964 resultados para atmospheric pressure plasma
The thermal reaction between nitrogen dioxide and acetaldehyde in the gas phase was investigated at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The initial rate of disappearance of nitrogen dioxide was 1.00 ± 0.03 order with respect to nitrogen dioxide and 1.00 ± 0.07 order with respect to acetaldehyde. An initial second order rate constant of (8.596 ± 0.189) x 10-3 1.mole-1 sec-1 was obtained at 22.0 ± 0.1 °C and a total pressure of one atmosphere. The activation energy of the reaction was 12,900 cal/mole in the temperature range between 22°C and 122°C.
The products of the reaction were nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, methyl nitrite, nitromethane and a trace amount of trans-dimeric nitrosomethane. The addition of nitric oxide increased the rate of formation of nitromethane and decreased the rate of formation of methyl nitrite. There were no measurable surface effects due to the addition of glass wool or glass beads to the reactor.
Reactants and products were analyzed by gas chromatography. A mechanism was proposed incorporating the principal features of the reaction.
A velocidade do som é uma propriedade que vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada em diferentes áreas tecnológicas. Além disso, a velocidade do som é uma propriedade termodinâmica que está associada a outras propriedades do meio como a compressibilidade isentrópica e isotérmica, entre outras. Neste contexto, muitos estudos foram realizados a fim de obter modelos precisos que possam representar fielmente a velocidade do som, sendo observados desvios absolutos médios entre 0,13 e 24,8%. Neste trabalho, um banco de dados de velocidade do som e massa específica à pressão atmosférica de n-alcanos, alcanos ramificados, n-alcenos, aromáticos, alcoóis, éteres e ésteres, foram compilados da literatura aberta. Utilizando estes dados e baseando-se no modelo de Wada por contribuição de grupo recentemente proposto, foi desenvolvido um novo modelo por contribuição atômica para predizer a velocidade do som de todas as famílias dos compostos investigados neste trabalho. É mostrado que o modelo proposto é capaz de prever a velocidade do som para os compostos destas famílias com desvios próximos da incerteza experimental calculada a partir de diferentes dados da literatura. Este trabalho também discute o efeito da ramificação das cadeias na constante Wada, ressaltando a importância de novas medições para este tipo de compostos. Além disso, observou-se que a literatura necessita de mais dados experimentais de velocidade do som, à pressão atmosférica e diferentes temperaturas para substâncias puras presentes em biodiesel e bio-óleo de pirólise rápida. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho fornece novos dados experimentais de velocidade do som e massa específica de cinco ésteres metílicos de ácidos graxos, também conhecidos como FAMEs, (caprilato de metila, caprato de metila, palmitato de metila, estearato de metila e linoleato de metila), e sete componentes puros presentes em bio-óleo de pirólise à pressão atmosférica, de vários fenóis (fenol, o-, m- e p-cresol), dois éteres fenólicos (2-metoxifenol e eugenol) e um éster fenólico (salicilato de metila), a temperaturas de (288,15-343,15) K. O modelo preditivo de Wada atômico foi utilizado para calcular a velocidade do som dos FAMEs estudados neste trabalho, e os desvios foram comparados com o modelo de Wada por contribuição de grupo. O modelo atômico de Wada foi utilizado para prever a velocidade do som dos componentes puros presentes no bio-óleo de pirólise rápida experimentalmente estudados nesta dissertação. Além disso, os dados de massa específica e velocidade de som foram correlacionados com o modelo de Prigogine-Flory-Patterson (PFP). As propriedades foram bem representadas pelo modelo PFP, no entanto, para a velocidade do som o modelo apresenta desvios sistemáticos na dependência com a temperatura. O desempenho do modelo preditivo de Wada atômico foi considerado satisfatório, devido os desvios observados serem compatíveis ou até menores do que os desvios típicos obtidos na literatura com outros modelos correlativos para o cálculo da velocidade do som de outras substâncias
