974 resultados para before 30 days


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El ensayo se llevó a cabo en invernáculo con plántulas de Atriplex lampa (zampa) de 30 días. Se realizaron 5 tratamientos, con 20 repeticiones cada uno. El modelo experimental fue completamente aleatorizado. Durante 28 días se efectuaron riegos cada 5 días con soluciones de Murashige & Skoog (MS) y distintas concentraciones finales de NaCl: T1 (sin NaCl) y T2, T3, T4 y T5 con 200, 400, 600 y 800 mM NaCl respectivamente. Se midió: a) la altura de las plantas, a partir del cuello, a los 7, 14, 21 y 28 días; b) el peso seco -por separado- del vástago y la raíz y potencial agua, al finalizar el ensayo (día 28) en muestras tomadas antes del amanecer en plantas cortadas a la altura del cuello. El NaCl adicionado redujo el crecimiento de Atriplex lampa respecto de T1. Dicho efecto se acentuó con el aumento de la concentración salina y la cantidad de días bajo tratamiento. La materia seca aérea producida disminuyó a medida que aumentaba la salinidad del suelo. La producción de materia seca radical no mostró diferencias significativas (P > 0.05) entre tratamientos. Por lo tanto, la zampa podría adaptarse a suelos salinos con crecimiento aceptable, constituyendo una alternativa forrajera valiosa para regiones áridas y salinas.


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Working with subsistence whale hunters, we tagged 19 mostly immature bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) with satellite-linked transmitters between May 2006 and September 2008 and documented their movements in the Chukchi Sea from late August through December. From Point Barrow, Alaska, most whales moved west through the Chukchi Sea between 71° and 74° N latitude; nine whales crossed in six to nine days. Three whales returned to Point Barrow for 13 to 33 days, two after traveling 300 km west and one after traveling ~725 km west to Wrangel Island, Russia; two then crossed the Chukchi Sea again while the other was the only whale to travel south along the Alaskan side of the Chukchi Sea. Seven whales spent from one to 21 days near Wrangel Island before moving south to northern Chukotka. Whales spent an average of 59 days following the Chukotka coast southeastward. Kernel density analysis identified Point Barrow, Wrangel Island, and the northern coast of Chukotka as areas of greater use by bowhead whales that might be important for feeding. All whales traveled through a potential petroleum development area at least once. Most whales crossed the development area in less than a week; however, one whale remained there for 30 days.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. Data sets in this collection provide methodological and environmental context to all samples collected during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013).


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La encina (Quercus ilex L.) es una de las especies forestales mediterráneas más importantes. Constituye gran parte del estrato arbóreo de dehesas o montados, produce bellota como alimento del ganado y establece simbiosis con hongos micorrizógenos de gran valor económico. La encina está considerada como una especie recalcitrante en términos de conservación de semillas y capacidad morfogénica, lo que dificulta los programas de conservación de recursos genéticos y la mejora de la especie. La propagación vegetativa es una potente herramienta de los programas de mejora, por lo que es preciso desarrollar protocolos de regeneración somática en encina. La embriogénesis somática está considerada como la modalidad más adecuada de regeneración basada en técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales utilizada en biotecnología forestal. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de determinados aspectos de la embriogénesis somática para la regeneración clonal de encinas adultas. La memoria de esta tesis se ha dividido en capítulos que se corresponden con diferentes aspectos del sistema embriogénico. La embriogénesis somática se indujo en tegumentos maternos de óvulos en desarrollo procedentes de bellotas inmaduras de encinas adultas. A pesar de las bajas frecuencias de inducción, las líneas embriogénicas generadas se amplificaron mediante embriogénesis secundaria observándose cierta pérdida de la capacidad de diferenciación con el tiempo. Tanto el genotipo como la formulación del medio de cultivo influyeron en la respuesta embriogénica, concluyendo que la formulación de macronutrientes de Schenk y Hildebrant del medio sin reguladores de crecimiento fue la combinación más efectiva en la inducción. Los resultados sugirieron la existencia de una ventana en el desarrollo del óvulo más sensible a la inducción. El genotipo in[luyó en la capacidad proliferativa de los cultivos y en la conversión de los embriones somáticos, que se incrementó suplementando el medio con ácido indol-3-butírico y 6-benciladenina. El cultivo en medio líquido de líneas embriogénicas en condiciones de inmersión transitoria incrementó el crecimiento, dependiendo del genotipo, con respecto al cultivo en medio semisólido. Sin embargo, no mejoró la capacidad de diferenciar embriones cotiledonares aislados. Se estableció un protocolo de inicio y mantenimiento de cultivos en suspensión para varias líneas embriogénicas mediante inoculación en alta densidad de agregados embrionarios procedentes del medio semisólido. Para evitar la pérdida de vigor