907 resultados para early years learning framework (EYLF)


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The draft Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints Assessments were in open and supported trial during Semester 2, 2010. The purpose of these trials was to evaluate the Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints Assessments (hereafter the Year 1 Checkpoints) that were designed in 2009 as a way to incorporate the use of the Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators as formative assessment in Year 1 in Queensland Schools. In these trials there were no mandated reporting requirements. The processes of assessment were related to future teaching decisions. As such the trials were trials of materials and the processes of using those materials to assess students, plan and teach in year 1 classrooms. In their current form the Year 1 Checkpoints provide assessment resources for teachers to use in February, June and October. They aim to support teachers in monitoring children's progress and making judgments about their achievement of the targeted P‐3 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators by the end of Year 1 (Queensland Studies Authority, 2010 p. 1). The Year 1 Checkpoints include support materials for teachers and administrators, an introductory statement on assessment, work samples, and a Data Analysis Assessment Record (DAAR) to record student performance. The Supported Trial participants were also supported with face‐to‐face and on‐line training sessions, involvement in a moderation process after the October Assessments, opportunities to participate in discussion forums as well as additional readings and materials. The assessment resources aim to use effective early years assessment practices in that the evidence is gathered from hands‐on teaching and learning experiences, rather than more formal assessment methods. They are based in a model of assessment for learning, and aim to support teachers in the “on‐going process of determining future learning directions” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2010 p. 1) for all students. Their aim is to focus teachers on interpreting and analysing evidence to make informed judgments about the achievement of all students, as a way to support subsequent planning for learning and teaching. The Evaluation of the Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints Assessments Supported Trial (hereafter the Evaluation) aimed to gather information about the appropriateness, effectiveness and utility of the Year 1 Checkpoints Assessments from early years’ teachers and leaders in up to one hundred Education Queensland schools who had volunteered to be part of the Supported Trial. These sample schools represent schools across a variety of Education Queensland regions and include schools with:  - A high Indigenous student population; - Urban, rural and remote school locations; - Single and multi‐age early phase classes; - A high proportion of students from low SES backgrounds. The purpose of the Evaluation was to: Evaluate the materials and report on the views of school‐based staff involved in the trial on the process, materials, and assessment practices utilised. The Evaluation has reviewed the materials, and used surveys, interviews, and observations of processes and procedures to collect relevant data to help present an informed opinion on the Year 1 Checkpoints as assessment for the early years of schooling. Student work samples and teacher planning and assessment documents were also collected. The evaluation has not evaluated the Year 1 Checkpoints in any other capacity than as a resource for Year 1 teachers and relevant support staff.


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A classical condition for fast learning rates is the margin condition, first introduced by Mammen and Tsybakov. We tackle in this paper the problem of adaptivity to this condition in the context of model selection, in a general learning framework. Actually, we consider a weaker version of this condition that allows one to take into account that learning within a small model can be much easier than within a large one. Requiring this “strong margin adaptivity” makes the model selection problem more challenging. We first prove, in a general framework, that some penalization procedures (including local Rademacher complexities) exhibit this adaptivity when the models are nested. Contrary to previous results, this holds with penalties that only depend on the data. Our second main result is that strong margin adaptivity is not always possible when the models are not nested: for every model selection procedure (even a randomized one), there is a problem for which it does not demonstrate strong margin adaptivity.


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For multicultural education to be effective, it must be introduced in the early years and reinforced throughout the school years. It is important for teachers of young children to be equipped with the appropriate knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to promote multiculturalism in their classrooms. This paper reports on a survey involving preschool teachers in Singapore who were participating in an in-service training course. The teachers completed a questionnaire to indicate their understandings of multicultural education and their perceptions of its importance in early childhood education. The findings indicated that the teachers endorsed the need for multicultural education in preschools and the importance of children learning tolerance and understanding of other cultures in the Singaporean context. However, while preschool teachers held positive attitudes towards multicultural education, there was limited understanding of the challenges in implementing an anti-bias teaching and curriculum approach. The implications of these findings for preschool teacher education programs in Singapore and in other countries focus on supporting teachers in developing more critical and deeper understandings of multiculturalism.


