range of operating conditions but other characteristics of a counterflow heat exchanger are also discussed. The counterflow condenser consisted of 15 metres of a thermally coupled pair of copper pipes, one containing the R12 working fluid and the other water flowing in the opposite direction. This condenser was mounted horizontally and folded into 0.5 metre straight sections. Thermocouples were inserted in both pipes at one metre intervals and transducers for pressure and flow measurement were also included. Data acquisition, storage and analysis was carried out by a micro-computer suitably interfaced with the transducers and thermocouples. Many sets of readings were taken under a variety of conditions, with air temperature ranging from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius, water inlet from 13.5 to 21.7 degrees, R12 inlet temperature from 61.2 to 81.7 degrees and water mass flow rate from 6.7 to 32.9 grammes per second. A Fortran computer model of the condenser (originally prepared by Carrington[1]) has been modified to match the information available from experimental work. This program uses iterative segmental integration over the desuperheating, mixed phase and subcooled regions for the R12 working fluid, the water always being in the liquid phase. Methods of estimating the inlet and exit fluid conditions from the available experimental data have been developed for application to the model. Temperature profiles and other parameters have been predicted and compared with experimental values for the condenser for a range of evaporator conditions and have shown that the model gives a satisfactory prediction of the physical behaviour of a simple counterflow heat exchanger in both single phase and two phase regions.