415 resultados para announcement


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Introduction Research has shown that individuals infer their group-efficacy beliefs from the groups’ abilities to perform in specific tasks. Group abilities also seem to affect team members’ performance motivation adding a psychological advantage to teams already high on task relevant abilities. In a recent study we found the effect of group abilities on individual performance motivation to be partially mediated by the team members’ individual group-efficacy beliefs which is an example of how attributes on a group-level can be affecting individual-level parameters. Objectives The study aimed at testing the possibility to reduce the direct and mediated effects of low group abilities on performance motivation by augmenting the visibility of individual contributions to group performances via the inclusion of a separate ranking on individual performances. Method Forty-seven students (M=22.83 years, SD=2.83, 34% women) of the University of Bern participated in the study. At three collection points (t1-3) subjects were provided information about fictive team members with whom they had to imagine performing a group triathlon. Three values (low, medium, high) of the other team members’ abilities to perform in their parts of the triathlon (swimming and biking) were combined in a 3x3 full factorial design yielding nine groups with different ability profiles. At t1 subjects were asked to rate their confidence that the teams would perform well in the triathlon task, at t2 and t3 subjects were asked how motivated they were to perform at their best in the respective groups. At t3 the presence of an individual performance ranking was mentioned in the cover story. Mixed linear models (SPSS) and structural equation models for complex survey data (Mplus) were specified to estimate the effects of the individual performance rankings on the relationship between group-efficacy beliefs and performance motivation. Results A significant interaction effect for individual group-efficacy beliefs and the triathlon condition on performance motivation was found; the effect of group-efficacy beliefs on performance motivation being smaller with individual performance rankings available. The partial mediation of group attributes on performance motivation by group-efficacy beliefs disappeared with the announcement of individual performance rankings. Conclusion In teams low in task relevant abilities the disadvantageous effect of group-efficacy beliefs on performance motivation might be reduced by providing means of evaluating individual performances apart from a group’s overall performance. While it is believed that a common group goal is a core criterion for a well performing sport group future studies should also aim at the possible benefit of individualized goal setting in groups.


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Introduction Research has shown that individuals infer their group-efficacy beliefs from the groups’ abilities to perform in specific tasks. Group abilities also seem to affect team members’ performance motivation adding a psychological advantage to teams already high on task relevant abilities. In a recent study we found the effect of group abilities on individual performance motivation to be partially mediated by the team members’ individual group-efficacy beliefs which is an example of how attributes on a group-level can be affecting individual-level parameters. Objectives The study aimed at testing the possibility to reduce the direct and mediated effects of low group abilities on performance motivation by augmenting the visibility of individual contributions to group performances via the inclusion of a separate ranking on individual performances. Method Forty-seven students (M=22.83 years, SD=2.83, 34% women) of the University of Bern participated in the study. At three collection points (t1-3) subjects were provided information about fictive team members with whom they had to imagine performing a group triathlon. Three values (low, medium, high) of the other team members’ abilities to perform in their parts of the triathlon (swimming and biking) were combined in a 3x3 full factorial design yielding nine groups with different ability profiles. At t1 subjects were asked to rate their confidence that the teams would perform well in the triathlon task, at t2 and t3 subjects were asked how motivated they were to perform at their best in the respective groups. At t3 the presence of an individual performance ranking was mentioned in the cover story. Mixed linear models (SPSS) and structural equation models for complex survey data (Mplus) were specified to estimate the effects of the individual performance rankings on the relationship between group-efficacy beliefs and performance motivation. Results A significant interaction effect for individual group-efficacy beliefs and the triathlon condition on performance motivation was found; the effect of group-efficacy beliefs on performance motivation being smaller with individual performance rankings available. The partial mediation of group attributes on performance motivation by group-efficacy beliefs disappeared with the announcement of individual performance rankings. Conclusion In teams low in task relevant abilities the disadvantageous effect of group-efficacy beliefs on performance motivation might be reduced by providing means of evaluating individual performances apart from a group’s overall performance. While it is believed that a common group goal is a core criterion for a well performing sport group future studies should also aim at the possible benefit of individualized goal setting in groups.


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Modal public announcement logics study how beliefs change after public announcements. However, these logics cannot express the reason for a new belief. Justification logics fill this gap since they can formally represent evidence and justifications for an agent's belief. We present OPAL(K) and JPAL(K) , two alternative justification counterparts of Gerbrandy–Groeneveld's public announcement logic PAL(K) . We show that PAL(K) is the forgetful projection of both OPAL(K) and JPAL(K) . We also establish that JPAL(K) partially realizes PAL(K) . The question whether a similar result holds for OPAL(K) is still open.