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Investigating Literacy Years 4-9: A pilot acknowledges that the literacy required of students in the middle years of schooling changes as they begin to read and write to learn across the subject areas using various resources and media. Teachers begin to look for evidence of understanding of concepts, content details, appropriate genre uses and the capacity to work with extended and complex texts. Yet, in comparison to the early years, there has been relatively little research conducted during this period of schooling, especially Years 4-7 of primary schooling (Comber et al, 2002). However, evidence suggests that gaps between those who perform highly and those who perform poorly on standardised measures of literacy increase rather than decrease, and these gaps relate to social background. Hence there is a need to investigate how different school communities with diverse student populations design rich curriculum at these stages of schooling and explicitly teach young people to handle new and changing literacy demands.


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In this chapter, Felicity McArdle provides a framework for planning,implementing and assessing quality experiences in the visual arts. She describes the importance of embedding Indigenous perspectives and knowledge in the curriculum and how to a build a repertoire of resources and practical ideas to assist children to become eff ective communicators through the use of symbol systems for meaning-making.


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The chapter approaches resilience from an evolutionary psychology perspective. In recent years scientific studies have revealed many of the biological processes associated with resilient behaviour. The authors argue that the internal constitution and mental toughness of the individual will provide a core protection for life's inevitable tests. A nurtured developing brain 'in-utero' and a physically close dyadic relationship in the early years of life, are crucial to the provision of a resilient personality. Many descriptors of the construct of resilience presented in various studies are explored in this chapter.


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Professional Development module video interview What does the principle of inclusive practice look/sound/feel like in the early years setting? (7min09sec; 15 MB) What do you see as the role of the teacher and support personnel in terms of inclusive practice? Why is collaboration so important? (3min; 6 MB) What communication strategies would help support inclusive practices with parents? (4min; 9 MB)


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The experiences of transition to the teaching profession have a significant impact on a teachers’ potential length of career, feelings of professional efficacy and the quality of performance in the classroom (Gore & Thomas, 2003). While the transition to practice is characterized by much expectation and excitement, it also a time of stress and uncertainty for many beginning teachers. As such, it is important to investigate this period of transition for beginning teachers. This paper explores graduate teachers perceptions of their personal ‘preparedness to teach’. The group is graduating from one Australian university, and the data is captured at the end of their teacher preparation programs,before they take up positions in schools. These graduating pre-service teachers are from one year graduate entry programs that include individual programs of early years, middle years and senior years. The key findings indicate that this group of graduating pre-service teachers are already engaged in some level of reflective practice and are actively seeking further professional learning to improve the practical aspects of their classroom teaching.


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The purpose of this article is to describe a project with one Torres Strait Islander Community. It provides some insights into parents’ funds of knowledge that are mathematical in nature, such as sorting shells and giving fish. The idea of funds of knowledge is based on the premise that people are competent and have knowledge that has been historically and culturally accumulated into a body of knowledge and skills essential for their functioning and well-being. This knowledge is then practised throughout their lives and passed onto the next generation of children. Through adopting a community research approach, funds of knowledge that can be used to validate the community’s identities as knowledgeable people, can also be used as foundations for future learnings for teachers, parents and children in the early years of school. They can be the bridge that joins a community’s funds of knowledge with schools validating that knowledge.


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"Young Children, Pedagogy and the Arts is an innovative text that describes practices and research that cross all five strands of the arts—visual, drama, music, dance, and media—and illuminates ways of understanding children and their arts practices that go beyond the common traditions. The book: - Offers practical and rich illustrations of teachers’ and children’s work based on international research that integrates theory with practice; - Brings a critical lens to arts education; - Includes summaries, reflective questions, and recommended further readings with every chapter. Young Children, Pedagogy and the Arts provides a more nuanced understanding of the arts through an exploration of specific instances in which committed teachers and researchers are discovering what contemporary multimodal tools offer to young children. Chapters contain examples of ‘doing’ the arts in the early years, new ways of teaching, and how to use emerging technologies to develop multiliteracies, equity, agency, social and cultural capital, and enhance the learning and engagement of marginalized children."--publisher website


