959 resultados para editions


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Dans cette introduction, Valentine Robert propose de saisir les films mettant en scène l'acte de créer (et en particulier de peindre) dans une perspective historiographique et filmographique renouvelée. Postulant que filmer la création réactive une esthétique de « paragone », autrement dit une métadiscursivité plastique d'association et de réappropriation entre l'art représenté et l'art représentant, elle esquisse une histoire des genres et des théories du film sur l'art qui se cristallisent dans un corpus d'oeuvres à priori inclassables, telles que La Chute de la Maison Usher (Jean Epstein, 1928), The Rebel (Robert Day, 1960), L'Hypothèse du tableau volé (Raoul Ruiz, 1978), The Draughtsman's contract (Peter Greenaway, 1982), Portrait du peintre dans son atelier (Boris Lehman, 1985), Caravaggio (Derek Jarman, 1987), La Belle noiseuse (Jacques Rivette, 1991) ou El sol del membrillo (Victor Erice, 1992). Ces « fictions de création », sans appartenir traditionnellement à la catégorie documentaire des « films sur l'art », ont en effet ce point commun de révéler, par le jeu de la fiction, de la mise en abyme et de l'intermédialité, une véritable théorisation de la création.


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In 1927 M. R. James published Latin Infancy Gospels, identified by him in two related but not identical manuscripts (one the British Library Arundel 404; the other from Hereford), together with a parallel text from the Irish manuscript known as the Leabhar Breac. Later researches brought to light more manuscripts of this Latin work, and also of the Irish text. James recognized that his apocryphal Latin Infancy text was compiled from a combination of the Protevangelium of James and a hitherto unknown text which he named "The Source". Recent research has identified a full Latin translation of the Protevangelium of James. A hitherto unrecognized Irish Infancy Narrative has also been identified in the Dublin manuscript known as the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. A deep study of this related tradition was called for. This has been carried out over the past ten years by an Irish team in conjunction with Professor Daniel Kaestli and AELAC. The fruits of this labour are published in these two volumes. Volume 13 has a general introduction with a historical sketch of New Testament apocrypha in Ireland and a history of research on the subject. This is followed by a comparison of the Infancy Narratives in the Leabhar Breac and the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum. There are special introductions to these Infancy texts, followed by critical editions of the Irish texts, accompanied by English translations and rich annotation. Next there is similar treatment of the Irish versified Narrative (from ca. 700) of the Childhood Deeds of Jesus (commonly known as the Infancy Narrative (or Gospel) of Thomas. There is then (in volume 14, but with continuous pagination) the edition and translation of an Irish thirteenth-century poem with elements from Infancy Narratives, and both Latin and Irish texts on the wonders at Christ's birth, accompanied by translations and notes. The edition of the Irish material is followed by a critical edition of the full Arundel and Hereford forms of the Infancy Narrative (here referred to as the "J Compilation"), together with a detailed study of all the questions relating to this work. The volume concludes with a critical edition (by Rita Beyers) of the Latin text of the Protevangelium of James, accompanied by a detailed study of the work.. The work contains a detailed study of the Latin translations of the Protevangelium of James and the transmission of this work in the West. The "J Compilation" (a combination of the Protevangelium and texts of Pseudo-Matthew) can be traced back in manuscript transmission to ca. 800,and must have originated some time earlier. Behind it stands an earlier "I ("I" for Irish) Compilation" without influence from Pseudo-Matthew, the form found in the Irish witnesses. It is argued that M. R. James's "Source" may be of Judaeo-Christian origin and may really be the Gospel of the Nazoreans. Among the indexes there is a list of all the Irish words found in the texts. This edition of the Irish and related Latin texts is a major contribution to the study of the apocryphal Infancy Narratives. It should also be of particular interest to Celtic scholars, to students of Irish ecclesiastical learning, and in general to all medievalists.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) En Europe occidentale on hésite entre le fin des héros, saints et martyrs comme points d'ancrage et guide de collectivités (religieuses ou politiques), et les quêtes d'identité et d'identification. Scepticisme humaniste et individualisme dévaluent des héros nationaux au profit d'emballements médiatiques éphémères pour des vedettes du sport, de l'humanitaire (mère Teresa), des familles royales (la princesse Diana). Se raréfient des modèles stables, inspirant des conduites privées et sociales raisonnablement gérées, et une adhésion durable et fervente. L'ouvrage offre l'analyse de nouveaux contextes où s'effectuent la promotion et l'exaltation de la sainteté, de l'exemplarité ou du martyre, dans des sociétés extra-européennes (Maroc, Inde, Afghanistan) et apparemment laïcisées (France, Bulgarie).


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Somatic copy number aberrations (CNA) represent a mutation type encountered in the majority of cancer genomes. Here, we present the 2014 edition of arrayMap (http://www.arraymap.org), a publicly accessible collection of pre-processed oncogenomic array data sets and CNA profiles, representing a vast range of human malignancies. Since the initial release, we have enhanced this resource both in content and especially with regard to data mining support. The 2014 release of arrayMap contains more than 64,000 genomic array data sets, representing about 250 tumor diagnoses. Data sets included in arrayMap have been assembled from public repositories as well as additional resources, and integrated by applying custom processing pipelines. Online tools have been upgraded for a more flexible array data visualization, including options for processing user provided, non-public data sets. Data integration has been improved by mapping to multiple editions of the human reference genome, with the majority of the data now being available for the UCSC hg18 as well as GRCh37 versions. The large amount of tumor CNA data in arrayMap can be freely downloaded by users to promote data mining projects, and to explore special events such as chromothripsis-like genome patterns.


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