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The present research examined whether in a test situation, the relation between trait test anxiety and state anxiety depends on the momentary availability of self-control strength. Since self-control strength is crucial for emotion regulation, we assume that trait test anxiety is more closely related to state anxiety if self-control strength is depleted than if it is not depleted. We conducted an experiment with 119 undergraduates in which we measured trait test anxiety, manipulated availability of self-control strength, and assessed state anxiety after a test announcement. Consistent with the assumption, multiple regression analyses revealed that trait test anxiety and state anxiety were positively related if self-control strength was depleted, but were not related if self-control strength was intact.


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Self-control strength may affect state anxiety because emotion regulation is impaired in individuals whose self-control strength has been temporarily depleted. Increases in state anxiety were expected to be larger for participants with depleted compared to nondepleted self-control strength, and trait test anxiety should predict increases in state anxiety more strongly if self-control strength is depleted. In a sample of 76 university students, trait test anxiety was assessed, self-control strength experimentally manipulated, and state anxiety measured before and after the announcement of a test. State anxiety increased after the announcement. Trait test anxiety predicted increases in state anxiety only in students with depleted self-control strength, suggesting that increased self-control strength may be useful for coping with anxiety.


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BACKGROUND Cystic Fibrosis is the most common autosomal-recessive hereditary disease among white Europeans. The average survival of CF patients has increased to above 40 years and transition from paediatric to adult care has therefore become a significant issue. AIM With this study, experiences of adolescents with CF and their parents with the transition from the paediatric to the adult care were explored. METHODS At a Swiss university CF centre, six adolescents and their mothers were recruited. Twelve narrative interviews were conducted on how the phase of transition was experienced. The transcribed interviews were analysed according to the method of hermeneutic phenomenology. RESULTS Positive and negative experiences with long term routine care in the paediatric service, general themes of adolescence and the quality of the relationship with paediatric doctors influenced the families' experience during transition significantly. For mothers, insensitive information on the CF diagnosis might have influenced the transition experience. The adolescents welcomed an individualized and age appropriate care. Continuity in care, the announcement of, and involvement in the planning of the transfer were of great importance. The families particularly appreciated the timed adaptations of the transfer to individual needs. CONCLUSIONS Flexibility and a strong collaboration between paediatric and adult CF teams are most relevant in the care of families.


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The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) mandated the expensing of stock options with FAS 123 (R). As of March 2006, 749 companies had accelerated the vesting of their employee stock options and avoided a reduction in their reported profits that otherwise would have occurred under the new standard. There are many different motives for the acceleration strategy, and the focus of this study is to determine whether shareholders viewed these motives as either positive or negative. A favorable return subsequent to an acceleration announcement would signify that shareholder's viewed management's motives as positive. An unfavorable return subsequent to an acceleration announcement would signify that shareholder's viewed management's motives as negative. The evidence from this study suggests that shareholders reacted favorably, on average, to acceleration announcements. However, these results lack statistical significance and are based on a small sample, thus, they should be interpreted with caution.


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Immediately after the announcement of the re-election of President Kibaki on the evening of 30 December 2007, Kenya was thrust into the worst civil unrest experienced by the country since independence – a development that became known as the "Post-Election Violence" (PEV). However, after a subsequent process of reconciliation, the PEV came to an end within a relatively short period. The present-day politics of Kenya are being conducted within the framework of a provisional Constitution that took shape through peaceful mediation. How did Kenya manage to put a lid on a period of turmoil that placed the country in unprecedented danger? This paper traces the sequence of events that led to mediation, explains the emergency measures that were needed to maintain law and order, and indicates the remaining problems that still need to be solved.


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Se analiza el absentismo, el fallo y el abandono de los estudiantes en los primeros semestres del grado sobre la base de su formación en la educación secundaria.


