885 resultados para call centres


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The studies were conducted in nine stations with varying ecological characteristics along Cochin backwaters and adjoining canals. Many workers opined that the distribution of rotifers is cosmopolitan. The significance of rotifers as first food for early larvae was indicated by Fujita. Aquaculture is a fast growing field in fisheries sector and it is gaining more importance as the fish landings and supply are getting irregular. A consistent supply of fish/shellfish can only be achieved through aquaculture. The success of any culture activity depends on the timely production of seeds of finfishes/shellfishes. The availability of wild seed is seasonal and erratic. So, a dependable source of seed of fishes and shellfishes is possible only through large scale production in hatchery. A successful seed production activity depends on the availability of a variety of suitable live feed organisms in sufficient quantities at the proper time for use in the larval stages. As the live feeds promote high growth rates, easy digestion, assimilation and the quality of not contaminating the culture water when compared to other artificial feeds, make the culture of live feed organisms the principal means of providing food for the larvae of finfishes and shellfishes. Rotifers are considered to be an excellent and indispensable food for larvae of many finfishes and crustaceans. It (1960) was the first to culture Brachionus plicatilis for feeding marine fish larvae, and now it is being extensively used as live feed in hatcheries all over the world. They are a group of microscopic organisms coming under the Phylum Rotifera which comprises of about 2000 species. Their slow swimming habits, ability to tolerate a wide range of salinities, parthenogenetic mode of reproduction and ability to get enriched easily, make rotifers an ideal live feed organism. The major factors such as temperature, salinity and food that influence the reproductive potential and thereby the population size of rotifer, Salinity is one of the most important aspect influencing the reproductive rate of rotifers. The feed type and feed concentration play a vital role in influencing the reproductive rate of rotifers. For culture of rotifers, the commonly used micro algae belong to Chlorella, Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis and Tetraselmis. While some studies have suggested that, algal diet has little effect on reproductive rates in 1979 while using the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis as feed for the larvae of red sea bream, Pagrus major. It is generally accepted that rotifers play a pivotal role in the successful rearing of marine fish larvae.


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The main objective of the present investigation was to study the biochemical genetic variability within the species and genetic structure of its regional populations from west coast. Realising the recent report of occurrence of oil sardine fishery in east coast of India, population samples from Mandapam and Madras were also included in the present investigation. The original data gathered on the population genetics of the species have helped to interpret and evaluate the results objectively. The important conclusions drawn from a detailed discussions on the subject would throw some light on the probable process of problematic fluctuations in the abundance of oil sardine fishery of India. The academic and applied values of present discoveries need not be emphasised. The data used for the doctoral thesis were generated during the ICAR ad-hoc project on the "Population genetic studies on oil sardine, sardinella longiceps to identity distinct genetic stocks", carried out at CMFRI, Cochin during the years, 1988-1991


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Modern computer systems are plagued with stability and security problems: applications lose data, web servers are hacked, and systems crash under heavy load. Many of these problems or anomalies arise from rare program behavior caused by attacks or errors. A substantial percentage of the web-based attacks are due to buffer overflows. Many methods have been devised to detect and prevent anomalous situations that arise from buffer overflows. The current state-of-art of anomaly detection systems is relatively primitive and mainly depend on static code checking to take care of buffer overflow attacks. For protection, Stack Guards and I-leap Guards are also used in wide varieties.This dissertation proposes an anomaly detection system, based on frequencies of system calls in the system call trace. System call traces represented as frequency sequences are profiled using sequence sets. A sequence set is identified by the starting sequence and frequencies of specific system calls. The deviations of the current input sequence from the corresponding normal profile in the frequency pattern of system calls is computed and expressed as an anomaly score. A simple Bayesian model is used for an accurate detection.Experimental results are reported which show that frequency of system calls represented using sequence sets, captures the normal behavior of programs under normal conditions of usage. This captured behavior allows the system to detect anomalies with a low rate of false positives. Data are presented which show that Bayesian Network on frequency variations responds effectively to induced buffer overflows. It can also help administrators to detect deviations in program flow introduced due to errors.


