963 resultados para antenatal distress


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Genetic defects of the Na+-K+-2Cl- (NKCC2) sodium potassium chloride co-transporter result in severe, prenatal-onset renal salt wasting accompanied by polyhydramnios, prematurity, and life-threatening hypovolemia of the neonate (antenatal Bartter syndrome or hyperprostaglandin E syndrome). Herein are described two brothers who presented with hyperuricemia, mild metabolic alkalosis, low serum potassium levels, and bilateral medullary nephrocalcinosis at the ages of 13 and 15 yr. Impaired function of sodium chloride reabsorption along the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop was deduced from a reduced increase in diuresis and urinary chloride excretion upon application of furosemide. Molecular genetic analysis revealed that the brothers were compound heterozygotes for mutations in the SLC12A1 gene coding for the NKCC2 co-transporter. Functional analysis of the mutated rat NKCC2 protein by tracer-flux assays after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes revealed significant residual transport activity of the NKCC2 p.F177Y mutant construct in contrast to no activity of the NKCC2-D918fs frameshift mutant construct. However, coexpression of the two mutants was not significantly different from that of NKCC2-F177Y alone or wild type. Membrane expression of NKCC2-F177Y as determined by luminometric surface quantification was not significantly different from wild-type protein, pointing to an intrinsic partial transport defect caused by the p.F177Y mutation. The partial function of NKCC2-F177Y, which is not negatively affected by NKCC2-D918fs, therefore explains a mild and late-onset phenotype and for the first time establishes a mild phenotype-associated SLC12A1 gene mutation.


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This study examined the moderating effect of social and coping motives on distress among young cannabis-using adults. A random sample of 2031 young Swiss adults was interviewed by means of a computer-assisted telephone interview. Cannabis users showed more distress, less positive health behaviour and higher hedonism compared to non-users. Taking motive for use as a moderator variable into consideration, it became evident that only cannabis users with coping motives showed lower mental health, more symptoms of psychopathology, more psychosocial distress and more life events than non-users. Young adults with social motives for use on the other hand did not differ from non-users in terms of distress. These differences between cannabis users with social and those with coping motives remained stable over two years. In both subgroups, participants with regular cannabis use at baseline did not increase distress nor did participants with higher distress at baseline increase the frequency of their cannabis use. Our results suggest that secondary prevention for cannabis users should target especially young adults with coping motives for use.


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Behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress to assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia. Eighty lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control handled or castrated by crushing- Burdizzo- or rubber ring method with and without local anaesthesia. Either 4 mg/kg diluted lidocaine, or corresponding volumes of physiologic sodium chloride solution were distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, behavioural- and clinical traits over a 3-month period. The crushing castration method was excluded from the study after 10 lambs had been castrated, since this method showed severe local reactions. Local anaesthesia significantly reduced behavioural and cortisol responses after rubber ring castration and tendentially after Burdizzo castration. Prolonged or chronic pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo method are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.


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Polymyositis and interstitial lung diseases, predominantly nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), are known to be frequent in antisynthetase syndrome, where anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antibodies are often identified. An unusual case of acute respiratory distress syndrome, secondary to such proven NSIP of cellular type with predominant CD8 lymphocytes, is described herein. The patient described in the present case study initially had a poor recovery with high dose of steroids, but this was followed by a good improvement after the prescription of tacrolimus and a low dose of prednisone. A precise diagnosis in similar circumstances may be life-saving, allowing the successful application of new immunosuppressants.


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A severe adult respiratory distress syndrome after bilateral lung contusion was successfully treated by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and subsequent double-lung transplantation in a 19-year-old man. The patient is fully rehabilitated 1 year after transplantation.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological distress, poor disease-specific quality of life (QoL), and reduction in vagally mediated early heart rate recovery (HRR) after exercise, all previously predicted morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). We hypothesized lower HRR with greater psychological distress and poorer QoL in CHF. DESIGN: All assessments were made at the beginning of a comprehensive cardiac outpatient rehabilitation intervention program. METHODS: Fifty-six CHF patients (mean 58+/-12 years, 84% men) completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire. HRR was determined as the difference between HR at the end of exercise and 1 min after exercise termination (HRR-1). RESULTS: Elevated levels of anxiety symptoms (P=0.005) as well as decreased levels of the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire total (P = 0.025), physical (P=0.026), and emotional (P=0.017) QoL were independently associated with blunted HRR-1. Anxiety, total, physical, and emotional QoL explained 11.4, 8, 7.8, and 9.0%, respectively, of the variance after controlling for covariates. Depressed mood was not associated with HRR-1 (P=0.20). CONCLUSION: Increased psychological distress with regard to elevated anxiety symptoms and impaired QoL were independent correlates of reduced HRR-1 in patients with CHF. Reduced vagal tone might explain part of the adverse clinical outcome previously observed in CHF patients in relation to psychological distress and poor disease-specific QoL.