y la capacidad morfogénica debida al cultivo prolongado se desarrolló un protocolo de crioconservación de líneas embriogénicas mediante vitrificación. Al determinar la influencia de los agentes crioprotectores antes y después de su inmersión en nitrógeno líquido se concluyó que las respuestas de capacidad de crecimiento y de diferenciación del material embriogénico son independientes, además de estar bajo influencia del genotipo y el tipo de material crioconservado. La combinación de sacarosa y PVS2 previa a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido proporcionó la mayor tasa de recuperación. Cuando las líneas fueron crioconservadas 30 días la capacidad de diferenciación se perdió en todas ellas. El análisis de SSR detectó variación somaclonal en el material crioconservado a corto plazo. SSR y RAPD mostraron importantes diferencias genéticas entre los árboles donantes y el material embriogénico que dependieron del genotipo. El grado de detección dependió del marcador empleado. Ambos marcadores revelaron baja inestabilidad intraclonal. Los RAPD revelaron variación genética intra-individuo en las encinas donantes. Se discuten la variación genética pre-existente en encina, su aparición durante las primeras fases de la inducción de embriogénesis, y la presencia de tejidos provenientes de la fertilización en el explanto materno. Esto hace preciso definir la identidad genética del material donante y acometer ensayos de detección precoz de variación somaclonal. ABSTRACT Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is one of the most important Mediterranean forest species. It conforms the tree layer of dehesas or montados, it produces acorns to feed the livestock and it establishes symbiosis with profitable mycorrhizal fungi. Holm oak is considered as recalcitrant species in terms of seed conservation and morphogenic capacities, which complicates the development of genetic conservation and improvement programs. Vegetative propagation is one of the mightiest tools for breeding programs therefore; developing protocols for clonal regeneration of holm oak is essential. Somatic embryogenesis is considered the best tissue culture-based way of plant regeneration in forest biotechnology. The present study is focused on the study of certain aspects of somatic embryogenesis for clonal regeneration of mature holm oak. This thesis manuscript is divided into several chapters that match with different aspects of the embryogenic system. Somatic embryogenesis induction was achieved on maternal teguments of developing ovules from immature acorns of adult holm oak trees. Despite the low induction frequencies, the generated embryogenic lines were amplified by secondary embryogenesis. A decline in the differentiation capacity over time was also observed. It was concluded that both genotype and culture media formulation influenced the embryogenic response, being the Schenk and Hildebrandt´s macronutrients formulation from culture medium and the lack of plant growth regulators the most effective combination for the induction of the embryogenic response. It has been suggested the existence of a developmental window in which ovules are prone to induction. Genotype influenced the proliferation capacity and the plant conversion of somatic embryos, which was also favoured by the presence of indol-3-butyric acid and 6-bencyladenine. The use of temporary immersion systems as proliferation in liquid culture of the embryogenic lines increased the growth depending on genotype, when compared to semisolid cultures. However, it did not improve the differentiation of single cotyledonary embryos. A protocol for the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures was established for several embryogenic lines with highly dense inoculi of embryogenic clusters from proliferating semisolid cultures. In order to avoid the loss of vigour and morphogenic ability of embryogenic lines due to prolonged cultures, a cryopreservation protocol for embryogenic lines of holm oak has been developed. During the determination of the influence of cryoprotective agents on the growth and differentiation capacities before and after liquid nitrogen immersion, it was concluded that both responses were independent from each other and also under the influence of genotype and the type of cryopreserved material. The combination of sucrose and PVS2 prior liquid nitrogen immersion provided higher recovery rates. When the same embryogenic lines were cryopreserved for 30 days, none was able to differentiate. The SSRs analysis of the short-term cryopreserved material detected somaclonal variation. Both SSR and RAPD markers showed high sensitivity to detect genetic differences between the donor trees and the generated embryogenic material. Nevertheless, the degree of instability detection depended on the marker. The SSR analysis indicated a relationship between genotype, the studied loci and the located polymorphisms. Also, both markers revealed low intraclonal genetic variation. The RAPD detected genetic variation within the donor trees. The presence of pre-existent genetic variation within mature trees, in addition to its occurrence during the early stages of the embryogenic induction, and the presence of tissues of fertilisation origin within the maternal explants are all discussed. Nonetheless, the determination of the genetic identity of donor material is required, in addition to early detection methods of somaclonal variation.


