309 resultados para combustão


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Na engenharia mecânica há cada vez mais necessidade de utilizar e de prever o comportamento das máquinas térmicas, mais propriamente dos motores de combustão interna, em especial na área da manutenção e da prevenção de falha num dos componentes vitais de um motor a 4 tempos: o veio de manivelas. Esta situação já tem sido bastante observada na indústria mecânica naval, nomeadamente na Marinha Portuguesa e, devido ao seu elevado grau de importância no desempenho de qualquer motor, decidiu-se focar o trabalho desta tese no estudo dos motores a diesel S.E.M.T Pielstick das unidades navais da Marinha Portuguesa, mais especificamente das corvetas da classe “João Coutinho” e da classe “ Baptista de Andrade”, devido ao historial de ocorrência de falhas no veio de manivelas nesta classe de navios e em outras da Marinha Portuguesa. Para efetuar este estudo, utilizaram-se todos os dados relativos ao historial de ocorrências de falhas destes motores, bem como todos os dados disponíveis do fabricante destes motores, por forma a reproduzir da forma mais fiável possível um modelo tridimensional do veio de manivelas no programa de modelação informática CAD Solidworks®, e possibilitar a análise cinemática do veio de manivelas. Desta forma, foi possível simular as condições de funcionamento do motor, assim como analisar e determinar a causa de falha do veio de manivelas, visando prolongar a vida útil dos veios de manivelas, contribuindo não só para menores custos de manutenção mas também para o aumento da operacionalidade destes navios.


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Doped lanthanum chromite ( LaCrO3 ) has been the most common material used as interconnect in solid oxide fuel cells for high temperature ( SOFC-HT ) that enabling the stack of SOFCs. The reduction of the operating temperature, to around 800 º C, of solid oxide fuel cells enabled the use of metallic interconnects as an alternative to ceramic LaCrO3, From the practical point of view, to be a strong candidate for interconnect the material must have good physical and mechanical properties such as resistance to oxidizing and reducing environments, easy manufacture and appropriate thermo-mechanical properties. Thus, a study on the physic-mechanical interconnects La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 ceramics for SOFC -AT obtained by the method of combustion , as well as thermo-mechanical properties of metallic interconnects (AISI 444) covered with La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 by deposition technique by spray-pyrolysis fuel cells for intermediate temperature (IT-SOFCs). The La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,92Co0,08O3 was characterized by X -ray diffraction(XRD) , density and porosity , Vickers hardness (HV) , the flexural strength at room temperature and 900 °C and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X -ray diffraction confirmed the phase formation and LaCrO3 and CoCr2O4, in order 6 GPa hardness and mechanical strength at room temperature was 62 MPa ceramic Interconnector. The coated metal interconnects La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 passed the identification by XRD after deposition of the film after the oxidation test. The oxidative behavior showed increased resistance to oxidation of the metal substrate covered by La0,8Ca0,2CrO3 In flexural strength of the coated metal substrate, it was noticed only in the increased room temperature. The a SEM analysis proved the formation of Cr2O3 and (Cr,Mn)3O4 layers on metal substrate and confirmed the stability of the ceramic La0,8 Ca0,2CrO3 film after oxidative test


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The behavior of the fluid flux in oil fields is influenced by different factors and it has a big impact on the recovery of hydrocarbons. There is a need of evaluating and adapting the actual technology to the worldwide reservoirs reality, not only on the exploration (reservoir discovers) but also on the development of those that were already discovered, however not yet produced. The in situ combustion (ISC) is a suitable technique for these recovery of hydrocarbons, although it remains complex to be implemented. The main objective of this research was to study the application of the ISC as an advanced oil recovery technique through a parametric analysis of the process using vertical wells within a semi synthetic reservoir that had the characteristics from the brazilian northwest, in order to determine which of those parameters could influence the process, verifying the technical and economical viability of the method on the oil industry. For that analysis, a commercial reservoir simulation program for thermal processes was used, called steam thermal and advanced processes reservoir simulator (STARS) from the computer modeling group (CMG). This study aims, through the numerical analysis, find results that help improve mainly the interpretation and comprehension of the main problems related to the ISC method, which are not yet dominated. From the results obtained, it was proved that the mediation promoted by the thermal process ISC over the oil recovery is very important, with rates and cumulated production positively influenced by the method application. It was seen that the application of the method improves the oil mobility as a function of the heating when the combustion front forms inside the reservoir. Among all the analyzed parameters, the activation energy presented the bigger influence, it means, the lower the activation energy the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, as a function of the chemical reactions speed rise. It was also verified that the higher the enthalpy of the reaction, the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, due to a bigger amount of released energy inside the system, helping the ISC. The reservoir parameters: porosity and permeability showed to have lower influence on the ISC. Among the operational parameters that were analyzed, the injection rate was the one that showed a stronger influence on the ISC method, because, the higher the value of the injection rate, the higher was the result obtained, mainly due to maintaining the combustion front. In connection with the oxygen concentration, an increase of the percentage of this parameter translates into a higher fraction of recovered oil, because the quantity of fuel, helping the advance and the maintenance of the combustion front for a longer period of time. About the economic analysis, the ISC method showed to be economically feasible when evaluated through the net present value (NPV), considering the injection rates: the higher the injection rate, the higher the financial incomes of the final project