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Strictly speaking, space related activities at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos (ETSIA) begun in 1973, when Prof. Ignacio Da Riva got a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to compile a handbook on spacecraft thermal control. By the same time, ESA issued an announcement of opportunities offering to the European scientific community the possibility of perform microgravity relevant experiments on board space platform like the European orbital laboratory Spacelab. Prof. Da Riva proposed one of the few selected experiments dealing with fluid physics under microgravity conditions, later flown on Spacelab-1 mission in 1983. These two events were the starting point where Prof. Da Riva, full professor of Aerodynamics at ETSIA, nucleated a small group of young professors and students located at the Laboratorio de Aerodinámica y Mecánica de Fluidos (LAMF) of ETSIA. Such group was leaded by Prof. Da Riva since its creation till 1991, when Prof. Da Riva died, and it was the seed of the more recently created research institute for aerospace science and technology named "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR) in his honour. In this communication space related activities performed either at LAMF or IDR during the last three decades are briefly described.


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El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es averiguar si el anuncio por parte del accionista significativo de ejercitar su derecho de suscripción preferente elimina o reduce la asimetría de información en las ampliaciones de capital con derecho de suscripción preferente en el Mercado de Valores español. Durante los 17 años analizados, encontramos que ni el anuncio de la ampliación de capital ni el tipo de aseguramiento acordado en cada ampliación tienen un impacto estadísticamente significativo en el Exceso de Rentabilidad Ajustada por Riesgo. Principalmente, el análisis realizado utiliza la información requerida por la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) que deben aportar los accionistas significativos en el Folleto de emisión publicado con carácter previo a la ampliación. Esta investigación desglosa las ofertas en un Grupo 1, el cual incluye aquéllas en las que los accionistas significativos anuncian su intención de ejercitar su derecho en las emisiones, y el Grupo 2, que incluye aquéllas en donde no acuden o simplemente no existía información al respecto ya que no es una información obligatoria a incluir en el Folleto. Para cada ampliación de capital y para tres periodos de tiempo distintos se obtiene el Exceso de Rentabilidad Ajustada por Riesgo (ERAR) como la diferencia entre la Tasa Interna de Retorno y el Retorno Esperado, utilizando el modelo CAPM. De este modo, se trata de aislar el efecto temporal. La principal contribución de esta tesis doctoral es el hallazgo de una rentabilidad negativa estadísticamente significativa cuando el accionista significativo anuncia su intención de no suscribir la ampliación, o no existe información suficiente sobre su intención a este respecto. Adicionalmente, el análisis que se ha llevado a cabo en este estudio muestra un refuerzo estadísticamente significativo de este efecto negativo en la rentabilidad cuando existe simultáneamente una falta de compromiso por parte del accionista significativo y la ampliación no está asegurada. ABSTRACT The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to find out whether or not consideration of significant shareholders announcement of intention to exercise subscription rights makes a difference in eliminating or reducing the effects of asymmetrical information in equity offerings with pre-emptive rights on the Spanish Stock Market. For the 17 years of equity issues covered, we find that neither equity issue announcements nor the type of underwriting arrangements has a statistically significant impact on the issues’ Excess Risk Adjusted Return. The analysis uses the information required by CNMV (Spanish equivalent to SEC) to be provided by the significant shareholders in the equity issue’s prospectus. The doctoral dissertation breaks the offerings down into Group 1, in which the significant shareholders indicated their intention to subscribe, and Group 2, for which there was not enough information provided as to their intentions. For each equity issue, Excess Risk Adjusted Return (ERAR) is obtained, for three different periods, as is the difference between nominal Internal Rate of Return and expected return, using the CAPM. By subtracting the expected return from the IRR, the effect of time or any other variable influencing the stock price during the period, aside from the equity issue, should, in principle, be removed. The main contribution of this study is the finding of a statistically significant negative impact on returns either when the significant shareholders indicate their intention not to subscribe, or when not enough information is provided about their intention. We also find a statistically significant reinforcing negative effect on returns in the case of simultaneous lack of commitment on the part of significant shareholders, and non-underwritten equity issues.


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Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório que tem como objetivo a avaliação da reação do mercado frente aos problemas de agência e assimetria informacional entre os acionistas majoritários-controladores e os acionistas minoritários de uma empresa brasileira de capital aberto, no tocante ao valor das suas ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo. O estudo se propõe a investigar o impacto de precificação dessas ações promovendo a análise do seu comportamento frente à divulgação de notícias de crise e fraude da empresa por meio da mídia especializada. A metodologia adotada consiste na aplicação de estudo de eventos para identificação de retornos anormais da empresa desde a divulgação da primeira notícia selecionada, datada de maio de 2001, até a última notícia em outubro de 2005, utilizando-se de procedimentos estatísticos como a regressão linear e aplicação do teste t de student para estimar e comparar os resultados. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do banco de dados da Economática Ltda, conforme acesso realizado na Universidade de São Paulo. Para objeto de pesquisa foi selecionada a empresa Bombril S/A, por estar em evidências quanto a problemas de agência no âmbito do mercado nacional. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que o mercado reagiu significantemente aos anúncios dos conflitos selecionados, apresentando um valor de p-value <0,05 para os blocos de eventos, o que significa a rejeição da hipótese nula, constatando que a evidencia estatística dos dados testados comprova retornos anormais acumulados diferentes de zero. Entretanto, sugere-se novas pesquisas com outros parâmetros de eventos na busca de mais evidências sobre o efeito das informações no preço das ações.


