1000 resultados para espace vectoriel préhomogène


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Traditionally the basal ganglia have been implicated in motor behavior, as they are involved in both the execution of automatic actions and the modification of ongoing actions in novel contexts. Corresponding to cognition, the role of the basal ganglia has not been defined as explicitly. Relative to linguistic processes, contemporary theories of subcortical participation in language have endorsed a role for the globus pallidus internus (GPi) in the control of lexical-semantic operations. However, attempts to empirically validate these postulates have been largely limited to neuropsychological investigations of verbal fluency abilities subsequent to pallidotomy. We evaluated the impact of bilateral posteroventral pallidotomy (BPVP) on language function across a range of general and high-level linguistic abilities, and validated/extended working theories of pallidal participation in language. Comprehensive linguistic profiles were compiled up to 1 month before and 3 months after BPVP in 6 subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD). Commensurate linguistic profiles were also gathered over a 3-month period for a nonsurgical control cohort of 16 subjects with PD and a group of 16 non-neurologically impaired controls (NC). Nonparametric between-groups comparisons were conducted and reliable change indices calculated, relative to baseline/3-month follow-up difference scores. Group-wise statistical comparisons between the three groups failed to reveal significant postoperative changes in language performance. Case-by-case data analysis relative to clinically consequential change indices revealed reliable alterations in performance across several language variables as a consequence of BPVP. These findings lend support to models of subcortical participation in language, which promote a role for the GPi in lexical-semantic manipulation mechanisms. Concomitant improvements and decrements in postoperative performance were interpreted within the context of additive and subtractive postlesional effects. Relative to parkinsonian cohorts, clinically reliable versus statistically significant changes on a case by case basis may provide the most accurate method of characterizing the way in which pathophysiologically divergent basal ganglia linguistic circuits respond to BPVP.


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Nerve and tendon gliding exercises are advocated in the conservative and postoperative management of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, traditionally advocated exercises elongate the nerve bedding substantially, which may induce a potentially deleterious strain in the median nerve with the risk of symptom exacerbation in some patients and reduced benefits from nerve gliding. This study aimed to evaluate various nerve gliding exercises, including novel techniques that aim to slide the nerve through the carpal tunnel while minimizing strain (sliding techniques). With these sliding techniques, it is assumed that an increase in nerve strain due to nerve bed elongation at one joint (e.g., wrist extension) is simultaneously counterbalanced by a decrease in nerve bed length at an adjacent joint (e.g., elbow flexion). Excursion and strain in the median nerve at the wrist were measured with a digital calliper and miniature strain gauge in six human cadavers during six mobilization techniques. The sliding technique resulted in an excursion of 12.4 mm, which was 30% larger than any other technique (p 0.0002). Strain also differed between techniques (p 0.00001), with minimal peak values for the sliding technique. Nerve gliding associated with wrist movements can be considerably increased and nerve strain substantially reduced by simultaneously moving neighboring joints. These novel nerve sliding techniques are biologically plausible exercises for CTS that deserve further clinical evaluation. © 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 25:972-980, 2007


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The aim of this research was to assess the prevalence and predictors of complementary and alternative therapy (CAT) use among cancer patients in Australia. A total of 1492 cancer patients attending nine major public cancer treatment centers in New South Wales, Australia, were asked to complete the Supportive Care Needs Survey. Of the 1354 consenting patients, 888 (65%) returned a completed survey. This article reports the secondary analyses of the survey data, specifically focusing on CAT use. For all cancers, 17.1% of patients were using at least one CAT. The two main demographic characteristics of CAT users were gender and age, where females were more likely to use CAT than males and that CAT use declined as age increased. Time since diagnosis was identified as the only significant clinical predictor of CAT use, where CAT use increased with time until 5 years since diagnosis. Our research shows that herbal treatments and naturopathy are the most popular CAT used by cancer patients (constituting over 30% of all CAT use recorded). The use of CAT among cancer patients is a significant issue in cancer care, especially considering the potential interactions between CAT and conventional medicines. Given that many cancer patients may not be aware of potential risks associated with these interactions it is important that oncologists and others involved in cancer patient care are informed about CAT and its use amongst their patients.


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Age-related changes in the adult language addressed to children aged 2;0-4;0 years in polyadic conditions were investigated in Australian childcare centres. The language that 21 staff members addressed to these children was coded for multiple variables in the broad social categories of prosody, context, speech act and gesture. The linguistic components were coded within the categories of phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax and referential deixis. Minimal age-related differences were found. Explanations for the similarity of the adult language input across the age groups within the early childhood educational environment, will be discussed


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In this paper, we describe the Vannotea system - an application designed to enable collaborating groups to discuss and annotate collections of high quality images, video, audio or 3D objects. The system has been designed specifically to capture and share scholarly discourse and annotations about multimedia research data by teams of trusted colleagues within a research or academic environment. As such, it provides: authenticated access to a web browser search interface for discovering and retrieving media objects; a media replay window that can incorporate a variety of embedded plug-ins to render different scientific media formats; an annotation authoring, editing, searching and browsing tool; and session logging and replay capabilities. Annotations are personal remarks, interpretations, questions or references that can be attached to whole files, segments or regions. Vannotea enables annotations to be attached either synchronously (using jabber message passing and audio/video conferencing) or asynchronously and stand-alone. The annotations are stored on an Annotea server, extended for multimedia content. Their access, retrieval and re-use is controlled via Shibboleth identity management and XACML access policies.


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Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase (ITPase) deficiency is a common inherited condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of inosine triphosphate (ITP) in erythrocytes. The genetic basis and pathological consequences of ITPase deficiency are unknown. We have characterized the genomic structure of the ITPA gene, showing that it has eight exons. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified, three silent (138GMA, 561GMA, 708GMA) and two associated with ITPase deficiency (94CMA, IVS2+21AMC). Homozygotes for the 94CMA missense mutation (Pro32 to Thr) had zero erythrocyte ITPase activity, whereas 94CMA heterozygotes averaged 22.5% of the control mean, a level of activity consistent with impaired subunit association of a dimeric enzyme. ITPase activity of IVS2+21AMC homozygotes averaged 60% of the control mean. In order to explore further the relationship between mutations and enzyme activity, we examined the association between genotype and ITPase activity in 100 healthy controls. Ten subjects were heterozygous for 94CMA (allele frequency: 0.06), 24 were heterozygotes for IVS2+21AMC (allele frequency: 0.13) and two were compound heterozygous for these mutations. The activities of IVS2+21AMC heterozygotes and 94CMA/IVS2+21AMC compound heterozygotes were 60% and 10%, respectively, of the normal control mean, suggesting that the intron mutation affects enzyme activity. In all cases when ITPase activity was below the normal range, one or both mutations were found. The ITPA genotype did not correspond to any identifiable red cell phenotype. A possible relationship between ITPase deficiency and increased drug toxicity of purine analogue drugs is proposed.


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Police cordon on Brisbane street during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Australia in January 1967.


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Demonstrations during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Australia in January 1967.


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Woman with placard during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967.


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One of the goals of the ARC funded Eresearch project called Sharing access and analytical tools for ethnographic digital media using high speed networks, or simply EthnoER is to take outputs of normal linguistic analytical processes and present them online in a system we have called the EthnoER online presentation and annotation system, or EOPAS.


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Girls with placard during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967. Placard reads Go home fascist


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Girl with placard Go home fascist during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967.


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Police and demonstrators during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967. One of the policemen possibly John O'Gorman?