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The thermoelectric energy conversion can be performed directly on generators without moving parts, using the principle of SEEBECK effect, obtained in junctions of drivers' thermocouples and most recently in semiconductor junctions type p-n which have increased efficiency of conversion. When termogenerators are exposed to the temperature difference (thermal gradient) eletromotriz a force is generated inducing the appearance of an electric current in the circuit. Thus, it is possible to convert the heat of combustion of a gas through a burner in power, being a thermoelectric generator. The development of infrared burners, using porous ceramic plate, is possible to improve the efficiency of heating, and reduce harmful emissions such as CO, CO2, NOx, etc.. In recent years the meliorate of thermoelectric modules semiconductor (TEG's) has stimulated the development of devices generating and recovery of thermal irreversibility of thermal machines and processes, improving energy efficiency and exergy these systems, especially processes that enable the cogeneration of energy. This work is based on the construction and evaluation of a prototype in a pilot scale, for energy generation to specific applications. The unit uses a fuel gas (LPG) as a primary energy source. The prototype consists of a porous plate burner infrared, an adapter to the module generator, a set of semiconductor modules purchased from Hi-Z Inc. and a heat exchanger to be used as cold source. The prototype was mounted on a test bench, using a system of acquisition of temperature, a system of application of load and instrumentation to assess its functioning and performance. The prototype had an efficiency of chemical conversion of 0.31% for electrical and heat recovery for cogeneration of about 33.2%, resulting in an overall efficiency of 33.51%. The efficiency of energy exergy next shows that the use of primary energy to useful fuel was satisfactory, although the proposed mechanism has also has a low performance due to underuse of the area heated by the small number of modules, as well as a thermal gradient below the ideal informed by the manufacturer, and other factors. The test methodology adopted proved to be suitable for evaluating the prototype


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The use of infrared burners in industrial applications has many advantages in terms of technical-operational, for example, uniformity in the heat supply in the form of radiation and convection, with greater control of emissions due to the passage of exhaust gases through a macro-porous ceramic bed. This paper presents an infrared burner commercial, which was adapted an experimental ejector, capable of promoting a mixture of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and glycerin. By varying the percentage of dual-fuel, it was evaluated the performance of the infrared burner by performing an energy balance and atmospheric emissions. It was introduced a temperature controller with thermocouple modulating two-stage (low heat / high heat), using solenoid valves for each fuel. The infrared burner has been tested and tests by varying the amount of glycerin inserted by a gravity feed system. The method of thermodynamic analysis to estimate the load was used an aluminum plate located at the exit of combustion gases and the distribution of temperatures measured by a data acquisition system which recorded real-time measurements of the thermocouples attached. The burner had a stable combustion at levels of 15, 20 and 25% of adding glycerin in mass ratio of LPG gas, increasing the supply of heat to the plate. According to data obtained showed that there was an improvement in the efficiency of the 1st Law of infrared burner with increasing addition of glycerin. The emission levels of greenhouse gases produced by combustion (CO, NOx, SO2 and HC) met the environmental limits set by resolution No. 382/2006 of CONAMA


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Biomass is considered the largest renewable energy source that can be used in an environmentally sustainable. From the pyrolysis of biomass is possible to obtain products with higher energy density and better use properties. The liquid resultant of this process is traditionally called bio-oil. The use of infrared burners in industrial applications has many advantages in terms of technical-operational, for example, uniformity in the heat supply in the form of radiation and convection, with a greater control of emissions due to the passage of exhaust gases through a macroporous ceramic bed. This paper presents a commercial infrared burner adapted with an ejector proposed able to burn a hybrid configuration of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and bio-oil diluted. The dilution of bio-oil with absolute ethanol aimed to decrease the viscosity of the fluid, and improving the stability and atomization. It was introduced a temperature controller with thermocouple modulating two stages (low heat / high heat), and solenoid valves for fuels supply. The infrared burner has been tested, being the diluted bio-oil atomized, and evaluated its performance by conducting energy balance. The method of thermodynamic analysis to estimate the load was used an aluminum plate located at the exit of combustion gases and the distribution of temperatures measured by thermocouples. The dilution reduced the viscosity of the bio-oil in 75.4% and increased by 11% the lower heating value (LHV) of the same, providing a stable combustion to the burner through the atomizing with compressed air and burns combined with LPG. Injecting the hybrid fuel there was increase in the heat transfer from the plate to the environment in 21.6% and gain useful benefit of 26.7%, due to the improved in the efficiency of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics of infrared burner


