931 resultados para common factors


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Introduction: Neck injuries are common in high performance combat pilots and have been attributed to high gravitational forces and the non-neutral head postures adopted during aerial combat maneuvers. There is still little known about the pathomechanics of these injuries.

Methods: Six Royal Australian Air Force Hawk pilots flew a sortie that included combinations of three +Gz levels (1, 3, and 5) and four head postures (Neutral, Turn, Extension, and Check-6). Surface electromyography from neck and shoulder muscles was recorded in flight. Three-dimensional measures of head postures adopted in flight were estimated postflight with respect to end-range of the cervical spine using an electromagnetic tracking device.

Results: Mean muscle activation increased significantly with both increasing +Gz and non-neutral head postures. Check-6 at +5 Gz (mean activation of all muscles = 51% MVIC) elicited significantly greater muscle activation in most muscles when compared with Neutral, Extension, and Turn head postures. High levels of muscle co-contraction were evident in high acceleration and non-neutral head postures. Head kinematics showed Check-6 was closest to end-range in any movement plane (86% ROM in rotation) and produced the greatest magnitude of rotation in other planes. Turn and Extension showed a large magnitude of rotation with reference to end-range in the primary plane of motion but displayed smaller rotations in other planes.

High levels of neck muscle activation and co-contraction due to high +Gz and head postures close to end range were evident in this study, suggesting the major influence of these factors on the pathomechanics of neck injuries in high performance combat pilots.


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Advances in offender rehabilitation theory have led to the development of a clear framework of the factors that need consideration for an offender to be ready for therapy and thus gain maximum benefits. Here, we examine in greater detail the role of cognition in readiness for rehabilitation in violent offenders. We assess how cognitive processes and distortions common in violent offenders may affect and hamper rehabilitation readiness. Methods for remediation of cognitive factors that diminish readiness, including motivational interviewing, are discussed. We conclude that cognitive factors are critical in the assessment of readiness in violent offenders and therapeutic efforts to enhance engagement.


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According to Cheung, common challenges such as currency depreciation, share market volatility and export competition brought by the financial crisis helped to accelerate economic integration between Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. According to Cheung, these mechanisms pull the island in a different direction - namely, the internationalisation of Taiwan.


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Objective : The aims of this paper are to provide a description of the principles of chronic condition self-management, common approaches to support currently used in Australian health services, and benefits and challenges associated with using these approaches.
Methods : We examined literature in this field in Australia and drew also from our own practice experience of implementing these approaches and providing education and training to primary health care professionals and organizations in the field.
Results : Using common examples of programs, advantages and disadvantages of peer-led groups (Stanford Courses), care planning (The Flinders Program), a brief primary care approach (the 5As), motivational interviewing and health coaching are explored.
Conclusions :
There are a number of common approaches used to enhance self-management. No one approach is superior to other approaches; in fact, they are often complimentary.
Practice implications :
The nature and context for patients’ contact with services, and patients’ specific needs and preferences are what must be considered when deciding on the most appropriate support mode to effectively engage patients and promote self-management. Choice of approach will also be determined by organizational factors and service structures. Whatever self-management support approaches used, of importance is how health services work together to provide support.