Entre 06/08/11 e 25/02/12 foram obtidas séries temporais contínuas de intensidade e direção das correntes e intensidade do eco ao longo de toda a coluna dágua, e medições, de temperatura e pressão, próximas ao fundo, na região adjacente ao canal de acesso à baía de Sepetiba (230'16.5"S e 4359'29.4"W, profundidade local de aproximadamente 25 m) através da utilização de um perfilador acústico ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), modelo WorkHorse BroadBand Sentinel (600 kHz, Teledyne-RDI). A partir dos dados adquiridos, observou-se a existência de correntes intensas próximo ao fundo (até 1,02 m/s), principalmente durante os períodos de enchente sob condições de sizígia, que são fortemente influenciadas pela orientação do canal de navegação. A análise das séries temporais das componentes da velocidade mostraram, em conformidade ao relatado por alguns autores, que esta é uma baía cuja circulação é fortemente influenciada pela dinâmica da maré sendo M2, M4, M6 e M8 as principais componentes harmônicas que atuam no sistema. Além disso, observou-se significativa assimetria da maré, sendo os períodos de enchente consideravelmente mais curtos e associados às correntes mais intensas, o que permite concluir que no setor investigado da baía de Sepetiba há dominância de enchente. Outra característica interessante da área de estudo relaciona-se à observação de que ventos intensos de S-SO são responsáveis pelo empilhamento de água no interior da baía, sendo que altura do nível da superfície da água apresenta relação direta com as variações da pressão atmosférica local. Em diversos períodos, quando há atuação de ventos de E-NE é possível encontrar Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) no interior da baía de Sepetiba, desde a sua entrada principal até as adjacências da ilha Guaíba. Além disso, foram identificadas diversas oscilações de baixa frequência que puderam ser associadas à variação da pressão atmosférica. Oscilações de alta frequência foram associadas à dinâmica da maré, a co-oscilações da maré e ao vento. Em relação à concentração de Material Particulado em Suspensão (MPS), durante os períodos de sizígia foram registradas as maiores concentrações material particulado na coluna dágua. Durante os períodos de sizígia, o fluxo de MPS é mais pronunciado do que durante as quadraturas, sendo que, independente do período da maré, o fluxo cumulativo de material particulado em suspensão é dirigido para o interior da baía de Sepetiba. Considerando o alinhamento dos vetores de velocidade em conformidade a direção preferencial do canal de navegação, tem-se que o fluxo cumulativo de MPS varia entre dirigido para SE na região próxima ao fundo, a dirigido para NE próximo ao topo da coluna dágua, o que sugere a deflexão do movimento das correntes em consequência do atrito. Ao longo de um dia, o fluxo do material particulado é mais pronunciado durante as enchentes, quando há aumento das tensões cisalhantes que atuam sobre o leito da baía redisponibilizando para a coluna dágua o material que estava depositado no fundo.
After an unusually strong and persistent pattern of atmospheric circulation over the United State[s] in Fall 1985, it became quite changeable (although high amplitude anomalies still prevailed). Following a fall that was cold in the West and warm in the East with heavy precipitation, a high pressure ridge set in over the West during December, with generally light precipitation over most of the country. Throughout the winter, the central North Pacific was very active, with large negative atmospheric pressure anomalies centered at about 45°N, l60°W. This activity may have been encouraged by an enhanced meridional eastern North Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) gradient, with positive SST anomalies in the subtropics and negative anomalies in midlatitudes. However, in January, the western high pressure ridge remained strong and temperatures were remarkably warm, increasing the threat of drought in California after the two previous dry winters. However, in February, storms from a greatly expanded and southerly displaced Aleutian Low broke into the West Coast. An unusual siege from February 11 to February 20 flooded central and northern California, with very heavy precipitation and record to near-record runoff. Upwards of 50 percent of annual average precipitation fell on locations from the upper San Joaquin to the Feather River drainage basins, and the largest flow since observations began in the early 1900's was recorded on the Sacramento River at Sacramento. The atmospheric pattern that was responsible for this remarkable stormy spell developed when the western high pressure retrograded to the northwest into the Aleutians, accompanied by the strengthened and southerly extended storm tract that moved into California. Although exact details vary from case to case, this episode displayed meteorological conditions similar to those in several other historical California winter flood events. These included a long duration of very strong westerly to southwesterly winds over a long subtropical fetch into California. Much of the precipitation during this series of storms was orographically induced by the moisture laden flow rising over the Sierra ranges. Due to the warm air mass, snow levels were relatively high (about 7500 feet) during the heaviest precipitation, resulting in copious runoff.