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La encina (Quercus ilex L.) es una de las especies forestales mediterráneas más importantes. Constituye gran parte del estrato arbóreo de dehesas o montados, produce bellota como alimento del ganado y establece simbiosis con hongos micorrizógenos de gran valor económico. La encina está considerada como una especie recalcitrante en términos de conservación de semillas y capacidad morfogénica, lo que dificulta los programas de conservación de recursos genéticos y la mejora de la especie. La propagación vegetativa es una potente herramienta de los programas de mejora, por lo que es preciso desarrollar protocolos de regeneración somática en encina. La embriogénesis somática está considerada como la modalidad más adecuada de regeneración basada en técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales utilizada en biotecnología forestal. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de determinados aspectos de la embriogénesis somática para la regeneración clonal de encinas adultas. La memoria de esta tesis se ha dividido en capítulos que se corresponden con diferentes aspectos del sistema embriogénico. La embriogénesis somática se indujo en tegumentos maternos de óvulos en desarrollo procedentes de bellotas inmaduras de encinas adultas. A pesar de las bajas frecuencias de inducción, las líneas embriogénicas generadas se amplificaron mediante embriogénesis secundaria observándose cierta pérdida de la capacidad de diferenciación con el tiempo. Tanto el genotipo como la formulación del medio de cultivo influyeron en la respuesta embriogénica, concluyendo que la formulación de macronutrientes de Schenk y Hildebrant del medio sin reguladores de crecimiento fue la combinación más efectiva en la inducción. Los resultados sugirieron la existencia de una ventana en el desarrollo del óvulo más sensible a la inducción. El genotipo in[luyó en la capacidad proliferativa de los cultivos y en la conversión de los embriones somáticos, que se incrementó suplementando el medio con ácido indol-3-butírico y 6-benciladenina. El cultivo en medio líquido de líneas embriogénicas en condiciones de inmersión transitoria incrementó el crecimiento, dependiendo del genotipo, con respecto al cultivo en medio semisólido. Sin embargo, no mejoró la capacidad de diferenciar embriones cotiledonares aislados. Se estableció un protocolo de inicio y mantenimiento de cultivos en suspensión para varias líneas embriogénicas mediante inoculación en alta densidad de agregados embrionarios procedentes del medio semisólido. Para evitar la pérdida de vigor y la capacidad morfogénica debida al cultivo prolongado se desarrolló un protocolo de crioconservación de líneas embriogénicas mediante vitrificación. Al determinar la influencia de los agentes crioprotectores antes y después de su inmersión en nitrógeno líquido se concluyó que las respuestas de capacidad de crecimiento y de diferenciación del material embriogénico son independientes, además de estar bajo influencia del genotipo y el tipo de material crioconservado. La combinación de sacarosa y PVS2 previa a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido proporcionó la mayor tasa de recuperación. Cuando las líneas fueron crioconservadas 30 días la capacidad de diferenciación se perdió en todas ellas. El análisis de SSR detectó variación somaclonal en el material crioconservado a corto plazo. SSR y RAPD mostraron importantes diferencias genéticas entre los árboles donantes y el material embriogénico que dependieron del genotipo. El grado de detección dependió del marcador empleado. Ambos marcadores revelaron baja inestabilidad intraclonal. Los RAPD revelaron variación genética intra-individuo en las encinas donantes. Se discuten la variación genética pre-existente en encina, su aparición durante las primeras fases de la inducción de embriogénesis, y la presencia de tejidos provenientes de la fertilización en el explanto materno. Esto hace preciso definir la identidad genética del material donante y acometer ensayos de detección precoz de variación somaclonal. ABSTRACT Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is one of the most important Mediterranean forest species. It conforms the tree layer of dehesas or montados, it produces acorns to feed the livestock and it establishes symbiosis with profitable mycorrhizal fungi. Holm oak is considered as recalcitrant species in terms of seed conservation and morphogenic capacities, which complicates the development of genetic conservation and improvement programs. Vegetative propagation is one of the mightiest tools for breeding programs therefore; developing protocols for clonal regeneration of holm oak is essential. Somatic embryogenesis is considered the best tissue culture-based way of plant regeneration in forest biotechnology. The present study is focused on the study of certain aspects of somatic embryogenesis for clonal regeneration of mature holm oak. This thesis manuscript is divided into several chapters that match with different aspects of the embryogenic system. Somatic