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Factors which may account for the high frequency of macrovascular disease in diabetics are age, sex, cigarette smoking, hypertension, obesity, lack of exercise, diet, hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaeroia, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL-cholesterol concentration, elevated free fatty acid concentration and enhanced platelet aggregation. Twenty seven (13 men and 14 women) non-insulin-dependent diabetics and thirty eight age, height and weight matched healthy subjects (10 men and 28 women) were studied. None of the subjects were smokers, or hypertensive. No subject had any clinical evidence of peripheral arterial disease, coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. All had apparently normal peripheral pulses and normal ankle/arm blood pressure indices. Methods for determining arterial compliance in the segment between the left subclavian artery and each common femoral artery, and proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery, have been reviewed and developed. An appropriate food intake methodology for deriving food indices from food records was developed. Biochemical determinants have been made of glucose tolerance, glycosylated haemoglobin, serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, plasma free fatty acid and insulin. A significant decrease in the arterial compliance, and a significant increase in the arterial proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery in non-insulin-dependent diabetics, compared with their healthy controls, have been found. Significant negative correlation between arterial compliance and proximal resistance and, a significant positive correlation between the arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery were found. Differences between control (healthy subjects) and non-insulin-dependent diabetic groups indicate that preclinical peripheral arterial disease can be recognised even in mild diabetics by non-invasive measurement of arterial compliance or proximal resistance. There were significant and negative correlations between arterial compliance and each of blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin concentration. There were significant and positive correlations between arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery and each of blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and plasma free fatty acid concentration. Multivariate analysis to examine each of the biochemical factors Including blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid, plasma Insulin and lipids, showed that the factor which most influenced the arterial compliance and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was the glucose level in the fasting state or the glucose response after a glucose load. In addition, the factors which most influenced proximal resistance of the common femoral artery were free fatty acid -level in the fasting state or glucose response after a glucose load. The factors which most influenced arterial compliance were glucose level in men, and the insulin level in the fasting state or the plasma free fatty acid response after a glucose load in women. These findings indicate that blood glucose, plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin are risk factors for changes in arterial wall characteristic at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent. Arterial compliance was decreased and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was increased in those with a low intake of protective foods compared with those with a high intake whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Arterial compliance was decreased in non-fish eaters compared with the fish eaters whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Proximal resistance of the posterior tibia! artery in non-fish eaters was increased compared with fish eaters in healthy subjects. Overall, food variety, a protective food score consumption and fish consumption emerge as importance determinants of arterial wall characteristics at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent.


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Public Private Partnerships (PPP) as a procurement mechanism for infrastructure projects is becoming increasingly common. This is principally due to the value for money opportunities it offers the public sector sponsors. This value for money is primarily achieved through the optimisation of the allocation of risk inherent in the project being transferred from the public sector sponsors onto private sector bidders. This paper analyses the influence that these factors have on successful risk allocation with the aim of providing clearer parameters for optimal risk allocation in PPP projects. Through an extensive review of existing literature, the critical success factors for optimal risk allocation in PPP projects are identified. It is found that the optimisation of risk allocation in PPP projects is critically influenced by the identified factors, which will undoubtedly aid in the successful outcome for future PPP projects.


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A large proportion of disease burden is attributed to behavioural risk factors. However, funding for public health programs in Australia remains limited. Government and non-government organisations are interested in the productivity effects on society from reducing chronic diseases. We aimed to estimate the potential health status and economic benefits to society following a feasible reduction in the prevalence of six behavioural risk factors: tobacco smoking; inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption; high risk alcohol consumption; high body mass index; physical inactivity; and intimate partner violence.
Simulation models were developed for the 2008 Australian population. A realistic reduction in current risk factor prevalence using best available evidence with expert consensus was determined. Avoidable disease, deaths, Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and health sector costs were estimated. Productivity gains included workforce (friction cost method), household production and leisure time. Multivariable uncertainty analyses and correction for the joint effects of risk factors on health status were undertaken. Consistent methods and data sources were used.
Over the lifetime of the 2008 Australian adult population, total opportunity cost savings of AUD2,334 million (95% Uncertainty Interval AUD1,395 to AUD3,347; 64% in the health sector) were found if feasible reductions in the risk factors were achieved. There would be 95,000 fewer DALYs (a reduction of about 3.6% in total DALYs for Australia); 161,000 less new cases of disease; 6,000 fewer deaths; a reduction of 5 million days in workforce absenteeism; and 529,000 increased days of leisure time.
Reductions in common behavioural risk factors may provide substantial benefits to society. For example, the total potential annual cost savings in the health sector represent approximately 2% of total annual health expenditure in Australia. Our findings contribute important new knowledge about productivity effects, including the potential for increased household and leisure activities, associated with chronic disease prevention. The selection of targets for risk factor prevalence reduction is an important policy decision and a useful approach for future analyses. Similar approaches could be applied in other countries if the data are available.


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This paper analyzes the factors that affect bank crises in Japan. There are numerous factors, qualitative and quantitative, identified from the analysis. For the quantitative analysis, the study employs the factor analysis, which detects three major components of factors that affect banking or financial crises in Japan. These are (i) common macro factors; (ii) bank sensitive micro factors; and (iii) household spending related factors. There are other factors, for example, policy dilemma, delayed or faulty deregulation measures and weak banking activities, which are not extracted from the factor analysis but adversely affect bank crises in Japan and hence discussed in details. The paper indicates some policy implications for the banking/financial sector of Bangladesh.


