902 resultados para arrival
A presente dissertação acompanha os desdobramentos e estudos realizados durante a elaboração do trabalho intitulado Entremeio: a constituição de um espaço bureaucrático individual. Nela foram destacadas três momentos temporais e textuais: o movimento de chegada a uma cidade estranha e a elaboração do conceito de artista forasteiro, bem como o momento de adaptação ao novo e as perambulações por uma cidade a se desvelar e pulsar em uma potência transbordante; o desenvolvimento de uma coleção de perguntas capturadas em meio aos escritos de diversos autores, observando o efeito de apropriação das mesmas para a constituição de um trabalho artístico que leva em conta a distribuição silenciosa e unilateral de perguntas pelo tecido social da cidade; por fim, a criação de um trabalho que transporta o espaço individual de estudos e trabalho (bureau) para o meio de circulação pública, através da livre ocupação de espaços públicos, abordando as implicações espaciais do público e do privado. Este ensaio busca, ainda, explorar o formato ensaístico de escrita levando em consideração o relato de experiência no decorrer da elaboração de um trabalho artístico
Esta dissertação se insere na temática mais ampla do processo recente de integração da América do Sul, caracterizado pelo fenômeno o regionalismo pós-liberal. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os fatores políticos e econômicos que influenciaram a posição brasileira em relação ao regionalismo sul-americano na última década, mais notadamente no período compreendido entre os anos de 2003 e 2010. A tese aqui defendida é de que a ampliação das ações para o desenvolvimento regional, a qual passa por uma mudança no modelo de regionalismo brasileiro, não é fenômeno meramente conjuntural, resultante de fatores materiais (alta dos preços das commodities) ou ideacionais (chegada ao poder da corrente autonomista representada pelo governo do Partido dos Trabalhadores). Trata-se, isto sim, de um novo imperativo político, qual seja, a legitimação do país no continente em um contexto em que as diferenças políticas e econômicas entre o Brasil e seus vizinhos tornam-se cada vez mais gritantes, e pelo qual far-se-á necessária uma ação para a correção das assimetrias estruturais existentes na região, da qual o Brasil será o principal financiador. Nesse sentido, além de descrever quantitativamente a atuação dos principais vetores de atuação do Brasil no âmbito da integração estrutural no continente (IIRSA, BNDES e FOCEM), busca-se realizar uma análise crítica da atuação do país Banco na região, avaliando se, efetivamente, pode-se verificar uma rationale política consistente e direcionada a partir da ação dos referidos instrumentos de política externa.
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as interações, envolvimentos e percepções de pescadores e veranistas com o local escolhido para morar e visitar: a praia de Atafona. Situada no litoral norte fluminense, no município de São João da Barra, às margens da foz de um dos maiores rios do sudeste brasileiro, o rio Paraíba do Sul, Atafona é uma praia que está sendo engolida pelo mar ao longo dos últimos 60 anos. Mais de 14 quarteirões já foram destruídos pelo mar durante este período, modificando constantemente a configuração e ocupação do espaço praieiro. Junto a esta situação peculiar, existem também outros eventos que modificam a pequena praia em determinados períodos do ano, como a chegada volumosa de veranistas e turistas na festa religiosa da padroeira da praia Nossa Senhora da Penha - e na temporada de verão. Para narrar os vínculos de pescadores e veranistas com a praia, a presente tese centrou-se nas historias pessoais vivenciadas em torno da temporada de verão, da Festa da Penha e das ondas do avanço do mar. Como veremos ao longo das descrições etnográficas, a compreensão de repetições e regularidades de eventos cíclicos, como também a forma de habitar e se relacionar com um espaço, requer entender as movimentações de continuidades em estreita relação com processos de descontinuidades, onde imprevistos, viradas de quadra, atalhos, ruinas e reocupações também orientam e desorientam ritmos e pertencimentos com a praia de Atafona. Ritmo e pertencimento são trabalhados a partir desta perspectiva relacional, trazendo o enfoque para as constantes negociações, reocupações e ações criativas que moradores e visitantes tem com o local. Desse maneira, entender os envolvimentos e pertencimentos de pescadores e veranistas com as transformações anuais e a longo prazo foi também trabalhar com desencontros, desafetos e maragrados revelados nas diferentes historias de vida dos interlocutores da pesquisa.
