903 resultados para analytical decomposition


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We model the wavelength-dependent absorption of atmospheric gases by assuming constant mass absorption coefficients in finite-width spectral bands. Such a semigray atmosphere is analytically solved by a discrete ordinate method. The general solution is analyzed for a water vapor saturated atmosphere that also contains a carbon dioxide-like absorbing gas in the infrared. A multiple stable equilibrium with a relative upper limit in the outgoing long-wave radiation is found. Differing from previous radiative–convective models, we find that the amount of carbon dioxide strongly modifies the value of this relative upper limit. This result is also obtained in a gray (i.e., equal absorption of radiation at all infrared wavelengths) water vapor saturated atmosphere. The destabilizing effect of carbon dioxide implies that massive carbon dioxide atmospheres are more likely to reach a runaway greenhouse state than thin carbon dioxide ones


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This paper analyses the international inequalities in CO2 emissions intensity for the period 1971- 2009 and assesses explanatory factors. Multiplicative, group and additive methodologies of inequality decomposition are employed. The first allows us to clarify the separated role of the carbonisation index and the energy intensity in the pattern observed for inequalities in CO2 intensities; the second allows us to understand the role of regional groups; and the third allows us to investigate the role of different fossil energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The results show that, first, the reduction in global emissions intensity has coincided with a significant reduction in international inequality. Second, the bulk of this inequality and its reduction are attributed to differences between the groups of countries considered. Third, coal is the main energy source explaining these inequalities, although the growth in the relative contribution of gas is also remarkable. Fourth, the bulk of inequalities between countries and its decline are explained by differences in energy intensities, although there are significant differences in the patterns demonstrated by different groups of countries.


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This paper uses the possibilities provided by the regression-based inequality decomposition (Fields, 2003) to explore the contribution of different explanatory factors to international inequality in CO2 emissions per capita. In contrast to previous emissions inequality decompositions, which were based on identity relationships (Duro and Padilla, 2006), this methodology does not impose any a priori specific relationship. Thus, it allows an assessment of the contribution to inequality of different relevant variables. In short, the paper appraises the relative contributions of affluence, sectoral composition, demographic factors and climate. The analysis is applied to selected years of the period 1993–2007. The results show the important (though decreasing) share of the contribution of demographic factors, as well as a significant contribution of affluence and sectoral composition.


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Sweet, sour and bitter tasting fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants are an important component of human diet. The role of chromium and zinc in carbohydrate metabolism for control of diabetes is highlighted in selected commodities. Average levels of chromium and zinc in sweet taste were 0.69 ± 0.48 mg kg-1 and 4.81 ± 4.31 mg kg-1 respectively with correlation of 0.545, while in sour taste the values were 22.5 ± 22.0 mg kg-1 and 24.5 ± 11.8 mg kg-1 respectively with the correlation of 0.239 and in bitter taste, 0.61 ± 0.33 mg kg-1 and 4.70 ± 3.54 mg kg-1 respectively with correlation of 0.343. Overall, sour tasting commodities were found higher in levels of chromium and zinc and are recommended as food supplement for diabeties. None of these species contain metals above the toxic level.


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La tècnica de l’electroencefalograma (EEG) és una de les tècniques més utilitzades per estudiar el cervell. En aquesta tècnica s’enregistren els senyals elèctrics que es produeixen en el còrtex humà a través d’elèctrodes col•locats al cap. Aquesta tècnica, però, presenta algunes limitacions a l’hora de realitzar els enregistraments, la principal limitació es coneix com a artefactes, que són senyals indesitjats que es mesclen amb els senyals EEG. L’objectiu d’aquest treball de final de màster és presentar tres nous mètodes de neteja d’artefactes que poden ser aplicats en EEG. Aquests estan basats en l’aplicació de la Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition, que és una nova tècnica utilitzada per al processament de senyal. Els mètodes de neteja proposats s’apliquen a dades EEG simulades que contenen artefactes (pestanyeigs), i un cop s’han aplicat els procediments de neteja es comparen amb dades EEG que no tenen pestanyeigs, per comprovar quina millora presenten. Posteriorment, dos dels tres mètodes de neteja proposats s’apliquen sobre dades EEG reals. Les conclusions que s’han extret del treball són que dos dels nous procediments de neteja proposats es poden utilitzar per realitzar el preprocessament de dades reals per eliminar pestanyeigs.


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Thermoanalytical behavior of sodium and potassium salts of pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (pyr), piperidineditiocarbamate (pip), morpholinedithiocarbamate (mor), hexametileneiminedithiocarbamate (hex), were investigated. In a first step the salts were synthesized and characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ¹H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and elementar analysis. Finally, thermal analytical (TG/DTG and DSC) studies were performed in order to evaluate the thermal stability, as well as the pathways of the thermal decomposition based in the intermediate and final decomposition products.


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Few articles deal with lead and strontium isotopic analysis of water samples. The aim of this study was to define the chemical procedures for Pb and Sr isotopic analyses of groundwater samples from an urban sedimentary aquifer. Thirty lead and fourteen strontium isotopic analyses were performed to test different analytical procedures. Pb and Sr isotopic ratios as well as Sr concentration did not vary using different chemical procedures. However, the Pb concentrations were very dependent on the different procedures. Therefore, the choice of the best analytical procedure was based on the Pb results, which indicated a higher reproducibility from samples that had been filtered and acidified before the evaporation, had their residues totally dissolved, and were purified by ion chromatography using the Biorad® column. Our results showed no changes in Pb ratios with the storage time.