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This study examined demographic, psychological, and relationship factors that are associated with the experience of sexual desire in women. The contribution of other aspects of sexual function on sexual desire was also investigated. The participants were 741 partnered heterosexual women (mean age¼45.7 years), who completed the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire online, which evaluated their levels of sexual desire, as well as a range of individual and dyadic variables. For each of the six aspects of sexual desire assessed, the number and frequency of problems in other aspects of women’s sexual functioning were the most common predictors. The results demonstrated that sexual desire was lower among older, postmenopausal women and those who had been in their current relationship for a longer period of time. Women who reported that their partner experienced a sexual dysfunction also obtained lower sexual desire scores. These findings demonstrate the strong interrelationship between the different phases of the sexual response cycle for women. Further, they suggest that sexual dysfunction in one partner is likely to be associated with sexual dysfunction in the other partner. The clinical implications of these findings in terms of the treatment for sexual dysfunction among women (and their partners) are discussed.


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Objective There are a variety of reasons why there may be an association between asthma and anxiety in children. Research into the relation between asthma and anxiety has been limited by the sole use of parent-reported or self-reported asthma symptoms to define asthma status. The objective of this study was to determine if children with physician-defined asthma are more likely to suffer anxiety than children without asthma.

Design A population-based, cross-sectional assessment, of self-reported anxiety symptoms.

Setting and participants Children aged 5–13 years from Barwon region of Victoria, Australia. Asthma status was determined by review with a paediatrician. Controls were a sample of children without asthma symptoms (matched for age, gender and school).

Outcome measure The Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) written questionnaire. The authors compared the mean SCAS score, and the proportion of children with an SCAS score in the clinical range, between the groups.

Results Questionnaires were issued to 205 children with asthma (158 returned, response rate 77%), and 410 controls (319 returned, response rate 78%). The SCAS scores were higher in asthmatics than controls (p<0.001); and were more likely to be in the clinical range (OR=2.5, 95% CI 1.1 to 5.8, p=0.036). There was no evidence that these associations could be explained by known confounding factors.

Conclusions Children with asthma are substantially more likely to suffer anxiety than children without asthma. Future studies are required to determine the sequence of events that leads to this comorbidity, and to test strategies to prevent and treat anxiety among children with asthma.


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The African unstriped ground squirrel (Xerus rutilus) is widely dispersed across various habitats in East Africa and hence encounters a diverse suite of predators and plant communities. It is not known how different habitats and plant characteristics affect the foraging behaviour of X. rutilus. We used giving-up densities (GUDs) as a measure of foraging efficiency to explore the foraging costs of environmental heterogeneity. To determine foraging efficiency across spatial scales, we established food patches in two microhabitats (open and cover), which were nested within three habitats (koppie, edge and bushland). When foraging in a cover microhabitat, foraging efficiency decreased away from the koppie, but when in the open microhabitat, foraging efficiency was lowest near the koppie edge. Second, to determine foraging efficiency with common plant toxins, we presented the squirrels with seeds soaked in either tannic acid, oxalic acid or distilled water (control). Foraging efficiency did not differ between tannic-treated and control seeds, but oxalic-treated seeds had higher GUDs. Overall, our results suggest that X. rutilus is a remarkably efficient forager across multiple axes of environmental heterogeneity, which may have intriguing consequences for the ecological community.


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Communication practice is increasingly converging around globally consistent approaches and techniques shaped by both globalisation and globalising communications technologies. However, this paper argues, national and regional practice histories and cultural characteristics have shaped, and continue to shape, practice in individual markets. The paper analyses the extent of that these divergent histories and cultures have shaped the structure and practices of the public relations industry in Australia and other countries. The paper challenges the common assumptions about public relations development and industry practice having developed from a predominantly US-based model progressively disseminated globally. It traces the history of public relations in Australia, counter-pointing its distinctive origins, to the US-origin thesis. It also examines the impact of demography and diverse national culture on industry shape and practice, comparing the Australian industry to that of other industries around the world. It uses mini-case studies of campaigns in specific countries to assess the extent to which they are culturally-bound by historical and cultural differences and the extent to which they are capable of being transferred or adapted to individual markets. For instance, assumptions about globally-consistent brand identities are contradicted by McDonalds’ branding practices in markets such as Canada and Japan. The paper also discusses how emerging market PR industries are being shaped by distinctive and divergent cultures and development paths and may create new structural and practice models as the emerging economies becoming dominant internationally. The authors suggest that history and cultural diversity continue, and will continue to, shape national and regional practices.