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This thesis "Entitled performance of district industries centres in kerala :An application of augmented solow model.The first chapter deals with evolution of approaches for promoting small scale production and the growth of small scale industries in india.the developing countries face the problems like sluggish growth capital shortages high levels of unemployment,enoromous rural-urban economic disparities regional inequalities increasing concentration of capital and chronic difficulities in the export sector.Review of literature and methodology of the study are presented in the second chapter. In the third chapter an attempt has been made to make an in-depth study of the emergence and growth of district of district industries centres.In the chapter four an attempt was made to study the organisational structure of DICs functions and responsibilities assigned to the functional managers and performance of the functionaries.


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This paper discusses our research in developing a generalized and systematic method for anomaly detection. The key ideas are to represent normal program behaviour using system call frequencies and to incorporate probabilistic techniques for classification to detect anomalies and intrusions. Using experiments on the sendmail system call data, we demonstrate that concise and accurate classifiers can be constructed to detect anomalies. An overview of the approach that we have implemented is provided.


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The paper discusses the use of online information resources for organising knowledge in library and information centres in Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). The paper discusses the status and extent of automation in CUSAT library. The use of different online resources and the purposes for which these resources are being used, is explained in detail. Structured interview method was applied for collecting data. It was observed that 67 per cent users consult online resources for assisting knowledge organisation. Library of Congress catalogue is the widely used (100 per cent) online resource followed by OPAC of CUSAT and catalogue of British Library. The main purposes for using these resources are class number building and subject indexing


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Krishin Vigyan Kendras-KVKs (Farm Science Centres) have been established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in 569 districts. The trust areas of KVKs are refinement and demonstration of technologies, and training of farmers and extension functionaries. Imparting vocational trainings in agriculture and allied fields for the rural youth is one of its mandates. The study was undertaken to do a formative and summative (outcome and impact) evaluation of the beekeeping and mushroom growing vocational training programmes in the Indian state of Punjab. One-group pre and post evaluation design was employed for conducting a formative and outcome evaluation. The knowledge tests were administered to 35 beekeeping and 25 mushroom cultivation trainees, before and after the training programmes organized in 2004. The trainees significantly gained in knowledge. A separate sample of 640 trainees, trained prior to 2004, was selected for finding the adoption status. Out of 640, a sample of 200 was selected by proportionate sampling technique out of three categories, namely: non-adopters, discontinued-adopters and continued-adopters for evaluating the long-term impact of these training programmes. Ex-post-facto one-shot case study design was applied for this impact analysis. The vocational training programmes have resulted in continued-adoption of beekeeping and mushroom cultivation enterprises by 20% and 51% trained farmers, respectively. Age and trainee occupation had significant influence on the adoption decision of beekeeping vocation, whereas education and family income significantly affected the adoption decision of mushroom cultivation. The continued adopters of beekeeping and mushroom growing had increased their family income by 49% and 24%, respectively. These training programmes are augmenting the dwindling farm income of the farmers in Indian Punjab.


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Esta gu??a ha contado con el apoyo del Programa S??crates de la Comisi??n Europea y es una traducci??n al ingl??s editada separadamente de la versi??n espa??ola


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Aquest projecte és un estudi teòric exhaustiu sobre l’educació ambiental i la seva inserció en el currículum escolar, així com de la gestió ambiental en l’àmbit educatiu i “ecoauditoria escolar”. Es busca d’ aquesta manera una base sòlida per a poder definir i concretar un programa per a l’ambientalització de centres educatius d’ educació infantil, primària i secundària de la Comunitat Valenciana, que ajudi i faciliti la incorporació d’una nova dimensió ambiental a les escoles


