975 resultados para consumer choice
The aim of the consultation was to collect views on how the European Union can contribute to reducing health inequalities both within and between member states. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in research, training, information and policy to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH acknowledges and appreciates the benefits of information sharing and joint action in relation to policy and practice between European countries and we are proud to have been the Irish/Northern Irish partner in several projects, most recently as Work Package Leader for DETERMINE, coordinated by EuroHealthNet and as collaborating partner for I2SARE, coordinated by Federation National des Observatories de Sante (FNORS). Both projects are funded by the European Commission.
This article provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of a firm's optimal R&D strategy choice. In this paper a firm's R&D strategy is assumed to be endogenous and allowed to depend on both internal firms. characteristics and external factors. Firms choose between two strategies, either they engage in R&D or abstain from own R&D and imitate the outcomes of innovators. In the theoretical model this yields three types of equilibria in which either all firms innovate, some firms innovate and others imitate, or no firm innovates. Firms'equilibrium strategies crucially depend on external factors. We find that the efficiency of intellectual property rights protection positively affects firms'incentives to engage in R&D, while competitive pressure has a negative effect. In addition, smaller firms are found to be more likely to become imitators when the product is homogeneous and the level of spillovers is high. These results are supported by empirical evidence for German .rms from manufacturing and services sectors. Regarding social welfare our results indicate that strengthening intellectual property protection can have an ambiguous effect. In markets characterized by a high rate of innovation a reduction of intellectual property rights protection can discourage innovative performance substantially. However, a reduction of patent protection can also increase social welfare because it may induce imitation. This indicates that policy issues such as the optimal length and breadth of patent protection cannot be resolved without taking into account specific market and firm characteristics. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C35, D43, L13, L22, O31. Keywords: Innovation; imitation; spillovers; product differentiation; market competition; intellectual property rights protection.
The anesthetic effect of some water-soluble anesthesic or narcotic drugs currently used in mice was tested in molluscs of the Biomphalaria genus. Sodium thiopental was very toxic to the snails resulting in high rates of mortality in all the treatment schedules tested. Cetamine base, at concentration of 0.25 mg/ml of water, resulted in partial snail anesthesia (40% of snails were anesthetized) only after 20 h of exposition. The association of Cetamine base with Tiazine chloridrate did not improve the anesthesic effect, and higher concentrations of these drugs were toxic to the snails. Sodium pentobarbital at 0.4 mg/ml in water for 8 h was the best treatment schedule to anesthetize Biomphalaria snails. In this schedule, the snails were anesthetized without any toxic effect. The procedure provides a powerful tool for in vivo studies that demande a complete state of snail anesthesia.
In this study we investigated predation rates on third instar larvae of Chrysomya putoria and C. megacephala by third instar larvae of C. albiceps in a two-choice situation. The highest predation rate occurred on C. putoria larvae and this result is compared to previous experiments, in which C. macellaria larvae were present. Our results suggest that, when C. macellaria is absent C. albiceps larvae attack more C. putoria than C. megacephala larvae. Prey choice decisions and its implications for introduced and native blowflies are discussed.
A strategy for managing and developing people in the Health and Personal Social Services
The Primary Care Steering Group met on the 23rd and 24th September 2003 to discuss the ongoing implementation of the Primary Care Strategy in the context of the Health Service Reform Programme and to make recommendations in this regard to the Secretary General of the Department of Health & Children. At the outset the steering group acknowledges that the reform programme provides significant opportunity for the successful implementation of the primary care strategy. The implementation phase of ten project Primary Care Teams (PCTs) has to-date provided valuable information in relation to current barriers to successful implementation which may now be addressed within the overall reform process. Key themes arising from the discussions formed the basis for the recommendations which are considered by the steering group to be critical elements in achieving successful reform.
This paper characterizes and evaluates the potential of three commercial CT iterative reconstruction methods (ASIR?, VEO? and iDose(4 ()?())) for dose reduction and image quality improvement. We measured CT number accuracy, standard deviation (SD), noise power spectrum (NPS) and modulation transfer function (MTF) metrics on Catphan phantom images while five human observers performed four-alternative forced-choice (4AFC) experiments to assess the detectability of low- and high-contrast objects embedded in two pediatric phantoms. Results show that 40% and 100% ASIR as well as iDose(4) levels 3 and 6 do not affect CT number and strongly decrease image noise with relative SD constant in a large range of dose. However, while ASIR produces a shift of the NPS curve apex, less change is observed with iDose(4) with respect to FBP methods. With second-generation iterative reconstruction VEO, physical metrics are even further improved: SD decreased to 70.4% at 0.5 mGy and spatial resolution improved to 37% (MTF(50%)). 4AFC experiments show that few improvements in detection task performance are obtained with ASIR and iDose(4), whereas VEO makes excellent detections possible even at an ultra-low-dose (0.3 mGy), leading to a potential dose reduction of a factor 3 to 7 (67%-86%). In spite of its longer reconstruction time and the fact that clinical studies are still required to complete these results, VEO clearly confirms the tremendous potential of iterative reconstructions for dose reduction in CT and appears to be an important tool for patient follow-up, especially for pediatric patients where cumulative lifetime dose still remains high.
The focus of this report is the regulation of complementary therapists and, as such, does not deal directly with the efficacy of such therapies. It is for the consumer to make the choice of which therapy they intend to use. Whether they wish to consult a qualified therapist such as a homeopath or an acupuncturist, a healer, the seventh son of a seventh son, a person reputed to have a cure for a particular ailment or a person with a special skill with bones; the choice is theirs. Read the report (PDF 607kb) Download the accompanying leaflet (PDF 300kb) Note – Re: Page 70. ASK Ireland wish to clarify that the Kinesiology Association of Ireland do not represent the Association of Systematic Kinesiology in Ireland, in any way.
This booklet provides information about the appearance, street names and effects of various drugs including: cannabis, LSD, magic mushrooms, Ecstasy, solvents, poppers, speed, cocaine, crack, heroin, alcohol and tobacco.
This booklet provides information about different drugs, their effects, their risks and how to deal with problems, whether they happen to you or a friend.
safefood research into consumer concerns about the food chain has indicated that more than 40 per centof consumers are most concerned aboutchicken in terms of how it is produced, packaged, sold and handled at home. Our review of theindustry foundit was highly regulated while adhering to rigorous international standards. This review found that chicken is the main protein source for many consumers on the island of Ireland. It alsooutlined the need for consumers to ensure that chicken is cooked andhandled properly to avoid food borne illnesses.
Our review into the finfish food chain on the island of irelandrevealed that despite a highly regulated industry producing a very nutritious food source, the consumption of fish remains low and consumer barriers to purchasing and eating fish still remain.
Pig meat production was valued at €290 (£198) million at farm gate in Republic of Ireland (ROI) in 2007. In Northern Ireland (NI) in 2006, pig meat was estimated to account for almost seven percent of gross turnover in the food and drinks processing sector at £190 (€280) million. Whilst researching for this report it emerged that comparable figures for the value of the pig meat industry on ROI and NI are not available. This report showed that pig production on the IOI has changed from a small-scale enterprise carried out by a large number of mixed farmers to a modern industry comprised of a small number of specialist producers operating large-scale units. Most products for retailers are prepared and packed in specialised cutting and processing units which may or may not be integrated in the slaughter plant. For some pork products, various additives such as salt, herbs and flavour enhancers are added. Pork products are then stored and transported, frozen or chilled to wholesale, retail and catering facilities for ultimate sale to consumers.