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Devido às normas ambientais atualmente em vigor que restringem a quantidade de gases poluentes emitidos para a atmosfera pelos automóveis, e também pela cada vez maior consciencialização para os problemas ambientais que o consumo de combustíveis fósseis acarreta, assim como devido ao cada vez mais elevado preço dos mesmos, os construtores automóveis têm como principal objectivo a redução do consumo do combustível e consequente diminuição de emissão de poluentes. Os sistemas de reaproveitamento da energia térmica desperdiçada nos motores de combustão interna (MCI), podem contribuir de forma significativa para o aumento da eficiência de conversão de energia em veículos equipados com MCI. O presente estudo é dedicado ao desenvolvimento de um sistema de recupereração desta energia desperdiçada, recorrendo ao ciclo de Rankine, com ênfase no desenvolvimento da montagem experimental, na avaliação do desempenho de diferentes geometrias de evaporador e no estudo das incertezas experimentais. Tendo em conta as várias restrições de projeto (compacidade, perda de carga e potência recuperada por unidade de volume) o presente trabalho permitiu identificar a geometria do evaporador mais adequada.


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A recuperação da energia térmica do escape afigura-se como uma vertente com importância relevante para o aumento da eficiência energética dos motores de combustão interna, tendo benefícios em termos económicos e ambientais. O presente trabalho centra-se no estudo e dimensionamento do condensador a integrar num sistema de ciclo de Rankine, tendo-se optado pela seleção de um permutador de placas do tipo “chevron”. O permutador para efeitos de cálculo é dividido em três zonas distintas: i) pré-arrefecedor; ii) condensador e iii) sub-arrefecedor. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica alargada para o coeficiente de transferência de calor por convecção e perda de carga associada ao escoamento. Para cada zona do permutador são utilizados três fluidos de trabalho distintos: água, etanol e R245fa. Para o fluido refrigerante considerou-se água. Tendo em conta a revisão bibliográfica efetuada, foram implementados modelos para a perda de carga e para a transferência de calor no permutador, atendendo à seleção do fluido de trabalho e ao fluido refrigerante. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que a utilização do fluido de trabalho água, conduz a um condensador mais compacto. Por último é efetuada a otimização do sistema, mediante alteração da temperatura de funcionamento do permutador. Os resultados permitiram verificar a diminuição da temperatura de saída do fluido refrigerante possibilita: i) uma redução do volume do permutador; ii) uma diminuição da perda de carga associada.


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A intensa busca por confiabilidade de resultados torna cada vez mais importante o papel dos materiais de referência, principalmente em química analítica, pois fornecem referências metrológicas visando assegurar a rastreabilidade de medições e ainda são fundamentais para a validação de métodos analíticos. O aumento da demanda por novos materiais de referência é gradativo em todas as áreas do conhecimento, porém os setores agropecuários e de alimentos estão entre os mais carentes. No Brasil, essa demanda é atendida somente pela importação do material a custos elevados, sendo freqüente a inexistência de materiais adequados às necessidades do país. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho visou à produção de material de referência para nutrientes e contaminantes inorgânicos em fosfato de rocha, matéria-prima utilizada para a fabricação de fertilizantes. O material foi produzido seguindo as seguintes etapas, estabelecidas internacionalmente pelas ISO GUIAS 30 a 35: preparo e envase do material, avaliação da homogeneidade, teste de estabilidade a curto e a longos períodos e na caracterização prévia, que consistiu na montagem do ensaio colaborativo, com a distribuição do material preparado a laboratórios que se dispuseram a colaborar com o projeto. Ainda foram realizados estudos voltados ao preparo da amostra visando a rapidez e redução de uso de reagentes. A avaliação da estimativa da massa mínima, da homogeneidade e da estabilidade do material foi realizada utilizando-se como técnica de determinação a espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES). Para a determinação de fósforo foi avaliado o emprego de espectrometria de emissão com plasma induzida por laser (LIBS). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância de fator único (ANOVA) e a homogeneidade e a estabilidade do material apresentaram médias dentro do intervalo de confiança de 95%. Os resultados obtidos durante o preparo e através do ensaio colaborativo possibilitaram a caracterização química e o calculo das incertezas relativas a cada etapa do preparo do material, sendo elaborada a carta controle com os resultados do material de referência e as incertezas expandidas para cada um dos analitos em estudo. Parte do trabalho foi desenvolvido junto ao National Research Council Canada (NRCC) em Ottawa no Canadá, onde foi avaliada a aplicabilidade do sistema de combustão iniciada por radiação microondas no preparo de amostras de materiais de referência nacionais anteriormente preparados, fígado bovino (RM-Agro E3001a) e forrageira (RM-Agro E1001a), para a determinação de As, Cd, Cu e Pb por espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS), sendo obtidos resultados que poderão ser aplicados em outros materiais orgânicos e inorgânicos.