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Background: Historically rail organisations have been operating in silos and devising their own training agendas. However with the harmonisation of the Australian workplace health and safety legislation and the appointment of a national rail safety regulator in 2013, rail incident investigator experts are exploring the possibility of developing a unified approach to investigator training. Objectives: The Australian CRC for Rail Innovation commissioned a training needs analysis to identify if common training needs existed between organisations and to assess support for the development of a national competency framework for rail incident investigations. Method: Fifty-two industry experts were consulted to explore the possibility of the development of a standardised training framework. These experts were sourced from within 19 Australasian organisations, comprising Rail Operators and Regulators in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and New Zealand. Results: Although some competency requirements appear to be organisation specific, the vast majority of reported training requirements were generic across the Australasian rail operators and regulators. Industry experts consistently reported strong support for the development of a national training framework. Significance: The identification of both generic training requirements across organisations and strong support for standardised training indicates that the rail industry is receptive to the development of a structured training framework. The development of an Australasian learning framework could: increase efficiency in course development and reduce costs; establish recognised career pathways; and facilitate consistency with regards to investigator training.


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This paper proposes an efficient and online learning control system that uses the successful Model Predictive Control (MPC) method in a model based locally weighted learning framework. The new approach named Locally Weighted Learning Model Predictive Control (LWL-MPC) has been proposed as a solution to learn to control complex and nonlinear Elastic Joint Robots (EJR). Elastic Joint Robots are generally difficult to learn to control due to their elastic properties preventing standard model learning techniques from being used, such as learning computed torque control. This paper demonstrates the capability of LWL-MPC to perform online and incremental learning while controlling the joint positions of a real three Degree of Freedom (DoF) EJR. An experiment on a real EJR is presented and LWL-MPC is shown to successfully learn to control the system to follow two different figure of eight trajectories.


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The foundations of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education begins in the early years of schooling when students encounter formal learning experiences primarily in mathematics and science. Politicians, economists and industrialists recognise the importance of STEM in society, and therefore a number of strategies have been implemented to foster interest. Similarly, most students see the importance of science and mathematics in their lives, but school science and mathematics is usually seen as irrelevant, particularly by students in developed countries. This paper reports on the establishment and implementation of partnerships with industry experts from one jurisdiction which have, over a decade, attempted to reconcile the interests of youth and the contemporary world of science. Four case studies are presented and qualitative findings analyzed in terms of program outcomes and student engagement. The key finding is that the formation of relationships and partnerships, in which students have high degree of autonomy and sense of responsibility, is paramount to positive dispositions towards STEM. Those features of successful partnerships are also discussed. The findings raise some hope that innovative schools and partnerships can foster innovation and connect youth with the real world.


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Over the past ten years, Queensland has experienced a period of significant education reform including the introduction in 2007 of a Preparatory Year of schooling for children aged five years. Recently, the development of a new Australian Curriculum represents a further curriculum reform impacting on Prep in Queensland, as Prep is, for the first time, part of the broader school curriculum and specific content is to be taught. The place of play as a context for learning is a current topic of interest during this period of change, and this thesis argues that consideration of parent views with regard to play and its place in Prep is timely and strategic. This thesis reports the findings of a research project that used case study to elicit and describe the ways in which eight parents viewed play in Prep. Analysis of parent interviews identified four themes: (1) parents interpreting play in Prep, (2) play and learning in Prep, (3) the Prep teacher's role in play and (4) parent tensions regarding play and learning in Prep. The results of the study suggest that variation exists in the ways in which parents may view and interpret play in Prep in Queensland. Analysis of the data further suggests that these interpretations may reflect parents' understanding of the Prep program and their attitudes to play and school generally. This thesis suggests that parents may spend limited time in Prep classrooms, which may impact on their understanding of play as a theoretical tenet in Prep and may highlight limitations in parent-teacher partnerships. The results of this study suggest that more attention be given to engaging parents in early childhood programs and eliciting their views on these programs. The results also suggest the importance of early childhood teachers advocating on behalf of play with their teaching colleagues, school leaders and policy makers.