embryogenesis induction was achieved on maternal teguments of developing ovules from immature acorns of adult holm oak trees. Despite the low induction frequencies, the generated embryogenic lines were amplified by secondary embryogenesis. A decline in the differentiation capacity over time was also observed. It was concluded that both genotype and culture media formulation influenced the embryogenic response, being the Schenk and Hildebrandt´s macronutrients formulation from culture medium and the lack of plant growth regulators the most effective combination for the induction of the embryogenic response. It has been suggested the existence of a developmental window in which ovules are prone to induction. Genotype influenced the proliferation capacity and the plant conversion of somatic embryos, which was also favoured by the presence of indol-3-butyric acid and 6-bencyladenine. The use of temporary immersion systems as proliferation in liquid culture of the embryogenic lines increased the growth depending on genotype, when compared to semisolid cultures. However, it did not improve the differentiation of single cotyledonary embryos. A protocol for the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures was established for several embryogenic lines with highly dense inoculi of embryogenic clusters from proliferating semisolid cultures. In order to avoid the loss of vigour and morphogenic ability of embryogenic lines due to prolonged cultures, a cryopreservation protocol for embryogenic lines of holm oak has been developed. During the determination of the influence of cryoprotective agents on the growth and differentiation capacities before and after liquid nitrogen immersion, it was concluded that both responses were independent from each other and also under the influence of genotype and the type of cryopreserved material. The combination of sucrose and PVS2 prior liquid nitrogen immersion provided higher recovery rates. When the same embryogenic lines were cryopreserved for 30 days, none was able to differentiate. The SSRs analysis of the short-term cryopreserved material detected somaclonal variation. Both SSR and RAPD markers showed high sensitivity to detect genetic differences between the donor trees and the generated embryogenic material. Nevertheless, the degree of instability detection depended on the marker. The SSR analysis indicated a relationship between genotype, the studied loci and the located polymorphisms. Also, both markers revealed low intraclonal genetic variation. The RAPD detected genetic variation within the donor trees. The presence of pre-existent genetic variation within mature trees, in addition to its occurrence during the early stages of the embryogenic induction, and the presence of tissues of fertilisation origin within the maternal explants are all discussed. Nonetheless, the determination of the genetic identity of donor material is required, in addition to early detection methods of somaclonal variation.


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We have simultaneously measured the expression of postsynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor clusters and of presynaptic boutons in neonatal rat hippocampal cultures between days 1 and 30. GABAA receptors were labeled with antibodies recognizing the extracellular domains of β2/3 and γ2 subunits. Boutons were visualized by activity-dependent uptake of the styryl dye FM4-64, or by antibodies against the presynaptic vesicular protein SV2 or the GABA-synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). GABAA receptor clusters could be seen in living neurons already 6 h after culturing, much before presynaptic markers could be identified in nerve terminals. The densities of receptor clusters that contained the β2/3 subunits were constant between days 10 and 30 in culture, whereas γ2 subunit-containing clusters fluctuated and reached a maximum on day 20. SV2 and GAD staining could be measured from day 2 onwards. Clustering of GAD in presynaptic terminals and FM4-64 uptake were observed only at day 5 and afterward. SV2 staining and FM4-64 uptake increased in parallel between days 5 and 20 and remained constant thereafter. GAD-stained boutons were fewer than those labeled with other, less specific, presynaptic stains. They reached a maximum on day 20 and fell again toward day 30. Double labeling of GABAA receptors and of presynaptic boutons in neurons during differentiation showed that, even after 30 days in culture, large fractions of GABAA receptor clusters containing β2/3 and/or γ2 subunits remained extrasynaptic.