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This work describes a validation of an analytical procedure for the analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine sediment samples. The proposed protocol is able to measure n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in samples at concentrations as low as 30 ng/g, with a precision better than 15% for most of analytes. The extraction efficiency of fortified sediments varied from 65.1 to 105.6% and 59.7 to 97.8%, for n-alkanes and PAH in the ranges: C16 - C32 and fluoranthene - benzo(a)pyrene, respectively. The analytical protocol was applied to determine petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments collected from a marine coastal zone.


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The use of thermoanalytical data in sample preparation is described as a tool to catch the students' attention to some details that can simplify both the analysis and the analytical procedure. In this case, the thermal decomposition of eggshells was first investigated by thermogravimetry (TGA). Although the classical procedures suggest long exposure to high temperatures, the TGA data showed that the decomposition of organic matter takes place immediately when the sample is heated up to 800 °C under air atmosphere. After decomposition, the calcium content was determined by flame atomic emission photometry and compared with the results obtained using classical volumetric titration with EDTA.


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To assess topical delivery studies of glycoalkaloids, an analytical method by HPLC-UV was developed and validated for the determination of solasonine (SN) and solamargine (SM) in different skin layers, as well as in a topical formulation. The method was linear within the ranges 0.86 to 990.00 µg/mL for SN and 1.74 to 1000.00 µg/mL for SM (r = 0.9996). Moreover, the recoveries for both glycoalkaloids were higher than 88.94 and 93.23% from skin samples and topical formulation, respectively. The method developed is reliable and suitable for topical delivery skin studies and for determining the content of SN and SM in topical formulations.


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We developed a simple, rapid, and solventless method for analyzing trihalomethanes in beer samples using headspace solid-phase microextraction. The effects of varying experimental parameters, such as extraction temperature and time, addition of sodium chloride, and agitation speed, on extraction yield were studied using a univariate experimental design. Limits of detection between 0.22 and 0.46 µg L- 1 and wide linear ranges were achieved for trihalomethanes. We measured the trihalomethane recoveries and precision (as the standard deviation of repeat measurements) and demonstrated the applicability of the proposed method by analyzing 32 beer samples.


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The aim of this work was to synthesize a polyurethane polymer matrix using polyols as a raw material to obtain a binder such as the hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) pre-polymer in energetic material formulation. The soybean-based polyol was the best starting raw material for producing a binder for solid fuel formulation in rocket motor applications. Characterization of the obtained soybean-based polyurethane binder was carried out by employing FT-IR analysis and thermo analytical techniques that showed similar HTPB binder thermo decomposition behaviors, confirming their potential for use as polymer matrix composites.


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In general, laboratory activities are costly in terms of time, space, and money. As such, the ability to provide realistically simulated laboratory data that enables students to practice data analysis techniques as a complementary activity would be expected to reduce these costs while opening up very interesting possibilities. In the present work, a novel methodology is presented for design of analytical chemistry instrumental analysis exercises that can be automatically personalized for each student and the results evaluated immediately. The proposed system provides each student with a different set of experimental data generated randomly while satisfying a set of constraints, rather than using data obtained from actual laboratory work. This allows the instructor to provide students with a set of practical problems to complement their regular laboratory work along with the corresponding feedback provided by the system's automatic evaluation process. To this end, the Goodle Grading Management System (GMS), an innovative web-based educational tool for automating the collection and assessment of practical exercises for engineering and scientific courses, was developed. The proposed methodology takes full advantage of the Goodle GMS fusion code architecture. The design of a particular exercise is provided ad hoc by the instructor and requires basic Matlab knowledge. The system has been employed with satisfactory results in several university courses. To demonstrate the automatic evaluation process, three exercises are presented in detail. The first exercise involves a linear regression analysis of data and the calculation of the quality parameters of an instrumental analysis method. The second and third exercises address two different comparison tests, a comparison test of the mean and a t-paired test.


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The microencapsulation of palm oil may be a mechanism for protecting and promoting the controlled release of its bioactive compounds. To optimize the microencapsulation process, it is necessary to accurately quantify the palm oil present both external and internal to the microcapsules. In this study, we developed and validated a spectrophotometric method to determine the microencapsulation efficiency of palm oil by complex coacervation. We used gelatin and gum arabic (1:1) as wall material in a 5% concentration (w/v) and palm oil in the same concentration. The coacervates were obtained at pH 4.0 ± 0.01, decanted for 24 h, frozen (−40 ºC), and lyophilized for 72 h. Morphological analyzes were then performed. We standardized the extraction of the external palm oil through five successive washes with an organic solvent. We then explored the best method for rupturing the microcapsules. After successive extractions with hexane, we determined the amount of palm oil contained in the microcapsules using a spectrophotometer. The proposed method was shown to be of low cost, fast, and easy to implement. In addition, in the validation step, we confirmed the method to be safe and reliable, as it proved to be specific, accurate, precise, and robust.