During the winter of 1982-1983, a combination of high tides, higher than normal sea level and storm-induced waves were devastating to the coast of California. Damage estimates for public and private property destruction in the coastal counties of California totaled over $100,000,000. Much higher than average sea levels played a very important contributory role in the flooding damage. These unusually high sea levels were due to a combination of higher than normal mixed layer temperature associated with a strong, 2-year El Nino, storm surge due to low atmospheric pressure and persistent winds, and the cumulative effect of steady, "global" rise in relative sea level. Higher than average high tides coincided to an unusual extent with the peak sea levels reached during the numerous storms between November 1982 and March 1983. Important cyclical variations occur in California's mixed tide regime and the consequences of these on extreme tides have not been properly considered previously. In fact, erroneous "predictions" of much higher tides in the 1990's appearing in the popular press during the 1982-83 flooding, caused much public apprehension.
Gas-phase silver nanoparticles were coated with silicon dioxide (SiO2) by photoinduced chemical vapor deposition (photo-CVD). Silver nanoparticles, produced by inert gas condensation, and a SiO2 precursor, tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), were exposed to vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation at atmospheric pressure and varying temperatures. The VUV photons dissociate the TEOS precursor, initiating a chemical reaction that forms SiO2 coatings on the particle surfaces. Coating thicknesses were measured for a variety of operation parameters using tandem differential mobility analysis and transmission electron microscopy. The chemical composition of the particle coatings was analyzed using energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The highest purity films were produced at 300-400 degrees C with low flow rates of additional oxygen. The photo-CVD coating technique was shown to effectively coat nanoparticles and limit core particle agglomeration at concentrations up to 10(7) particles cm(-3).
New atmospheric pressure flow reactor data on the oxidation of formaldehyde in the temperature range 943-995 K and over equivalence ratios from 0.013 to 36.7 are reported and discussed. A detailed mechanism assembled from previously published results produced acceptable agreement with the experimental data for the fuel-lean conditions, but failed to predict results for oxidative pyrolysis. Analysis or the very fuel-lean conditions, but failed to modelling results are principally sensitive to CH2O+HO2→HCO+H2O2 (6) and H2O2 +M→OH+OH+M (33). Whereas the specific rate of each reaction cannot be independently determined, it is found that the product k33.k6 is a well defined function of temperature: (3.4±3.0).1028 exp(-(26,800±400)/T). Inadequacies in the mechanism which may be responsible for the disagreement under fuel-rich conditions are discussed. © 1991 Combustion Institute.
We study graphene growth on hafnia (HfO2) nanoparticles by chemical vapour deposition using optical microscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. We find that monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles neither reduce to a metal nor form a carbide while nucleating nanometer domain-sized few layer graphene. Hence we regard this as an interesting non-metallic catalyst model system with the potential to explore graphene growth directly on a (high-k) dielectric. HfO2 nanoparticles coated with few layer graphene by atmospheric pressure CVD with methane and hydrogen at 950 °C. (© 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Graphene growth on hafnia (HfO2) nanoparticles by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is studied. It is found that monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles neither reduce to a metal nor form a carbide while nucleating nanometer domain-sized few layer graphene. Hence the authors of this Letter regard this as an interesting non-metallic catalyst model system with the potential to explore graphene growth directly on a (high-k) dielectric. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Combustion oscillations in gas turbines can result in serious damage. One method used to predict such oscillations is to analyze the combustor acoustics using a simple linear model. Such a model requires a flame transfer function to describe the response of the heat release to flow perturbations inside the combustor. This paper reports on the application of Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) of OH radicals to analyze the response of a lean premixed flame to oncoming flow perturbations. Both self-excited oscillations and low amplitude forced oscillations at various frequencies are investigated in an atmospheric pressure model combustor rig. In order to visualize fluctuations of local fuel distribution, acetone-PLIF was also applied in non-reacting and acoustically forced flows at oscillation frequencies of 200 Hz and 510 Hz, respectively. OH-PLIF images were acquired over a range of operating parameters. The results presented in this paper originate from data sets acquired at fixed phase angles during the oscillation cycle. Comparative experiments in self excited and forced acoustic oscillations show that the flame and the combustion intensity develop similarly throughout the pressure cycle in both cases. Although the peak fluorescence intensities differ between self excited and the forced instabilities, there is a clear correspondence in the observed frequency and phase information from the two cases. This result encourages a comparison of the OH-PLIF and the acetone-PLIF results. Quantitative measurements of the equivalence ratio in specific areas of the measurement plane offer insight on the complex phenomena coupling acoustic perturbations, i.e. flow velocity fluctuations, to fluctuations in fuel distribution and combustion intensity, ultimately resulting in self excited combustion oscillations.