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo validar o Protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês. Para isso, a partir do cálculo amostral, foi aplicado o protocolo em 100 bebês saudáveis, nascidos a termo, com 30 dias de vida, em amamentação exclusiva. O processo de validação consistiu da análise da validade de conteúdo, de critério e de construto, bem como da confiabilidade, sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo. A validade de conteúdo foi realizada por três examinadores, por meio da classificação de cada item quanto à clareza e posterior aplicação do Índice de Validação do Conteúdo. As avaliadoras sugeriram modificações no protocolo, por consenso, possibilitando obter a versão final. Para a validade de critério, comparou-se o Protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês com o instrumento Bristol Tongue Assessment Tool (BTAT). A validade de construto foi analisada a partir da comparação dos escores do protocolo aplicado nos bebês com 30 e 75 dias. As avaliações foram realizadas por duas fonoaudiólogas especialistas em Motricidade Orofacial (denominadas A1 e A2), devidamente treinadas e calibradas, por meio da análise das filmagens realizadas durante a aplicação do protocolo, para verificação da concordância entre examinadores, bem como definição dos valores de sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos. Para a análise da concordância intra-avaliador foi realizado o teste/reteste de 20% da amostra pela A2. Quanto ao tratamento estatístico, para a análise de concordância intra e entre avaliadores, foram utilizados o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse e o cálculo do erro do método. Para análise da validade de construto foram aplicados os testes de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney. O nível de significância adotado em todos os testes foi de 5%. Houve 100% de concordância na validação do conteúdo. A validade de critério apresentou correlações fortes dos itens correspondentes do Protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês e do instrumento BTAT, sendo o valor do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman igual a -0,997. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram uma concordância muito boa intra e entre avaliadores, com valores baixos de erro casual e valores de p>0,05 (evidenciando que não há diferença entre a análise dos avaliadores) e Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse maior que 0,75; mostrando ainda, uma capacidade significativa do protocolo em mensurar as mudanças resultantes da frenotomia lingual, pela história clínica, avaliação anatomofuncional e avaliação da sucção não nutritiva e nutritiva (p<0,05). Quando comparados os resultados dos bebês com alteração do frênulo lingual (grupo experimental) e sem alteração (grupo controle), com 30 e 75 dias, houve diferença nos escores parciais e no escore total do exame clínico e do protocolo completo. Os índices de sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivo e negativo foram 100%. A ocorrência das alterações do frênulo lingual nesse estudo foi de 21%. Concluiu-se, com este estudo, que o Protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês mostrou ser um instrumento válido e confiável de avaliação, assegurando acurácia em diagnosticar as alterações do frênulo lingual dentro dos parâmetros investigados, podendo ser aplicado por diferentes avaliadores, desde que os mesmos sejam capacitados e treinados para sua aplicação.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da suplementação prolongada de grão de soja cru e integral (GSI) como fonte de ácido graxo Ω6 sobre o desempenho produtivo, perfil metabólico, qualidade oocitária e embrionária e função imune de vacas leiteiras no período de transição e início de lactação. Foram selecionadas 44 vacas da raça Holandesa, multíparas e gestantes, com parto previsto para 90 dias após o início da avaliação e fornecimento das dietas experimentais, porém em razão da ocorrência de enfermidades metabólicas ou infecciosas (3 abortos; 3 deslocamentos de abomaso; 3 enfermidades podais; 4 distocias) 13 animais foram retirados do experimento. As vacas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais diferindo entre eles o início do fornecimento de grão de soja cru e integral (GSI) durante o pré-parto. A dieta era baseada na inclusão de 12% de GSI %MS, com aproximadamente 5,1% de extrato etéreo (EE) o início de seu fornecimento foi conforme descrito a seguir: Grupo 0: Animais não receberam dieta contendo GSI no pré-parto; Grupo 30: Início do fornecimento de dieta com GSI nos 30 dias finais da gestação; Grupo 60: Início do fornecimento de dieta com GSI nos 60 dias finais da gestação; Grupo 90: Início do fornecimento de dieta com GSI nos 90 dias finais da gestação. Após o parto, todas as vacas receberam dieta única com 5,1% de EE, baseada na inclusão de 12% de GSI %MS até 90 dias de lactação. Os animais foram arraçoados de acordo com o consumo de matéria seca no dia anterior, de forma a ser mantido porcentual de sobras das dietas, diariamente, entre 5 e 10%. As amostras dos alimentos e sobras foram coletadas diariamente e armazenadas a -20ºC. Semanalmente as amostras coletadas diariamente foram misturadas e foi retirada uma amostra composta referente a um período de uma semana, a fim de mensurar o consumo de matéria seca e nutrientes. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas nos dias -56, -21, 21, 56 e 84 dias em relação ao parto, com o propósito de mensurar a digestibilidade da matéria seca e nutrientes. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente e para a composição dos teores de gordura, proteína, lactose e perfil de ácidos graxos amostras foram coletadas semanalmente. As amostras de sangue para análise dos metabólitos sanguíneos foram coletadas semanalmente. Amostras de sangue para mensurar a atividade do sistema imune foram coletadas na semanas -8, -4, -2, -1 em relação ao parto, parto, +1, +2, +4 e +8 semanas no período pós-parto. Nos dias 21, 42, 63 e 84 do período pós-parto foram realizadas aspirações foliculares, com posterior fertilização in vitro dos oócitos. Todas as variáveis mensuradas foram analisadas pelo procedimento PROC MIXED do SAS 9.4 através de regressão polinomial, utilizando efeito fixo de tratamento, semana, interação tratamento*semana e efeito de animal dentro de tratamento como aleatório. Utilizou nível de 5% de significância. Foi observado efeito (P<0,05) linear crescente para CEE no pré-parto. Não foi observado diferenças no CMS e nutrientes no pós-parto. Não houve alteração da digestibilidade nos períodos pré e pós-parto. Não houve alteração no balanço de energia e nitrogênio nos periodos pré e pós-parto. Não foi observado diferença na produção, composição e teor dos componentes totais do leite. No perfil de ácidos graxos do leite houve efeito (P<0,05) linear descrescente para as concentrações de C16:1cis, C18:1 cis, total de C:18 insaturado, total de AG monoinsaturados, insaturados e a relação do total de AGS:AGI. Foi observado efeito linear (P<0,05) crescente para o total de AG aturado e efeito (P<0,05) quadrático para C18:2, CLAcis9-trans11, e total de AGPI. Foi observado efeito linear crescente (P<0,05) para colesterol total, LDL no préparto e linear decrescente (P<0,05) para GGT nos períodos pré e pós-parto. Foi observado efeito quadrático (P<0,05) para HDL no pré-parto e AST no pós-parto. Em relação a atividade do sistema imune foi observado efeito linear (P<0,05) crescente para o percentual de CD3+ ativos no pós-parto, para o percentual de monócitos que produziram espécie reativa de oxigênio (ERO) no pós-parto quando foram estimulados por S.aureus e E.coli e para a intensidade de imunofluorescência de ERO para ganulócitos no pós-parto quando estimulados por S.aureus. Foi observado efeito (P<0,05) quadrático para o percentual de granulócitos, mononucleares, CD8+ ativos no pós-parto e para o percentual de granulócitos que produziram ERO no pós-parto quando estimulados por E.coli. A suplementação prolongada com GSI no pré-parto melhora a atividade do sistema imune, não melhora a qualidade oocitária e embrionária bem como não influencia negativamente os parametros produtivos de vacas leiteiras no período de transição e início de lactação


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Embora muitos avanços tenham ocorrido no entendimento dos fatores que afetam a maciez, a incidência de carne dura ainda é significativa. Animais mais reativos apresentam carnes mais duras, porém o mecanismo que determina este efeito ainda não foi estabelecido. Presume-se que o maior estresse nos animais reativos aumente a atividade de calpastatina afetando o amaciamento post mortem. Com objetivo de testar esta hipótese, foram avaliadas correlações da força de cisalhamento (FC), temperamento e temperatura corporal obtida de noventa e seis novilhos Nelore castrados, com cerca de 20 meses de idade. O temperamento foi baseado nas variáveis velocidade de fuga (VF) e escore de tronco (ET) avaliadas 3 - 4 semanas antes do abate (Manejo 1) e 2 dias pré-abate (Manejo 2). A análise de componentes principais com as variáveis de temperamento obtidas em ambos os manejos resultou em dois índices: índice de temperamento (IT) e índice de habituação (IH). Estes índices apresentaram maior correlação com a FC do que a VF. O IH apresentou correlação negativa e positiva com FC e pH (P < 0,05), respectivamente. A temperatura retal foi positivamente correlacionada com IT e negativamente com FC. A termografia infravermelho de várias regiões corporais apresentou correlações baixas com IT ou FC. Dois grupos divergentes quanto à FC (extremos da população para FC), cada qual com 6 novilhos, foram comparados para variáveis de temperamento, expressão dos genes CAPN1, CAST, CAST1 e CAST2, e características de carne. O grupo de alta FC (AFC) apresentou maior (P< 0,05) VF, ET, IT e índice de temperamento com base na média da VF e ET (ITM). Os grupos de AFC e baixa FC (BFC) não diferiram (P > 0,05) para comprimento de sarcômero e pH final, mas tiveram diferenças no amaciamento post mortem, com diferenças em maciez que persistiram em todos os tempos de maturação (2, 16 e 30 dias post mortem; P < 0,05). O grupo AFC apresentou maior atividade inibitória de calpastatina total 48 h post mortem medida no M. triceps brachii (P < 0,05), embora diferenças não tenham sido observadas no M. longissimus lumborum (P > 0,05). No entanto, o grupo AFC teve no M. longissimus maior expressão de CAST do que o grupo de BFC (P < 0,05). Em conclusão, temperamentos divergentes têm impacto na atividade de calpastatina que influência o amaciamento post mortem.