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The incidence and mortality from necrotizing fasciitis (NF) are increasing in New Zealand (NZ). Triggered by a media report that traditional Samoan tattooing was causing NF, we conducted a chart review to investigate the role of this and other predisposing and precipitating factors and to document NF microbiology, complications and interventions in NZ.

We conducted a retrospective review of 299 hospital charts of patients discharged with NF diagnosis codes in eight hospitals in NZ between 2000 and 2006. We documented and compared by ethnicity the prevalence of predisposing and precipitating conditions, bacteria isolated, complications and interventions used.

Out of 299 charts, 247 fulfilled the case definition. NF was most common in elderly males. Diabetes was the most frequent co-morbid condition, followed by obesity. Nearly a quarter of patients were taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Traditional Samoan tattooing was an uncommon cause. Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus were the two commonly isolated bacteria. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was implicated in a relatively small number of cases. Shock, renal failure, coagulation abnormality and multi-organ dysfunction were common complications. More than 90% of patients underwent surgical debridement, 56% were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) and slightly less than half of all patients had blood product transfusion. One in six NF cases had amputations and 23.5% died.

This chart review found that the highest proportion of NF cases was elderly males with co-morbidities, particularly diabetes and obesity. Tattooing was an uncommon precipitating event. The role of NSAID needs further exploration. NF is a serious disease with severe complications, high case fatality and considerable use of health care resources.


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There is a need for the development of effective universal preventive approaches to the common mental disorders, depression and anxiety, at a population level. Poor diet, physical inactivity and smoking have long been recognized as key contributors to the high prevalence noncommunicable diseases. However, there are now an increasing number of studies suggesting that the same modifiable lifestyle behaviors are also risk factors for common mental disorders. In this paper we point to the emerging data regarding lifestyle risk factors for common mental disorders, with a particular focus on and critique of the newest evidence regarding diet quality. On the basis of this most recent evidence, we consequently argue for the inclusion of depression and anxiety in the ranks of the high prevalence noncommunicable diseases influenced by habitual lifestyle practices. We believe that it is both feasible and timely to begin to develop effective, sustainable, population-level prevention initiatives for the common mental illnesses that build on the established and developing approaches to the noncommunicable somatic diseases.


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Teaching 'out-of-field' occurs when teachers teach a subject for which they have no disciplinary or methods qualification. The incidence of out-of-field mathematics, science and technology teaching are particularly high in rural and regional areas. Given that mathematics and science are key areas of policy concern, there is an urgent need to understand teachers‟ position in this increasingly common practice in order to provide appropriate system responses. This paper asks the question, how are mathematics and science teachers‟ professional identities influenced by having to teach out-of-field? Twenty teachers who had taught science or mathematics at some time in their career, two school leaders, and two support staff, took part in semi-structured interviews, which I then transcribed. This paper reports on a thematic analysis of a subset of the data that isolated factors influencing teachers‟ self-assessment of themselves as out-of-field or in-field. Excerpts from the interviews are used to introduce and contextualise these factors within rural and regional settings. These factors are used to generate a theoretical model, the Boundary Between Fields (BBF) Model, that enables analysis of the impact of these factors on identity construction during a boundary crossing event. The Model highlights the influence of support mechanisms, contextual factors and personal resources on the nature of teachers‟ negotiation of subject boundaries and its impact on professional identity. This innovative model provides a platform for re-conceptualising these experiences as opportunities for professional learning occurring within schools as communities of practice, where teachers are supported and enabled to expand their professional identity. These findings provide insight for policy-makers, school leaders and teacher educators, into the complexity of the issue for teachers, as well as the conditions required for such teaching to be considered learning opportunities.