This paper analyzes the forced response of swirl-stabilized lean-premixed flames to high-amplitude acoustic forcing in a laboratory-scale stratified burner operated with CH4 and air at atmospheric pressure. The double-swirler, double-channel annular burner was specially designed to generate high-amplitude acoustic velocity oscillations and a radial equivalence ratio gradient at the inlet of the combustion chamber. Temporal oscillations of equivalence ratio along the axial direction are dissipated over a long distance, and therefore the effects of time-varying fuel/air ratio on the response are not considered in the present investigation. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. Time-averaged and phase-synchronized CH* chemiluminescence intensities were measured using an intensified CCD camera. The measurements show that flame stabilization mechanisms vary depending on equivalence ratio gradients for a constant global equivalence ratio (φg=0.60). Under uniformly premixed conditions, an enveloped M-shaped flame is observed. In contrast, under stratified conditions, a dihedral V-flame and a toroidal detached flame develop in the outer stream and inner stream fuel enrichment cases, respectively. The modification of the stabilization mechanism has a significant impact on the nonlinear response of stratified flames to high-amplitude acoustic forcing (u'/U∼0.45 and f=60, 160Hz). Outer stream enrichment tends to improve the flame's stiffness with respect to incident acoustic/vortical disturbances, whereas inner stream stratification tends to enhance the nonlinear flame dynamics, as manifested by the complex interaction between the swirl flame and large-scale coherent vortices with different length scales and shedding points. It was found that the behavior of the measured flame describing functions (FDF), which depend on radial fuel stratification, are well correlated with previous measurements of the intensity of self-excited combustion instabilities in the stratified swirl burner. The results presented in this paper provide insight into the impact of nonuniform reactant stoichiometry on combustion instabilities, its effect on flame location and the interaction with unsteady flow structures. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.
Instability triggering and transient growth of thermoacoustic oscillations were experimentally investigated in combination with linear/nonlinear flame transfer function (FTF) methodology in a model lean-premixed gas turbine combustor operated with CH 4 and air at atmospheric pressure. A fully premixed flame with 10kW thermal power and an equivalence ratio of 0.60 was chosen for detailed characterization of the nonlinear transient behaviors. Flame transfer functions were experimentally determined by simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity fluctuations and heat release rate oscillations using a constant temperature anemometer and OH */CH * chemiluminescence emissions, respectively. The phase-resolved variation of the local flame structure at a limit cycle was measured by planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity, OH */CH * emission, and acoustic pressure were performed to investigate the temporal evolution of the system from a stable to a limit cycle operation. This measurement allows us to describe an unsteady instability triggering event in terms of several distinct stages: (i) initiation of a small perturbation, (ii) exponential amplification, (iii) saturation, (iv) nonlinear evolution of the perturbations towards a new unstable periodic state, (v) quasi-steady low-amplitude periodic oscillation, and (vi) fully-developed high-amplitude limit cycle oscillation. Phase-plane portraits of instantaneous inlet velocity and heat release rate clearly show the presence of two different attractors. Depending on its initial position in phase space at infinitesimally small amplitude, the system evolves towards either a high-amplitude oscillatory state or a low-amplitude oscillatory state. This transient phenomenon was analyzed using frequency- and amplitude-dependent damping mechanisms, and compared to subcritical and supercritical bifurcation theories. The results presented in this paper experimentally demonstrate the hypothesis proposed by Preetham et al. based on analytical and computational solutions of the nonlinear G-equation [J. Propul. Power 24 (2008) 1390-1402]. Good quantitative agreement was obtained between measurements and predictions in terms of the conditions for the onset of triggering and the amplitude of triggered combustion instabilities. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.
