959 resultados para collections of archival footage
The study of random probability measures is a lively research topic that has attracted interest from different fields in recent years. In this thesis, we consider random probability measures in the context of Bayesian nonparametrics, where the law of a random probability measure is used as prior distribution, and in the context of distributional data analysis, where the goal is to perform inference given avsample from the law of a random probability measure. The contributions contained in this thesis can be subdivided according to three different topics: (i) the use of almost surely discrete repulsive random measures (i.e., whose support points are well separated) for Bayesian model-based clustering, (ii) the proposal of new laws for collections of random probability measures for Bayesian density estimation of partially exchangeable data subdivided into different groups, and (iii) the study of principal component analysis and regression models for probability distributions seen as elements of the 2-Wasserstein space. Specifically, for point (i) above we propose an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior inference, which sidesteps the need of split-merge reversible jump moves typically associated with poor performance, we propose a model for clustering high-dimensional data by introducing a novel class of anisotropic determinantal point processes, and study the distributional properties of the repulsive measures, shedding light on important theoretical results which enable more principled prior elicitation and more efficient posterior simulation algorithms. For point (ii) above, we consider several models suitable for clustering homogeneous populations, inducing spatial dependence across groups of data, extracting the characteristic traits common to all the data-groups, and propose a novel vector autoregressive model to study of growth curves of Singaporean kids. Finally, for point (iii), we propose a novel class of projected statistical methods for distributional data analysis for measures on the real line and on the unit-circle.
Personal archives are the archives created by individuals for their own purposes. Among these are the library and documentary collections of writers and scholars. It is only recently that archival literature has begun to focus on this category of archives, emphasising how their heterogeneous nature necessitates the conciliation of different approaches to archival description, and calling for a broader understanding of the principle of provenance, recognising that multiple creators, including subsequent researchers, can contribute to shaping personal archives over time by adding new layers of contexts. Despite these advances in the theoretical debate, current architectures for archival representation remain behind. Finding aids privilege a single point of view and do not allow subsequent users to embed their own, potentially conflicting, readings. Using semantic web technologies this study aims to define a conceptual model for writers' archives based on existing and widely adopted models in the cultural heritage and humanities domains. The model developed can be used to represent different types of documents at various levels of analysis, as well as record content and components. It also enables the representation of complex relationships and the incorporation of additional layers of interpretation into the finding aid, transforming it from a static search tool into a dynamic research platform. The personal archive and library of Giuseppe Raimondi serves as a case study for the creation of an archival knowledge base using the proposed conceptual model. By querying the knowledge graph through SPARQL, the effectiveness of the model is evaluated. The results demonstrate that the model addresses the primary representation challenges identified in archival literature, from both a technological and methodological standpoint. The ultimate goal is to bring the output par excellence of archival science, i.e. the finding aid, more in line with the latest developments in archival thinking.
In the recent decades, robotics has become firmly embedded in areas such as education, teaching, medicine, psychology and many others. We focus here on social robotics; social robots are designed to interact with people in a natural and interpersonal way, often to achieve positive results in different applications. To interact and cooperate with humans in their daily-life activities, robots should exhibit human-like intelligence. The rapid expansion of social robotics and the existence of various kinds of robots on the market have allowed research groups to carry out multiple experiments. The experiments carried out have led to the collections of various kinds of data, which can be used or processed for psychological studies, and studies in other fields. However, there are no tools available in which data can be stored, processed and shared with other research groups. This thesis proposes the design and implementation of visual tool for organizing dataflows in Human Robot Interaction (HRI).
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
INTRODUÇÃO: Alterações no ambiente vêm contribuindo com mudanças climáticas, como o aumento do volume de chuvas, que acarreta as inundações. Medidas estão sendo tomadas no enfrentamento das inundações, como a implantação dos reservatórios de contenção de cheias (piscinões). Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a fauna de culicídeos, de importância epidemiológica, nos piscinões Caguaçu e Inhumas. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas coletas mensais nos piscinões Caguaçu e Inhumas, situados na região leste de São Paulo, de março de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007, empregando-se os métodos de concha entomológica e aspirador. Para análise dos dados, foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e a regressão linear simples. RESULTADOS: Foram coletados 8.917 culicídeos, destacando-se Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus, que representou 98,9% dos espécimes no Inhumas e 95,2% no Caguaçu. No Caguaçu, a maior frequência de imaturos foi observada no vertedouro (61%) e no Inhumas na canaleta (42,6%). A precipitação prediz 87% da abundância numérica de larvas de terceiro e de quarto estágio no Caguaçu e 60% do número de pupas coletadas. No Inhumas, a precipitação explicou 36% da abundância numérica de larvas e 18% do número de pupas. CONCLUSÕES: Culex quinquefasciatus, vetor de agentes da filariose, arboviroses e fator de incômodo à população, foi a espécie mais frequente nos dois ambientes. Medidas de controle da espécie nos piscinões estudados se fazem necessárias tendo em vista seu potencial epidemiológico.