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INTRODUCTION: Complex congenital heart disease is a group of severe conditions. Prenatal diagnosis has implications on morbidity and mortality for most severe conditions. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the influence of prenatal diagnosis and distance of residence and birth place to a reference center, on immediate morbidity and early mortality of complex congenital heart disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective study of complex congenital heart disease patients of our Hospital, born between 2007 and 2012. RESULTS: There were 126 patients born with complex congenital heart disease. In 95%, pregnancy was followed since the first trimester, with prenatal diagnosis in 42%. There was a statistically significant relation between birth place and prenatal diagnosis. Transposition of great arteries was the most frequent complex congenital heart disease (45.2%), followed by pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (17.5%) and hypoplastic left ventricle (9.5%). Eighty-two patients (65.1%) had prostaglandin infusion and 38 (30.2%)were ventilated before an intervention. Surgery took place in the neonatal period in 73%. Actuarial survival rate at 30 days, 12 and 24 months was 85%, 80% and 75%, respectively. There was no statistically significant relation between prenatal diagnosis and mortality. DISCUSSION: Most patients with complex congenital heart disease did not have prenatal diagnosis. All cases with prenatal diagnosis were born in a tertiary center. Prenatal diagnosis did not influence significantly neonatal mortality, as already described in other studies with heterogeneous complex heart disease. CONCLUSION: prenatal diagnosis of complex congenital heart disease allowed an adequate referral. Most patients with complex congenital heart disease were not diagnosed prenatally. This data should be considered when planning prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease.


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Introduction. Potentially modifiable physiological variables may influence stroke prognosis but their independence from modifiable factors remains unclear. Methods. Admission physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and blood glucose) and other unmodifiable factors were recorded from patients presenting within 48 hours of stroke. These variables were compared with the outcomes of death and death or dependency at 30 days in multivariate statistical models. Results. In the 186 patients included in the study, age, atrial fibrillation and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Score were identified as unmodifiable factors independently associated with death and death or dependency. After adjusting for these factors, none of the physiological variables were independently associated with death, while only diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >= 90 mmHg was associated with death or dependency at 30 days (p = 0.02). Conclusions. Except for elevated DBP, we found no independent associations between admission physiology and outcome at 30 days in an unselected stroke cohort. Future studies should look for associations in subgroups, or by analysing serial changes in physiology during the early post-stroke period.


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Prolactin and the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in the sheep adrenal gland before birth. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 291: R1399-R1405, 2006. First published June 29, 2006; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00252.2006.-The fetal pituitary-adrenal axis plays a key role in the fetal response to intrauterine stress and in the timing of parturition. The fetal sheep adrenal gland is relatively refractory to stimulation in midgestation (90-120 days) before the prepartum activation, which occurs around 135 days gestation (term = 147 +/- 3 days). The mechanisms underlying the switch from adrenal quiescence to activation are unclear. Therefore, we have investigated the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3), a putative inhibitor of tissue growth in the fetal sheep adrenal between 50 and 145 days gestation and in the adrenal of the growth-restricted fetal sheep in late gestation. SOCS-3 is activated by a range of cytokines, including prolactin (PRL), and we have, therefore, determined whether PRL administered in vivo or in vitro stimulates SOCS-3 mRNA expression in the fetal adrenal in late gestation. There was a decrease (P < 0.005) in SOCS-3 expression in the fetal adrenal between 54 and 133 days and between 141 and 144 days gestation. Infusion of the dopaminergic agonist, bromocriptine, which suppressed fetal PRL concentrations but did not decrease adrenal SOCS-3 mRNA expression. PRL administration, however, significantly increased adrenal SOCS-3 mRNA expression (P < 0.05). Similarly, there was an increase (P < 0.05) in SOCS-3 mRNA expression in adrenocortical cells in vitro after exposure to PRL (50 ng/ml). Placental and fetal growth restriction had no effect on SOCS-3 expression in the adrenal during late gestation. In summary, the decrease in the expression of the inhibitor SOCS-3 after 133 days gestation may be permissive for a subsequent increase in fetal adrenal growth before birth. We conclude that factors other than PRL act to maintain adrenal SOCS-3 mRNA expression before 133 days gestation but that acute elevations of PRL can act to upregulate adrenal SOCS-3 expression in the sheep fetus during late gestation.