Between March 2000 and April 2001 two commercial fishing vessels fished for toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) off South Georgia using pots. A significant number of lithodid crabs (three species of Paralomis spp.) were caught as bycatch. Paralomis spinosissima occurred in shallow water, generally shallower than 700 m. Paralomis anamerae, not previously reported from this area and therefore representing a considerable southerly extension in the reported geographic range of this species, had an intermediate depth distribution from 400 to 800 m. Paralomis formosa was present in shallow waters but reached much higher catch levels (and, presumably, densities) between 800 and 1400 m. Differences were also noted in depth distribution of the sexes and size of crabs. Depth, soak time, and area were found to significantly influence crab catch rates. Few crabs (3% of P. spinosissima and 7% of P. formosa) were males above the legal size limit and could therefore be retained. All other crabs were discarded. Most crabs (>99% of P. formosa, >97% of P. spinosissima, and >90% of P. anamerae) were lively on arrival on deck and at subsequent discard. Mortality rates estimated from re-immersion experiments indicated that on the vessel where pots were emptied directly onto the factory conveyor belt 78–89% of crabs would survive discarding, whereas on the vessel where crabs were emptied down a vertical chute prior to being sorted, survivorship was 38–58%. Of the three, P. anamerae was the most vulnerable to handling onboard and sub-sequent discarding. Paralomis spinosissima seemed more vulnerable than P. formosa.
The majority of computational studies of confined explosion hazards apply simple and inaccurate combustion models, requiring ad hoc corrections to obtain realistic flame shapes and often predicting an order of magnitude error in the overpressures. This work describes the application of a laminar flamelet model to a series of two-dimensional test cases. The model is computationally efficient applying an algebraic expression to calculate the flame surface area, an empirical correlation for the laminar flame speed and a novel unstructured, solution adaptive numerical grid system which allows important features of the solution to be resolved close to the flame. Accurate flame shapes are predicted, the correct burning rate is predicted near the walls, and an improvement in the predicted overpressures is obtained. However, in these fully turbulent calculations the overpressures are still too high and the flame arrival times too low, indicating the need for a model for the early laminar burning phase. Due to the computational expense, it is unrealistic to model a laminar flame in the complex geometries involved and therefore a pragmatic approach is employed which constrains the flame to propagate at the laminar flame speed. Transition to turbulent burning occurs at a specified turbulent Reynolds number. With the laminar phase model included, the predicted flame arrival times increase significantly, but are still too low. However, this has no significant effect on the overpressures, which are predicted accurately for a baffled channel test case where rapid transition occurs once the flame reaches the first pair of baffles. In a channel with obstacles on the centreline, transition is more gradual and the accuracy of the predicted overpressures is reduced. However, although the accuracy is still less than desirable in some cases, it is much better than the order of magnitude error previously expected.
A detailed experimental investigation was conducted into the interaction of a converted wake and a separation bubble on the rear suction surface of a highly loaded low-pressure (LP) turbine blade. Boundary layer measurements, made with 2D LDA, revealed a new transition mechanism resulting from this interaction. Prior to the arrival of the wake, the boundary layer profiles in the separation region are inflexional. The perturbation of the separated shear layer caused by the converting wake causes an inviscid Kelvin-Helmholtz rollup of the shear layer. This results in the breakdown of the laminar shear layer and a rapid wake-induced transition in the separated shear layer.
Background: It is widely accepted that the ancestors of Native Americans arrived in the New World via Beringia approximately 10 to 30 thousand years ago (kya). However, the arrival time(s), number of expansion events, and migration routes into the Western
The idea of mechanised fishing on Lake Victoria is not new. Trawling experiments have been carried out in the past by the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO), the Lake Victoria Fisheries Service and the Uganda Fisheries Department. In 1950 it was recognised by EAFFRO that commercial possibilities existed in the exploitation of Haplochromis by this gear. However, it was not until 1966 that, by a happy collaboration of the Uganda Fisheries Department and EAFFRO, the vessel 'Darter' was converted into a stern trawler and serious and successful experimentation into trawl fishing commenced. Darter has continued to undertake trawling work ever since and this work was augmented by the arrival in 1967 of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project's vessel 'Ibis'.
In this paper we consider the problem of state estimation over a communication network. Using estimation quality as a metric, two communication schemes are studied and compared. In scheme one, each sensor node communicates its measurement data to the remote estimator, while in scheme two, each sensor node communicates its local state estimate to the remote estimator. We show that with perfect communication link, if the sensor has unlimited computation capability, the two schemes produce the same estimate at the estimator, and if the sensor has limited computation capability, scheme one is always better than scheme two. On the other hand, when data packet drops occur over the communication link, we show that if the sensor has unlimited computation capability, scheme two always outperforms scheme one, and if the sensor has limited computation capability, we show that in general there exists a critical packet arrival rate, above which scheme one outperforms scheme two. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the two schemes under various circumstances. © South China University of Technology and Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
The ultimate objective of the research conducted by the authors is to explore the feasibility of determining reliable in situ values of soil modulus as a function of strain. In field experiments, an excitation is applied on the ground surface using large-scale shakers, and the response of the soil deposit is recorded through receivers embedded in the soil. The focus of this paper is on the simulation and observation of signals that would be recorded at the receiver locations under idealized conditions to provide guidelines on the interpretation of the field measurements. Discrete models are used to reproduce one-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries. When the first times of arrival are detected by receivers under the vertical impulse, they coincide with the arrival of the P wave; therefore related to the constrained modulus of the material. If one considers, on the other hand, phase differences between the motions at two receivers, the picture is far more complicated and one would obtain propagation velocities, function of frequency and measuring location, which do not correspond to either the constrained modulus or Young's modulus. It is necessary then to conduct more rigorous and complicated analyses in order to interpret the data. This paper discusses and illustrates these points. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Recently developed equipment allows measurement of the shear modulus of soil in situ as a function of level of strain. In these field experiments, the excitation is applied on the ground surface using large scale shakers, and the response of the soil deposit is recorded through embedded receivers. The focus of this paper is on the simulation of signals which would be recorded at the receiver locations in idealized conditions to provide guidelines on the interpretation of field measurements. Discrete and finite element methods are employed to model one dimensional and three dimensional geometries, respectively, under various lateral boundary conditions. When the first times of arrival are detected by receivers under the vertical impulse, they coincide with the arrival of the P wave, related to the constrained modulus of the material, regardless of lateral boundary conditions. If one considers, on the other hand, phase differences between the motions at two receivers the picture is far more complicated and one would obtain propagation velocities, function of frequency and depth, which do not correspond to either the constrained modulus or Young's modulus. It is thus necessary to apply some care when interpreting the data from field tests based on vertical steady state vibrations. The use of inverse analysis can be considered as a way of extracting the shear modulus of soil from the field test measurements. © 2008 ASCE.