In this paper, we describe the Vannotea system - an application designed to enable collaborating groups to discuss and annotate collections of high quality images, video, audio or 3D objects. The system has been designed specifically to capture and share scholarly discourse and annotations about multimedia research data by teams of trusted colleagues within a research or academic environment. As such, it provides: authenticated access to a web browser search interface for discovering and retrieving media objects; a media replay window that can incorporate a variety of embedded plug-ins to render different scientific media formats; an annotation authoring, editing, searching and browsing tool; and session logging and replay capabilities. Annotations are personal remarks, interpretations, questions or references that can be attached to whole files, segments or regions. Vannotea enables annotations to be attached either synchronously (using jabber message passing and audio/video conferencing) or asynchronously and stand-alone. The annotations are stored on an Annotea server, extended for multimedia content. Their access, retrieval and re-use is controlled via Shibboleth identity management and XACML access policies.
Novel macrolides, lobatamides A-F (1-6), have been isolated from shallow water Australian collections of Aplidium lobatum, from a deep water collection of Aplidium sp., and from an unidentified Philippine ascidian. Full details of the isolation and structure elucidation of 1-6 are provided herein, along with results and analyses of the testing of lobatamides A-D (1-4) in the NCI human tumor 60 cell-line screen. The lobatamides share a common core structure with the recently described salicylihalamides, which were isolated from a Haliclona sp. sponge. COMPARE analyses of the mean-graph differential cytotoxicity profiles of the lobatamides and the salicylihalamides showed high correlations with each other but not with members of the NCI's standard agents database. These compounds, therefore, appear to comprise a new mechanistic class, meriting further antitumor investigations.
Transposon elements are important tools for gene function analysis, for example they can be used to easily create genome-wide collections of insertion mutants. Transposons may also carry sequences coding for an epitope or fluorescent marker useful for protein expression and localization analysis. We have developed three new Tn5-based transposons that incorporate a GFP (green fluorescent protein) coding sequence to generate fusion proteins in the important fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Each transposon also contains the URA3 and Kan(R) genes for yeast and bacterial selection, respectively. After in vitro transposition, the insertional allele is transferred to the chromosomal locus by homologous recombination. Transposons Tn5-CaGFP and Tn5-CaGFP-URA3:FLIP can generate C-terminal truncated GFP fusions. A URA3 flipper recycling cassette was incorporated into the transposon Th5-CaGFP-UFRA3:FLIP. After the induction of Flip recombinase to excise the marker, the heterozygous strain is transformed again in order to obtain a GFP-tagged homozygous strains. In the Tn5-CaGFP-FL transposon the markers are flanked by a rare-cutting enzyme. After in vitro transposition into a plasmid-borne target gene, the markers are eliminated by restriction digestion and religation, resulting in a construct coding for full-length GFP-fusion proteins. This transposon can generate plasmid libraries of GFP insertions in proteins where N- or C-terminal tagging may alter localization. We tested our transposon system by mutagenizing the essential septin CDC3 gene. The results indicate that the Cdc3 C-terminal extension is important for correct septin filament assembly. The transposons described here provide a new system to obtain global gene expression and protein localization data in C. albicans. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The genetic structure of six local collections of Pocillopora verrrucosa from six coral reefs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, was examined using allozyme electrophoresis. The six separate reefs lie within two different reef complexes. Twenty-two enzymes were screened on five buffer systems, but only five polymorphic loci (Gpi-1, Gdh-1, Lgg-2, Lpp-1, Est-1) could be consistently resolved. No significant differences in allelic frequencies were detected among the six sites. All local collections were genotypically diverse, with evidence of only very limited clonal replication at each site. Indeed, the ratio of observed to expected genotypic diversity (mean Go:Ge=0.64 +/-0.05 SD), the ratio of observed number of genotypes to the number of individuals (mean Ng:N = 0.65 +/-0.04 SE), and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium indicate that sexual reproduction plays a major role in the maintenance of the populations. No genetic differentiation was found either within (FSR = 0.026 +/-0.003 SE) or between (FRT = 0.000 +/-0.001 SE) reef complexes. The homogeneity of the gene frequencies across the six reefs strongly supports the assumption that the KwaZulu-Natal reef complexes are highly connected by gene flow (Nem=44). The reefs in the southern and central reef complexes along the northern Maputaland coastline can therefore be considered part of a single population.