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Litchi ( Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a tropical to subtropical crop that originated in South-East Asia. Litchi fruit are prized on the world market for their flavour, semi-translucent white aril and attractive red skin. Litchi is now grown commercially in many countries and production in Australia, China, Israel, South Africa and Thailand has expanded markedly in recent years. Increased production has made significant contributions to economic development in these countries, especially those in South-East Asia. Non-climacteric litchi fruit are harvested at their visual and organoleptic optimum. They are highly perishable and, consequently, have a short life that limits marketability and potential expansion of demand. Pericarp browning and pathological decay are common and important defects of harvested litchi fruit. Postharvest technologies have been developed to reduce these defects. These technologies involve cooling and heating the fruit, use of various packages and packaging materials and the application of fungicides and other chemicals. Through the use of fungicides and refrigeration, litchi fruit have a storage life of about 30 days. However, when they are removed from storage, their shelf life at ambient temperature is very short due to pericarp browning and fruit rotting. Low temperature acclimation or use of chitsoan as a coating can extend the shelf life. Sulfur dioxide fumigation effectively reduces pericarp browning, but approval from Europe, Australia and Japan for this chemical is likely to be withdrawn due to concerns over sulfur residues in fumigated fruit. Thus, sulfur-free postharvest treatments that maintain fruit skin colour are increasingly important. Alternatives to SO2 fumigation for control of pericarp browning and fruit rotting are pre-storage pathogen management, anoxia treatment, and dipping in 2% hydrogen chloride solution for 6-8 min following storage at 0 degrees C. Insect disinfestation has become increasingly important for the expansion of export markets because of quarantine issues associated with some fruit fly species. Thus, effective disinfestation protocols need to be developed. Heat treatment has shown promise as a quarantine technology, but it injures pericarp tissue and results in skin browning. However, heat treatment can be combined with an acid dip treatment that inhibits browning. Therefore, the primary aim of postharvest litchi research remains the achievement of highly coloured fruit which is free of pests and disease. Future research should focus on disease control before harvest, combined acid and heat treatments after harvest and careful temperature management during storage and transport.


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Cell-based therapies have the potential to contribute to global healthcare, whereby the use of living cells and tissues can be used as medicinal therapies. Despite this potential, many challenges remain before the full value of this emerging field can be realized. The characterization of input material for cell-based therapy bioprocesses from multiple donors is necessary to identify and understand the potential implications of input variation on process development. In this work, we have characterized bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells (BM-hMSCs) from multiple donors and discussed the implications of the measurable input variation on the development of autologous and allogeneic cell-based therapy manufacturing processes. The range of cumulative population doublings across the five BM-hMSC lines over 30 days of culture was 5.93, with an 18.2% range in colony forming efficiency at the end of the culture process and a 55.1% difference in the production of interleukin-6 between these cell lines. It has been demonstrated that this variation results in a range in the process time between these donor hMSC lines for a hypothetical product of over 13 days, creating potential batch timing issues when manufacturing products from multiple patients. All BM-hMSC donor lines demonstrated conformity to the ISCT criteria but showed a difference in cell morphology. Metabolite analysis showed that hMSCs from the different donors have a range in glucose consumption of 26.98 pmol cell−1 day−1, Lactate production of 29.45 pmol cell−1 day−1 and ammonium production of 1.35 pmol cell−1 day−1, demonstrating the extent of donor variability throughout the expansion process. Measuring informative product attributes during process development will facilitate progress towards consistent manufacturing processes, a critical step in the translation cell-based therapies.


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There is a place where a Canadian citizen can be sent to 30 days detention, by someone who is not a judge, without being represented by counsel, and without having a meaningful right to appeal. It is the summary trial system of the Canadian Armed Forces. This thesis analyses that system and suggests reforms. It is aimed at those who have an interest in improving the administration of military justice at the unit level but want to sufficiently understand the issues before doing so. Through a classic legal approach with elements of legal history and comparative law, this study begins by setting military justice in the Canadian legal firmament. The introductory chapter also explains fundamental concepts, first and foremost the broader notion of discipline, for which summary trial is one of the last maintaining tools. Chapter II describes the current system. An overview of its historical background is first given. Then, each procedural step is demystified, from investigation until review. Chapter III identifies potential breaches of the Charter, highlighting those that put the system at greater constitutional risk: the lack of judicial independence, the absence of hearing transcript, the lack of legal representation and the disparity of treatment between ranks. Alternatives adopted in the Canadian Armed Forces and in foreign jurisdictions, from both common law and civil law traditions, in addressing similar challenges are reviewed in Chapter IV. Chapter V analyses whether the breaches could nevertheless be justified in a free and democratic society. Its conclusion is that, considering the availability of reasonable alternatives, it would be hard to convince a court that the current system is a legitimate impairment of the individual’s legal rights. The conclusion Chapter presents options to address current challenges. First, the approach of ‘depenalization’ taken by the Government in recent Bill C-71 is analysed and criticised. The ‘judicialization’ approach is advocated through a series of 16 recommendations designed not only to strengthen the constitutionality of the system but also to improve the administration of military justice in furtherance of service members’ legal rights.