We demonstrate that surface stresses in epitaxially grown VO₂ nanowires (NWs) have a strong effect on the appearance and stability of intermediate insulating M₂ phases, as well as the spatial distribution of insulating and metallic domains during structural phase transitions. During the transition from an insulating M1 phase to a metallic R phase, the coexistence of insulating M₁ and M₂ phases with the absence of a metallic R phase was observed at atmospheric pressure. In addition, we show that, for a VO₂ NW without the presence of an epitaxial interface, surface stresses dominantly lead to spatially inhomogeneous phase transitions between insulating and metallic phases. In contrast, for a VO₂ NW with the presence of an epitaxial interface, the strong epitaxial interface interaction leads to additional stresses resulting in uniformly alternating insulating and metallic domains along the NW length.
The potential of palm methyl esters (PME) as an alternative fuel for gas turbines is investigated using a swirl burner. The main air flow is preheated to 623 K, and a swirling spray flame is established at atmospheric pressure. The spray combustion characteristics of PME are compared to diesel and Jet-A1 fuel under the same burner power output of 6 kW. Investigation of the fuel atomizing characteristics using phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) shows that most droplets are distributed within the flame reaction zone region. PME droplets exhibit higher Sautermean diameter (SMD) values than baseline fuels, and thus higher droplet penetration length and longer evaporation timescales. The PME swirl flame presents a different visible flame reaction zone while combusting with low luminosity and produces no soot. NO x emissions per unit mass of fuel and per unit energy are reduced by using PME relative to those of conventional fuels. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
A model gas turbine burner was employed to investigate spray flames established under globally lean, continuous, swirling conditions. Two types of fuel were used to generate liquid spray flames: palm biodiesel and Jet-A1. The main swirling air flow was preheated to 350°C prior to mixing with airblast-atomized fuel droplets at atmospheric pressure. The global flame structure of flame and flow field were investigated at the fixed power output of 6 kW. Flame chemiluminescence imaging technique was employed to investigate the flame reaction zones, while particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) was utilized to measure the flow field within the combustor. The flow fields of both flames are almost identical despite some differences in the flame reaction zones. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
An increasin g interest in biofuel applications in modern engines requires a better understanding of biodiesel combustion behaviour. Many numerical studies have been carried out on unsteady combustion of biodiesel in situations similar to diesel engines, but very few studies have been done on the steady combustion of biodiesel in situations similar to a gas turbine combustor environment. The study of biodiesel spray combustion in gas turbine applications is of special interest due to the possible use of biodiesel in the power generation and aviation industries. In modelling spray combustion, an accurate representation of the physical properties of the fuel is a first important step, since spray formation is largely influenced by fuel properties such as viscosity, density, surface tension and vapour pressure. In the present work, a calculated biodiesel properties database based on the measured composition of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) has been implemented in a multi-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) spray simulation code. Simulations of non-reacting and reacting atmospheric-pressure sprays of both diesel and biodiesel have been carried out using a spray burner configuration for which experimental data is available. A pre-defined droplet size probability density function (pdf) has been implemented together with droplet dynamics based on phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) measurements in the near-nozzle region. The gas phase boundary condition for the reacting spray cases is similar to that of the experiment which employs a plain air-blast atomiser and a straight-vane axial swirler for flame stabilisation. A reaction mechanism for heptane has been used to represent the chemistry for both diesel and biodiesel. Simulated flame heights, spray characteristics and gas phase velocities have been found to compare well with the experimental results. In the reacting spray cases, biodiesel shows a smaller mean droplet size compared to that of diesel at a constant fuel mass flow rate. A lack of sensitivity towards different fuel properties has been observed based on the non-reacting spray simulations, which indicates a need for improved models of secondary breakup. By comparing the results of the non-reacting and reacting spray simulations, an improvement in the complexity of the physical modelling is achieved which is necessary in the understanding of the complex physical processes involved in spray combustion simulation. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.