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Health-related quality of life (QoL) has been associated with several social and medical conditions in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). To the best of our knowledge, there is no study investigating the relationship of QoL with psychological variables in this patient population. We assumed as a hypothesis an association between heightened levels of fatigue and psychological distress, as well as decreased QoL in patients with an objectively diagnosed venous thromboembolic event. Study participants were 205 consecutively enrolled out-patients (47.4 years, 54.6% men) with DVT and/or PE. Approximately 10 days before blood collection for thrombophilia work-up, QoL, fatigue, and psychological distress were assessed using the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory Short Form (MFSI-SF) as well as the Hospitality Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS). After controlling for demographic and medical factors, fatigue (p < 0.01) but not psychological distress (p>0.05) was negatively associated with physical QoL, explaining 11.0% of the variance. Fatigue (p < 0.001) and psychological distress (p < 0.001) were significant predictors of mental QoL, explaining an additional 36.2% and 3.6% of the variance. Further analyses revealed that all subscales of the HADS (e.g. anxiety and depression) and of the MFSI-SF (e.g. general fatigue, physical fatigue, emotional fatigue, mental fatigue and vigor) were significant predictors of mental QoL. MFSI-SF subscales also predicted physical QoL. The findings suggest that fatigue and psychological distress substantially predict QoL in patients with a previous venous thromboembolic event above and beyond demographic factors.


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Pachydermodactyly (PDD) is a benign, asymptomatic soft tissue swelling affecting the skin of the lateral aspects of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fingers II-IV, mostly in young adolescent males, and could be interpreted as a consequence of tic-like behaviour as an obsessive-compulsive disorder in male adolescents. The differential diagnosis includes numerous diseases; a rapid clinical recognition of PDD would avoid many useless and expensive diagnostic tests. There is no effective medical treatment for PDD, but discontinuation of the tic-like mechanical traumatisation generally leads to a marked amelioration of the finger swelling. In this article we review the world literature, which contains 87 additional cases on this topic.


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OBJECTIVE: Severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) caused by surfactant deficiency is described not only in preterm infants but also in (near-) term babies after caesarean section (CS), especially when carried out before the onset of labour. The aim of the present study was to document the severity of this theoretically avoidable entity in order to improve obstetric and perinatal care. PATIENTS: All neonates admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Bern between 1988 and 2000 with RDS on the basis of hyaline membrane disease (HMD) needing mechanical ventilation (MV) after CS and with a birthweight > or = 2500 g were analysed. HMD was diagnosed when respiratory distress and the typical radiological signs were present. Patients were grouped into elective CS before onset of labour and before rupture of membranes (group 1, n = 34) and patients delivered by emergency CS or CS after onset of labour or rupture of membranes (group 2, n = 22). Analysed indices for severity of illness were duration of stay in intensive care unit and MV, ventilation mode, worst oxygenation index (OI), presence of pulmonary air leak, and systemic hypotension. RESULTS: Mean gestational age (GA) was 37 2/7 weeks in group 1 and 36 2/7 weeks in group 2; no patient had a GA of > or = 39 0/7 weeks. Duration of MV was 4.4 days in group 1 and 3.9 days in group 2. Thirteen patients (38%) of group 1 and 7 (32%) of group 2 had to be managed by rescue high-frequency ventilation. A total of 7 patients had an OI>40. Eight patients (24%) in group 1 and 4 (18%) in group 2 developed a pulmonary air leak. Fourteen neonates (41%) in group 1 had to be supported by catecholamines versus 5 (22%) in group 2. There was one death in group 1. CONCLUSION: Severe RDS on the basis of HMD can also occur in near-term babies after CS; even a fatal outcome can not be excluded. The severity of illness in elective CS without labour may be quite high and is comparable to newborns delivered by CS (after onset of labour and/or rupture of the membranes) who were 1 week younger. No case of HMD was found in our population when CS was carried out after completion of 39 post-menstrual weeks of gestation.


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Six full-term newborn infants are described who suffered from severe adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The triggering event was intrauterine/perinatal asphyxia in five, and group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia in three. All had severe respiratory distress/failure and were ventilated mechanically with high concentrations of inspired oxygen and positive end-expiratory pressure. Radiography of the chest showed dense bilateral consolidation with air bronchograms and reduced lung volume. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH) was documented in all cases. The coincidence of ARDS and PPH rendered respiratory management extremely difficult. For this reason high-frequency ventilation was instituted in all patients in order to improve CO2 elimination and induce respiratory alkalosis. Acute complications of respiratory therapy were encountered in five patients (pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumopericardium). Three infants died (irreversible septic shock, progressive severe hypoxemia, and sudden cardiac arrest) after 17, 80, and 175 h of life. Histologic examination of the lungs was possible in all fatal cases and revealed typical changes of acute to subacute stages of ARDS. Three infants survived, the mean time of mechanical respiratory support being 703 h. Two patients were still dependent on oxygen after 1 month of life, and all survivors had increased interstitial markings and increased lung volumes on their chest roentgenograms at this time.