Fe-N films containing the Fe16N2 phase were prepared in a high-vacuum system of ion-beam-assisted deposition (IBAD). The composition and structure of the films were analysed by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. Magnetic properties of the films were measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The phase composition of Fe-N films depend sensitively on the N/Fe atomic arrival ratio and the deposition temperature. An Fe16N2 film was deposited successfully on a GaAs (1 0 0) substrate by IBAD at a N/Fe atomic arrival ratio of 0.12. The gram-saturation magnetic moment of the Fe16N2 film obtained is 237 emu/g at room temperature, the possible cause has been analysed and discussed. Hysteresis loops of Fe16N2 have been measured, the coercive force H-c is about 120 Oe, which is much larger than the value for Fe, this means the Fe16N2 sample exhibits a large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Accurate measurement of transit time for acoustic wave between two sensors installed on two sides of a furnace is a key to implementing the temperature field measurement technique based on acoustical method. A new method for measuring transit time of acoustic wave based on active acoustic source signal is proposed in this paper, which includes the followings: the time when the acoustic source signal arrives at the two sensors is measured first; then, the difference of two arriving time arguments is computed, thereby we get the transit time of the acoustic wave between two sensors installed on the two sides of the furnace. Avoiding the restriction on acoustic source signal and background noise, the new method can get the transit time of acoustic wave with higher precision and stronger ability of resisting noise interference.
The Mass Analyzed Low Energy Dual Ion Beam Epitaxy (MALE-DIBE) system has been designed and constructed in our laboratory. We believe that the system, which was installed and came into full operation in 1988, is the first facility of this kind. With our system we have carried out studies, for the first time, on compound synthesis of GaN and CoSi2 epitaxial thin films. RHEED and AES results show that GaN films, which were deposited on Si and sapphire substrates, are monocrystalline and of good stoichiometry. To our knowledge, GaN film heteroepitaxially grown on Si. which is more lattice-mismatched than GaN on sapphire, has not been reported before by other authors. RBS and TEM investigations indicated a rather good crystallinity of CoSi2 with a distinct interface between CoSi2 and the Si substrate. The channelling minimum yield chi(min) from the Co profile is approximately 4%. The results showed that the DIBE system with simultaneous arrival of two beams at the target is particularly useful in the formation of novel compounds at a relatively low substrate temperature.
A direct ion beam deposition system designed for heteroepitaxy at a low substrate temperature and for the growth of metastable compounds has been constructed and tested. The system consists of two mass-resolved low-energy ion beams which merge at the target with an incident energy range 50-25 000 eV. Each ion beam uses a Freeman ion source for ion production and a magnetic sector for mass filtering. While a magnetic quadrupole lens is used in one beam for ion optics, an electrostatic quadrupole lens focuses the other beam. Both focusing approaches provide a current density more than 100-mu-A/cm2, although the magnetic quadrupole gives a better performance for ion energies below 200 eV. The typical current of each beam reaches more than 0.3 mA at 100 eV, with a ribbon beam of about 0.3-0.5 x 2 cm2. The target is housed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber with a base pressure of 1 x 10(-7) Pa and a typical pressure of 5 x 10(-6) Pa when a noncondensable beam like argon is brought into the chamber. During deposition, the target can be heated to 800-degrees-C and scanned mechanically with an electronic scanning control unit. The dual beam system has been used to grow GaN using a Ga+ and a N+ beam, and to study the oxygen and hydrogen ion beam bombardment effects during carbon ion beam deposition. The results showed that the simultaneous arrival of two beams at the target is particularly useful in compound formation and in elucidation of growth mechanisms.