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Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório que tem como objetivo a avaliação da reação do mercado frente aos problemas de agência e assimetria informacional entre os acionistas majoritários-controladores e os acionistas minoritários de uma empresa brasileira de capital aberto, no tocante ao valor das suas ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo. O estudo se propõe a investigar o impacto de precificação dessas ações promovendo a análise do seu comportamento frente à divulgação de notícias de crise e fraude da empresa por meio da mídia especializada. A metodologia adotada consiste na aplicação de estudo de eventos para identificação de retornos anormais da empresa desde a divulgação da primeira notícia selecionada, datada de maio de 2001, até a última notícia em outubro de 2005, utilizando-se de procedimentos estatísticos como a regressão linear e aplicação do teste t de student para estimar e comparar os resultados. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do banco de dados da Economática Ltda, conforme acesso realizado na Universidade de São Paulo. Para objeto de pesquisa foi selecionada a empresa Bombril S/A, por estar em evidências quanto a problemas de agência no âmbito do mercado nacional. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que o mercado reagiu significantemente aos anúncios dos conflitos selecionados, apresentando um valor de p-value <0,05 para os blocos de eventos, o que significa a rejeição da hipótese nula, constatando que a evidencia estatística dos dados testados comprova retornos anormais acumulados diferentes de zero. Entretanto, sugere-se novas pesquisas com outros parâmetros de eventos na busca de mais evidências sobre o efeito das informações no preço das ações.


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Estudo sobre a história política do primeiro presidente do Brasil, Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca, na ótica da propaganda política. Os objetivos foram resgatar os materiais de propaganda utilizados pelo movimento republicano que culminou com a Proclamação da República chefiada por Deodoro em 15 de novembro de 1889. Posteriormente, compreender o processo eleitoral ao qual o generalíssimo foi escolhido presidente pelos congressistas, por meio do voto indireto, no dia 25 de fevereiro de 1891. A metodologia adotada foi a Pesquisa Histórica enfatizando o estudo bibliográfico e documental. Também foram descritas as charges publicadas na Revista Illustrada no Governo Provisório, a cobertura do jornal O País na eleição presidencial e o cenário de censura na imprensa da época. Na conclusão consta que Deodoro não fez campanha eleitoral. Nem precisou, pois caso não fosse eleito, o Exército o proclamaria ditador. No entanto, os deodoristas convenceram os deputados e senadores a votarem no marechal. Já, a oposição fez campanha política lançando edição extra de jornal, espalhando cartazes pela Capital Federal e aprovando moções de repúdio à candidatura da situação. Essa eleição foi simplesmente uma formalidade para manter Deodoro no cargo mais importante do país. (AU)


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Estudo sobre a história política do primeiro presidente do Brasil, Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca, na ótica da propaganda política. Os objetivos foram resgatar os materiais de propaganda utilizados pelo movimento republicano que culminou com a Proclamação da República chefiada por Deodoro em 15 de novembro de 1889. Posteriormente, compreender o processo eleitoral ao qual o generalíssimo foi escolhido presidente pelos congressistas, por meio do voto indireto, no dia 25 de fevereiro de 1891. A metodologia adotada foi a Pesquisa Histórica enfatizando o estudo bibliográfico e documental. Também foram descritas as charges publicadas na Revista Illustrada no Governo Provisório, a cobertura do jornal O País na eleição presidencial e o cenário de censura na imprensa da época. Na conclusão consta que Deodoro não fez campanha eleitoral. Nem precisou, pois caso não fosse eleito, o Exército o proclamaria ditador. No entanto, os deodoristas convenceram os deputados e senadores a votarem no marechal. Já, a oposição fez campanha política lançando edição extra de jornal, espalhando cartazes pela Capital Federal e aprovando moções de repúdio à candidatura da situação. Essa eleição foi simplesmente uma formalidade para manter Deodoro no cargo mais importante do país. (AU)