Neisseria meningitidis expresses a range of lipooligosaccharide (LOS) structures, comprising of at least 13 immunotypes (ITs). Meningococcal LOS is subject to phase variation of its terminal structures allowing switching between ITs, which is proposed to have functional significance in disease. The objectives of this study were to investigate the repertoire of structures that can be expressed in clinical isolates, and to examine the role of phase-variable expression of LOS genes during invasive disease. Southern blotting was used to detect the presence of LOS biosynthetic genes in two collections of meningococci, a global set of strains previously assigned to lineages of greater or lesser virulence, and a collection of local clinical isolates which included paired throat and blood isolates from individual patients. Where the phase-variable genes lgtA, lgtC or IgtG were identified, they were amplified by PCR and the homopolymeric tracts, responsible for their phase-variable expression, were sequenced. The results revealed great potential for variation between alternate LOS structures in the isolates studied, with most strains capable of expressing several alternative terminal structures. The structures predicted to be currently expressed by the genotype of the strains agreed well with conventional immunotyping. No correlation was observed between the structural repertoire and virulence of the isolate. Based on the potential for LOS phase variation in the clinical collection and observations with the paired patient isolates, our data suggest that phase variation of LOS structures is not required for translocation between distinct compartments in the host. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Microsatellites were used to analyse 68 collections of Helicoverpa armigera in the Dawson/Callide Valleys in central Queensland. The study aimed to evaluate the genetic structure in this region over a 12-month period (September 2000-August 2001). The results detected genetic shifts in H. armigera collections, with genetic changes occurring month by month. Collections in any month were genetically distant from the preceding month's collections. There was no observed difference between collections of H. armigera from the Biloela region and those found in the Theodore region of central Queensland. The data support the current area-wide management strategies for H. armigera by reinforcing the importance and contribution of local management practices. The study also indicates a need for the continuation of regional or Australia-wide approaches to management of the low levels of immigration that are occurring, and for future high pest pressure years.
Distance learners are self-directed learners traditionally taught via study books, collections of readings, and exercises to test understanding of learning packages. Despite advances in e-Learning environments and computer-based teaching interfaces, distance learners still lack opportunities to participate in exercises and debates available to classroom learners, particularly through non-text based learning techniques. Effective distance teaching requires flexible learning opportunities. Using arguments developed in interpretation literature, we argue that effective distance learning must also be Entertaining, Relevant, Organised, Thematic, Involving and Creative—E.R.O.T.I.C. (after Ham, 1992). We discuss an experiment undertaken with distance learners at The University of Queensland Gatton Campus, where we initiated an E.R.O.T.I.C. external teaching package aimed at engaging distance learners but using multimedia, including but not limited to text-based learning tools. Student responses to non-text media were positive.
Este estudo teve como foco inicial de investigação o modo como livros didáticos de alfabetização propõem o estudo das relações entre sons e letras e letras e sons, e como essa dimensão se articula (ou não) a uma concepção de alfabetização que toma o texto como unidade de ensino. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa de cunho documental, trazendo para estudo produções acadêmico-científicas acerca da temática de investigação, tendências teóricas no estudo da alfabetização, o processo histórico da política de avaliação de livros didáticos no Brasil, o Guia de livros didáticos – PNLD 2010 – letramento e alfabetização – língua portuguesa – 2009 e duas coleções de livros didáticos de alfabetização, quais sejam: A Escola é Nossa – Letramento e Alfabetização Linguística; e Porta Aberta – Letramento e Alfabetização Linguística, avaliadas e selecionadas pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), na edição de 2009, para o ano letivo de 2010. Assume a hipótese de que a proposta de trabalho com as relações sons e letras e letras e sons trazida pelos livros didáticos de alfabetização, no contexto do letramento, por não tomar o texto como unidade de ensino, acaba por criar obstáculos para a própria compreensão dessas relações pelos estudantes. Toma como princípios teóricos e metodológicos a abordagem bakhtiniana de linguagem, bem como a concepção de alfabetização que baliza este estudo (GONTIJO; SCHWARTZ, 2009). Conclui que, ao não trazer os textos (gêneros discursivos) como enunciados, indiferentes à alternância dos sujeitos do discurso, os livros analisados, não obstante as poucas diferenças existentes entre um e outro, que se referem mais especificamente a informações que tangem à linguística, vão ao encontro de uma concepção de linguagem como um sistema de normas que devem ser anteriormente internalizadas pelo estudante para que este possa proceder à leitura e à escrita. Tratam, pois, a língua materna como uma língua estrangeira ou morta, como se esta fosse estática, permanecendo imune à evolução histórica. O estudo corroborou a hipótese de investigação, uma vez que, desconsiderando e/ou desconhecendo o aspecto dialógico do enunciado, os livros analisados minimizam a possibilidade da instauração de uma abordagem discursiva de linguagem, o que incide no tratamento das relações sons e letras e letras e sons que acabam por apresentarem-se dicotomizadas do texto e seu contexto discursivo e, dessa forma, sua reflexão e sistematização pelos estudantes distancia-se de um estudo dessas relações no bojo dos aspectos sócio-históricos, ideológicos, linguísticos, estilísticos, dentre outros que perpassam seu ensino. Logo, por não propiciarem um tratamento discursivo da linguagem, pouco contribuem para um tratamento “linguístico” adequado, acabando por criar obstáculos para a compreensão dessas relações pelos estudantes. Entende que conhecimentos linguísticos, principalmente referentes às variedades linguísticas e dialetais, tornam-se importantes quando da abordagem dessas relações, entretanto, estes por si sós não garantem sua apropriação. Ressalta o necessário conhecimento por parte dos professores (e autores) acerca da abordagem linguística tomada pelo livro didático de alfabetização e o resgate da autoria docente diante do ensino da língua materna, instaurando um processo autoral-dialógico da produção de conhecimentos junto aos estudantes.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2016.