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We shall call an n × p data matrix fully-compositional if the rows sum to a constant, and sub-compositional if the variables are a subset of a fully-compositional data set1. Such data occur widely in archaeometry, where it is common to determine the chemical composition of ceramic, glass, metal or other artefacts using techniques such as neutron activation analysis (NAA), inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICPS), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) etc. Interest often centres on whether there are distinct chemical groups within the data and whether, for example, these can be associated with different origins or manufacturing technologies


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Una conferència pot començar de moltes maneres. Josep Call va triar iniciar-ne una amb un elogi als seus col•laboradors, perquè sense ells —va dir— la recerca que fa no hauria estat possible. Fins aquí no se’ns hauria de fer estrany, si no fos perquè allò que Call volia explicar és que la capacitat de compartir activament i de pensar plegats és una de les bases de la intencionalitat compartida, la tesi que van venir a defensar i el tret que, segons ell, ens diferencia dels primats. Call va ser el segon convidat de la Butaca Jaume Casademont, en una sessió que es va dur a terme al Casino de Girona


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Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia en los últimos 6 meses de los síntomas de cuello y miembro superior además de sus factores asociados, en trabajadores de una entidad financiera call center en el periodo comprendido de abril a octubre del año 2009. Métodos: se realizó un análisis descriptivo trasversal, a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario de morbilidad sentida que abarcó aspectos demográficos, antecedentes personales y antecedentes laborales. La presencia de los síntomas se documentó en una tabla donde se confrontaron los síntomas osteomusculares y los segmentos afectados en los últimos 6 meses. Adicionalmente se les pidió a los sujetos identificar la postura más frecuente durante su trabajo mediante un diagrama. Resultados: los síntomas más prevalentes fueron dolor en la muñeca derecha (0,44; IC 95% 0,37 – 0,51), dolor en el cuello (0,43; IC95% 0,36 – 0,50), rigidez en el cuello (0,33; IC95% 0,26 – 0,40) y dolor en la mano derecha (0,36; IC95% 0,29 – 0,43). Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al género en la presencia de dolor en muñeca derecha (26,1% hombres contra 73,9% mujeres; p=0,005), dolor en mano derecha (25% hombres versus 75% mujeres; p=0,008), síntomas neurológicos en mano derecha (19,4% versus 80,6%; p=0,001) y dolor en hombro derecho (26,3% hombres versus 73,7% mujeres; p=0,048). También se evidencio una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la prevalencia del síntoma dolor en muñeca derecha según el auto reporte de mayor exigencia en el desempeño (85,2% con la percepción de mayor exigencias, versus 14,8% en los sujetos que no; p=0,020). Además una diferencia estadísticamente significativa con mayor presencia de síntomas en muñecas y manos en sujetos con postura en dorsiflexión de de las mismas (muñeca derecha 72,8%, p=0,001; muñeca izquierda 43,5%, p=0,020; mano derecha 62%, p=0,003). Conclusión: después de realizar el estudio se encontró como principal síntoma el dolor, localizado en: la muñeca derecha, el cuello, la mano derecha y el hombro derecho, con diferencias mayores para el género femenino según la postura de las muñecas, lo que es compatible con las condiciones de trabajo y la respuesta fisiológica a estas condiciones.


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Disseny d’una xarxa de distribució d’alta tensió de tercera categoria de 25 kV subterrània, a partir d’ara mitja tensió (MT), amb deu centres de transformació i distribució de 1000 kVA cadascun. La reforma d’un centre de transformació i distribució de 630 kVA i el disseny de la xarxa de baixa tensió. Amb la finalitat de donar subministrament d’energia elèctrica a les industries d’un polígon del terme municipal de Torroella de Montgrí (GIRONA) i obtenir l’autorització administrativa per la posterior posada en servei d’aquesta instal•lació. No queda inclòs en aquest projecte la instal•lació d’enllumenat públic


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La campanya de promoció de l’oferta acadèmica de la UdG, als centres de secundària, és una de les accions de promoció més important i efectiva que fa la UdG. Aquest curs, en total, s’han visitat 71 centres repartits entre 30 municipis diferents. Hi han participat més de 3.000 estudiants